Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 16
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 3, Mission 5: Set up Camp

Title: Set up Camp!
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Suigmoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 3 :v

Yoshi was up before either of the sisters were. He had a fire going and was ready to move as soon as they were. At the moment, he was sitting and just poking the fire every now and then. Akimitsu and Aina were fast asleep; Akimitsu covered up and using Yoshi's and Aina's ponchos as a makeshift blanket to get warmer. He was glad she was all right. At least Aina didn't have to be worried anymore. They managed to warm up Akimitsu the night before but were all too tired to go anywhere so they remained in the cave. Yoshi didn't mind it though, it was different and they didn't have to walk through the snow. He looked at the sisters for a moment and shrugged.

'Might as well meditate while I have the chance.' He thought as he crossed his legs.

He inhaled and exhaled slowly a few times. He was trying to tune out the world around him and concentrate on his thoughts. He's watched his mother and his brother do this on countless occasions; each time was as interesting as the last but he did envy them. They got to pray all the time and stay out of danger. While he and his father would put their lives on the line and train all the time for anything and everything that could or would attack their homes. As Yoshi calmed his mind, he could feel something ephemeral nearby. He opened his eyes and saw a small child sitting next to him.

Yoshi looked around and saw that the whole cave was full of people. They were all wearing white clothes and fur. He assumed they might be from Kosetsumura or related to them in a way. There was a large fire in front of him and merriment going around the save. Yoshi just grinned. He loved seeing things like this. He didn't expect to see anything like this here but he and his brother used to see ghosts or spirits all the time in the village. He frowned for a moment and furrowed his brows. He missed being around his family but he knew he was going to see them again. The feeling still bit into him however.

Yoshi looked around at the sight around him. All sorts of tribal gear and decorations were around him. Maybe it was something from Kosetumura's old days? Before they became a village, maybe? He was intrigued and made a note to look into it when he got back to the village. For now, he was just enjoying the happiness of the spirits around him. He felt something on his shoulder and a moment later opened his eyes to see Akimitsu and Aina giving him strange looks. Akimitsu had woken him from his trance and was giving him a concerned look.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I was meditating." He replied, smiling at her.

"Whatever, just get ready to go." She said. "We're going to catch up with the group and try to see what they've been doing."

"All right." He nodded.

Yoshi got to his feet and quickly put his poncho on. He grabbed his bag and followed his teammates outside; after putting out the fire. He looked at the cave after the walked into the cold. He wondered what the people who were there were up to or what they were celebrating. Then he felt Aina tug on his arm and they chased after Akimitsu.