
2 years, 10 months ago


Species: Flailadon
(I think this species originated from Furvilla?  I don't really know, I haven't seen them in other contexts)
(also I hella never played Furvilla I just like the flail-tailed three headed dragon thing haha)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she / her

Occupation: ??? Professional grifter???

Physical Description 

  • Very tall, with an effortlessly confident posture
  • Always has at least one nose turned up in the air
  • Ah yes, she has three heads
    • She styles her mane differently for each of her heads.  The right head wears it long and wavy, the middle head slicks it back w/ the sides cut short, and the left head spikes it
  • Has nasty claws and powerful limbs/tail, could definitely straight up murder someone if she so desired


  • She sucks.  She's like a rich dragon version of the worst "mean girl" you can think of.  She's going to ruin your life.
  • Loves drama, attention, and power.  Will start shit all the time just to watch it go down.
  • Her three heads aren't three different personalities, they're more like three pieces of one awful personality
    • The middle head (magenta) is smug and snooty.  She is visibly judging you at all times.
      • Often seen sipping a glass of wine, looking down her nose at you with a knowing smirk/sneer
      • You get the feeling she sees right through you.  She has an aura of power around her.
      • She doesn't get visibly mad or yell, but she's absolutely an instigator.  She knows how to make her remarks really bite, even when her demeanor is calm.
    • The left head (yellow) is aggro.  She's the one that will call you names to your face.
      • She's the most direct of the three, who will tell you bluntly what she doesn't like about you.  Contrast with magenta, who will tell you in the most armor-piercing way possible, and with cyan, who will tell you via backhanded compliments and faint praise.
      • She encourages physical intimidation/aggression/shows of strength, and will always try to escalate someone else's argument to a fight
    • The right head (cyan) is fake-nice.  She's the most bearable in direct conversation, but she'll talk about you behind your back later.
      • If you confront her about her gossiping, she'll feign ignorance and deny everything while acting offended that you would even suggest such a thing
      • Known to fawn over people to try and win them over, then shit-talk them when they're out of the room
      • She's the type to start crying to distract you from the bad thing she did
  • In terms of her personal/inner life, she's stone cold and ultra guarded.  Basically nobody knows anything about her - like yeah, they know everything she brags about, but she's never vulnerable with anyone, so nobody really knows why she is the way she is


  • Feeling like she's the star of a show, or has a captivated audience wrapped around her finger... attention?? power?? yes please ;)


  • Having the spotlight removed, playing second fiddle, being another three faces in the crowd.  
  • When things are boring :P (read: no one is feuding)

Personal Info 

  • Lives for drama
    • some say if a completely unrelated drama gets juicy enough, Oxy will be summoned to the scene like some kind of dark spirit
  • Has a lot of money from grifting people.  Uses it to throw giant parties that nobody likes
    • It's a status symbol to go to one, but they're full of her "friends" and the host sucks
    • It's just an excuse to flex on everyone and soak up attention... girl straight up acts like she's holding court or some shit
    • also don't forget the part where she also uses her money to get people in her literal debt!  woohoo!
  • Has the world's most toxic "friend" group
    • They're all toadies and yes-men looking desperately for a single crumb of her attention/approval
    • Some open up to her hoping to form a true bond, but showing vulnerability just makes them easier to exploit
    • She's very aware that none of them are really her friends.  She'll turn them against each other when she gets bored.
  • She can throw down in a physical fight, but she doesn't like to get her claws dirty.  
    • though... she's been known to cave in a head or two if she's reeeeeeally rankled.
  • It's best to just avoid her rather than try and change her behavior.  Many have tried, and it just doesn't work.
    • She's aware that she's fake and terrible, so appealing to morality doesn't work.  If you try that "how would you feel if ___" or "I know you're better than this" shit, she'll laugh at you
    • Plus, if you ever actually get a leg up on her and sabotage a scheme of hers, she'll just fall on her sword and lean into the martyrdom & crocodile tears.  Oh, poor me... I just don't understand why this nasty person would go out of their way to ruin my day like this!


  • Based on NFPA 704, the "fire diamond."  Materials are ranked 0-4 in three safety-related categories.
    • Blue - health hazard.  Higher number = more lethal.
    • Red - flammability.  Higher number = lower flash point.
    • Yellow - instability.  Higher number = greater chance of detonation.
    • The white diamond can be left blank, or can contain a letter code to outline additional hazards.
      • W = reacts violently with water
      • COR = corrosive, powerful acid or base
      • SA = simple asphyxiant (i.e. won't poison you, but will suffocate you because it isn't oxygen)
      • OX or OXY = oxidizer
        • a.k.a. rips things' electrons off and makes them blow up