Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 15 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

This one probably goes to Dicro, who tends to overreact to any stimulus and is easy to scare. It's not that he's really intimidated or frightened by much - he spends most of his time either adventuring in nightmarish dreamscapes or hanging out with Purple Satan™, and in both cases he tends to die a lot - he just, well, jumps easily. He'll scream when he hears a loud sound, but he'll calm down pretty fast once he realizes it's just the bloodthirsty shrieking of an ungodly mass of starving demonic entities.

Thyx is also incredibly jumpy and now that I think about it I should've answered with him first?? How was Thyx not my first thought??? His powers are even powered by excitement! Unlike Dicro he tends to not stop screaming after something's made him jump, much to the chagrin of his companions, and it's a little easier to make him jump than it is to make Dicro jump. Which is pretty impressive, mind you.


Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

Maybe Adie, in a sense she is easily startled by external stimuli like loud noises, she has exceptional hearing for a human and this makes loud noises often startle her. But she isn't a nervous person much beyond that. I might also say Mimi in that he will go out of his way to avoid trouble and can easily be startled.


Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

Oh hands down, Exodus is the jumpiest. If you even start talking to him from behind/without making your presence known to him he'll scream, throw whatever he's holding in the air, and cower. His coworkers have to take a few extra steps to make sure they don't startle him, especially with some of the delicate lab work he has to work that. Coupled with the fact that his superior in the labs that he works with has random horrific visions that make him mentally volatile and likely to scream at things that aren't there, they can be... a rather dangerous duo. As long as people leave them alone though, they seem to work wonders with their research.

Jasper is also very jumpy. It's very easy to startle him, and he also has heightened hearing so even sudden noises that are far away or faint with still make him flinch. And then he tends to worry about the things he hears for a long while, and he doesn't calm down very easily on his own and usually needs one of his friends to reassure him. He comes off as very skittish and flighty around strangers, since he cannot handle social situations at all. So even a simple hello from a stranger will make him cry and run away, so he definitely overreacts to encountering others. Oddly enough he can enter states of complete calm when one of his friends is in trouble, since he doesn't care about things that he might find scary if he's focused on helping them.

Caleb is also rather jumpy, mostly because he has trouble with anxiety and his recent blindness makes it difficult to determine legitimate threats. So like, a random object falling down in the house will make him think an intruder is inside. He's also very attuned to the spiritual energies and emotions of people and even invisible spirits around him, even before he's aware of this ability, so sometimes just sensing strange auras will make him very uneasy and even more easy to startle.


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? If cars don't exist in any of your universes or none of your species are capable of driving, who would be the best/worst if they did/could?

Arith is the best at driving. Considering she can race cars that go speeds in excess of 300 MPH, yeah. She's pretty damn good. As for worst, probably Minera. She prefers to travel on foot. Last time she drove a hoverbike, she crashed into a mountain. How do you crash into a mountain? At least she can fly her ship a Hell of a lot better than she can drive a hoverbike.

Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

If I do, I don't know about it.

Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?

I don't really have any that are significantly shy, but Apoc Man does try to avoid people. More for survival reasons than because of shyness, though, but he's the closest I've got to shy.

Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?

Ulti, who stands at 5'11".

Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars?

I really don't know. I just pick something. Really, I don't have many pictures for anyone other than Ulti, so I just kinda have to use what I have.

Q25. Which of your OCs likes the rain the most? Who likes it the least?

Ulti, for sure, loves rain the most. He's grown up loving the rain. He's even got a vacation home in a world where it stops raining maybe one or two days a month. It's just constantly raining. As for who likes it the least, that would have to be either Julie or Apoc Man. Apoc Man doesn't like it because, out in the wastes, rain is usually irradiated water. IF it does rain. As for Julie, water really messes with her electrical abilities. She has a hard time even taking showers, sometimes, because she'll start to short out. It's not healthy. She has, however, found a way to contain all of her electrical energy in a ball of lightning so she can take showers and go swimming without worry.

Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

Definitely Apoc Man. He's always on his guard because he never knows what fresh Hell he could wind up in out in the wastelands.


Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

Hystery can be pretty jumpy when he's working hard and not focusing on his surroundings. Melody is the same, she hates when people sneak up on her. Hades can be pretty jumpy when he's outside with other people, when someone tries to talk to him he gets startled and probably will run away.


Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

This one goes to Dicro! He likes to record all of his ~magical subconscious adventures~, but sometimes writing just doesn't cut it. He always liked sketching and doodling, but once he gained the ability to travel through dreamscapes he started getting really into art. Aided by his impressive memory recall, he draws whatever he can remember once he "wakes up" if he doesn't just bring a sketchbook with him on his adventures. He's gotten pretty good at it, but he doesn't really like showing his art to anyone. Aside from the fact that his art often features strange and/or horrifying things, he's really just shy and self-conscious about his work.


Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

My most passionate artist seems to be my dear Derek. He always wanted to go to art school, but his family can't afford much, so he's mostly self taught. He's very skilled in a number of artistic mediums, although he has the most access to sketching and drawing since it doesn't require as many supplies. He'll draw on pretty much anything... paper, napkins, boxes, his brother... Two of his best friends go to an art school he'd love to go to, so quite often he'll pick things up from their lessons and apply it to his own art. They also let him use their supplies from time to time, which is how he's become skilled in other things like painting and sculpting, although he'd really prefer if he could afford to practice it more himself. He also tends to customize things that belong to him, like his clothing, accessories, and tools.

Another artist of mine is Troy. He's a screenplay writer and comic writer now, but he likes to draw in his free time quite often. During his childhood and teen years, he'd draw comics that featured a monster-like vigilante he called Knives, which was a nickname he insisted on being called at the time. He's no professional artist, but he's gotten good at paneling and planning action poses and such, which is how he's in his current comic writer position. His main comic does feature Knives, which he's pleased about. My beloved Skyler also likes to draw, mostly sketches. He doesn't call himself an artist, but he has this uncanny skill to draw highly detailed head/bust shots from memory, even though he's blind. He can only draw certain people that he really bonds with though, since his ability to have visions tends to lock onto people he is emotionally connected to, which is the only way he actually knows what they look like. Also, even though he wouldn't consider himself an artist either, my darling Argent has a habit of doodling on his memos or sticky notes while at work. The only thing he ever draws is various fish and sea creatures, although certain ones he's gotten very good at drawing the finest details. He almost always doodles in pen, so he's gotten used to drawing certain things without making too many mistakes.


Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

Jinx likes to draw sometimes. She doesn't get the chance to do it often enough though. Melody likes to paint things that aren't people. Joy loves painting, even though it can get a little messy. All of her shirts are stained with paint because she refuses to wash them for some reason. Nova sketches occasionally, but he doesn't think he's very good.


Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars?

Naturally I tend to go with headshot/bust pictures if at all possible; only a few of my characters have specific avatars that I've drawn or had commissioned for them. Outside of that, I choose pictures that are closest to depicting the character as I imagine them; I usually prefer colored commissions if possible, simply because I like my gallery to have different styles and color variety when previewing. It makes it far more appealing than having a completely uniform set of icons for everyone.

Of course, I don't always have a choice for some of my characters, and simply have to make do with the few images I have for them.

Q25. Which of your OCs likes the rain the most? Who likes it the least?

Hmm, good question. (scratches head) I think I have to say that the character who likes rain the most is Alexander. Not only does he find it very soothing, but he also has a natural affinity for water, so he's drawn to it subconsciously. He loves standing in the pouring rain to get his thoughts together; oddly enough, unless it is also freezing outside, he rarely if ever gets sick from doing so, even if he's out there for hours.

I like to think Annelise likes the rain too; it obviously is good for the flowers that grow on her, and if they are happy, so is she. :)

As far as who likes it least? I don't really think any of my characters flat out hate the rain, but I'm pretty sure Avery isn't too fond of it. He's a bit prissy about his feathers (not to mention they're very long, and not waterproof), so getting rained on will result in a very soggy and miserable bird. In addition, he is a fire phoenix, and while rain doesn't hurt him, he is inclined to not like water very much.

Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?

Probably little Novy. She has had some trauma in her past, though the details of this are unknown to anyone so far. She is noticeably scared of loud noises, and especially people who raise their voices, yell, or are just loud in general; she will hide behind her friends and tremble if scared. She will definitely not get along with boisterous, excited people with loud voices, even if they are trying to be nice. Sudden movements also frighten her, and she will immediately flinch and duck for cover if any kind of unexpected, quick movement is within her line of sight.

Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

Most certainly has to be my Haly; her whole goal is to create a complete bestiary of all monsters and creatures in the land, and to do so she plans on sketching accurate pictures of them in the wild. She is incredibly passionate about this goal, and will go to any location and brave any danger in order to witness these creatures in the wild and draw them.

She also makes a partial living of her art skills. While she's most talented in realistic pencil sketches, she also is excellent with landscapes and still life, mostly in colored pencil or oil pastels.


Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

Probably Adam, I don't know why I love his design so much or why I doodle him so much, it's probably the heels. But he's always an enjoyment for me. After him I find myself drawing Leysa a lot, my favorite pictures tend to be of her for some reason, I draw her a lot and she is probably the center of my best drawings. I enjoy her figure and colors and just the process is always pleasant.


Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?

That would be Apoc Man, but not really in the way one normally considers "drawing" like with a pencil and paper. At the end of each day and adventure, he takes the time to draw a small mural in the sand that tells the tale of whatever he's been through during his travels. If there was something interesting, at least. Walking a few miles and killing a couple of rad-lizards to eat isn't really mural-worthy. He did once have some paint tools and painted a huge mural on a ruined wall, but it was destroyed by the Atomic Brotherhood. 


Whoops! I accidentally spent all day away from the computer playing Disgaea 4. But at least I have a question idea now!

Q28. Which OC of yours plays video games the most? If video games don't exist in any of your universes/stories, who would probably like them the most if they did?

Much to the surprise of all who know her, Umbra has a passionate love for video games, especially the Super Smash Bros series and Pokemon. Few are able to beat her in any game she has experience with. She is to be feared. She doesn't like when anyone outside of her inner circle knows about her hobby, though, as she's under the impression that anything that makes her seem more grounded and human also makes her look weak.

Dicro also likes video games a lot and is usually roped into getting destroyed by Umbra (not that he really minds). Otherwise he tends to play a lot of indie games. He's especially fond of LSD: Dream Emulator, Yume Nikki and its many fan games, and Undertale.


Q28. Which OC of yours plays video games the most? If video games don't exist in any of your universes/stories, who would probably like them the most if they did?

Collin, the generic teenage boy who would probably love playing video games all day and would have the mouth of a sailor when it comes too losing or frustrating events happening. He'd probably like a lot of competitive games and winning especially, with a kinda competitive nature he would like shoot-em-ups and such the best probably.