Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 19
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 6, Mission 3: Man of the World

Title: Man of the World
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Ryouichi Aoki, Kichirou Aoki,
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And something for arc 6

"Ready to go, Yoshi?" Ryouichi asked as he opened the door to his brother's room.

Yoshi was meditating, feeling somber about the recent events. The village was attacked by the Masked Men once more however, instead of being honorable about it, they thuggishly invaded the village when none of the shinobi were there to protect it. The village was damaged from the fight, many were either dead or wounded, and then they realized something else happened. The Akarikage died. Everyone was silent and no one knew what to do next. Yoshi, like his parents, had been meditating since then. He looked up at his brother, noticing his black garbs.

"Yeah." He nodded, getting up off his bed. He reached for his black haori and put it on before following his brother.

Today was a somber day. Something that no one was looking forward to. Yoshi wondered if everyone was this disappointed after the previous Akarikage passed away or someone that was equally cherished. He wondered what it was like when Seidou Shoudai died. He wondered if the entire village mourned for him the way they were mourning for Tarou Kitsune. When they walked outside, Yoshi looked up at the sky. It looked like it was about to rain. The clouds were amassing together to make one gray barrier, blocking the sun's rays from touching the earth below.

"It looks really dreary..." Ryouichi noted, petting the red panda that clung to his shoulder.

"Sei looks like he's having fun." Yoshi said.

"Ha, well, I'm not sure if he understands what's really going on?" Ryouichi said, though it was more of a question.

"I don't know." Yoshi smiled. "He's a pretty smart for an animal. I think he understand how everyone is feeling right now."

"He just might." He laughed and looked around. "Are we going with everyone else?"

"I think mother and father already went on ahead." Yoshi contemplated. "I'm pretty sure she said some of the monks were helping with the service. I think Tamie and the others might be ready to leave right about now."

"Think we can catch up with them?" His brother asked.

"They're probably somewhere in that crowd, Ryu..." Yoshi said, pointing towards the rather large crowd of their clansmen meeting at the gates. "So if you wanna find our cousins, go for it. I'm going to be walking behind everyone, just trying to get through the day."

Ryouichi tapped on Yoshi's shoulder, he tapped on his brother's before they raced towards their clansmen. Like most of the others that fought the Masked Men, Yoshi was recovering. His wounds weren't too superficial or too worrisome. Ryouichi and his mother were almost in tears when they saw him and his father coming home. Both were pretty hurt but they were standing. Yoshi never saw his mother that upset and distraught before. His father managed to downplay how hurt they looked but she still wasn't too pleased.

Yoshi looked around the compound. It wasn't damaged like most of the village had been but it wasn't exactly untouched either. There were several homes that were destroyed or partially ruined for the attack. As his clan leader started to walk out of the compound, Yoshi looked around the village. Both he and his brother were in awe of how everything looked. Somehow, through all the chaos the other day, he imagined the damage looking not too bad but seeing it now...

Yoshi looked down, feeling drops of rain as they walked through the village. It looked like the world was just as upset at what had occurred. He could feel someone push up against him and looked back to see his father. He smiled and hugged him. Ryouichi looked back and did the same. He put a hand on his lips and pointed ahead. Yoshi was glad his father was with them at least. He, like everyone else, was wearing a black outfit. It was strange seeing everyone in a uniform color... He knew he probably wouldn't get used to it.

Yoshi followed his clan, as they walked behind the Kitsune, Mansei, Shirogane, and the other notable clans in the village. He hadn't said anything or done much, just taking what was going on. Everyone looked so sad, the clan leaders showed their utmost respect towards the Kitsune heirs and widow. Something which Yoshi was surprised to see, even coming from someone like the Asukai. Even if they were rivals and very well-known enemies, it was good that they didn't bother to start something. Though, maybe they all appreciated Tarou too? Yoshi remembered learning about him in the Academy, not many people disliked him -- and those that did even respected him. Tarou Kitsune died protecting his legacy, his village, his family.

"Yoshi?" His father asked. Yoshi looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... just remembering what I learned about the Akarikage is all." He replied.

"What was he like?" Ryouichi asked. "I mean, I know everyone loved him but still."

"Well... he was the Man of the World." Yoshi said. "Everyone either loved him or respected him. He did a lot of things in his youth that even surpassed the standards that were previous set. I think he was more concerned with making sure everyone in the village understood the Kitsune mindset -- family first. I think that's what he considered the village -- clan, rivals, friends, non-clan, civilians, shinobi. They were all his family."

"That's about right." Their father nodded. "He was a very courageous man and never backed down from a challenge. Even among the Kitsune, that's an honorable aspect. He fought tooth and nail for everyone; regardless of origin. Even helped the Asukai a few times I believe."

Their father stopped and looked up at the sky. Yoshi wondered if his father was thinking about his scars again. He had three scars the started from the left side of his face, and his neck, and stretched across his face. The longest one almost reached his right eye. He claimed he got into a fight with a Kitsune, he said he was a fellow teammate and was a difficult opponent to fight during his Chuunin Exams when he was younger. He took immense pride with the scars, which his mother thought was weird. Though, Yoshi was more concerned if he received the wounds from the Akarikage. The chances were less likely that it'd be him but still.

"All right, boys, time to be respectful." Their father said, rubbing both of their shoulders.

Yoshi looked up, trying to see over the crowd of people. He could faintly see the Kistune heirs and their mother walking towards Tarou's grave. The rain and the distance made it difficult to see though. So he, like everyone else, just bowed his head in respect. The Kitsune started by laying all sorts of offerings on the fallen's grave, several other clansmen and dear friends of Tarou followed suit. A few moments later, even from the distance, Yoshi recognized Hideaki Takashi conducting the sealing ceremony for the Fourth Akarikage's statue. Everyone watched as the legendary shinobi and his sages followed their ritual. Afterwards, Yoshi could feel an eerie sensation. It wasn't bad or foreboding but it was strange.

So Yoshi closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale and then slowly exhaling. He repeated this a few times before opening his light colored eyes. His mouth almost dropped at the scene before him. He could see various ghostly spirits all collected around them. Everywhere he looked, there were mourning spirits. They weren't doing anything, just standing there looking sad. Yoshi almost jumped when his father's hand touched his shoulder.

"You can see them too?" He asked, his voice in a whisper. "They're here to mourn those that have died here."

"Not just the Akarikage?" Yoshi asked, his voice low like his father's.

"Remember when Ryu took you to that old shrine? And you could sense something was off?" He started, watching his son nod his head. "When enough emotion is gathered in one place, anything that died there might start to emit that feeling. Like at that shrine, those spirits were mad that they had died. The ones here are sad because those that come here are sad as well. They don't do anything but try to help those here find comfort and acceptance in their loss or losses."

"Wow..." Yoshi muttered, looking at the spirits again. They all seemed to vanish a second later but knowing they were there, somehow made him feel more at ease. "Well, I hope they help us all get through this."

"I hope so too, son." His father said, looking ahead. "It might be a while before things get back to normal..."