Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 18
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 4, Mission 5: Welcome Home

Title: Welcome Home
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Suigmoto, Ryouichi Aoki
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 4 :v

"Slow down, Aoki!" Akimitsu hollered at her teammate.

"Then start learning how to run faster!" Yoshi said over his shoulder.

He was so excited to finally be home! During the last couple of miles, Yoshi -- along with half of the group he was with -- decided to just sprint all the way to the village. Yoshi was so happy that he couldn't contain his energy. His teammates ran with him, thinking it was a game and nothing more. But the faster he ran, the harder it was for them to keep up. He was already in a full sprint so the pair keeping up with him was already difficult enough, especially since he was super excited about finally coming home.

Yoshi sprinted past the gates of the village and just kept running. He ran past the villagers, who either welcomed the young shinobi back home or went about their day. The smells of food, the bright colors, and even the mild heat made Yoshi feel like he was at home again. He loved every moment of it and he didn't realize how homesick he was until he saw the Akarikage's Castle. He smiled and just kept running. He could see the Kitsune Compound and the Mansei one as he passed them. He was looking forward to seeing his home though.

He missed his mother's meals and the stories his father told. He also missed hearing about whatever ghost stories Ryouichi told. All of it was making him want to run faster. He honestly hoped he could run faster as he neared the Aoki Compound. He could hear some of his clansmen trailing behind him as they ran. Some were chatting about how excited they were to finally be home. Yoshi couldn't wait to see his family and sped up after his clansmen to try and get home faster. They burst into the compound and quickly spread out to go and find their family.

Yoshi ran by some of the pandas and red pandas that were scattered about. Either meditating with other Aoki, eating bamboo, or even napping. They didn't really do much aside from laze around, well in Yoshi's opinion. Some of the red pandas, however, easily got into trouble by getting into things they shouldn't. His brother had one as a pet, and Sei got into everything from his mom's make up to his brothers inks. Though Sei might be an outlier, Yoshi did see a few getting into trouble just trying to have fun.

Yoshi ran past his clansmen and whichever pandas were in his way. He could see his nom and the smile on his face got wider. He burst through the door, expecting to his his family waiting for him but smiley frowned. The living room was empty, same with the kitchen next to it. His shoulders slumped down and his excitement fizzed out. He was so excited to come back home that he expected his parents would at least be there. He sighed and walked to his room. He took off the warm clothes he had and changed into something that wasn't making him sweat or too hot. When he walked back into the living room, he saw his brother. Yoshi's face lit up as he saw his brother, Sei on his shoulder. Sei leapt towards Yoshi as his brother hugged him.

"Welcome home, brother." Ryouichi said.