
3 years, 1 month ago





"These Creachers are known for their mischievous behavior and their vintage appeal. They are very loyal to their chosen mahou and often choose to stay with said mahou their whole life (by choice!) As such, these Creachers are hard to find; and that's without considering their natural camouflage!"


1. Grramophonies are borne pranksters;
While most are considered harmless, it's in a Grramophony’s nature to be mischievous.
Some are not as bad, but the species’ past of spooks both intentional and accidental
are one of the creachers’ most defining traits. 
To compare both of those examples, one Grramophony could be much like a lazy, silent housecat, 
while another could intentionally move from across the room to right next to you with a spooky little creak just to scare you.

2. While a Grramophony is capable of its own noises, most noises that a Grramophony will make in its lifetime
 are from an external source. Records, in any size, are key to hearing your Grramophony. 
A Grramophony can play music from records much like their unanimated namesake, 
and can play music without a record in place given that it's more of a short, looped tune
unique to the Grramophony than a full-length song. 
Other times it sees fit to simply parrot the noises they hear often around their place of residence.

3. Some mahous aren’t necessarily a big fan of the Grramophony’s appearance and gentle static 
while it plays its tunes, especially given the realm’s other Creachers and their abilities,
but others are quite fond of them and their ‘vintage’ appeal. 
Oftentimes, those who own Grramophonies don’t have just one; some mahous are avid collectors, actually.
Grramophonies can vary in appearance more or less in any way possible, but the base details about a Grramophony
 are it’s body, its 2-4 short legs, and its horn. Some have cranks while others do not. 
Some look significantly more convincing while others look... Significantly less so.
They can also be heavily decorated by their chosen mahou however said mahou pleases
(given that the Grramophony consents.
Please do not decorate your Grramophony without its consent; It can fight back if it so wishes.)

4. Grramophonies are also good for taking care of household pests; they eat bugs of any size, mice, rats… 
Most any pest, as long as they’re directed. They have a prehensile tongue that aids them in catching their food
(since most have shorter legs and its very hard to chase something with those),
but some do like to give chase regardless.


Creacher Researcher Credit: ImGunnaCry

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