
Basically the premise is that my AU takes place on a realm known as the "Sky island", however- this island isn't one that exists in the actual pokemon universes, instead existing in a parallel universe (Essentially, its a cluster of populated islands floating in empty black space) These islands were created by three entities, A mew known as Myriad, an odd hybrid known as Infinity, and a third entity known as Aeldredus Essentially, Myriad was born from mew's shadow, when Arceus created mew to populate the 'original' pokemon world. A side effect, essentially, it took a life of its own in the unbridled 'creation' energies abound at the time of the worlds beginning. Myriad, being very powerful itself and with abnormal powers that weren't intended (since it was effectively an accident), struggled deeply with finding a purpose. Inspired by Arceus' desire to create, it wanted to do so as well- to the great chagrin of the 'beings' of arceus' world (who saw it as a mistake and a confusing/enigmatic one at that) So it created other worlds for itself, in the process, through deep trial and error, failing many times. Every world it would create, would befall terrible catastrophe, crumbling into ashes and ruin, at the deaths of many in its wake Infinity and Aeldredus were both creations of Myriad, of various worlds. Lone survivors of the cataclysmic destructions those worlds faced. Infinity became an ally to Myriad, helping her to eventually create the Sky island, the first successful world that Myriad had founded; and helping her to manage it. While Aeldredus was an ally at first, he eventually came to become a bitter enemy. 

Wanting to see Myriad destroyed for all the pain that it had brought its own creations, wanting to put a stop to the terrible cycle So it comes to the 'current' Sky island, which is populated heavily with various pokemon- and pokemon fusions; unique creations formulated by Myriad's observations of Arceus' "original" world, and morphed into things that were new and different. The sky island is ruled by a council, and populated only with pokemon (So no humans are present); in a society somewhat similar to PMD (Though a bit more advanced). Essentially, the Sky island is currently facing the threat posed by Aeldredus, trying to defend their home from this malicious entity that seems to want to destroy them, even if none of them really know how or why it's interested in doing so (And certainly don't suspect it being due to Myriad, who is only seen as a positive figure in this world); 

And the story follows Eru (my protagonist fill-in) who is actually a mewtwo who was banished from the "original" world by Arceus for being a 'monstrosity"(beyond even that of 'other' mewtwos due to the specific nature of his creation), his memory wiped, and placed in this world instead; and it explores how he deals with the concept of what his creation means, as both Myriad and Aeldredus fight to prove that their views of this world are more "just" than the others, Aeldredus in his corrupted view of who deserves to live and how much pain that brings, and Myriad- who tries again and again despite its consistent failures at the harm to others

WIP Single feral Human Feral Closed species human closed species anthro feline kiamara Kiamara pokemon chitchatcafe canine Kalon Enigmaticinsomniac cat dragon kia