Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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Jake meets Terriermon || Chapter 1

“WAAAAAAAAAAUGHHHH!!” Terriermon screeched, the bubble flying towards the ground like a meteor. The bubble was quickly heading towards what looked like some woods...As it crashed into a tree, immediately popping on contact.

“Oww...Ugh, my head!” Terriermon sat up in the tree, groaning as he rubbed his head. He was still holding onto the fifth Digivice, which didn’t have any scratches.

“The eggs...Where are they?!” Terriermon looks around in a frenzy, hopping down from the tree...And thankfully seeing the eggs nearby, which had landed on top of a bush.

“Oh, thank goodness, the eggs are fine!” Terriermon sighs with relief, as he carefully grabs the eggs, lowering them to the ground. He looks up at the clear, bright blue sky of what was now the real world...Silently staring upwards.

“Oh, Cherubimon, Anubismon...Everyone...I hope you’re all gonna be ok...” Terriermon silently pleads to himself. He looks down at the ground, feeling panic rise within him.

“Man...I can’t believe the entire Digital World is counting on me...ME!! I always wanted to become a Digidestined, but the way it’s happening now is so scary!! Alright, breathe Terriermon, you got this...” Terriermon calms himself down, taking deep breaths as his mood quickly changes. He looks around, as his eyes fixate on the eggs.

“And now I gotta raise these eggs too, and whatever Digimon comes outta them! And find partners for them too! Wait a minute...If im taking care of these eggs now...Does that make a mama, or a papa? I don’t know which one...” He thinks for a short moment.

“...Guess I’m a mama now! Which means I should probably find some food for these eggs before they hatch!” Terriermon looks around, walking a short distance in another direction...

“Whoa!” As he suddenly reaches a cliff top. He didn’t realize how high up he was, standing on top of a cliff that showed an incredible view of vast forest land, and many other cliffs.

“Whoa...Where the heck am I? This is nothing like New York...” Terriermon thinks. He looks around at the vast woods around him, concern growing inside of him.

“Maybe I should hide these eggs while I look for food...I don’t want anyone to steal or hurt them!” Terriermon looks at the same bush the eggs had landed in. He crawls inside of the bush, moving leaves and twigs aside as he makes an empty space, moving the eggs inside of the bush, out of sight.

“There, perfect! Don’t worry, little eggies...” Terriermon soothingly rubs each eggs shell, as he runs out of the bush, into a random direction.

“I’m gonna find us some food, don’t you worry!”

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Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

It was morning, as the sun had just recently rose up. In the midst of the huge national park, a large group of Middle-Schoolers had recently only arrived yesterday for a school field trip. Since it was still morning, most of the kids lay asleep in their cabins...


One kid, a young boy named Jake, slept soundly in his bed, sprawled out comfortably. Two boys, his roommates, stood over him, snickering and whispering to each other.


“AAAAHHHH!!” As one boy scared Jake awake, the young boy falling off the bed, landing on the wooden floor with a loud thump.

“Haha! Wakey wakey, you little baby!” One boy mocked him.

“Ha! I bet he was dreaming about making out with Lily! In your dreams, loser!” The other boy laughed, as they both laughed in an exaggerated manner.

“Yo, dude! Let’s go find the aliens that crashed in the woods or something!” One boy says, as they both laugh, quickly running out of the cabin.

“...Ugh, I really hope they’re not gonna wake me up like that every morning...” Jake mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead which was already forming a small bruise on it.

“Wait a minute...Aliens?” Jake thinks to himself, suddenly remembering hearing a loud crashing noise in the woods that woke him up earlier.

“Ooh, I wonder if Lily heard that too last night!” Jake quickly stands back up, running out of the cabin. He runs down a path, passing many other cabins before he finally reaches a random one with the door already open. He quickly opens it and walks inside.


And immediately spots Lily. She was the only one in the cabin, her back faced away from Jake as she sat down on her bed, looking down at something.

“Hey, Lily!” Jake calls her attention, as Lily is quickly alerted by his voice, stuffing something under her pillow as she turns to face Jake.

“Jake! Man, you scared me.” Lily gives a weak smile. Jake looks around her, looking at her pillow.

“What were you doing?” Jake asks curiously. Lily awkwardly looks back for a moment.

“Aw, it’s uh...Nothing important.” She quickly brushes it off.

“Oh, ok...Um, did you hear that crashing noise this morning?” Jake asks.

“Pfft, I’d be surprised if anyone didn’t hear that.” Lily smirks, standing up off the bed as she walks closer to Jake. She then quickly notices the small bruise on Jake’s head, gently rubbing the injury.

“Whoa...Where the heck did this come from?” Lily asks.

“Oh...Those two guys, Steven and Stephen...They woke me up this morning, and I fell off the bed and hit my head.” Jake responds.

“Ugh, god...” Lily frowns, rolling her eyes. “I still can’t believe you have to be roommates with those jerks for an entire week.

“Hey, it’s not that bad...At least they didn’t put a squirrel in my pants like they threatened to do yesterday!” Jake laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I guess, but...You really shouldn’t let them bully you like that.” Lily says, Jake’s expression falting to a frown.

“I know, I just...Don’t like confrontation is all...” Jake mumbles, looking away.

“Hey...You two slept well?” Another voice cuts through their conversation. They quickly turn to the door to see the source of the voice.


“Blaine, hey!” Lily greets Blaine, who was casually leaned against the side of the door. “Uh, I slept fine.”

“Yeah, would’ve been better though if it wasn’t for that crashing noise.” Jake says.

“Pfft, I bet. Everyones at the lodge talking about that right now. They all have some crazy theory that it was caused by aliens or something.” Blaine says.

“Ooh, maybe we should all sneak into the woods and try to find whatever made that noise!” Jake excitedly suggests. “You two wanna come with me?”

“I would, but I don’t wanna get in trouble on my first day of chaperoning.” Blaine says.

“As long as I can avoid the counselor’s wrath by doing so, then...Maybe.” Lily says, a small smirk.

“Yes! Come on, let’s head to the lodge and get breakfast. I’ll race you guys there!” Jake energetically runs out of the cabin. Lily tries to follow, but Blaine puts a hand out, stopping her.

“Your Digivice.” Blaine sternly says, pointing behind Lily.

“My...Digivice? Uh, I didn’t bring it, wha-what makes you-“ Lily stutters nervously, awkwardly looking around.

“I can see it under your pillow.” Blaine says. Lily turns around, to see her bright pink Digivice barely sticking out from underneath. Lily sighs, pulling the device out.

“I...Didn’t want Jake to see it.” Lily mutters. “P-please don’t tell the others I still carry this around, I-“

“Don’t worry about it.” Blaine cuts her off, digging into his pocket as he pulls out his black colored Digivice.

“You...Too?” Lily stares at his Digivice, wide eyed.

“Now often, but yeah...You can even ask the others, and I bet they’ll say the same.” Blaine says. “We all have a hard time letting go of the past.”

“Blaine...Do you think that crashing in the woods...Was possibly...”

“...A Digimon?” Blaine finishes her sentence. Lily nods, as the two awkwardly stand there silently, thinking.

“Maybe. We shouldn’t worry about it too much.” Blaine says. “We should go eat breakfast too. We have to go on a hike afterwards...And I think you’re in my group.”

“Aw man, does that mean I can’t sneak off with Jake?” Lily smirks, Blaine smirking back.

“Pfft, not on my watch.”

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Terriermon hurriedly ran through the woods, holding as many berries as he could, running back inside the bush.

“Alright little eggies, I got you some food!” Terriermon exclaims. “Now it’s-“


The eggs suddenly then start to shake and rumble, as the shells of each egg start to crack one by one...

“Oh my goodness...YOU’RE FINALLY HATCHING!! EEEEEKK!!” Terriermon squeals happily, as the egg finally start to hatch...

First, the egg with the dark purple bat wing pattern hatches into...



Next, the egg with the blue V patterns on it hatches into...



Next, the egg with the lavender colored yin yang hatches into...



And lastly, the egg with the purple designs hatches into...



All the baby Digimon squeaked curiously, blinking slowly as they smiled happily.

“Oh my gosh...You’re all so...ADORABLE!!” Terriermon squealed in delight, eyes sparkling as he admired the baby Digimon.

“I bet you’re all hungry. Don’t worry, mama Terriermon’s got you!” Terriermon places all the berries in front of the Digimon. “Eat up!” The Digimon curiously sniff the food, before bouncing and squeaking happily, immediately digging in.

‘Man, I really hope those berries aren’t poisonous...” Terriermon thinks to himself, as his eyes cautiously scan back and forth between the baby mons.

‘Anubismon said that one of these eggs had a dark power coming from it, so...’ Terriermon spots the egg shells of the egg with the bat wing pattern on it, noticing that Poyomon was sitting right next to them.

“Then that means, the bad Digimon is...You!” Terriermon points at Poyomon, finger in his face...As Poyomon reaches forward, chomping on Terriermon’s hand.

“OW! Man, you are a little tyrant...” Terriermon grumbles, rubbing his finger. “But don’t worry, mama Terriermon’s gonna make sure you don’t-Hey, did you all already finish your food?” Terriermon notices how quickly they ate the berries. The babies squeak happily as they run out of the bush, hopping and playing around with the nature around them.

“Woah, hey! Calm down everyone!” Terriermon says, but the babies completely ignore him.

“Come on! Quit it! You’re gonna hurt yourselves!” Terriermon scolds as the babies play with sticks and climb in trees, only annoying Terriermon even more, as he angrily puffs his cheeks.

“Ugh, you’re all supposed to listen to me! We have the save the Digital World when you all grow up, and find yourselves human partners! And the only way to do that is listen to me, alright?” The babies still ignore him, as Chibomon bounces on Terriermon’s head, making him fall down. Terriermon feels more and more anger welling in him, until he can’t hold it in anymore...

“...IF I GIVE YOU ALL MORE FOOD, WILL YOU STOP FOR A SECOND AND LISTEN TO ME?!” Terriermon snaps and screeches, finally getting their attention as they stop and stare at him. Terriermon takes a deep breath.

“Just...Go back into the bush, and stay there until I find more food, ok? And make sure your Digivices are polished and clean!” Terriermon scolds the babies, as they finally listen to him, diving back into the bush. Terriermon sighs with relief, walking off into another direction.

“Man...Being a mama is harder then I thought!” Terriermon mutters. “Hopefully it’ll all be worth it in the end...” Terriermon stops, looking at two different directions.

“Already picked all the berries from that one bush, gotta find another one...!” Terriermon walks into another direction, a short walk...Before he hears a low growling noise behind him. He stops, turning around...To see a huge bear looming over him, fangs beared.

“Woah, what the heck are you?! You’re not a human!” Terriermon says curiously. The bear takes a step forward, Terriermon nervously backing away...As the bear roars loudly, charging at him.

“AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!” Terriermon screeches, dashing away as the bear chases him through the trees and bushes. Terriermon dashes through a bush, as he suddenly reaches a cliff top, nearly stumbling off of it. The bears growls and slowly creeps near him, Terriermon being trapped.

“Urgh...You’re not eating me, or my Digivice!” Terriermon threatens, one ear curled around the Digivice to protect it. “BUNNY BLAST!!” Terriermon shoots a shot of powerful air at the bear. But it only makes the bear angrier, as he takes a swipe at Terriermon. He thankfully dodges it, but the attack makes him stumble...Falling off the edge of the cliff.

“AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!” Terriermon screams, rapidly falling as he roughly crashes into a tree below him. Despite the rough landing though, Terriermon was mostly fine, able to stand up right away.

“Ughh...Man, what a jerk!” Terriermon stares at the Digivice, which luckily had no scratches.

“Thank goodness...” Terriermon stares up at the sky, looking at the cliff he fell off of. 

“Man, how am I gonna get back up there?” Terriermon thinks to himself with worry, but quickly shakes it off, hopping down the tree.

“Ah, forget it...I’ll figure it out once I find some food!”

Sometime later...

Jake and a group of other kids hiked up a mountain trail, following a chaperone. Jake lagged behind the back of the group, staring at the nature scenery around him.

‘Man, I wish Lily was in my group...’ Jake thought to himself. He looked at a side of the cliffs, noticing that it looked climbable.

‘Bet I could climb up this, and find what crashed in the woods...’ Jake stopped, the group walking forward and not noticing him. He shrugs, grabbing onto the rocks and starting to climb up.

‘Eh, they won’t notice if I’m gone...Then, I’ll tell Lily about whatever I find!” Jake thinks, as he climbs up the mountain with ease. After a few minutes, he eventually hoists himself up to a cliff, with a small clearing...


With an amazing view of the nature around him, a rushing waterfall that he could hear even from being miles away.

“Whoa...” Jake’s eyes sparkled, as he admired the beautiful scene in front of his eyes. “This place really is beautiful...”

...Behind him though, Jake didn’t realize, that Terriermon had spotted him, staring down at him from up high in a tree. Terriermon stuck his head out to look, as he accidentally moved some leaves which made a rustling noise. The noise caught Jake’s attention, as he turned to the tree, Terriermon quickly ducking out of sight.

“Was that a squirrel?” Jake wonders, as a small smile forms on his face. “Come here little guy, I’m not gonna hurt you...” He gently speaks to Terriermon, who curiously pokes his head back out.

“Whoa...You’re not a squirrel...What kind of weird little animal are you?” Jake curiously squints at Terriermon, the two staring silently at one another.

“You almost remind me of those...Monsters I saw on TV. That were attacking the city a few years ago...What were they called?” Jake thinks to himself. “...Digimon? Are you one of them that took over the city?”

“Uh, I happened to be one of the good Digimon that helped save the city, thank you very much!” Terriermon blurts out, Jake’s expression changing to freaked out in a split second.

“Wha...What the?!” Jake backs away nervously, as Terriermon climbs down from the tree, stepping closer to him. Jake steps back too far though, as his foot slips, falling off the cliff...

...But luckily, Terriermon quickly catches him with his ears, hoisting him back up.

“Wha-What the?! You just...Saved my life!” Jake stutters nervously, trying to process what just happened. “Uh...Thank you.”

“No problem! I know you humans are much more fragile and squishy then us Digimon.” Terriermon smiles. Jake looks to the ground, noticing that Terriermon dropped his Digivice. He picks it up...

“Hey, is this yours?” Jake asks, as a burst of light suddenly comes from the screen, surprising both.

“It glowed! When you touched it!!” Terriermon gasps. “That means...” A sparkle appears in the little rabbit Digimon’s eyes, as he squeals happily. “...YOU’RE MY PARTNER! I FINALLY FOUND MY PARTNER!!” Terriermon giggles with pure joy, leaping into Jake’s arms in a sudden group hug.

“Whoa what the...Partner?!” Jake awkwardly hugs Terriermon back.

“I finally get to have the partner I’ve always wanted! I’m so happy!!” Terriermon squeals.

“Uh, I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but...What are you talking about?” Jake asks, as Terriermon leaps out of the hug, back onto the ground.

“I’ll explain it! But first...I’m Terriermon! What’s your name?”

“Uh...It’s Jake.”

“Jake! Eeeeek, I’m just so happy!!” Terriermon spins happily. “Alright, so you’re my partner now. Which means we get to fight bad Digimon...Together! Hee hee!”

“Fight...Bad Digimon? Uhh, I don’t know how good I am at fighting...” Jake mutters, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

“It’s ok, I’ll show you! We just have to find some bad Digimon to fight...When I Digivolve! Uh, you can keep that Digivice if you want!” Terriermon points to it, Jake looking at the screen for a moment before he shoves it in his pocket.

“Uh, alright...Where are we supposed to find the bad Digimon?” Jake asks.

“Somewhere! But uh, first...” Terriermon looks down, thinking. “I feel like I’m forgetting something, but I just don’t know what-“

Then, it clicks in his head.

“Oh my goodness! My babies! I forgot about them!!” Terriermon cries, his expression quickly changing to panic.

“Your...Babies?” Jake looks confused.

“Yeah! I left them all alone, and I need to get back to them! And you gotta come with me! I’m im their mama, that makes you their papa now!”

“Me? A papa?! But I’m only twelve!” Jake stutters nervously.

“Your gender isn’t important right now, we gotta find our babies! Come on, follow me!” Terriermon runs off in another direction. Jake looks extra confused...But still follows Terriermon anyways.

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The two managed to find their way back up the cliff, back to the bush...But Terriermon looked inside the bush, seeing no sign of the baby Digimon.

“Oh no, they’re all gone! Where’d they go?!” Terriermon whimpers.

“Where do you think they could be?” Jake asks. 

“EEEEEEEEEEKK!!” Suddenly high pitched screaming comes from close by, sounding like the babies. Jake and Terriermon run to the direction of the screaming...


...And see a hideous, tall Digimon looming over the babies, fangs and claws beared as they stood frozen in fear.

“Wha-What the heck is that thing?!” Jake stutters in fear.

“Look it up on your Digivice!” Terriermon says. Jake pulls the Digivice out, as the analyzer pops up quickly on the screen.

‘Wendigomon: Champion level, Virus. Formerly a Lopmon that went through a dark Digivolution due to anger and hatred. Main attacks include: Koko Crusher, Cable Crusher.’

“Wendigomon, stay away from my babies! BUNNY BLAST!!” Terriermon attacks Wendigomon, but does nothing as he effortlessly swipes Terriermon away. Wendigomon growls and smirks, as he raises his claws at the babies...


...But something unexpected happens. The babies bodies start glowing brightly....In the light of Digivolution, as their bodies slowly start to change...

Poyomon, digivolves to...



Chibomon, digivolves to...



Pafumon, digivolves to...



And finally, Dodomon digivolves to...



“Wha...My babies all just...Digivolved?!” Terriermon stares in shock.

“Whoa...How’d they do that?” Jake asks.

“We’re not letting Wendigomon take us!” Demiveemon calls. “Baby squad, attack!!” All the baby Digimon charge at Wendigomon, clamping down and biting, punching at his fur...But this only confuses Wendigomon and does no harm, as he roars, slapping and shaking all the babies off him as they collapse onto the ground. Wendigomon smirks, taking a step towards them...

...But Jake suddenly steps forward, arms outstretched protectively in front of the babies.

“Leave these baby Digimon alone, Wendigomon!” Jake threatens, a determined look on his face. Wendigomon barely flinches though, as he raises his claws at Jake...

“Jake, get away from him! He’s gonna kill you!!” Terriermon cries out. Jake’s expression quickly turns to fear, as Wendigomon raises his claws down at him.

“Aw geez...I-I don’t wanna die!!” Jake loudly whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut, Wendigomon’s claws inches away...

“JAKE!! NO!!”

Suddenly, the unexpected happens...Jake’s Digivice starts rumbling, the stripes on the device slowly changing color...


The Digivice then glows brightly, a light also enveloping Terriermon...

...The light of Digivolution.




Jake slowly opens his eyes, shocked at Terriermon’s new form, who was protectively standing in front of him. Gargomon was much bigger then Terriermon, but still only have the height of Wendigomon. He didn’t care though, only glaring fiercely at Wendigomon.

“Woah...You can evolve too, Terriermon?!” Jake asks. 

“Heh, thanks to you, I can!” Gargomon smirks, turning to Wendigomon. “Now I’d you’ll excuse me...I’ve got a Digimon to fight! DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” Gargomon strikes upwards with an uppercut from his guns, striking Wendigimon right in his jaw. Wendigomon growls, baring his teeth in fury.

“KOKO CRUSHER!!” Wendigomon lets out a high pitched scream, pushing everyone but Gargomon back a bit...

“GATLING ARM!!” Gargomon fires bullets from his guns, hurting Wendigomon a lot as it stops his scream. “DUMDUM UPPERCUT!!” Gargomon strikes one last time, Wendigomon falling to the ground in pain, barely able to stand. Gargomon aims his guns at him, Wendigomon staring right down the barrel.

“It’s over for you, Wendigomon!” Gargomon threatens. Wendigomon, though, doesn’t flinch...Instead, a creepy smirk forms on his face. He stares at the baby Digimon, laughing silently to himself.

“What the? What’s so funny?!” Gargomon threatens. Wendigomon doesn’t respond, as his body starts glowing a purple color...

“Wh-What’s he-“

“GET DOWN!!” Gargomon grabs Jake, wrapping his around around him protectively...

“KOKO DESTROYER!!” Wendigomon’s body explodes, creating a huge explosion that completely poofs to dust...And also sends the baby Digimon flying into the air.

“MY BABIES!! NO!!” Gargomon screeches as he reverts back to Terriermon. The two can only do nothing, but watch as the baby Digimon fly away from them, in separate directions...Completely out of sight.

“Oh no...They went in different directions...” Jake whimpers. “They could be anywhere by now!”

“W-We gotta find them! We gotta-“

“Terriermon, wait!” Jake quickly cuts him off.


“Terriermon, look up at the sky...” Jake says. Terriermon looks up, noticing that the sky was getting darker, and the sun was setting.

“And look at yourself...You’re exhausted from that fight...” Jake continues, looking at Terriermon who was panting from exhaustion, and his body was covered with scratches.

“I hate to say it, but both of us could kill ourselves if we start looking right now...And I could get in huge trouble if I don’t go back to my cabin soon...So how about we go back there and rest, then look for them tomorrow morning?” Terriermon looked between Jake and the woods with a concerned expression. He knew Jake was right though, as he sighed in defeat.

“Yeah...You’re right.”

Sometime later...

Jake and Terriermon were at their cabin, just the two of them. Jake’s bag was emptied out, with some clothes now on the floor, as he tried pushing Terriermon inside it, but he wouldn’t budge.

“No! I won’t sleep in your bag tonight!” Terriermon whines.

“Come on, Terriermon...! I can’t let anyone see you...!” Jake grumbles.

“Hey Jake, where have you been all day? I-“ Lily’s voice cuts through the air as she suddenly walks into the cabin, her and everyone freezing the second she spots Terriermon. Terriermon’s expression softens, as he steps closer to Lily, both staring at each other silently.

“...Lily?” Terriermon speaks her name.

“...Terriermon!!” Lily and Terriermon smile widely, suddenly running to eachother and giving a warm embrace, Jake staring in shock.

“Terriermon, I missed you so much! I can’t believe you’re here...Wait a minute, why are you even here?” Lily asks, letting go of the hug.

“I came here to find a partner! Jake is my partner now!” Terriermon says happily, Lily gasping quietly.

“Jake...You’re a Digidestined? And Terriermon is your partner?!” Lily asks, shocked.

“You know Terriermon?!” Jake asks. “Wait a minute, what’s a Digidestined?”

“Uh...If you’re a Digidestined, does that mean you all have a...” Lily speaks, as they both pull out their Digivices at the same time.

“You’re a Digidestined too?!” Jake asks. Mixed looks of worry and confusion cross his face, as he runs his hands through his hair. “I really don’t understand all of this..” Lily sighs, sitting down on the floor in front of him.

“...Then it’s time I finally tell you.”

Sometime later...

All three of them talked for what felt like hours...About everything. Lily explained everything that happened during her adventure, what happened to her sister, and what happened to her partner...And Terriermon explains what happened in the Digital World...The two also better explaining to Jake what a Digidestined is.

“Man...Taeka really just, transformed into a Digimon...And has been living in the Digital World this whole time?!” Jake stares in shock.

“Yeah, that story we made up about Taeka going missing was just a lie, to avoid any suspicion...” Lily says. She sighs, her face dropping as she looks down to the floor. “Taeka, Cherubimon, please be ok you two...”

“We still gotta find my babies too...” Terriermon whimpers, also slumping down.

“If we find the babies, and partners for them, we can go back to the Digital World, and get Taeka back...Right?” Jake asks. Lily lifts her head back up, her face now serious.

“Yeah...Tomorrow, we can ask Blaine for help, and explain everything to him too...” Lily says.

“Ooh, Blaines here too? Where is he?! Are the others here too?!” Terriermon asks.

“No, it’s just be and Blaine here...” Lily responds. “Erik, Cora and Axel are back in New York. We’re only here because of this field trip. But, Terriermon, don’t worry...

...We’ll get our friends and family back.”