Digimon Dark Worlds 02: Crests of the Sins

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 1 month ago
31 118759

Chapter 21
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

3 years after the Digidestined children defeated the 7 great demon lords and Ebemon, all seemed well as the digidestined Digimon protected the balance of the Digital World...

...But another great force of evil, unlocked the seal to the Dark Area, unleashing every evil Digimon that exists, to wreak havoc on the Digital World.

Will the new Digidestined be able to save everyone, before the chaos brings down the whole Digital World?

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The old crew’s return || Chapter 20

It was bright and early the next morning, everyone now back at Wizardmon’s house, Maildramon bringing everyone there after the successful rescue mission to make sure they were safe. “Urgh...” Jake yawned and stretched, sitting up on his bed. He looked around the room, seeing that everyone’s beds were empty, besides the rescued Digimon partners who were still asleep...And Taeka who was also still sleeping, Lily sitting down on the floor next to her.

“Hey, morning Lily...” Jake stretches and stands up out of bed, walking up to Lily and sitting down next to her. “I hope you weren’t just watching her all night.”

“Heh, don’t worry, I wasn’t.” Lily says, laughing a bit. “Just the past hour or so.”

“You think she’s gonna be ok?” Jake asks.

“Yeah, I mean...She’s still got a pulse.” Lily responds. “And Wizardmon says she could wake up any minute now.”

“That’s good.” Jake says, nodding. “Atleast we know her and the others will be ok.”

“We sure will be!” A voice cuts through their conversation, the two turning around to see that the voice came from Babydmon, who was now awake, alongside ToyAgumon, Xiaomon, Tsumemon, and KyoKyomon.

“Whoa! When the heck did you guys wake up?!” Lily gasps, her and Jake surprised.

“Just a second ago!” Babydmon says cheerfully. “Now where’s our partners?!”

“Yeah, I wanna see Axel again!” ToyAgumon says, everyone asking for their partners.

“Whoa, calm down you guys!” Lily says. “KyoKyomon, Blaine’s downstairs eating breakfast if you wanna see him right now. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you awake.”

“Alright, thank you Lily.” KyoKyomon nods, leaving the room.

“Hey, what about Erik?!” Xiaomon barks. “I miss him! I wanna see him too!”

“Maildramon left for our world to pick up Erik, Cora and Axel.” Lily responds. “That was about an hour ago, so he should be back any second now...For now, I think you guys should go downstairs and get something to eat as well...I’m sure you all must be starving by now.”

“Ooh, yay! I’m so hungry!” Babydmon says. “Come on guys, let’s go!” All the Digimon quickly then leave the room.

“Hey, Lily, why don’t we go and eat something too?” Jake asks. “It’s not like Taeka’s going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Yeah...I guess you’re right.” Lily says, standing up. “I am pretty hungry. Let’s go.” The two leave the room, walking down the stairs. When they arrive downstairs, they see everyone eating, except for the baby Digimon, who were all hiding behind some couches, motioning for Jake and Lily to be quiet. They then pointed over to KyoKyomon, who was quietly sneaking up on Blaine...Suddenly jumping onto him, landing in his arms.

“Whoa, KyoKyomon! You’re awake...” Blaine stares down at his partner, wide eyed, everyone also gasping.

“Sure am...” KyoKyomon smiles. “Nice to see you again, Blaine.” Blaine couldn’t help but smile back at KyoKyomon, hugging him tightly. “You too, buddy.”

“Yay! What a happy reunion! Now let’s eat!” ToyAgumon says, the rest of them jumping out and surprising everyone as they suddenly run to the tables, hurriedly chowing down on the food.

“Geez...These little guys are fast eaters!” Logan says, staring at them wide eyed, Lily and Jake giggling. “They sure can. Come on Jake, let’s eat t-“

Knock knock! Lily and Jake stop, getting cut off by a sudden knock on the door. The door then promptly opens, Maildramon walking inside.

“Hey, these three are your friends, right?” Maildramon asks. “I hope I didn’t pick up the wrong kids or something.” He chuckles jokingly...




...The three walking into the room...Erik, Cora, and Axel. Lily gasped, her eyes lighting up with excitement when she saw them.


“LILY!!” Lily and Erik spoke to each other, the two squealing happily as they ran towards one another, enveloping each other in a tight hug.

“Man, you guys have no idea how good it feels to see you all right now!” Lily says.

“Actually...I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of it.” Erik says, chuckling.

“Ooh, I wanna join in too! Group hug!” Cora says, hugging Erik and Lily as well.

“Axel, come on! Join our group hug!” Erik waves over to Axel, who shrugs, smiling.

“Ah heck, why not?” Axel says, also joining the hug. The four stay embraced for a moment, before finally letting go. “Hey, isn’t Blaine around here, too? Where is he?” Erik asks, looking around.

“Over here!” Blaine calls from the kitchen, running over to Erik.

“Blaine! Hey man!” Erik and Blaine smile, proudly high-fiving one another. “How’s the Digital World been treating you guys?”

“Pretty roughly, but...We’ve managed to pull through it.” Blaine responds.

“Ooh, Blaine! Where’s our partners at? Maildramon told us about your rescue mission...” Cora says.

“Oh, well...”

“CORA!!” “ERIK!!” “AXEL!!” All the Digimon quickly run out of the kitchen...





...Suddenly all back to their rookie forms. Babydmon to Dracomon, Xiaomon to Labramon, KyoKyomon to Ryudamon, and Tsumemon to BlackGabumon. Labramon, BlackGabumon and ToyAgumon all happily ran to their partners, jumping onto them suddenly.

“Whoa...Guess all they needed was a good meal.” Jake says, wide eyed.

“ERIK!! ERIK!! ERIK!! You’re finally back! I’m so happy!!” Labramon barked happily, pouncing on Erik hard enough to knock him to the floor.

“Whoa, take it easy buddy!” Erik giggles, hugging Labramon back. “But me too.”

“Axel, I missed you so much!” ToyAgumon says, the two hugging. “It’s been so lonely in the Digital World without you!”

“I know...Same thing for me!” Axel smiles.

“Wow, Cora...” BlackGabumon smiles at her. “You look so different now!”

“Yeah...And you look the exact same.” Cora giggles, the two also hugging. Meanwhile, Dracomon’s eyes look around at the reunion, sighing to himself.

“Man...This feels lonely without Taeka here!” Dracomon says, making his way towards the stairs. “Dracomon, where are you going?” Lily asks.

“I’m gonna check if Taeka’s awake yet!” Dracomon says, leaving for upstairs.

“Man...None of this would’ve been possible if it wasn’t for the new Digidestined.” Blaine smiles.

“Oh! Right!” Erik stands up, everyone looking at Blaine. “Where are the new Digidestined? I’ve been super excited to meet them!”

“Everyone! Come out here!” Lily calls to the kitchen, the newer Digidestined coming out. “Let’s all introduce ourselves!” For a while, everyone goes back and forth, exchanging names, having conversations with one another, and much more...

“WOOOOO!!” And everyone suddenly goes silent, hearing someone yell upstairs. Everyone turns their attention to the stairs...As Taeka suddenly jumps down, alongside Dracomon, making everyone gasp in excitement.

“YEAHHH!! I’M BACK BABY!!” Taeka cheers loudly...As she suddenly groans, her body slumping down a bit. “Ow...Ugh, man, my back hurts. “Taeka grumbles. “What happened while I was asleep?”

“Taeka!!” Lily suddenly runs forward, enveloping Taeka in a tight hug, as tears fall down her face. “I’m so happy...To have you back.” She sniffles. “You’re...Alright...”

“Yay! Taeka’s back!” Cora giggles, all the old Digidestined giving her a group hug as well. “Whoa, guys! Easy on me!” Taeka grumbled, but she couldn’t help but smile, hugging them back. “Aw, but I’m happy to see you guys too!” Everyone stays embraced for a moment until they step back, Taeka suddenly looking down at her clothes, the same ones she was wearing on her last adventure, but now they looked all shrunken, nearly ready to pop off. “Man, what the heck happened to my clothes?” Taeka asks.

“Oh, is that why Maildramon asked me to bring some clothing over?” Erik asks, as he digs into his backpack, pulling out some clothes. “Ooh, sweet! Let me change real quick!” Taeka quickly grabs the clothes, running upstairs for a quick moment...Until she quickly runs back downstairs, with the new outfit on.


“Tada! How do I look?” Taeka asks, smiling. “Ew...” Lily cringes, her eyes scanning Taeka’s outfit. “Erik, you seriously couldn’t have gotten some better clothes for her?”

“Sorry, those are my mom’s old clothes...” Erik says, shrugging. “Those are the best I could get on such short notice...”

“Eh, I don’t mind them.” Taeka says, smiling. “I can change into something better when we go home anyways...”

“Man, isn’t this amazing, Terriermon?” Jake says, looking down at his partner.

“Yeah! Now that we’re all together and teamed up, there’s no way the Demondestined can defeat us now!!” Terriermon says.

“Wait a minute...” Axel looks at the two curiously. “Terriermon, did you just say...Demondestined?”

“Who’s the Demondestined supposed to be?” Erik asks. Blaine and Lily’s faces fall, exchanging serious glances.

“Man...” Blaine sighs. “We got a lot of catching up to do.”

Sometime later...

The older Digidestined went into another room to talk, whilst the others, alongside the Digimon, all hung out in another. Blaine and Lily took this time to pretty much explain...Everything that’s happened. Explaining the Demondestined, the Nightmare Infection taking over the Digital World, the X antibodies...Pretty much everything, going into as much detail as they possibly could.

“Wow...These Demondestined sound pretty scary.” Axel says, sighing. “And I thought I was bad when I was the Dark King!”

“These kids are way worse then the Dark King.” Blaine says. “Atleast back then, the Dark King had a reason for what he was doing, but...I have no idea what these Demondestined’s intentions are...Honestly, I think they’re just causing all this havoc simply for the fun of it.”

“That’s horrible...” Erik sighs. “And Lily, you said Lucemon’s back too?” He asks.

“Yup, he sure is...” Lily says, a perplexed look on her face. “And honestly, I don’t think he’s the only one returning...” Everyone turns their attention to Lily. “I think... The Demon lords came back to life, and somehow found partners, so they could bring their powers back quickly...And thats what the Demondestined are.”

Makes sense...Demon lords, Demondestined...” Axel says.

“Geez, does this mean we gotta fight the Demon lords...And possibly Ogudomon again?” Cora worriedly asks.

“Hey, it’s no problem...” Taeka says enthusiastically. “If we beat them once, we can beat them again, right?”

“I’m honestly more worried about whoever’s helping them out...” Blaine says. “Clearly somebody helped the Demon lords find their partners, and who knows what kinds of ungodly powers that thing has...”

“There’s still one thing I don’t understand...” Erik says. “Lily, Blaine, you guys found Lucemon, and said that there’s five Demondestined...But isn’t there supposed to be seven Demon lords? Where’s the seventh one then?” Erik states, everyone exchanging concerned glances.

“I guess they must be hiding somewhere...” Blaine says. “But who knows where.”

“Yeah, especially after we destroyed their main base...” Lily adds. “Who knows where any of the Demondestined could be by now.” Lily pauses, turning to Taeka. “Taeka, do you remember anything when you were Examon? Before you split up and got knocked out?”

“No, not really...” Taeka thinks, rubbing her head. “I think I got knocked out by something, but I don’t know what! These past few months since I became Examon became such a blur to me...”

“......” Everyone was silent from this statement, all blankly staring at Taeka. “Uhh...What are you guys looking at?” Taeka asks.

“Taeka...How long do you think you’ve been in the Digital World for?” Cora asks.

“I don’t know, like...Three months or so? Why?” Taeka says.


“Wha-Why are guys so freaked out?! How long have I actually been here for?!” Taeka asks.

“Taeka...You’ve been in the Digital World for three years.” Axel says.

“Wait...WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Taeka freaks out, a panicked look as she looks around the room, before her head slumps down in defeat. “Ah, man...Moms gonna kill me when we get back!”

“She’ll definitely have a few choice words for you...” Lily says, smirking.

“Uh, guys? What exactly are we supposed to do next?” Erik asks. A silence filled the room, everyone thinking...

“...I think we need to get rid of this Nightmare Infection once and for all.” Axel suddenly states. “I mean, if the Demondestined wanna wreck the Digital World with it, the first thing we should do is take out this infection, right? And I’ve got the perfect plan for it...We can all split up into multiple groups, cover as many areas as we can, and take out all the Nightmare Digimon at once...And with each group, we should mix old Digidestined with new. I theorize that since we gave up the power of our Digivices many years ago, us older Digidestined might need a bit more time before we can reach our mega forms again...So we might need the newer Digidestined to protect us a bit for now...” Everyone exchanges glances, all nodding in approval with this plan.

“Sounds good enough.” Blaine says. “And if the Demondestined just so happen to be crawling around these areas, we can finally take them out as well.” 

“Right.” Axel nods. “I think we should talk to the others, see if they agree with the plan too.” Everyone nods in agreement, standing up as they start leaving the room...

...When something suddenly pops into Lily’s head. “Oh, god...” She grabs Blaine’s arm, whispering into his ear.

“Crap, I totally forgot about that...” Blaine says, the two looking over at Cora. “We gotta tell her...” Lily says, Blaine nodding. The two let everyone else leave the room...

“Cora, wait.” But Lily stops Cora, who looks back over at the two. “We gotta tell you something. Come here.” Blaine says, Cora sitting back down.

“Just...Me?” Cora asks curiously. “What is it?” Blaine and Lily both sigh.

“Cora, there’s...No easy way to tell you this, but...” Lily says.

“You know your girlfriend...Rosalie?” Blaine says. “Yeah...” Cora gives a confused look. “What about her?” Blaine and Lily exchange concerned glances, giving one last sigh.

“There’s no easy way to say this...” Blaine says. “But Rosalie’s one of the Demondestined.” Cora was shocked by this statement, silent for a moment, before giving a nervous laugh. “Wha...What? Come on guys, that not funny...” Cora says, but Lily and Blaine don’t respond for a while, Cora frowning.

“Cora, why would we joke about that?” Blaine says.

“It’s true...She’s partnered to the BlackGatomon.” Lily says. Cora silently looks down, many different emotions crossing her face. “I...M-maybe shes being controlled or something? Or manipulated?” Cora says. “ I don’t think...”


“Guys, come on, that just makes no sense whatsoever.” Cora stands up, with a hurt expression as she turns to the door. “Please...Don’t lie to me like that again, ok?” Without giving them the chance to respond, Cora then leaves the room, Lily giving a worried glance to Blaine.

“Hey, we tried...” Blaine says, shrugging.

“Yeah...” Lily mumbles. “Guess she’ll just have to see it for herself.”

Sometime later...

Everyone took the rest of the day to relax, getting to know eachother, whilst also setting up their plans for what to do next. Finally, sometime in the late afternoon, everyone gathered around the living room table, Axel setting some papers down on the table, which finally had their plans laid out.

“Alright, everyone...” Axel announces. “So just to recap, we all know what we’re doing...Right? With taking out these Nightmare Digimon?” Axel asks, everyone silently nodding yes. “Ok, good...So here’s the plan. We’ve got three different groups, and each one has their own areas they’re gonna cover...”

“I’ve got my own group too.” Wizardmon adds. “Me, Maildramon, Toropiamon, and Surgemon are all gonna travel around as well...Hopefully we can use Toropiamon’s medicine to help heal some of the Nightmare Digimon.”

“Right. So, here’s the three groups...” Axel continues. “Group one...That’ll be me, Logan, Lily, and Allison. We’ll first be hiking out to a beach area, which Wizardmon heard is in some desperate need of help.”

“Yeah! Let’s do this!” Tokomon hops up, everyone gasping as he suddenly Digivolves back into Tsukaimon. “I’m ready!”

“Alright then, next group will be...Taeka, Cora, and Blaire. This group’s first mission will be to help out a huge circus area.”

“Yay! Girl power!” Blaire giggles, high-fiving Taeka and Cora.

“Then, the last group will be...Erik, Blaine, Jake, and Hoshi. Your first mission will be to hike up to some mountain areas, and help out this smaller area. We don’t know exactly what’s up there, so make sure you’re all extra careful out there.”

“Yeah! We got this!” Terriermon says, high-fiving Jake.

“And since I added those extra updates to all your Digivices, we should all be able to communicate to one another in case we need help, and you can all contact me when you’re ready to move onto your next mission...” Axel states. “We’re all leaving tomorrow morning, so...Does anyone have any objections, or questions before we go?” Axel asks, but everyone is silent, all nodding in denial.

“Yeah! We all got this, team!” Taeka cheers, everyone smiling. “Let’s give it our all, and save the Digital World!!”