
Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Xen

I'm just curious now, is there anyone else out there who has ocs with pun-names or just interesting/funny names in general?

Some of my notable examples are

Bullsguye (Cause he uses long range combat and has good aim, get it? Bulls-eye? Bulls guye? haha ha)

Sniall (Cause he's a snail, get it, Snail + Niall... Sniall? ha)

Sloug (Cause he's a slug... get it? Slug + Doug? kill me please end my suffering)


I can't be the only one right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.


I used to have a massive problem with doing this hahaha.

Not sure if you would consider it a pun, but Esune is named after the spell in Final Fantasy, which is a white magic spell and he is a white mage. :P

I also have my seafaring family, Ziggara, Zaggoro and Zoomoji. Who are nicknamed Zig, Zag, and Zoom. OTL


I have Fondue, who I hope I got right, but I looked up a bunch of Chinese characters for her name; since she comes from a faraway land, she's the only one in that world who has a Chinese based name: 蹯厾; fan: paws of animal; du: to tap lightly. "Fondue." There's a decent chance that I read the pronounciations wrong when I put this together, though, so it might not actually work. 

Belvitene, a Bellfox, is Bell + Velveteen. He's a soft guy, haha.

Kapua is a teacup kitty (Kittea), and I gave the name because it sounds like "cup".

Ignatius has a 420-blaze it theme, so I gave him a name that's close to Ignite. Ignite <- Burn <-Blaze

Almost everyone in my lair has a name meaning behind their name, so even if it's not punny, it's still significant in some way. A few are noted why they're named what they are; most are not. 


i love pun names omg

  • Kei (key lime pie = key = kei ?)
  • RAW (sushi = raw fish = RAW)
  • Monty (mantis = monty)
  • Noneccie is an anagram of innocence (minus an N)! idk if that counts
  • Moke's last names, Salcedo Alboreda, are respectively a tree and. jsut something that sounds similar to the spanish word for grove.
  • Numai means unique or special and it's pure irony that he has a complex with being special since he feels extremely ordinary
  • Charo's last name, Rivera ('river' since capybaras are always around water!)
  • Leppo is Doppel(gänger) backwards without the D
  • Penta means 5 which represent stars which represents The Universe. she's the fifth ghost that I made, though it was a coincidence haha
  • SakseMauna and Dymka respectively mean scissors, quiet (or smoke? idr) and mist.
  • Dymka and Penta's human names are Mistie and Estela respectively and. i guess you can tell the pun there

Loving all these characters so far omg, ya'll get creative with your puns! 


i have a few characters with punny/meaningful names:

  • 'haimon' means 'bloody', and well, i guess you could say that he's a bloody mess. also his last name back when he was alive was 'forrest', which is pretty much where he lives nowadays.
  • calvin siro -> kelvin zero -> zero kelvin. which is reeeeaaally cold, just like his powers.
  • winter's known for being rather... cold nowadays.
  • rain's hair and the light-up things on her face (though i don't have any images showing them yet) might remind some people of a... well, a rain cloud.
  • stella had always dreamed of becoming a star back when she was alive... and nowadays she's a well-known singer in the angel realm.
  • not sure if this counts because it also involves one of my characters' birthdays, but kenzi's last name is 'marshal', and their birthday is on september the 29th. just like how marshal from animal crossing has his birthday on september the 29th.
  • i don't think these are puns, but rather meaningful names - 'deimos' means 'terror', and 'sera' is backwards for 'ares', the greek god of war. pretty fitting names for two of my demons that aren't exactly known for being nice.
  • the mayor of one of my towns in animal crossing: new leaf is tanya reane. tanya reane = tangerine. which is probably kinda ironic, seeing as peaches ended up being the town's native fruit.

i don't have her on toyhouse but i have a horror author named blair "bee" scarrey :Y

  • aoi akane's name is essentially blue red and their design is... well, 3d glasses themed so
  • silas sizemore sounds like 'sigh less sighs more' which honestly has nothing to do with his character but i thought it sounded neat
  • yuudai ookami means apprixmately 'majestic wolf' and Well Look At Him 

and then i'd be remiss if i didn't mention the van halens (jericho and lazarus are the only ones i have on here)
all of their first names have 7 letters, and their resulting six middle names serve to spell out their first name

i.e. jericho erasmus raiden iolo charlemagne hieronymous orion van halen and lazarus armani zhivago amadeus rhodochrosite ulric starkblast van halen. they were super fun to name even if they get groans out of people


Thanks pax!

Abby Omination, who is an eldritch abomination

(and her mother, nicknamed "Abby Momination")

Elle Hendricks, who is a pun on just "eldritch"

Rudolph, or "Rue" for short , whose name is used in my comic title "Rue and Woe" (rue as in regret)

The Grand Duck, Duckatai Khan similar to the historical Mongol warlord Chagatai Khan

Drake George, who is a dragon (and also named after St. George)

Colleen, who is a sentient fungal colony

Haifei, who is also a fungus, therefore fungal hyphae

Rhiza, yet another fungus, who is based on fungal microrrhizae

Leucine S Naturae, who is a triple pun on Lusus Naturae (latin for freak of nature), "Lucifer", and the amino acid Leucine

Myko, which is almost the latin prefix for fungus, myco-

Pan Curoni and Ro Curoni, who are based on the muscle relaxants Pancuronium Bromide and Rocuronium Bromide. (pax 's idea) They may or may not have a mother named Ma Curoni


Chars who don't have a profile page or a complete one yet:

Serine and Lysine, a couple who are a knight and a dragon, or a Ser and a Liz

Sven SC Day, a penguin-obsessed man who sounds like Spheniscidae, the genus name for penguins

Balonz, (pronounced bay-lawnz) a politically neutral being, is "balance"

Totallyhumannormalgirl, or T.H.N.G., who can be creepy enough to be called a thing rather than a person

Hypni RandomStorytale


A play on Hypnosis and Eye


oh man, i have so many of these bc i love puns and meaningful names... so i'll just show off the most notable ones!

  • spell aedi's full name backward with full knowledge that i created her for nanowrimo... i am creative
  • langer and laplata's names are based off of chinchilla varieties to play off of the fact that langer ends up as a chinchilla-thing
  • when i made lausac's name it was supposed to be a pun on "casual friday" because lausac is casual spelled backward and i thought pardes was a name that involved friday in its meaning... and then i found out like a year ago that it's actually an orange-related name and i must've mixed stuff up on my name list. rip my life
  • seems wright. that's all
  • now spell tigel's name backward with the knowledge that he's dating seems

naming ocs is such a joy