
1 year, 1 month ago





"Before the domesticated Fuzzibuggie there were Darningbovi. The now scattered behemoths act as guardians of the forest, offering protection to small bug-like creachers."


1. Darningbovi visually seem to mimic aspects of various insects, including the wings of different predators like mantises and dragonflies, beetle horns, and the body segmentation of certain species of parasitic wasp. This allows them as great an advantage as possible in wild affairs.

2. Unlike Fuzzibuggies, Darningbovi are omnivores! While they do still prefer nectar, they’ll never turn down a meaty meal.

3.Some Darningbovi still bare the marks of domestication efforts, namely in those who have shorter horns, small tufts of fuzziness (typically on the legs), or are overall on the smaller side. Darningbovi with shorter horns tend to be more aggressive and quick to darn someone.

4. Due to their size and slight scarcity, Darningbovi have large territories and tend to be solitary. Should one ever see two or more Darningbovi together, it can be assumed with context they are either mates or about to have a violent territory dispute.

5. Darningbovi have a symbiotic relationship with smaller, bug like creachers. The smaller creachers offer food, the Darningbovi offers protection. Both parties don’t seem to mind this relationship.

6.These creachers are incredibly intelligent, and will often take the initiative to scare off any who they deem untrustworthy, or up to no good, should they approach those under its protection.

7. Some farmers with large amounts of Fuzzibuggies will actively seek out and befriend a Darningbovi, to protect their domesticated and wild Fuzzibuggies. This relationship can be thought of as that of a beekeeper and a single, very big, very destructive bee.

8. Earning a Darningbovi’s wrath is essentially a death sentence. Being targeted by one is called getting "darned." Everyone will know you as an asshole if you get darned.

9. It is unclear how long a they can live, though some bug keeping families have claimed a single Darningbovi can live to see whole 3 generations be born.

Creacher Researcher Credit: Sweet-Jade

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