Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 10
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Child of Wrath: Lila and Gazimon || Chapter 9

Going through the portal was quick, only taking a quick second before they arrived in the Digital World, Maildramon landing softly onto the grass, as everyone hopped off of him. They looked around, noticing that they were in a field of some sort, with trees surrounding them...


...And a dark red sky, making everyone gasp with fear and confusion.

“What the...Why does the sky look like that?!” Lily asks, wide eyed.

“I don’t know...The Digital World didn’t look like this when I left!” Gummymon says. Maildramon then turns around, flapping his wings a bit.

“Maildramon...Are you leaving right now?” Logan asks.

“Yes. I still have to find my own purpose.” Maildramon says.

“We understand, but...Do you think we’ll ever see you again?” Jake asks. Maildramon was silent for a moment, before answering.

“Maybe. I can’t say for sure, but for now...This is goodbye.” Maildramon says, starting to fly away.

“Goodbye then, Maildramon! Stay safe!” Jake says, as everyone waves and says goodbye to him, before he’s finally out of sight.

“Man, the sky looks creepy...” Logan says, looking uncomfortable. “Almost apocalyptic...” Everyone looks around, unsure of what to do.

“So, uh...What do we do now?” Jake asks.


‘BlackGrowlmon: Champion level, Virus. A Growlmon that was infected with a virus, being turned much more aggressive to the point where it’s considered feral. Main attacks include: Exhaust Flame, Plasma Blade.’

“ROOOAAAARRRR!!” Sudden then, a BlackGrowlmon pops out of the trees, roaring loudly.

“Uhh...How about we try not to die?!” Logan says.

“Ooh, yes! I got this!” Tsukaimon happily volunteers himself, flying forward.


“CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon slashes powerfully, doing a good amount of damage.


“CRIMSON CLAW!!” Devidramon blocks BlackGrowlmon’s attack with his own, slashing at BlackGrowlmon again and knocking him down. BlackGrowlmon whimpers, as he stands up, suddenly running away from everyone.

“SCREEEEE!!” Devidramon screeches in fury, chasing after BlackGrowlmon into the woods. Everyone tries to stop him, but fails, as they start running after Devidramon. Everyone chases after Devidramon for a bit, until they suddenly trip and tumble down a small hill out of nowhere, landing at the foot of a small village.

“Ow...What the?!” Logan rubs his head and groans, until he and everyone else freezes at the sight of the village...The village was filled with many other BlackGrowlmon as well, who were all attacking the village, with all the buildings completely engulfed in flames.

“AHAHAHAHAHA!!” Then suddenly, a loud cackling is heard echoing in the air, sounding like it was coming from the far end of the village. Devidramon growled, as he ran towards the source of the cackling.

“Devidramon...Slow...Down...Already!” Jake pants, but Devidramon doesn’t let up.

“HAHA!! YES! LET EVERYTHING BURN!!” The same voice cackles again, everyone now exchanging confused glances. They keep running, until Devidramon quickly slides to a halt, staring at something. Everyone looks around him...



...And see a young teenage girl, next to a smaller Digimon. They were both sitting atop a small house, as they watched many BlackGrowlmon around them burn the village down.

“YES, BLACKGROWLMON!! KEEP BURNING EVERYTHING DOWN!! This...Is..” The girl cackles once more, but her voice trails off when she sees the others, her face twisted to an amused smirk.

“Heh, look at this...You must all be the Digidestined! Finally, I knew you’d all arrive eventually!” 

“Yes, now we can really have a real fight! If only Elijah was here too...” The Digimon next to her says, smirking as well. Everyone looked at each other, exchanging worried and confused glances.

“What the...Who the heck are you?!” Lily asks. “And how’d you know we’d come here?”

“Names Lila, and this heres Gazimon.” The girl responds. “And I have my ways.” Lila then reaches behind her...


...Pulling out a dark colored Digivice, everyone gasping in unison.

“No way...Are you a...Digidestined?!” Blaine asks, shocked.

“Pfft...Hahaha, no silly! I’m actually what’s known as a Demondestined!”

“Demon...Destined?” Logan looks confused. “What is that?”

“DON’T INTERRUPT ME!!” Lila suddenly screeches incredibly loudly, scaring everyone as they nervously back away. 

“Heehee...” Lila’s expression quickly then turns back to a devious smirk. “I really don’t like being interrupted. As I was saying...The Demondestineds are the ones in charge of this land now...In charge of everything, while all this chaos in the Digital World is going down...It’s pretty awesome, isn’t it?! I get my own land to control, and destroy however I please...Man, it’s just so much fun to destroy everything in sight!!”

“No it’s not...You’re nuts!” Logan says. “What the heck is wrong with you?!”

“Excuse me?!” Lila and Gazimon hop down from the house, with angered expressions as they take a step towards the group.

“What you’re doing is super wrong and mean!” Veemon says.

“Heh...And what’re you gonna do about it?” Gazimon smirks, threatening. “You’re not the only one who can Digivolve round here...”

“And? I can still beat you with my hands tied behind my back!” Veemon snaps.

“GRRRR...” Devidramon growls, raising his claws at Lila. “CRIMSON-“

“EXHAUST FLAME!! EXHAUST FLAME!!” But before Devidramon can attack, a bunch of BlackGrowlmon around them fire at Devidramon at once...Instantly poofing him as he reverts to Tsukaimon, falling into Allison’s arms.

“HOW DARE YOU TRY AND ATTACK ME?!” Lila screeches. “You could’ve ruined my pretty clothes!”

“I wouldn’t consider that a bad thing.” Logan scoffs.

“HEY! You wanna get your head slammed into the pavement, little boy?!” Lila threatens.

“Pfft, bring it on!” Logan says, Veemon and Gazimon glaring at each other. “Veemon, you gotta take them down...” Logan whispers, so only Veemon can hear.

“Don’t worry, Logan...I won’t let you down!” Veemon smirks, giving a thumbs up.

“Urgh...I could kick their butts if I was able to Digivolve to Rapidmon right now...” Gummymon hisses.

‘And I’ll kick your butts...Next time...’ Tsukaimon thinks.

“We’ve got this guys, don’t worry...” Logan says, stepping towards Lila and Gazimon. Meanwhile, all the BlackGrowlmon surrounded them, worrying everyone a bit.

“Logan...” Hoshi puts his hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Me and Kudamon will deal with the BlackGrowlmon, and you can take care of those two.” He says, Logan nodding.

“Alright...Thanks Hoshi.”

“Alright, Gazimon...” Lila smirks, cracking her knuckles. “It’s time to really wreck some shit.”






Everyone was intimidated by how big Deltamon was, being nearly twice the size of Veedramon. Veedramon wasn’t scared though, maintaining his cool as charged at Deltamon, whilst Reppamon ran around everyone, distracting the BlackGrowlmon.

“V-NOVA BLAST!!” Veedramon blasts, doing a good amount of damage. “CUTTING SHOOT!!” Then attacks again, attacking pretty rapidly, as Deltamon struggled to block the attacks with the heads on his hands.

“TRIPLEX FORCE!!” Deltamon then fires a powerful beam from all his heads, damaging Veedramon greatly as he falls, getting knocked off his feet. Deltamon then pins Veedramon down with one head, pinning him by the neck.

“Heh...Say your goodbyes, Veedramon...” Deltamon growls, as he readies another attack, Veedramon feeling the heat on his neck.

“Veedramon, no!” Logan cries out, struggling to watch...

“RAZOR WIND!!” But out of nowhere, Reppamon slices at Deltamon’s foot, doing a lot of damage as Deltamon cries out in pain, falling back as he releases his grip on Veedramon. 

“You’ll be the one saying your goodbyes today...” Veedramon smirks, readying one last attack... “V-NOVA BLAST!!” The attack consumes Deltamon...Causing him to poof back to Gazimon, falling into Lila’s arms.

“WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Lila’s face twists to anger, as she groans loudly.

“Woo! Veemon, Logan, nice job, that was awesome!” Jake and everyone else congratulates the two, Logan blushing a bit in embarrassment.

“Aw, it was nothing...” Logan says.

“Help...Me...” Reppamon whimpered, everyone noticing that they were now pinned down by the BlackGrowlmon, who all surrounded them...

“EXHAUST FLAME!!” They all fire at close range, instantly reverting Kudamon as one BlackGrowlmon powerfully whacks their body, sending Kudamon flying as Hoshi catches them.

“IVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!” Lila screeches, pointing towards the group. “BLACKGROWLMON, KILL THEM ALL!!” The BlackGrowlmon growl, stepping towards the group. Having realized that everyone in the group was now knocked out, they only had one option...

“RUN!!” Everyone dashes past the BlackGrowlmon, running away from the village as they chase them through the trees and fields. Everyone keeps running, until they notice a small sewer hole, and without time to think about it, everyone pops the cover open, hopping into and down the sewer. Meanwhile, the BlackGrowlmon all pace through the woods, trying to find the group, but seeing no sight of them.

“Did you find them?!” Lila asks, BlackGrowlmon shaking his head.

“No...I think they got away!” The BlackGrowlmon says.

“What?! Urgh...” Lila clenched her fists, angrily turning another direction.

“Digidestined...YOU WON’T GET AWAY NEXT TIME!!”

Sometime later...

Lila angrily cursed to herself, walking down the fields, holding the weakened Gazimon.

“Hey, Lila, don’t be too upset...” Gazimon says, with a weak smile. “It’ll take a lot more then that to take me out!” Lila looked down at Gazimon, smiling back a bit.

“Yeah, I know...You’re pretty damn tough.” Lila says.

“Yeah...Remember when we first met?” Gazimon says. 

“Of course I do...That wasn’t that long ago!” Lila says, the two chuckling a bit. “We really got to see then how strong I...No, we were together.” Thoughts swirled through Lila’s head, as she looked up to the darkened sky...Remembering that moment...Clear as day...


Lila was walking into her home, looking up at the warm sunset of Hawaii, before flinging the door open, into the house, where her mom waited for her with an agitated expression.

“Lila...I know you’ve been breaking the neighbor’s mailboxes again.” Lila’s mom says, Lila immediately groaning and rolling her eyes.

“And? I break the neighbor’s mailboxes all the time, so who cares?!” Lila retorts.

“Lila, don’t play this attitude with me anymore! I am done dealing with your crap!” Mom snaps at her, the two yelling and arguing back and forth between each other. 


“LILA, YOU LITTLE BITCH!! GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!! YOU’RE GROUNDED!!” Her mom screeches back. Lila screeches loudly, running upstairs to her room as she roughly slams the door shut, sitting down on her bed.


“That girl...” In the dark void, the big, deep voice spoke, as it and another watched over Lila from a small bubble. “You sure she’s the one?” The deep voice asks.

“...That rage...Pure anger and wrath...” A smaller voice says, admiring Lila. “She definitely has some destructive power. She’s perfect.”

“Alright then...You know the drill, right?” The big voice asks, as it forms a small portal, that leads to Lila’s backyard.

“Of course I do. See you on the other side.” The small voice says, as it phases through the portal, onto the other side...As it slowly takes the physical form, of Gazimon.

“...Whoa...” Gazimon looks down at his body, admiring his new form. “It’s not the same, but...This’ll do for now.” Gazimon looks behind himself, realizing the portal was now gone. He also looks down at the Digivice he was holding...


...And a tag that was wrapped around his neck. He held it gently in his claws for a moment, as he looked up to Lila’s window. He then hopped onto a tree that reached next to her window, quietly climbing to the top until he reached the window. He carefully looked inside, seeing Lila sitting on her bed as she quietly cursed under her breath...

Knock! Knock! Gazimon carefully knocked on the window, gaining Lila’s attention as she stands up, opening the window as she looked down at Gazimon with a weirded out expression.

“...The hell kind of animal are you supposed to be?” Lila asks, glaring at Gazimon. “Well, get outta here before I pop your head like a melon!”

“Whoa, relax, I’m not here to cause any trouble...” Gazimon says, Lila reeling back with shock, as Gazimon slowly climbs into her room.

“Did you just...Talk?!” Lila says, a bit freaked out. “Uh...What exactly are you supposed to be?”

“I’m a Digimon, the names Gazimon! Your names Lila, right?”

“Huh? How the hell do you know my name?!” Lila looks weirded out, taking a step back. “You been stalking me or something?”

“Haha, nope! I’ve actually heard of you because of all the destruction you’ve done around here!” Gazimon says, with a smile.

“Ah, great...” Lila grumbles. “What, you from the FBI, come here to arrest me now or something?”

“No! Quite the opposite, actually...I actually wanted to see you because I’m impressed by your skills! It’s nice to meet a fellow destructor like myself...” Gazimon states, Lila smiling a bit from this.

“Woah...Really?” Lila asks.

“LILA!! STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF!!” Lila hears her mom yell at her from downstairs.

“I’M NOT MOM, SHUT UP!!” Lila screeches back.

“Hm...Your mom doesn’t really understand you, does she?” Gazimon asks.

“Ugh, not really...” Lila grumbles, crossing her arms. “Nobody does...” Gazimon looked to the floor, thinking for a moment.

“Well...Lila, would you like to sneak outta here with me, and wreck some stuff together? I’m sure we could do some real destruction together!” Gazimon offers, Lila smiling at the offer as she cheers up a bit.

“You know what? I’m in.” Lila says. “Let’s wreck some shit.” 

“...Perfect.” Gazimon smirks, as he grabs both the tag and Digivice, handing them to Lila. “You hold onto these for a bit then.” Gazimon says. Lila looked confused, but shrugged as she slipped the tag over her neck, the two crawling out of the window together...

Sometime later...

The two walked for a bit, until Gazimon lead him and Lila to an old, abadoned house, Gazimon running up to the entrance looking pretty hyped.

“Ugh, the doors locked.” Lila groans, as she tries the handle. Gazimon smirks, as he walks up to a window.

“There’s other ways to get in. ELECTRIC STUN BLAST!!” Gazimon fires a black gas from his mouth, which melts the window completely, leaving a clean opening.

“Woah, impressive...” Lila smirks, turning towards the door. “But I can do better. HIYAH!!” Lila kicks the rotted door, but it doesn’t budge.

“Argh, I can’t do it!” Lila groans.

“Come on, you can do it!” Gazimon cheers her on. “Just think of things that made you mad, then you’ll become more powerful! Come on, tell me what annoys you!” Lila looked down at the ground, clenching her fists as she thought.

“Urgh, I don’t know, there’s a lot of things that piss me off...” Lila hisses.

“What about your mom? She makes you pretty mad, doesn’t she?” Gazimon asks, immediately filling Lila up with rage.

“Yeah...SHE SURE DOES!!” Lila kicks the door powerfully multiple times, starting to but a dent in it. “THAT OLD HAG HASNT GOTTEN A DATE IN OVER 10 YEARS!! FUCK YOU MOM!!”

“Yeah! Come on, who else makes you mad?!” Gazimon smirks, egging her on.

“Honestly? Everyone! NOBODY UNDERSTANDS WHO I AM!!” Lila delivers another powerful kick to the door, enough to rip it off its hinges, crumbling to the ground. Then, Lila’s Digivice starts to glow a bit.

“Yeah! Go!” Gazimon cheers.

“Every day of my life, I have to pretend to be all nice and sweet, AND IM SO SICK OF IT!!” Lila rips a sharp piece of wood from the door, as she starts smashing brittle old furniture and windows with it.

“You know what else I hate?! I hate the cold weather! I can’t stand looking at snow...IT’S SO UGLY!! JUST LIKE THAT UGLY ASS SWEATER I SAW AT THE THRIFT STORE LAST WEEK...” Lila violently smashes a vase, shards spreading all over the room. “AND I HATE THAT WOMAN AT THE GROCERY STORE...AND THE MAN WHO STEPPED ON MY SHOES YESTERDAY!! I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!” 

Now, Lila’s Digivice started rumbling, a bright light shining off it as Gazimon felt power surge through him.

“Yeah! Alright, Lila...” Gazimon smirks. “I think it’s time to show off my destructive powers.”

“GAZIMON DIGIVOLVE TO...DELTAMON!!” Deltamon’s huge form immediately started crumbling the buildings, Lila looking up at him in shock as she quickly ran out of the building, avoiding being crushed. Deltamon roars as he chomps through the house with his heads, like it was butter, preparing a powerful attack...

“TRIPLEX FORCE!!” As he fires, the beam slicing through the entire house, engulfing it in flames before it turned into nothing but dust, in a matter of seconds. Lila was surprised, but also amazed as she stared at the flames with sparkles in her eyes, while Deltamon quickly reverted back to Gazimon.

“Lila...” Gazimon smirks. “Why don’t we go somewhere else...Where we can cause even more destruction.” Immediately, a devious smirk forms on Lila’s face.

“Heh...I’m down.” Lila responds. “Where are we going next?” Gazimon chuckles a bit, Lila looking in confusion.

“In all honesty, Lila, this was all just a test for you...And you passed.” Gazimon states. “That means now, you can become my partner, and we can head to the Digital World...Where together, we can rule over a part of that world, and we can cause as much destruction as we want, while the Digital Worlds currently in a state of chaos...So, what do you say, Lila? Wanna become my partner, and have all the power you could possibly want?” Lila took a moment to process all this information...Before smirking, finally finding her answer.

“Hell yeah. I’m in.” Lila responds. Suddenly then, the crest on Lila’s tag starts glowing, a small beam of light shooting out of it, as it forms a portal to the Digital World.

“Let’s go.” Gazimon says, the two stepping through the portal before it quickly disappears. Immediately the two arrive in front of a big castle, as the front door to it suddenly opens.

“Ah, there you are...” A voice inside the castle speaks to them, Gazimon perking up at the familiar voice. “Welcome to the Demondestined, you two.”

“Heh, it’s about time!” Gazimon says. “Hey, why are you able to keep your original form?!”

“I have my ways...” The voice says, reaching a hand out to usher them inside. “Come now, I want you both to meet the others.” Lila and Gazimon exchange some looks, before finally heading inside the castle.

End of flashback...

“That really was...A great day...” Lila’s anger dissipates, as she finally stopped reminiscing. “You know what, Gazimon? I’m not mad anymore...And besides...

...We’ll get them next time.”