Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


bow howdy am i late with doing these questions of the day!

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

I only created Spark's profile first because i couldn't decide who to put in first to start off and had to use

Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Spark occasionally uses the internet if he finds a phone to swipe! Papes frequents tumblr and is mostly seen reblogging cute things and then the occasional Yume Nikki fanart. Missingno's familiar with the internet but hasn yet to discover the darker parts of it, and all of my Viesse nerds, whether they've been added yet or not, are unaware of the internet's existence but Mayda would totally use it to look for cooking recipes!

Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?

Sorry @ the rest of my ocs, but Missingno takes the entire cake. He's spent most of his life sleeping, but in terms of hardest to wake up it would probably be Mayda. She's a heavy sleeper tbh

Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?

The answer's technically Spark when you take into account his current flesh husk. I haven't really put much thought into the question! For longest baths/showers it would definitely be Papes because she loves taking bubble baths.

Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth?

Papes and Spark oh my god someone stop them please

Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?

PAPES. PAPES. OH MY GOD IT'S PAPES. Papes stays up so late doing homework that she's had to resort to drinking coffee, and she's actually been banned from drinking coffee and if she wants caffeine in her system she's gotta drink tea instead. Why is she banned from drinking coffee though. Regardless because of this she tends to get less sleep.


Since I decided to start this late, I'll just start with the most recent two questions and go from there. x)

Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

I have quite a few fan characters, as I got my start in writing with fanfiction of my favorite fandoms and have been working with the characters ever since. Some of my favorite babies include my Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, and Warcraft characters. I even have characters based on my pets on Neopets/Subeta.

Almost all my anthro characters are created to fit into the Star Fox universe, though many of them have developed original stories by now.

Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?

A lot of my characters are shy to some degree, especially if I'm really close to them, as I feel I am quite shy personally. xD But the ones who are most genuinely shy that come to mind are LucyTanisette (ironically, since she's also a model), and Liuan. They really only feel comfortable in the presence of their close friends, are hesitant to make decisions on their own (or need to think about it for a while first), and tend to think of themselves as weak and small in the world (even if they are much more talented or powerful than they give themselves credit for).

Other characters of mine who are kind of shy include Fiorella, who is initially very uncomfortable around the living, and would much rather talk to the deceased spirits that she can converse with. She is very convicted, though, and can lose her shyness when she comes to the aid of those in great need. Meilyn is incredibly introverted and literally cannot handle being surrounded by too many people trying to socialize with her at the same time; she gets anxious, much like an animal who feels overstimulated and cornered, and has been known to attack people who get too up in her personal space. She is getting more comfortable about socializing thanks to her friends, but in general still prefers to keep to herself.

A number of my other characters are also described as shy, but tend to open up and lose that once they feel comfortable with whoever they're with.

I do have another upcoming character I am developing who will be incredibly shy and anxious around others due to being abused in the past. In particular I want her to be close to mute around most people until she (slowly) grows to trust them. I have to flesh out her backstory a bit better, though, so this character trait feels genuine.


Q21. Do you have any fan characters? Wes is a derivative from the character of Pokemon Colosseum. I first started to play this character in roleplays, but after like two years of intense roleplaying, he was not the original character at all anymore. Even his appearance changed, and from the overly skinny character of the game, he became and strong-built muscular and masculine mature man. As for his personality, I can not tell if it still fits the original character's personality as the game does not give him much personality. But, yeah, I don't reall consider this one an OC because, even if he changed his appearance and I made-up his personality and background story, he still was made after an existing character. Beside this, I have some other Pokemon trainers, of course, living in my own Pokemon world (that is really well developed as well, not only by it's map, but also by its religions, traditions, customs, characters, etc....). And I developed some characters from Lioden.... and that's it.

Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest? Actually, many of them are shy! But in different ways. While I would not really call him "shy", Alastyn is really uncomfortable with humans and has no idea how to act with them. Mostly because he lived in a very closed environment and never met anyone beside his close relatives. Then he does not speak and acts really weird. Amadeus is really shy. He is like a kid among adults, being unsure and always afraid of doing or saying something wrong. He is awkward and hesitant, really lacking self-confidence, but he is still really friendly and will try his best to meet new people, talk with them and maybe befriend them. Eden used to be really shy, having a big lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, but he evolved, and some in-RP ordeals made him stronger. He used to be the really shy guy that is afraid of talking to people, but he feels better now. But I would not say he is out-going or really confident neither, he is still growing his strength. He is still shy but he may lost his shyness someday. Kaoru may be the shyest of all, as he is quite weakly shy. He is the kind of shy guy that would not even dare to order some bread at the bakery. Talking to someone, any one, really is an ordeal to him, and it often turns into an unbeatable test. He just freaks out every time someone talks to him. He still want to have some relationship and wish he had friends, but he just can not talk to people at all, he is like frozen in front of any one.


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

This one definitely goes to Memen, considering she's, like, 50 feet tall most of the time. Hadris and Zhirael are also naturally ridiculously tall, but they're seldom in the forms that apply so I wouldn't count them. Though their humanoid forms are also tall enough to be next in line, as is Laejizhar... ALRIGHT, the tallest OC I have here who's not just tall because they're some sort of powerful demon and/or magical being and/or one of those who uses a tall humanoid form as glamour would be (apparently I have a ridiculous amount of those)... Dicro! And by extension 2cro since they're kinda the same person. They're both 6'1"!


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

I don't usually have a set height for most of my OCs, but I think Caelin would be the tallest out of the Runaway Wave crew. Hades is probably taller than the average Arcadian. Other than that, none of my OCs are tall, really.


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

Meseri Erebos, my troll OC, standing at 5'9".


Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

my fist on TH was Cheshire Cat

he is my most popular oc and one of my very first ocs ever, hes gone through a lot of design changes to get where he is now and I'm so proud of how he has turned out. He's also one of my absolute favorite characters and has the most extras. All in all he's my spoiled baby. 

Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Jayden Riley is best for this question, since he lives in a virtual realtiy most of the time. Jayden feels impartial to the internet, unlike certain obsessed friends of his. He finds it to be a great weapon, to recruit members to join his rebellion though every once in a while he likes to blow of his work for just a little while to play games or browse bad memes. 

Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?

Yet again this one goes to Jayden. He's a workaholic who is also sickly, this combination leads him to be constantly grouchy and tired. Sometimes he has to be dragged away from work to get some sleep, but when he does sleep it would take a government raid to get him up (if he's sleeping in the right spot). 

Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?

Allen Wright he cant stand getting dirty, and he hates going outside because of this and the bright sun. He'd much prefer staring out the window. And he also takes the longest showers, because he hates his legs being touched he won't wear socks or shoes, so his feet always get dirty. He suffers from ocd so he becomes nearly frantic about keeping clean. 

Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth?

now this is tough. Though the winner is probably Dizzy who would literally kill for some sweets. Though close runner ups are Ollie and Allen. 

Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?

Probably Jayden again (how does that work haha) I mean have you seen the bags under his eyes. though another two children who don't know what sleep is would probably be Ren and Shiki.

Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

haha definetly Allen, though that's because of the treatment. Ollie is also pretty absent minded. <sub>and Alec, but thats a whole diffrent story</sub>

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?

Alec tends to slip off to wonderland now and then. Though Hiroki has a reoccuring nightmare of his boyfriend impailing him and Ren speaks to shadows in his dreams. 

Q9. Which of your OCs is the worst cook?

hahaha Ollie, and runner up Hiroki but thats because they eat raw meat.

Q10. Which of your OCs is the best cook?

probably Hale or Leaune. Leaune is an expert at baking tasty treats, and Hale is a cook of practical foods. 

Q11. Which of your OCs is the laziest?

probably Dizzy, he lays around all day eating sweets. 

Q12. Which of your OCs is the shortest?

Haha thats a hard one. All of my kids are short, but it seems Shion Ollie and Hiroki are all tied for first at a whopping 5"1

and coming in at a close second is Leaune at 5"2 and Jayden and Nolan(not on th yet) at 5"3




Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

I have quite a few really tall characters, both characters who are tall in general or just tall for their species. The tallest characters I have are the ones that represent a soul, with Sweet Soul Child being 300 cm (9'10) of height, Dark Soul being 230 cm (7'6) of height, and Angry Soul 195 cm (6'4). Souls are always gigantically tall and since they're only a metaphorical visualisation they don't really count. Deimos is pretty tall too, standing 250 cm (8'2) tall thanks to his deformed body that grew in size to easier devour people. 

But since they are all a pretty normal size for their species, you could argue that Altari, Mortimer, and Lyn are giants for their species, all standing 190 cm (6'2) tall. For Mortimer and Lyn that's not unusual because Mortimer is a full blooded Ashen and the Ashen are always pretty tall of height, and Lyn has a lot of Ashen blood inside of him which shows mostly in his build. But with Altari being a Northerner, the smallest of demon races out there, he really stands out quite literally. He's taller than both his parents and only his sister outranks him in height.


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

I honestly realize a lot of my characters aren't THAT tall. I personally am only 5'1" (barely, at that), so everything seems tall to me. Most of my characters average around 5'9" as a result, and if they hit 6'0" or taller I consider them huge in my head. ^^;

My tallest characters that I know of are probably Meilyn at 6'10", and Mynty at 6'7" (which is actually somewhat short for her race, so she is sometimes teased about it). That is simply because night elves and draenei in WoW are supposed to be tall. My tauren and worgen would probably be even taller, but I haven't worked out exact heights for them yet.

Aside from them, I think my tallest characters are Ronin and Winter (in his anthro form), both around 6'4".


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

Kaan and Noce are tied for this one, they're both 7"0! But Kaan has a form of gigantism and Noce is big by merit of being a brute venos... Llasmet would probably be taller than them if he stood on his back legs, but he keeps to all fours most of the time. But in second place for height is my manticore man Venga who's a good 6"7. SO TOL and their baes are so smol.


Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

By far Iskalon, he's a demon and is naturally taller at 7'0" and a little above with his horns. Even in his human forms he's considerably tall, as a male at 6’7" and a female 6’3". After him is Griffin who is 6'5" and he is that tall because of his elven decent which makes him grow taller than most humans. While I don't have Griffin's father's profile up yet, Carter is about 6'7" still debating but he is tall because of being half elf.