Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 27
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Old enemies, new twists || Chapter 26

It was a bright, sunny afternoon, as Blaine’s group made their way up a short hill, taking the time to rest once they reached the top, whilst also having lunch. While they were eating though, Erik noticed that Labramon had a expression that showed that he was clearly in deep thought, with something on his mind that was borderline upsetting him. After they were done eating, Labramon and Erik sat a close distance away from the others, at the edge of the hill, Erik finally ready to confront Labramon with whatever he was thinking.

“Labramon... What’s wrong with you lately?” Erik causally asked. “You look like you have a lot on your mind.”

“What?! H-how could you tell?!” Labramon says, quickly caught off guard.

“I’m your partner, trust me... I can tell.” Erik says, Labramon looking away, as Erik patted him softly on the back. “Labramon... You can tell me what’s going on. I’ll listen.” Labramon was silent for a moment, taking a deep breath.

“Well... You know how the others say that the Demondestined are our only enemies left? Well, that’s not exactly true...” Labramon states. “There’s still one last Digimon left... Gulfmon. Back when I was Anubismon, and all this chaos had just started, Gulfmon took both me and Cherubimon out, and caused us to Dedigivolve. I know he’s still out there somewhere, and who knows what kind of chaos he could he causing right now... Lopmon must not remember him, but I sure do... And I have to stop him. By myself.”

“Whoa... So, you really want us to go out there, find Gulfmon... And defeat him? By yourself?” Erik asked, with a surprised expression. “You... Sure about that?”

“I’m sure of it.” Labramon responds. “I need to get my revenge for what Gulfmon did, and... I don’t wanna drag the others into this fight. Besides, now that you’re here with me, I think I can finally become strong enough to take him down.” Erik nodded at this, in understandment. “I understand, but... You think the others will be fine with it?”

“It’s alright, I’m cool with it.” Blaine’s voice suddenly cuts through their conversation, as he’s right behind them, catching them off guard.

“Geez, Blaine! Don’t sneak up on me like that...” Erik says, chuckling a bit. “Um... How much of that conversation did you hear?”

“Pretty much all of it.” Blaine says, shrugging, as Erik stands up, turning to face Blaine. “Just... Stay safe, alright? And if you find Hoshi out there, make sure to bring him back to the group.” Blaine says, Erik nodding.

“Yeah man, I will... And make sure you and Jake still end up in that meeting spot Axel planned, alright? Me and Hoshi will meet you guys back there.” Erik says, Blaine nodding... As the two give each other a quick hug. After a while, they let go, Erik and Labramon walking away, as Blaine only muttered something to him softly...

“...Good luck, Erik.”


Alec and Elijah had managed to find each other again, now sitting in front of a small cave that was hidden between some mountains, talking about what their next plan was.

“So...” Elijah says. “Russell separated from you, and you have no idea where he is?”

“Yup.” Alec responds sternly.

“And... We have no idea where Rosalie and Lila are?” Elijah asks.

“Yup.” Alec responds again, Elijah groaning in annoyance, as he rubs his forehead. “Great, just great...” He groans sarcastically.

“This isn’t good...” A voice speaks to them, coming from Lucemon, who floats out of the cave. “Those Digidestined are way too powerful to take out if we’re all not together.” Lucemon pauses, looking back into the dark cave entrance. “I’ll go speak to him again, see what he thinks we should do next...” Lucemon says, floating back into the cave and out of sight. Alec tries to follow Lucemon into the cave, but Elijah puts a hand out, stopping him.

“Remember what Lucemon said? He’s the only one allowed to speak to the dark one.” Elijah says, Alec groaning and rolling his eyes in response.

“Ugh, but why? It makes no sense! I haven’t even seen what the dark one looks like!” Alec snapped.

“Hey, it’s just how it is.” Elijah says, shrugging. “Trust me, I’m not a fan of it either, but they’re helping us out here, so don’t fight against it too much.” Silence fills the area for a moment, as Alec grumbles with annoyance.

“Now... Can you give me your Digivice?” Elijah asks, holding out his arm.

“Um... Why?”

“I need to pinpoint our location in it, so we know where to all meet up at. Now give it to me.” Elijah says sternly, Alec handing him his Digivice, as Elijah starts walking away. “Now... Do whatever you want, Alec... Just don’t wander too far off. And see if you can possibly find a way to unlock your mega Digivolution alright?” Elijah walks away before Alec can respond, who only rolls his eyes, him and Phascomon walking away a bit, as they both sat down, against a tree.

“Hey... You alright, Alec?” Phascomon asks.

“Ugh, I don’t know, it’s just...” Alec paused, sighing. “This Demondestined stuff is becoming way too much work now! I thought unlocking our ultimate Digivolutions would be enough, but now we gotta reach the mega level to defeat those Digidestined?! Ugh, I don’t even see the point in all this anymore...”

“Hey, don’t worry about it too much, Alec...” Phascomon says, patting Alec on the arm. “After we defeat those Digidestined, we’ll finally have the whole Digital World to ourselves! We just need... A bit more of a push to unlock my true powers.”

“Yeah, but something tells me that napping in the dirt won’t unlock your real powers this time.” Alec says, running a hand through his hair.

“Then... Let’s just talk for a moment. About how you really feel.” Phascomon says. “Tell me... You were obviously given the crest of Sloth for a reason... Why do you think that is? What’s your true ambitions, or... Whatever...” Alec was silent for a long, hard moment, earnestly trying to think of the best answer he could give.

“Honestly... All my life I’ve pretty much just... Had everything handed to me, on a silver platter... Heh, sometimes even literally.” Alec states. “Me and Elijah... Both our parents are extremely rich, and they co-own this huge company known as Palmer cosmetics. Since Elijah is the oldest child, he was always told that he would be the one to eventually take over the business when our parents got too old... And because of that, neither my parents, nor Elijah ever expected anything out of me, and would always provide anything I wanted with our unlimited money... And honestly? I’m taking full advantage of that! Phascomon, you know how awesome it is to have people constantly at your feet, doing whatever you want, and treating you like a king, despite you not having done a single thing for them?! It’s amazing!” Alec paused, looking down at the ground. “If I could just... Spent the rest of my life like that... And never work again... It’d be the perfect life for me.”

“Alec... Imagine having all that, but instead of having your family looking after your every needs... It’s the entire Digital World.” Phascomon states, patting Alec on the arm, as they both exchange serious glances. “I know all this is a lot of work, but if we just work a little bit more, we’ll finally be able to defeat the Digidestined... Then you’ll have the entire Digital World to yourself... Forever.” Alec looked away for a moment, thinking, before a smirk formed on his face.

“Yeah... That would be pretty nice.” Alec says, standing up. “Alright, let’s do our best then. Come on, let’s see if Elijah is done with my Digivice yet.” As the two started walking away, Alec didn’t notice it... 

...But a dark aura was starting to form on his Digivice and tag and crest.


Lila and Rosalie were all traveling down a dirt path in a small forest, an awkward silence in the group, as anger filled Lila more and more... Until she couldn’t take it anymore, suddenly punching a tree out of nowhere.

“GOD!! I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!” Lila screeched, spooking everyone with her sudden outburst.

“Geez, chill out Lila! You could’ve broken your hand or something...” Rosalie huffed.

“Why should I give a shit?! We’ve been walking out here for god knows how long, and we still haven’t found anyone! OR GOTTEN JACK SHIT DONE!! IM SO SICK OF IT!!” Lila snapped, angrily pacing back and forth.

‘Geez... If she was any angrier, she’d start spitting out fire and burn down this entire forest...’ Rosalie sighed, thinking to herself.

“Uh... W-why don’t we take a break? So we can rest and think for a bit?” Gazimon says.

“That’s a good idea, we have been walking for quite a while...” BlackGatomon says, everyone sitting down as they leaned against some trees. Everyone sat in silence for a moment, only feeling more uncomfortable due to Lila aggressively breathing in and out of her nose, almost like a dragon.

“Geez Lila, would you just chill out already?” Rosalie snapped.

“How the FUCK am I supposed to calm down right now?! We have no idea where the hell we are, where the others are, or how we’re supposed to unlock our mega evolutions! UGH!! I wouldn’t even surprised if the Digidestined already defeated the others at this point...” 

“Come on, we don’t know what’s happening until we actually find the others...” Rosalie responds. “Besides, there’s gotta be some way for us to reach the mega level.”

“Yeah, we just gotta stay focused... Talk about how you really feel.” BlackGatomon adds. “Think about why you were given these crest powers... Then our real powers will finally be unlocked.”

“Then why don’t you tell me how to do it, if you think you’re so smart...” Lila hissed. “Go on, Rosalie, tell me how you really feel... Tell us why you were given the crest of Lust!” Rosalie looked a bit surprised, before a smirk formed on her face, looking away into the distance. 

“Well, that’s easy... It’s because I’m a cold, cheating, manipulative bitch.” Rosalie says, everyone gasping, with surprised expressions at her statement. “Don’t look so surprised, at least I’m honest about what I am.” Rosalie says, winking. “It’s weird, I don’t know how it all started... It’s not like I exactly had some weird trauma, or events happen in my life to make myself the way that I am now. I went through a lot of relationships pretty quickly when I was younger, but never got really attached to anyone... Well, one day, I got bored and cheated on my partner, and I... I liked it a bit too much. The more and more I cheated, the more it seemed like a game to me, like a competition with myself to see how many people I could keep wrapped under my control, and for how long... I realized how fun it was... Not being in all these relationships for the love or anything, but having people around me to constantly fawn over me, to do what I say, whatever and whenever I wanted... All the people I’ve been on relationships with all think I like them, but in reality... I’m just the queen, and they’re my peasants.... I know it sounds cold, but that’s always how I’ve been.” Rosalie had a playful smile on her face, the three not knowing how to respond to her speech.

“Damn... And I thought I was cold...” Lila mumbled, awkwardly looking away.

“That’s a really good hustle though, Rosalie...” BlackGatomon says, smiling back as she gave a thumbs up. “I gotta respect it.”

“Thanks. Now, you Lila... It’s your turn.” Rosalie says. “I spilled my guts out, so now it’s your turn to do the same, so tell me... Why were you given the crest of Wrath?”

“Because I have anger issues, obviously!” Lila snapped. “God, even someone who’s both blind and deaf would know that...” Lila paused, ruffling her hair in annoyance. “But the thing is, I’m ALWAYS angry! If that’s the case, then how the hell have I not unlocked my mega Digivolution yet?!” Rosalie looked away, both her and Lila trying to think, as an idea popped into Rosalie’s head.

“Lila, don’t take this the wrong way, but... Most of the stuff you’re always angry about is little, petty things.” Rosalie says. “If you really wanna unlock your true powers, you gotta think of something that actually makes you angry... And not just something silly or stupid that most people would get over in a day... Something that’s personal to you. Something that actually makes you emotional, or possibly even traumatizes you... There’s gotta be something bad that’s happened to you in your life, that gives you those kind of emotions...” Lila didn’t respond, immediately thinking of something.

“So, Lila, I know you don’t like your mother very much...” Rosalie says. “So has she ever done something to you? To make you feel that way?”

“I do hate my mother, but... No. There’s only one other person in the world who makes me feel that way...” Lila says. “...My father.”

“God, even just thinking about him pisses me off... It was a long time ago, when I was really young... I was only around 5 or 6 years old when he left me and my mother, but I still remember exactly what he was like... God, he such an asshole... Almost made me seem like a normal person. All that guy would do is drink, yell at my mother, drink some more, and yell even more... I know all my anger issues that I have is because of him... Even my mom says so. She spent all that time putting up with him, only to leave us... God, it just sickens me!” Lila’s fists were trembling with anger, as Rosalie softly patted her on the shoulder. “Even if I do hate my mother, he’s still the only person I could possibly hate even more then her, for what he did to her... And me...” Lila suddenly stood up, taking deep breaths as she tried to calm down, slowly starting to walk away. “Hey, where are you going?” Gazimon asked, following after.

“I need to find the others. I’m gonna show them all what my anger can really do.” Lila growls softly, Rosalie and BlackGatomon exchanging glances, as they start following her as well. ‘Hell yeah... Let’s do this.’ Rosalie thought to herself... The girls couldn’t see it, but a dark aura was forming on their tags and crests, and Digivices as well.

Sometime later...

Axel’s group was still traveling to their meeting spot, starting to get a bit closer, but getting a bit tired now, since they had been walking all day, and the sun was almost gone, making the sky pretty dark. They were walking alongside a mountain area, seeing a sign that read: Rocky Village. Hoping this would be a nice place to stop at for the night, the group makes their way to the village...


“BLARGH!!” Multiple little Digimon popped out of nowhere, growling as they glared at the group. “THIS IS OUR TERRITORY!! LEAVE NOW!!”

“Aw geez, w-we’re sorry you guys...” Axel says, everyone nervously backing away. “We’ll just-“

“Gaossmon, calm down! These Digidestined mean to harm to you...” Another voice speaks up, all the Gaossmon calming down in the blink of an eye. The source of the voice then came out of a nearby house, approaching the group.


“Sorry about these Gaossmon. They’re pretty aggressive at times, but usually mean no harm.” The Digimon says, suddenly freezing as he locked eyes with Lily, the two immediately recognizing each other, as Lily stepped forward.


“Lily... And Lopmon... Is that really you?”

“...Oh my gosh, Silphymon! It’s so nice to see you again!” Lily giggled happily, suddenly jumping forward as she and Silphymon hugged each other tightly, letting go after a bit.

“Wow, it’s so nice to see you again, after so long...” Silphymon smiled, patting Lily on the head. “And you’ve grown a lot taller, too!”

“Yeah, it has been a while...” Lily says, smiling.

“It’s nice to see again too, Axel, and ExTyrannomon...” Silphymon smiles, gazing over at the others, as his expression turns to curiosity when he eyes Allison and Logan. “Are these... New Digidestined...?”

“Huh? Oh right, I should introduce you all!” Lily says. “Logan, Veemon, Allison, and Tsukaimon... This is my old friend, Silphymon! He’s done a lot to help us out, especially me...”

“Woah, it’s uh... Really nice to meet you.” Logan says.

“Same to you all. I’m always welcome to meeting new Digidestined...” Silphymon says, smiling. “And I’ll do whatever I can to help you all, same as before.”

“Heeeyyy! Silphymon!” A voice calls to Silphymon, a smaller Digimon running out of a house as he hurriedly ran over to everyone.


“Hey Silphymon, I just wanted to-“ The Digimon pauses, looking curiously at the group. “Whoa... Who are these people?”

“I’ll tell you in a bit, Elecmon...” Silphymon says. “Just give me a minute, and we’ll meet you back inside.”

“Aww... Alright!” Elecmon walks away, leaving just as fast as he had arrived.

“Um... Who was that?” Lopmon asked.

“That was Elecmon... Um, you might not recognize him in the form he’s in, but...” Silphymon says. “That’s actually GrapLeomon.”

“Woah, seriously?!” Axel and the others gasped. “But... Didn’t the Demon Lords kill him? How’d you get him back?” Axel asked.

“It was pretty simple. Afterwards as soon it was was safe, I traveled to the Primary Village and found his egg.” Silphymon says. “He... Doesn’t have any of his old memories though, or remember what happened to him, so I’ve been taking care of him for now, helping him train to get his powers back...” Silphymon pauses, rubbing the back of his neck as he smiled awkwardly. “It’s funny, he used to be the one to train me, but now it’s the other way around, heh...”

“Well, I’m glad to see that he’s back and ok now.” Lily says, smiling. “And that you’re there to take care of him.”

“AAAAGHH!! HELP!!” One of the Gaossmon screeching cuts through their conversation, who runs up to the group with a terrified look on his face.

“Gaossmon, what happened?” Silphymon asked.

“M-me and my friend Gaossmon... We were just playing outside and... This really mean boy and his partner just... Killed him! Oh goodness, and I think he’s coming over here... Right now...” Gaossmon whimpered.

“Oh god, it must be one of the Demondestined...” Axel muttered with worry. “Who was it?”

“MAVERICK!!” Suddenly out of nowhere, Astamon crashes down, stomping down violently on the Gaossmon as he instantly poofed him to dust. All the other Gaossmon started screaming and running around, the group nervously backing away from Astamon, as Alec slowly walked into the village.

“Oh god, it’s Alec... I-“ Axel paused, his eyes widening with horror, as everyone noticed the dark aura that formed around both Alec and Astamon, a huge, black mass, that caused shivers to run down everyone’s backs, nearly frozen with horror.

“Demondestined... Y-you... You better get out of here... If you know what’s... Good for you...” Silphymon tried threatening Alec, his threats sounding more empty as his voice stuttered, and his body shook with fear. Alec only raised an eyebrow at Silphymon, chucking with a maniacal smile.

“I think you’re the ones who should get out of here... Unless you wanna die tonight.” Alec growled, his voice almost sounding deeper. He then pulled out his Digivice, which was shaking violently, the dark aura pulsating around it as well... Then, Astamon’s body started to glow and shake...





...BELPHEMON... X!!”

There he was, one of the familiar Demon Lords... Belphemon. Lily and Axel recognized him right away, despite now being in a completely different form, that was somehow even bigger then his normal form, which completely towered over everyone, to the point where they all looked like ants compared to him.

“Finally, your real powers have arrived...” Alec growled. “Belphemon... Show them what you can really do.”

“DARK FIRE!!” Belphemon whipped his chains around, black fire bursting out from them from all directions. Chaos erupted, as the group ducked down and dodged the flames. All the Gaossmon started running out of the village, a huge amount of them getting hit and immediately killed from the flames, dust swirling all around in the air. Belphemon then picked up one of the Gaossmon, smirking as he held him...

“HEY!! LET HIM GO!! STATIC FORCE!!” Silphymon attacked Belphemon, who didn’t feel the attack at once, squeezing the Gaossmon as he instantly killed him as well.


Logan screeched, full of fear and absolute horror.




“CRIMSON CLAW!!” “TWISTER SABER!!” “ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” “BLACK MATTER!!” Everyone attacked Belphemon with everything they had, but barely did anything to Belphemon, who only growled, glaring down at the group.

“Oh god, this is hopeless...” Axel muttered.

“What are you talking about?! We can’t give up now!” Allison says.

“God Allison, just look at him! Our Digimon don’t stand a chance...” Axel snapped back. The kids only watched in horror, as Belphemon grabbed Devidramon...

“LIGHTNING HORN!!” Belphemon attacked with lightning filled horns, slamming Devidramon against the mountains, instantly reverting back to Tsukaimon as he collapsed into Allison’s arms.


“GIFT OF DARKNESS!!” Next, AeroVeedramon tries to attack, but Belphemon instantly slashes through him, causing him to instantly revert to his rookie form as well.

“Oh no... How are we supposed to defeat him?!” Allison says.

“Defeat him?! Allison, forget defeating him... We need to get out of here before he kills us all!” Axel says.

“He’s right, guys... We need to run... NOW.” Silphymon says, as he picks up Elecmon, everyone nervously backing away.

“Antylamon, get out of there, or he’s going to kill you!!” Lily shouts.

“You too, ExTyrannomon!” Axel shouted, as Silphymon and Antylamon scooped up all the group members, running towards the edge of the mountains.

“Aw, leaving so soon? But I haven’t even showed you my real powers yet...” Belphemon growled, smirking, as his body started shaking, a red hot power forming in his claws...

“RUN!!” Antylamon and Silphymon jumped off the side of the mountain...

“SEVENTH PENETRATE!!” As Belphemon lets out a gigantic crimson energy wave, instantly destroying the entire village, causing a huge explosion that erupted in the air, shook the mountains, and cracked the ground around it... Even the Digidestined group all felt the sting of the red hot attack, despite being so far away now, doing their best to run away, as they could hear Belphemon screeching in the distance...


Sometime later...

Night had now fallen, as Blaine and Jake walked down a path in a quiet field, which was alongside some mountains. Besides the moonlight, the only other source of light was from Jake’s flashlight, as he shined it around, the group trying to look for a place to rest for the night.

“You sure we can’t just rest out here?” Jake asked.

“No, it’s way too out in the open. We gotta find somewhere more secure.” Blaine responds strictly. “And I don’t wanna be near these mountains right now... Especially with all those quakes we felt earlier...”

“Yeah, you make a good point there...” Jake says, yawning. “I’m just... a bit tired is all...”

“HEY!! UP HERE!!” A familiar sounding voice suddenly called to them, from up on the side of the mountain. Jake pointed his flashlight up towards the voice, seeing Taeka waving to them, alongside Cora and Blaire.

“Oh, thank goodness... Taeka, everyone! Down here!” Jake called to them, Coredramon flying and bringing the girls down to the ground next to them, reverting back to Dracomon.

“Man, it’s so nice to see you all again...” Blaine says, with a slight smile. The girl’s eyes scan the group, eyebrows raising with curiousity.

“Um... Wasn’t Erik supposed to be with you guys?” Taeka asks.

“Yeah, and where’s Hoshi too?” Blaire added.

“They both left to do their own thing.” Blaine says casually.

“They’re both our there... On their own?” Cora gave a concerned look, looking out into the distance. “Geez, I hope they’re both ok...”

“Eh, they’ll be fine...” Blaine says, shrugging. “Besides, they know where the meeting point is if they need help...”

“I guess so...”

Rrrrrrrrrummmble... Suddenly then, everyone heard a soft rumbling noise from the mountains, which shook the ground a bit, everyone exchanging concerned glances.

“Oh no, not again...” Jake whimpered.

“Whoa, what if that rumbling is coming from a really big fight?!” Terriermon says.

“If that’s true, our friends might be in trouble...” Ryudamon adds.

“But...Is it really a good idea to go up there?” Cora says.

“We might as well atleast take a look.” Dorumon says. “Then we’ll atleast know what’s going on.”

“Yeah! I can fly us all up there, without any trouble!” Dracomon happily offers.

“Alright then, buddy...” Taeka smiles. “Let’s go for it!”


“Alright... Hop on, everyone!” Everyone climbed onto Wingdramon’s back, as he gracefully flew high into the air, carefully approaching the source of the rumbling high up in the mountains... It was hard to see it in the dark, but once they got closer, they could see SkullSatamon and LadyDevimon, who were both attacking the sides of the mountains, causing huge chunks to fall and crumble everywhere, as Lila and Rosalie watched them from a safe distance.

“HEY!! What the heck do you two think you’re doing?!” Wingdramon yelled, catching all the Demondestined’s attention as they silently turned to him... The group didn’t notice it in the darkness, but all the Demondestined had the same dark aura swirling around them.

“Hey, looks like your plan worked, Rosalie...” Lila says, her voice low with a horrifying smirk on her face.

“Perfect...” Rosalie purred, with an equally terrifying smirk. “Now we can show them our real powers...”

“Real... Powers? What the heck are you talking about...?” Jake asked.

“NAIL BONE!!” “DARKNESS WAVE!!” LadyDevimon and SkullSatamon fired at Wingdramon, who promptly dodged the attacks, lowering the group safely to the ground... 

Then, the dark aura grew stronger, the two’s bodies shaking with power...










...DAEMON... X!!”

...Two more of the Demon Lords... They were back. Laylamon wasn’t much bigger, only being twice her original size, but Daemon... He was gigantic, towering over 10 times his original size. Both of their bodies also gave off powerful glows, shining like beacons in the darkness of the night.

“Oh god... Laylamon?!” Blaine stared up at her with frozen horror.

“Blaine, hey baby... Did you miss me?” Laylamon winked at him.

“Ugh no, not Daemon too...” Taeka muttered.

“Heh... You better believe it.” Daemon huffed.

“W-wait a minute... Are these really the Demon Lords that you guys were talking about?!” Jake asked, with a panicked voice, the two nodding as everyone looked up at them with terror.

“Well, we can’t just stand around gawking at them!” Terriermon says. “Come on everyone... Let’s Digivolve!”






“EMPRESS EMBLAZE!!” Everyone attacked at once, but Laylamon effortlessly swept them away like they were nothing...

“CHAOS FLARE!!” Then, Daemon unleashed a massive tower of flames, sending the Digimon flying and crashing into the mountains, all struggling to stand up. 

“Hmm...” Laylamon curiously cocked an eyebrow at the Digimon, floating over to Mummymon, as he grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up. “I remember when you used to work for me...” Laylamon smirked, lifting a clawed arm... “...Pathetic. RAZOR NAIL!!” She slashes right through Mummymon, immediately reverting him back to BlackGabumon, who gets sent flying into Cora’s arms.

“LEAVE HIM ALONE!! LEGENDARY DRAGON BLADE!!” Hisyaryumon tried attacking next, but Daemon grabbed and stopped him midair...

“FLAME INFERNO!!” Attacking fiercely, also immediately reverting Hisyaryumon to Ryudamon, crashing roughly into Blaine.

“Oh, god... How are they so...Powerful?” Blaine whimpered, full of fear. Wingdramon carefully stood behind the kids, everyone watching in fear as Daemon and Laylamon fiercely attacked Rapidmon and DoruGreymon, weakening them without breaking a sweat.

“There’s no way... We can defeat them...” Wingdramon muttered. “It’s just not... Possible in these forms.”

“EMPRESS EMBLAZE!!” “CHAOS FLARE!!” Both Daemon and Laylamon attacked, reverting Rapidmon and DoruGreymon back to their rookie forms.

“Everyone! Get on my back, now! Hurry!” Wingdramon hurriedly pleaded, and without giving it a second thought, everyone hopped onto his back, as he flew into the air, flying away as fast as he could...

“DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY!!” Lila screeched, Daemon’s body shaking as a flame burned around him...

“INFERNO BURST!!” A gigantic mass of flames shot out of Daemon’s body, spraying everywhere into the air, a bit of the flames even hitting Wingdramon, Wingdramon struggling to fly away, as his body wobbled weakly in the air... That’s all he could do... Just fly away...

...And hope everyone would survive this.