Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Bonus Arc 0, Mission 1: Helping Out In The Fields

Title: Helping Out In The Fields
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Suigmoto, Aina Sugimoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: Mild sass
Author Notes: YOSHI MISSIONS 8)

"All right team, today we're going to go help out some of the villagers outside the walls." The squad leader said proudly.

"Yes!" Yoshi Aoki and Aina Sugimoto cheered in unison. Akimitsu, Aina's twin sister, just silently scowled at the two as she crossed her arms.

"So does this mean we get to actually leave the village for the first time?" Yoshi asked, his voice showing off how excited he was as it nearly went up a few octaves.

"Yes it does." He nodded. "Now, we're not going to be gone long, just out helping one of the farmers. It's something we've done for years so it's not going to be a big deal. Your parents should know about it and..."

Yoshi tuned out his sensei, too excited for the possibility of actually leaving the village. He knew he was smiling too much because Akimitsu was giving him and her sister one of her signature scowls. He didn't care or didn't pay attention to it though, he was too excited. He heard from his brother that the world outside the village was huge! His father also told him that there were places colder and hotter than Torogakure -- which Yoshi thought was weird but then later deemed it 'awesome'. After their sensei finished whatever he was saying, he led them through the village and towards the enormous gates. They were open and teemed with various people leaving or entering the village. He looked back to see a few shinobi running out with their sensei.

"And here we are!" Their sensei said, waving an arm towards an enormous area filled with small farms that had various Academy students spread out across the fields. Yoshi and Aina dropped their jaws in amazement at how everything looked, Akimitsu simply crossed her arms. As their sensei led them, Yoshi and Aina were practically bouncing on their feet.

"This is soooo cool!" Yoshi said, exaggerating his words.

"I know!" Aina chimed. "This place is so different than inside the walls!"

"Whatever." Akimitsu sighed. Though, as soon as her teammates looked away from her, she did smile a little. She was excited as they were about leaving the village but the smile left her face as soon as Yoshi whipped his head towards her.

"Look, Aki, there's cows!" He laughed.

"Are you trying to say something, Aoki?" She grumbled.

"Huh? No, I'm just saying there's cows over there." He said again, pointing to a few cattle grazing.

"Oh..." She said. "Cool."

"Sensei, could we play with the animals?" Aina asked.

"Well, we have work to do..." He said. "Maybe we could ask the farmer during lunch or maybe when we're done helping him out?"

"Yay!" Aina and Yoshi cheered.

They approached a small house that had an elderly man sitting in a chair -- he seemed like he was enjoying the nice day and taking the time to relax. Yoshi, again, tuning out his sensei and the old man, looked around and noticed an enormous field of barley and rice on his land. There were some students he recognized from the Academy but he didn't recognize their sensei right away. He shrugged and noticed a few ducks and goats nearby. He nudged Aina's arm and pointed to them. She squealed and bounced on her feet -- Akimitsu didn't look too happy at whatever Yoshi was doing; if he was doing anything.

"Thank you for helping me out." An elder man said as he spoke to the young shinobi in front of him.

"It's no problem, sir." The squad leader said. "We'd be happy to help you out."

"Well then, I just need help with weeding and harvesting today." The old man smiled. Akimitsu sighed as Aina and Yoshi were busy being excited. It wasn't too far from the village, they were about a few miles outside the gates. They also weren't on an 'official' mission but their sensei said this counted as one! So they were just as excited.

"We'll get started right away." The children's sensei nodded. "If there's anything else in mind, please don't hesitate to ask us for help."

And with that, the old man murmured more 'thank you' as he led them towards field of barley and rice that Yoshi had seen earlier. The students he recognized were busy rice to harvest the rice fields so he and his team got to work on the barley. Yoshi watched contently as his sensei told them how to cut the weeds without cutting from the barley and vice-versa. He handed Yoshi the sickle he had and let the young boy go to work on pulling and cutting the weeds. The young Aoki was having a lot of fun. He made a game of trying to remember all seven chakras that his parents taught him about.

"Muladhara is red for speed, Swadhisthana is orange for strength, but Manipura uses a golden glow to protect you..." He muttered with every cut.

Akimitisu watched as Yoshi muttered his rhyme and cut the weeds. With each cut he made, he chucked whatever weeds he had in his small hand into the basket on his back. She sighed as Aina started to chant along with Yoshi. Akimitsu wasn't surprised her sister was just singing along to a nonsense clan rhyme but it still bugged her since Yoshi did it whenever he was concentrating on something -- which was quite often. He usually hummed the tune during training, when he was studying, or just whenever he was bored -- aka, looking for ghosts.

"Can you stop?" Akimitsu asked curtly. Yoshi raised his head and looked at her with a confused look.

"Stop what?" He asked, brushing his curly blonde hair to the side.

"With that stupid chant you always do." She replied.

"But it's so cute!" Aina protested. "He didn't even get to the An.. Anat... uh..."

"Anahata?" Yoshi corrected.

"Yes!" Aina squealed. "Anahata's love supports you through your time of need." The young girl sighed dreamily, loving the idea of the chakra sense.

"That it does!" Yoshi grinned. "Though I think the Vishudda chakra is much better. I mean, Vishudda's wisdom strengthens your attacks."

"Enough!" Akimitsu groaned. "Can we just shut up and work?"

Akimitsu went back to harvesting some of the barley with their sensei -- who was trying not to laugh at the bickering himself. Aina and Yoshi looked at one another for a moment. Akimitsu sighed contently as the silence ensued once more. However, her teammates weren't about to let it go just yet. They looked at one another and started singing the rhyme together as loudly as they could. Akimitsu's head swiveled towards them with an upset look. She raised her fist, dropping her sickle and basket and started chasing them. Their sensei laughed as Aina and Yoshi ran and sang. Yoshi, being a little faster than both the sisters, managed to avoid all of Akimitsu's attempts to get him. Aina hid behind their sensei as Akimitsu continued to chase Yoshi.

"Well, it looks like we're not getting anything done today." Their sensei said to himself as his students did more playing and bantering than work.