Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 10 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? If cars don't exist in any of your universes or none of your species are capable of driving, who would be the best/worst if they did/could?

Jinx is the worst driver you've ever seen. She's never learned how to drive, even after 2,000 years. She prefers teleporting, anyway. There aren't any cars in Arcadia, but Chev probably would be a pretty bad driver too. He's normally gentle and quiet, but he's got a huge competitive side and would probably cause a lot of accidents trying to beat red lights or racing other people. Clara (if she could see over the wheel haha) would definitely cause crashes just for the fun of it. Rae's probably the best driver out of everyone, even though she doesn't drive often. Basically, don't trust any of my OCs with cars.


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? If cars don't exist in any of your universes or none of your species are capable of driving, who would be the best/worst if they did/could?

Best driver is probably Griffin or Leysa. They would probably be the one's who could keep a level head and stay fairly focused on the road. Although out of these two Griffin might be the better one because he would be most concentrated on getting from point A to point B with little distraction while Leysa would likely want to chat with people in the car and play the radio, maybe dance a little at a red light. But those two would probably be the best.

If Collin was old enough to legally drive he would probably be the worst, worst road rage, worst patience, and overall very tense. Collin would probably get distracted by something off the road really easily. Just not a trustworthy driver that you could put your faith in.


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst?
Well, let's see.... Eden is really uncomfortable with cars and is often hesitant and clumsy.... Amadeus does not have his driver licence, yet will drive his friend's car when he is drunk but persuased they are more drunk than him... Kaoru does not have the money to get his driver licence, Alastyn does not feel the need to have it, and Wes only drives in the desert then I'm not sure how good he would be on a road with traffic rules and other cars around.... Then I guess Arthur is the best driver, being the one with the most experience and, despite his usual immature and reckless behaviour, he is really serious and careful when driving. Others does not have cars in their universes. 
Then, I'd say Amadeus is the worst because he only drives when drunk, and Arthur is the best. 


Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

I have a few (mostly just a class of Dangan Ronpa FCs and a handful of Disgaea ones), but the only one who has a profile here for now is Kameila, my Pokemon FC. I used to make pretty much all of my OCs fan characters back in the day even when it didn't make sense because I wanted to be able to submit my stories on the internet and at the time was the only place I knew where you could do that, lol. Dicro and Fray both technically started becoming themselves back when they were somehow Mario FCs, though their story had very little to actually do with the Marioverse and was just kinda arbitrarily set there. A lot of my earlier OCs started as either Mario or Sonic FCs, now that I think about it...

I like seeing other people's fan characters, but I have a harder time making them the older I get. When I was younger I didn't really care about following canon universe stuff and knowing all of the lore behind everything (one time I ran an RP plot where Sakura Kinomoto had to rescue Mona [from WarioWare] and Arle Nadja from Princess Rosalina, who was wiping people from existence to restore balance to the universe. also Ashley from WarioWare was working for Rosalina), but now I get too intimidated to make fan characters and actually do anything with them. I get too anxious about not perfectly following all of the rules or having my ideas wrecked/made irrelevant by later developments (if it's for an ongoing series). Which I guess is kinda silly, because having fan characters should just be about having fun and enjoying a universe you already love by adding a little of yourself into it! Either way, though, I'm perfectly content with my OCs from my own universes and I've got plenty of those to spare!


Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

Jinx was originally a character in my Doctor Who fanfic, which will forever be a WIP. I more recently put her in an Avengers fanfic too, but I don't think I'll ever finish that one either lol. A character not on TH, Will, is a Sherlock (the TV show) character I made just because I wanted to have a Sherlock fan character. Akero Apple and Crescent Moon are both MLP characters, and Akero is a nextgen of Rarity and Applejack. I've got a couple more MLP charas, but I don't use them like, at all. Koenn is my Poke trainer, I made her a couple days ago so I'm still working stuff out. Rei and Joy are Elgyem and Smeargle gijinkas. Pretty sure that's it.

I'll talk about Jinx's fanfics I guess. Warning: Jinx's Doctor Who backstory was made a while ago so...yeh. I recently looked back on the writing I did and I cringed lol. Jinx used to know the Doctor back on Gallifrey, and after getting supposedly killed by the Daleks she returned right after he regenerated into Twelve, in Deep Breath. She has about the same personality as her TH profile, except a bit more jealous of the Doctor's companions. In the Avengers fanfic, Jinx is just insane. She tries to protect the Earth from the returning Chitauri after Age of Ultron, but ends up getting captured by SHIELD and being questioned for the thousandth time. She believes all humans are stupid, and uses much more of her magic to fight them. Sometimes she just does it for fun. She's a bit more badass in the Avengers, lol.

I could talk forever about my fan characters...but I'm not going to because I wanna keep this short!


Q18. Which of your OCs is your favorite, or who are a few of your favorites? Why?

 Oh man, I really can't choose here :'D Since Garry is my main, I usually fall back on him as my most favourite, but all of these guys are some of my faves.


Q19. Do any of your OCs have pets? If not, do they want any?

 Blaine lives on a large jungle island where dogs are very common in the wild and living alongside its people, and he managed to befriend one of the corgis that was more used to being around people, who became his travelling buddy. He named him Jonathan. Because Blaine is a travelling thief it's always useful for him to have someone he can be around. 

I also have quite a few mages who own a familiar, or a magical creature they form a psychic bond with that help them fight and in most cases also be a companion and a friend to them. Neridan has Zeanu as a best friend, Epheil uses Shadri as his seeing eyes familiar, and Imke owns King as a friend and a fighting partner.


Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

 Not really any characters that I care about enough to go further than a name and what I do with them in-game. My WoW main is named Scarh and she's a red haired Death Knight, but aside from that I barely have anything about her developed although she's existed since the start of WotLK. I also have a few Skyrim characters; Elithia, a Daedric armour wearing axe and shield guy, and Naia, a Wood Elf archer. Don't really have anything for 'em either. I never really got into making fan characters and I'm not into the entire CS thing so it doesn't look like I'll get any fan characters soon.


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? If cars don't exist in any of your universes or none of your species are capable of driving, who would be the best/worst if they did/could?

I'd say the majority of my character that actually live in places with vehicles are pretty decent drivers, so lets go with the extremes here. I'd say Neoka is likely the best overall with knowing how to driving different types of vehicles. He can shapeshift into other people and can tap into their minds, therefore he's picked up on a lot of knowledge in his adventures, including how to drive lots of weird things, like aircraft and anti-gravity off-rail bullet trains. He claims he can drive one of those trains around in a large scale version of Snake, since he can play Snake for 82 days straight apparently. Problem is that Neoka tends to forget traffic laws from varying worlds, so you don't have to worry about getting in a wreck around him, but you might have to remind him where he is and what rules apply.

Another character that is strangely skilled at driving (regular cars, mind you) is Erik. He's not obsessed with his car, but it's kind of a nice expensive car so he doesn't want anything bad to happen to it. He's extremely alert behind the wheel even if he's exhausted otherwise, and he is a wizard at avoiding accidents. Don't ask him where he learned to drive backwards through traffic to avoid dents in the car from a rampaging giant spider, he won't give you a straight answer, probably because there isn't one. His cousin Alec is a pretty good driver too, but his car is a bit... junky. So don't expect any slick stunts from him, unless you let him borrow a car. But you shouldn't do that either, because he might get too excited with it and you'll never see it again.

Who is awful at driving? TARA. She's from the first original story I ever tried to write, and she is the worst driver imaginable. You like how your bedroom wall is set up? SO DOES HER CAR, LET IT GIVE IT A HIGH IMPACT HUG

Q21. Do you have any fan characters?

Let's see... The majority of my characters in this folder are sort of fan characters for Kirby and Pokemon, since they originate from a fanfiction mash up I tried to write in 2nd grade. They're in their own world now, but the general inspiration is still in their designs... well, for some of them. My three pink royal ladies were all from the Jigglypuff evolution family, Mac plays the role I had set for Kirby back then, Addle was a winged Waddle Dee, and Zero is based on 02 from Crystal Shards. Kira and Mara were entirely original for that old fanfiction though, but they similarly got revamps like the other characters.

The four characters in this folder are based on summon cards from the game Lost Kingdoms II. No idea if anyone's ever heard of it, but it and the first one were GameCube games. Three of them are for three different elf cards, and one is some... water affinity lady in a dress that boosts you and your allies. Also my darling Trevor has a color scheme based on the centaur card from that game, since it had a white horse body and purple hair. My darlings Clay and Jones are based on characters from an app game I play. XD And the people in this folder are my clan from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. The story and world I actually write them in is heavily modified, but the inspiration is still there. Same with my darling Prince Numor, who is my personal version of the prince of Cannock from Dragon Warrior II.

My three ninja gals, Maranda, Mini, and Bebe, aren't really fan characters, but their concepts and general dynamic are heavily inspired by the show Totally Spies. My character Criss was created because I had a wonky dream that is now the plot of a story I started in a creative writing class in high school. He plays the same role in the dream as he does in the story I wrote about it, but in the dream the person doing all that stuff was Criss Angel. Not entirely sure why, other than I used to watch his show quite a bit back then. So I rolled with it. His last name is even Seraph because I'm dumb like that, and his cat is even named after his actual cat at the time. XD That sort of counts as an unintentional fan character, I guess. I also have a buttload of Pokemon fan gijinkas, but I talked about them in some other thread and I'm not doing it all over again. ^^; But Red is my only fan trainer at the moment, no association to the champion of the same name.


Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?

I have quite a few shy OCs, but most of them aren't on Toyhouse yet. Fortunately, though, the one who's probably the shyest is! Kanon is very shy, meek, and nervous, and he spends pretty much all of his time cowering behind his older brother. He's very kind-hearted and friendly, but he can't keep himself from being afraid of others by default. He needs someone he trusts to be around for him to interact with strangers in any way, and even with people he knows relatively well he fidgets and hesitates to speak.

i guess you could say he's a..... SCAREDY CAT!!! ha ha i'll be here all week folks


Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?

Wow, despite being a considerably shy person myself most of my ocs are pretty socially outgoing. In the purest sense Adie might be shy and slow to warm up to people. She is my token introvert and doesn't like crowded areas or rooms and talking to new people is usually hard for her, especially in a group environment. I consider her shy yet she isn't shy to the point of tears if you say hi, if anything a good description might be she's more jumpy than anything.


Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?

The shyest out of everyone would be either Melody or Hystery. Melody is shy because her species isn't very common and was known for doing a lot of bad things, and she's afraid people will judge her because of that. Hystery is shyer to strangers than to his few friends, but he's working on it. He works at a library, so he's trying to get used to talking to people. Rae's kinda shy to certain people, especially those who have heard her robotic voice. Erin (who I still need to write stuff down for), is shy to people he doesn't know very well.


whoops, posted it again accidentally! xD