Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 4 months ago
31 118759

Chapter 16
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Nightmare hospital || Chapter 15

It was early the next morning, everyone now out of the forest as they walked down a dirt path in an open, empty field, knowing they were getting close to the hospital when they passed by a sign, that read: Forrest Hospital this way. Pointing forward.

Jake held a couple jars up, that Toropiamon gave them, one with sap, and another with spores.

“So, those should be able to help us if we run into more infected Digimon, right?” Lily asks.

“Yeah, we just gotta be careful and not use up all of it right away!” Terriermon says. Dorumon looked over at Blaire, who still looked a bit upset.

“Blaire, how are you doing?” Dorumon asks.

“...I still miss Fangmon.” She mumbles.

“I know...” Dorumon responds, nodding.

“Isn’t there a way we can bring him back?” Blaire asks.

“Yeah, actually...” Blaine responds. “All Digimon who die are always reborn at the Primary Village.”

“Can we go back to the Primary Village and find him?” Blaire asks.

“Sorry Blaire, but we can’t right now.” Blaine responds. “That would take too long right now, and besides...” His voice trails off, looking at Lily and Lopmon, who was still unconscious in Lily’s arms.

“If we don’t help out Lopmon now, Fangmon’s sacrifice will be for nothing.” Dorumon says, Blaire nodding.

“You guys really think Lopmon will be ok?” Lily asks, looking back at Blaine.

“She should be fine, as long as we get help for her as soon as we can.” Blaine responds. “After all, if she really was dead, she would’ve poofed to dust by now.”

“Yeah...You’re right.” Lily sighs, gently placing Lopmon into her backpack.

“Woah...Look over there!” Veemon gasps, pointing in the distance, where they can finally see the hospital, which was pretty big. Everyone runs over to it, finally stopping cautiously when they reach the front door, hesitating to go inside.

“We gotta be...Careful when we go in.” Blaire says. “The Doctimon inside are...Infected, the same way the Woodmon were.”

“Well...Let’s just find them then.” Allison says, causually walking in as everyone gasps, following her in.

“Allison! You still gotta be careful!” Logan whispers. Everyone goes silent, looking around the dark hospital hallway...


...Which was completely empty and silent, giving a very eerie feeling. Everyone silently crept down the hallway, struggling to see with how dark it was, besides a few dim, flickering lights, which didn’t help with the eerieness.

‘Where’s the Doctimon?’ Lily thinks to herself. ‘This place feels almost...Too empty...’

‘Stay on your guard, everyone...’ Jake whispers. Everyone keeps creeping down the hallway...Close to reaching the end, where they could see two other hallways connected. They get closer...Until Logan stops, hearing a squishing noise underneath his foot, stepping on something wet. Logan pulls out his Digivice, using the glow from it to see what he stepped on...Seeing that it was a bright red pool of blood, that stuck to his pants and shoe.

“Is that...B-b-blood?” Logan stutters, whimpering in fear.

GRRRRRROOOOoooooooo...” Everyone then hears a soft groaning down one of the hallways, exchanging glances as they carefully walked, turning around the corner...


‘Doctimon Bloody mode: Champion level, Virus. A Doctimon infected with a dark virus, their former healing and helping nature has turned into a thirst for taking and hurting. Main attacks include: Draining Shot.’

...To see a large group of Doctimon, all surrounded by the familiar dark aura. The Doctimon all had blood dripping off their coats, forming puddles on the floor. Everyone stood, looking horrified at the Doctimon, as they all stared at them, groaning like zombies.

“What the...” Lily and Blaine looked especially shocked, backing away from them. “I thought Digimon didn’t...Bleed?” Blaine says.

“B...Blood...Needles...” Logan stood frozen, shaking with fear as he stared at the Doctimon.

“Logan, are you ok?” Veemon asks, but he doesn’t respond.

“Come on, let’s fight them already! Who cares how creepy they look?” Allison says.

“Allison, hold on...Look.” Hoshi says, pointing to the ceiling, which was pretty short. “If some of us Digivolve in here, we could destroy the ceiling.” Hoshi points out, Allison huffing in annoyance.

“Hey...Gargomon is short enough to fight in here!” Terriermon says, confidently stepping forward. “Let’s go!”


“Let’s do this!” Gargomon says. 

“Gargomon, hold on...” Jake tries to stop Gargomon, but to no avail.

“DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” Gargomon tries to attack, but the Doctimon jump away. Then, they all surround Gargomon...

“DRAINING SHOT!!” As they all stab into Gargomon at once, with their syringes, Gargomon’s face going pale as his body paralyzes, immediately reverting back to Terriermon as he’s thrown into Jake’s arms. This also pumps more blood into the Doctimon’s syringes, everyone backing away nervously as the Doctimon step forward.

“Hoshi, I could try to Digivolve next...” Kudamon says, but Hoshi’s face looked horrified, nodding no.

“...I don’t want that to happen to you too...” Hoshi whimpers.

“...RUN!!” Everyone screams, as they dash down the hallways, Lily yanking Logan who was still frozen. Everyone runs to the end of one of the hallways, the Doctimon slowly trudging after them, groaning loudly as they struggle to open a bunch of locked doors.

“None of these will open!” Jake panics, trying to open a door. 

Click! Then, one of the doors suddenly clicks open, everyone exchanging glances as they quickly run inside...


‘Doctimon: Champion level, Vaccine. A healing Digimon that has medicine powerful enough to heal attacks even from mega-level Digimon. Main attacks include: Healing Shot.’

...To see another Doctimon, only this one looked more normal then the others. Everyone gasps at him, but Doctimon holds a hand up, motioning for them to be quiet, as he locks the door, everyone ducking down quietly. They wait there silently, hearing the groaning of the other Doctimon, as they slowly shuffle by the room, waiting until they heard them walk away...Finally out of their hearing.

“Man, that was a close one...” Blaine says, everyone sighing with relief. “Thanks for helping us, Doctimon.”

“You look different than the others...” Lily says. “Why didn’t you attack us?”

“I’ve just been lucky enough to not have been infected...” Doctimon says. “Us Doctimon normally only turn into our bloody modes when we’re infected by a dark virus.

“What happened here? And how’d all the Doctimon get infected?” Hoshi asks.

“Well...One day, one of the Doctimon left the hospital, and went to another city to treat a Digimon in need...” Doctimon explains. “A few days later, he came back infected, and ended up infecting the rest of us.”

“That’s just like what happened with the Woodmon...” Dorumon adds.

“After I noticed everyone getting infected, I started hiding out before I became infected myself...” Doctimon paused, looking over at the paralyzed Terriermon.

“...He got attacked by the Doctimon, didn’t he?” Doctimon says, Jake worriedly looking down at his partner.

“Yeah, he did...” Jake mumbled. “Is there any way you could help him?”

“Yeah, this’ll be easy...” Doctimon responds. “Just set him down.” Jake does so, setting Terriermon onto a table, as Doctimon pulls out his syringe.

“HEALING SHOT!!” And injects it into him, everyone gasping quietly, as the medicine quickly works it’s magic, Terriermon returning back to normal as he quickly sits up.

“Woah...What happened to me?” Terriermon asks.

“Dang, that medicine is powerful!” Lily says. “Is there any way you could help my Lopmon too? She’s in some sort of coma.” Lily pulls Lopmon out of her bag, Doctimon curiously eyeing her for a moment.

“Sorry, but...I don’t think my medicine will be powerful enough to wake her.” Doctimon says. “You’re gonna need Surgemon’s help to wake her, but...”

“But what? Where is Surgemon?” Lily asks.

“He’s hiding up at the top floor, and it’s not gonna be easy getting up there, without getting spotted...” Doctimon says.

“That’s ok. We have to go up there anyways...” Lily responds.

“Yeah...The Demondestined stole my Digivice, and they’re hoarding it up there!” Blaire chimes in.

“Ah, so you all have more than one reason to go up there...” Doctimon nods, in understandment. “Alright, I can lead you all up there if you want, but we’re gonna have to be very careful...”

“Actually, Doctimon...” Jake reaches into his backpack, pulling out of the jars. “Toropiamon from the nearby village gave us some of this stuff, and it’s actually able to help cure the infection...”

“Woah, you all know Toropiamon? And how to cure this?” Doctimon looked genuinely surprised, nodding. “Thank you, this is perfect. And I know how to give this to everyone at once.” Doctimon states. “There’s a sprinkler system on the top floor, and if we can safely lead the Doctimon up there, then I can put this into the system, so the sap can rain down onto everyone and cure them...That way, we can help everyone here, and you all can get Surgemon’s help, and anything you need thats hoarded upstairs.” Doctimon states, everyone exchanging glances as they nodded in approval. “Sounds like a solid enough plan.” Blaine says.

“...Hey, Logan, are you ok?” Veemon looked up at Logan, who’s face looked a bit pale and nervous. “I saw how you froze up there earlier...”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m sorry about that...” Logan sighs. “It’s just...The sight of blood and needles really freaks me out...I couldn’t help but freeze up for a second there...” Logan looked a bit embarrassed, but Veemon gave him a reassuring smile, patting him on the arm comfortingly.

“It’s ok, Logan...Don’t worry, I’ll make sure those Doctimon and their needles don’t come anywhere near you!” Veemon confidently states, Logan cheering up a bit.

“Thanks Veemon...” Logan smiles. “I really appreciate it...”

“Aw, what? This means we’re not gonna do any fighting?” Allison asks.

“No, not really...We’re supposed to be helping the Doctimon...” Lily says, everyone side-eying Allison with confused expressions, as she rolls her eyes.

“Um...How are we supposed to get to the top floor without the Doctimon seeing us?” Jake asks.

“It’ll be pretty easy, actually...There’s a flight of stairs right next to this room that’ll lead us all the way up there.” Doctimon says. “Then, once we’re close to the top, we can start making some noise to attract the Doctimon, and lead them to the top. When they reach the top, I’ll have to ask all of you to fight and distract them, while I put the sap inside of the sprinkler system. And, just...When you fight the Doctimon, please try not to kill any of them. They’re still my friends, and we need them all alive right now, especially during times like these...”

“I make no promises...” Allison says under her breath, a few people shooting glares at her. Everyone then pauses, looking up towards the ceiling.

“Where do you all think the Doctimon went? Upstairs?” Hoshi asks.

“I think so. We should all hurry on upstairs, before they decide to wander back down here...” Doctimon unlocks the door, slowly creeping it open, as he peeks out, looking around. “Let’s be quiet...Just in case...” Doctimon whispers. Everyone nods, following Doctimon out of the room as they crouch silently, heading towards the stairs. Everyone looks up at the metallic stairway, a dark room, as they start making their way up, very slowly, up a few floors. They keep going, getting higher and higher up in the building.

‘When are we supposed to get the Doctimon’s attention?’ Jake thinks to himself. ‘I really don’t wanna screw this one up...’

Groooooooooooooo...” Everyone freezes, hearing the group of Doctimon groaning, who sounded like they were a floor or two below them. Everyone looks over at a sign on the wall, indicating that they were on Floor 7 now.

“Should we start attracting them yet?” Jake whispers.

“Soon. Just to be sure.” Doctimon says.

“This is stupid.” Allison huffs. “It’d honestly prefer to just team up and beat up those Doctimon instead.”

“Allison, are you crazy? We’re supposed to be helping these Doctimon, not hurting them.” Blaine says.

“Who cares about helping them?” Allison says, rolling her eyes. “I just wanna kick some butt. It’d be so much funner then just hiding around in the stairs like a bunch of wimps.”

“...What?” Blaine paused, turning towards Allison with an angry expression. “What’s wrong with you, Allison? You think what we’re doing here is some kind of game to you?”

“Um...What else is this supposed to be?” Allison says.

“Are you serious?!” Blaine snaps. “Allison, everything we’re doing here is about saving the Digital World, and our friends...Not just some fighting game for your amusement!”

“So?! I can still do both!” Allison snaps back. “I missed the forest fight from yesterday, and am now avoiding a fight right now...I’m getting antsy for a battle, you know!”

“Um, would you two mind lowering your voices a bit?” Jake whimpers, noticing how much louder they’d gotten. “The Doctimon could hear you...”

“Well, I guess this is one way to attract them...” Doctimon says causually, cautiously looking around.

“Allison, you’ve been doing nothing but acting out lately, and being overly aggressive for no reason...” Blaine hisses. “How about you just grow up, and do what the group tells you for once.” Allison looked pretty offended by this statement, her face twisting to anger. 

“Who cares what the group says?! I can do whatever I want!” Allison snaps, pushing past everyone as she starts walking up the stairs ahead of them.

“Allison, what the heck are you doing?” Blaine asks. “Are you seriously walking away from us right now?” Allison was a lot higher up the stairs now, looking down at the group angrily. “Yeah...I don’t anyone!” She yells. “I can do whatever I want on my own...And I can fight those Doctimon, and find Blaire’s Digivice on my own. She continues walking up, out of sight as everyone stood frozen, completely stunned by Allison’s outburst.

“Oh no, Allison...” Blaire whimpers. “Is she gonna be ok on her own?”

“I don’t know, but...” Blaine sighs. “If she wants have these battles on her own...It’s her own funeral.”


Allison grumbled to herself under her breath, her and Tsukaimon making their way up the stairs pretty fast. Tsukaimon looked over at the sign, indicating they were on Floor 13 now, as he thought.

“Uhhh, Allison? What exactly are we planning on doing right now?” Tsukaimon asks.

“Once we get to the top...I’m gonna yell at those Doctimon and bring them up here...” Allison responds. “And fight them by ourselves.” Allison looked annoyed, but managed to force a smile onto her face. “Then I can get Blaire’s Digivice too...Then she’ll think I’m the coolest one around...” Tsukaimon looked behind himself, looking a bit unsure. “Um...Shouldn’t we at least have the others around to help us? You saw how easily those Doctimon took out Gargomon earlier...”

“No, I don’t care about asking for their help...We don’t need them...” Allison huffs. “Especially Blaine, he’s such a jerk...” The two continue walking up the stairs, and as they walk, Tsukaimon notices what looks like...A faint, dark aura, coming from Allison’s tag and crest. It was very faint, but still pretty noticeable to Tsukaimon, as he stared at it.

“Uhh...What are you staring at?” Allison asks, but Tsukaimon shakes his head, quickly brushing it off. “Uhh, it’s nothing...” He says, Allison shrugging.

“That’s alright...We’re at the top anyways.” Allison says, looking at the sigh that read: Floor 15. They open the door, leading to a huge, empty room, with multiple doors attached from each side.

“Whoa...Which room do you think Blaire’s Digivice would be in?” Tsukaimon asks. Allison thinks, before running to a door on the other side of the room.

“I don’t know, but we’ll find it later...” Allison says. She opens the door, seeing another flight of stairs that lead downwards.

“But first...” Allison looks down the stairs. “HEY, DOCTIMON!! COME UP HERE AND FIGHT ME!!”

Sometime later...

The group still carefully made their way up the stairs, almost at the top, when they suddenly heard a bunch of loud banging and yelling upstairs. Everyone exchanges worried glances, as they all dash up the stairs, into the top floor room...Only to see Devidramon pinned down my the Doctimon, who are all readying to attack him, as well as one of them even trying to attack Allison. Allison looked towards the group with worried eyes, that begged them for help.

“Help...Us...” Devidramon grumbles. Jake looks up towards the ceiling quickly, noticing how much taller the walls were compared to earlier floors.

“I can Digivolve here now!” Veemon says. “Let’s do this!”




“GATLING ARM!!” “CUTTING SHOOT!!” Veedramon and Gargomon attack some of the Doctimon, releasing their grip from Devidramon.

“RAZOR WIND!!” And Reppamon attacks the Doctimon nearby Allison. The Doctimon all groan, glaring at the Digimon.

“S-stay back...I don’t wanna hurt you guys!” Gargomon stuttered nervously, backing away as he tried his best to keep his confidence. Meanwhile, Doctimon looked around the room, his eyes fixating to one specific door.

“That’s the room the sprinkler system is in...” Doctimon says. “Hand me the sap!” Jake hands him the bottle of sap, Doctimon running towards the door.

“This’ll only take a few minutes...Just keep them busy!” Doctimon says, promptly shutting the door. Everyone only watched nervously, as their partners fought the Doctimon, struggling to not hurt them too much.

“DRAINING SHOT!!” Two of the Doctimon attack Veedramon, only grumbled weakly, struggling to stand up. The others energy was also getting absorbed as well, too weak to even fight back anymore. The Doctimon all groaned, stepping closer, and closer towards the Digimon...

“I can’t watch this...” Logan whimpers, looking away. Everyone could do nothing bit stare...

...As the sprinkler systems suddenly clicked on, the sap falling down onto all of them. The sap stuck to their bodies, absorbing into them...As their bloody mode bodies slowly turned back to normal, the Doctimon all looking around in confusion. 

“What the...What happened?” One Doctimon asked, everyone sighing with relief, as the Digimon reverted back to their rookie forms.

“Man, that was close...” Lily says.

“...Guess this means I can come out now.” Everyone hears an unfamiliar voice, as a door creaks open...


‘Surgemon: Ultimate level, Vaccine. Like it’s champion counterpart, Surgemon has incredible healing powers, but increased tenfold, with medicine that can even reverse death if given fast enough. Main attacks include: Miracle Shot, Scissor Slash, Soft Touch.’

...To reveal Surgemon, a pretty tall Digimon, who steps out of the room. The Doctimon that helped the group walked out of the sprinkler room, up to Surgemon. “Surgemon, are you alright?” Doctimon asks.

“I’m alright, thank you Doctimon. I’m just lucky I didn’t get infected like the others.” Surgemon responds. Blaire looks around Surgemon, noticing that he was inside the treasure room, with stacks of items atop each other.

“My Digivice...! It’s gotta be in there!” Blaire says, running past Surgemon as she starts searching the room.

“Try not to take too much...” Surgemon says.

“It’s ok, I only need one thing...” Blaire says, as she keeps digging, reaching her hand underneath a pile. “Which is...Right...”


“...Here!” Blaire stretches her hand upwards, happily running back to the group with her pink striped Digivice shown to everyone. “I finally got it back! My Digivice!”

“Woo! Good job, Blaire!” Jake says, everyone congratulating her with happy smiles. Everyone looked happy, except for Lily, who made her way towards Surgemon...With a serious expression...Lopmon in her grasp. “Surgemon...I...Really need your help.” Lily says nervously.

“Of course, Anything for helping us out.” Surgemon responds. “What do you need help with?” Lily holds Lopmon up to Surgemon, who looks down at her curiously.

“My partners in some kind of coma...Can your medicine help wake her up?” Lily pleads. Surgemon takes a gentle hold of Lopmon with one hand, readying his syringe with the other.

“Yeah...I can wake her, no problem.” Surgemon lowers Lopmon to the ground... “MIRACLE SHOT!!” As he injects the needle into her. Everyone gasps, watching Lopmon, as Surgemon carefully lifts her onto her feet...

“...Urgh...” As Lopmon groans quietly, her body starting to twitch a bit...As she slowly opens her eyes. Everyone gasps in shock, Lily kneeling down to Lopmon’s level, a nervous smile forming on her face.

“...Lily...? Is that...You?” Lopmon softly asks, standing upright as she stares into Lily’s eyes.

“Oh my goodness...Lopmon, you’re actually awake!” Lily flaps her arms excitedly, her smile even wider. Lopmon then looks down at her body, gasping in shock. 

“What the...What happened to me?” Lopmon flaps her big ears slowly, as her body then starts to float an inch or two off the floor, everyone gasping.

“I’m...Floating? How did this...Happen?” Lopmon asks.

“Whoa...You can actually float, Lopmon! That’s super awesome!” Terriermon says happily, Lopmon looking over at him.

“Whoa...Terriermon?” Lopmon then looks up at Blaine. “And Blaine?” And at the others, with a confused expression. “Wha...Who are you people?” She asks.

“I’ll...Explain later.” Tears of happiness start falling from Lily’s eyes as she reaches forward and suddenly hugs Lopmon tightly, sobbing quietly. “I’m just...So happy you’re ok...Thank you, Surgemon...”

“It’s no problem...” Surgemon nods. “And you’re all free to come back here anytime of you need any more help...”

“We will...” Lily says. “Thank you...”

Sometime later...

Everyone left the hospital, Lily having explained everything that was going on to Lopmon, and being introduced to the others. Now, everyone had pretty happy spirits, walking confidently down the path.

“Man, this is awesome...” Jake says, with a smile. “Now nothing can take us down!”

“HEY.” Suddenly then, an unfamiliar voice speaks to them, stopping the group in their tracks. Blaire looks at the person, gasping as an expression of pure shock forms on her face.

“Oh no, it’s...You...” Blaire whimpers.
