Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 4 months ago
31 118759

Chapter 14
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Last Digidestined Blaire and Dorumon || Chapter 13

Despite walking into water, everyone somehow felt completely dry, their feet landing on a hard surface. When they opened their eyes, they realized they weren’t underwater...


...But instead in a small, beautiful village, with shining lake water underneath.

“Whoa...” Everyone admired the village in awe, wondering how this even happened.

“Where...Are we?” Jake asks.

“This is the Wizard’s village...” The voice that spoke to them said, everyone turning around to finally see the face of the voice.


“...And my names Wizardmon. Welcome.” Wizardmon says.

“Uh, it’s nice to meet you, but uh...How the heck is there a village here? Aren’t we supposed to be underwater?” Logan asks.

“Actually, we’re just in a pocket dimension under the lake...” Wizardmon says. “After all this chaos hit the Digital World, us Wizardmon casted a spell to hide our village im this temporary bubble...Hidden out of sight from the evil. It was out in the open before, but we had to hide any sight of it for now...That’s also why we ripped our entrance sign out.” Wizardmon states, everyone nodding in understandment.

“We’ve also now turned it into a safe spot for travelers to rest and hide...But only ones with good hearts, like you all...” Wizardmon points his staff another direction, motioning for them to follow. “I’m the grand Wizardmon, and the leader of this village. It’s nice to meet you all.” Everyone also quickly introduces themselves to Wizardmon.

“My house is up on the hill. Follow me, and I’ll lead you all there to rest.” Wizardmon states, as everyone starts following me. Everyone looks around at the village, which had multiple other Wizardmon walking around, and a few other random Digimon as well.



One of the Digimon swoops down and flies away, nearly running into the group.

“What the heck?!” Jake says.

“What was that about? That Digimon almost hit us!” Terriermon says.

“Sorry about that...” Wizardmon says. “Those Pipismon are a bit rowdy at times, but...Overall, they’ve got good hearts. They used to live in the forest, but they too are taking refuge here for now...Among others.” Everyone continued walking in silence for a bit, nearly reaching Wizardmon’s house in the close distance.

“I have a question for you all...” Wizardmon says. “By any chance does the name...Blaire sound familiar to any of you?” Everyone exchanged confused glances, all nodding no. 

“No...Is she another one of the Demondestined?” Lily asks.

“No...She’s a Digidestined, actually.” Wizardmon responds. “She arrived here earlier with her friends after getting attacked by some other Digimon...Her and her partner were actually looking for other Digidestined, so I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you all. She’s at my house too.” Everyone exchanges surprised glances, as they finally arrive at the house, a big, beautiful, two floor wooden cabin. They walked inside, entering a just as beautiful living room, which was empty.

“Hey, Blaire!” Wizardmon calls to the stairs. “I found some friends for you outside! They’re other Digidestined!” Immediately then, the upstairs door quickly flings open...



...As a little girl, next to a Digimon, run down the stairs in a rush, freezing when she sees the group...Before a huge smile forms on her face.

“Oh my gosh, yes! I knew I’d finally find more Digidestined!” Blaire giggles, suddenly enveloping Blaine in a hug. “Mister, your sword is super cool!” She says.

“Uh, it’s actually called a katana...” Blaine responds, smiling awkwardly. 

“Woah...Terriermon, is that you?” Blaire’s partner Digimon curiously eyes Terriermon, who smiles widely at him. “Yeah, it is me! You must be Dorimon then, right?” Terriermon asks, the Digimon chuckling,

“Yeah...But you can call me Dorumon now.” Everyone then happily introduces themselves to one another.

“So...” Blaire smiles at the group. “Did you all also come here to hide from the Demondestined?”

“Yeah...” Jake says. “We had to rest for a bit after fighting a bunch of them.”

“Me too.” Blaire nods. “Those Demondestined are such jerks! Especially Elijah!” Blaire pouts.

“Elijah? We haven’t met him yet!” Veemon says. “What’s he like?”

“He’s super mean!” Blaire states. “And scary...He almost destroyed me and my friends! And he...Took my Digivice as well...” Everyone was surprised by this statement.

“He stole Blaire’s Digivice, and brought it to the Forrest Hospital...” Dorumon says. 

“Forrest Hospital? Where is that?” Kudamon asks.

“That’s a hospital, just outside of this forest...On the other side of it.” Wizardmon chimes in.

“Yeah...Elijahs been hoarding other treasures inside of that hospital too!” Blaire states. “At the top floor! We tried going there with my friends to get it back, but...There was something wrong with the Doctimon there. They were too powerful for us to defeat, so we had to leave...And then we got chased by the Demondestined into the forest. We eventually lost them, and had to hide in this village...” Everyone was silent, taking in all this information.

“Geez...I can’t believe how much of a jerk that Elijah kid is!” Lily says, crossing her arms.

“Blaire, you said you had some friends...” Blaine says. “Who are they?”

“Oh yeah! The two of them are some of my Digimon friends...Who all helped me when we first arrived in the Digital World!” Blaire says. “I would’ve been doomed if it wasn’t for their help! They’re upstairs if you wanna meet them...”

“Uh, maybe later...” Blaine responds.

“Hey, wait a minute...” Logan says. “How were you able to get to the Digital World, Blaire?” He asks.

“Oh, um...I remember me and Dorumon went to my dad’s computer to play some games...” Blaire says. “...And I think some portal or something sucked us up? And it brought us here...I don’t remember it that much...” Everyone exchanges glances, thinking...As Blaire’s face suddenly falls to sadness, running forward and hugging Blaine again.

“Oh, I really want my Digivice back! I want Dorumon to be able to Digivolve again...” Blaire whimpers. “Can you all please help me get my Digivice back?”

“Hey, don’t worry Blaire...” Jake smiles at her. “We’ll get your Digivice back!”

“Heck yeah we will!” Allison agrees.

“Whoa...Really?” Blaire says, releasing her hug.

“Yeah...You’re a part of this team now, Blaire.” Blaine says, smiling. “And we promise, we’ll get your Digivice back.” Blaire smiles widely, happily jumping up and down, everyone feeling happy and determined.

“For now though, you all can rest here as long as you want...” Wizardmon says. “Stay here, or look around the village...Whatever you’d like.”

“Ooh, I’d love to look around the village and go for a walk!” Jake says, a few others nodding in agreement.

“I think I’ll stay here.” Allison says. “I wanna meet Blaire’s friends.” A few people agree with her...As everyone walks into different directions, doing their own thing.

Sometime later...

Blaine took a walk outside, admiring a small, beautiful forest area that was outside the village...


(Art not mine, made by Juudiia on Deviantart)

“Whoa...” Blaine paused, admiring the scenery...Only to also see Jake, sitting atop one of the trees, but without Terriermon with him, who looked like he was in deep thought.

“Hey, Jake!” Blaine calls to Jake, getting his attention. “Are you alright? You look like you’re in deep thought.” Jake doesn’t answer him, only motioning for him to climb up the tree. Blaine does so, climbing up the tree as he promptly settles onto the branch, next to Jake.

“So...Whats up, Jake?” Blaine asks. Jake sighed, before finally answering.

“I...It might be stupid, but I just...” Jake says. “...I’m just a bit worried, with all thats going on...Feels like everything’s starting to get a bit more intense. And I’m worried I won’t be able to still be a good Digidestined. For Blaire’s Digivice, Lily’s partner...And, yours and everyone else’s partners too, of course.” Jake says, his voice getting low as he looks down. Blaine was silent, taking a deep breath.

“Jake, I really wouldn’t be worried about that...” Blaine says. “After all, you’re the only one in the group who’s been strong enough to reach the ultimate level, right?”

“Yeah, but...So has Alec...” Jake mumbles.

“That means nothing, Jake.” Blaine says strictly, patting Jake’s shoulder. “Jake, you’re one of the strongest Digidestined I’ve met...And I know that you and Terriermon can accomplish anything together.” Jake looks up at Blaine, giving a light smile.

“...You really think that?” Jake says, Blaine nodding. “Thank you, Blaine. I’m glad we’re friends.” Jake smiles.

“Me too.” Blaine agrees, smiling back. The two go silent for a bit, thinking as they stare out at the scenery.

“...Hey, Jake? You mind if I ask you something?” Blaine asks, Jake curiously turning to him.

“It’s something I’ve always wondered, and I apologize if you don’t want me asking you this, but...” Blaine says. “...Do you have a crush on Lily?”

“Wha-WHAT?!” Jake suddenly freaks out, stuttering like crazy. “Bu-bu-bu-bu...I...Uh...” Jake stutters, before finally slumping his head in defeat. “Yeah, I do...” He sighs. “I’ve had a crush on her for like, forever now, but...I don’t wanna ruin my friendship in case she doesn’t like me back...D-don’t tell her or the others please!”

“Woah, don’t worry, I won’t...” Blaine says. “But, there is a chance she might like you back...You never know...” Jake was silent for a moment, thinking.


“HEY, JAKE!!” Jake was interrupted by Terriermon yelling at them from below. “Come down here, I wanna go for a walk with you!!” Blaine and Jake exchange glances, before finally answering him.

“Alright...We’ll be right down!”

Sometime later...

Blaire and Lily were on the couch in the house, having a conversation, with Dorumon sitting nearby.

“So, is that why you came to the Digital World, too? To defeat the Demondestined?” Blaire asks.

“Uh...Sort’ve.” Lily responds. “Actually, my sister has been living here for the past few years, and both her and my Digimon partner are in danger...So is Blaine’s, and my friends partners. We wanted to find and save them.”

“Oh...That makes sense!” Blaire says. “Do you know where they are?”

“No, but I know they gotta be somewhere around here...” Lily responds.

“Ooh! Maybe Fangmon can help find them!” Blaire says, standing up.

“Fangmon...? Who’s that?” Lily asks.

“FANGMON!! COME DOWN HERE!!” Blaire calls to the stairs. Immediately then, they hear footsteps coming down the stairs...


...To see Fangmon quietly enter the room, Lily being surprised by him.

“Fangmons one of my friends! He, uh, doesn’t talk much though...” Blaire says. “Lily, what’s the names of everyone’s partners?”

“Oh, well...” Lily gives out the names of each partner, Blaire nodding. 

“Alright...Fangmon, do you think you can look for any of those Digimon, and see if you can find them?” Blaire asks. Fangmon was silent for a moment, thinking...Before he nodded yes, quickly running out the door and house.

“Whoa...” Lily stands up, surprised. “You really think Fangmon can find Lopmon and the others?”

“Maybe! Fangmons really good at finding stuff!” Blaire responds. “And he also has a super good sense of smell!”

...Then, Jake and Blaine walk into the house, Terriermon immediately running upstairs.

“I’m tired! Let’s go sleep, Jake!” Terriermon says.

“Alright! I’ll race you to bed!” Jake calls, following Terriermon as they head to an upstairs room.

“Hey, who was that Digimon I just saw running out?” Blaine asks. 

“One of my friends, I’ll explain what he was doing later!” Blaire says.

...Shortly after, everyone hears a door open upstairs, someone walking downstairs...


...Only to see another Digimon walk into the room.

“...Hey, where’d Fangmon go?” The Digimon asks.

“He’s looking for someone!” Blaire stands up, walking over to the Digimon. “Guys, this is Kotemon. He’s one of my other friends!”

“Ah, ok...Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kotemon.” Lily says. Blaire giggles, suddenly grabbing Lily’s arm as she leads her upstairs.

“Lily, I wanna show you something! Follow me!” Blaire says.

“Uh...Alright...” The two left upstairs, leaving Blaine and Kotemon alone together.

“So...You must be pretty close with Blaire then, right?” Blaine asks.

“Sure am...Kotemon responds. “I’m just trying to do the best I can to protect her.”

“I know I just met her, but...Me too.” Blaine says, nodding in agreement. The two stand in silence for a bit, Kotemon pondering something on his mind as he looks around.

“Hey, if you don’t mind me asking you something...” Kotemon says. “But um, I’m trying to figure out how to reach the champion level, so I can help protect Blaire and the Digital World, so...Could you mentor me, and become my partner?” Kotemon asks, Blaine surprised by this proposal.

“Er, this is kind’ve awkward, but I’ve already got a partner...” Blaine says. “Thats why I went to the Digital World...To find him.”

“Oh, well...You think I could still get a bit of assistance from you? Until I can reach the champion level?” Kotemon asks, Blaine nodding at him in response.

“Yeah...I’ll do my best to help you.”

Sometime later...

It was later at nighttime, everyone was now back in the house, happily eating dinner together.

“Yeah! Then tomorrow morning, we’re gonna kick some butt, and get Blaire’s Digivice back!” Terriermon cheers, Blaire giggling happily in response.

“Hey, before you all leave tomorrow...” Wizardmon says, reaching into a pocket. “I’d like to give you all something.” Wizardmon pulls out a blue whistle, which looked like it was made out of wood. 

“I talked to the Pipismon earlier, and they said they’d have no problem helping you all out whenever they can. And you can use this whistle to summon them, whenever you need any help.” Everyone admires the whistle, exchanging glances as they try to figure out who should hold onto it.

“...I’ll hold onto it.” Lily says, grabbing it. “Then I can finally do something useful for the group.” Everyone nods in agreement, smiling with determination and happiness.

“Alright then, everyone...” Jake smiles, holding up his drink. “Let’s make a toast...To getting Blaire’s Digivice back!”
