Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 8
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 2, Mission 1: Fire

Title: Fire!
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Ryouichi Aoki, Tarou Kitsune
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 2 :v

Yoshi and his brother watched in awe of the Akarikage's might as he fended off the masked men. The giant stone wall he summoned had stopped the shurikun that flew towards the villagers. Yoshi and Ryouichi both cheered for the great man, along with various others, as he looked at the strange cloaked men. He bellowed at them, trying to either catch them off guard or tell them off -- Kohaku couldn't tell with how the Kitsune acted sometimes. The masked men looked between each other and then at the Akarikage again. Yoshi didn't feel too uneasy but the way the men handled themselves at the Akarikage's bellowing seemed... off. He did find the behavior strange but, before he could do anything, a squad of shinobi appeared. But not just any shinobi, the Shikaku Seiei.

Yoshi's jaw dropped as his face curved into a smile. He watched the silent group speed up the wall the Akarikage had created and then quickly descend to attack the strange men. The battle was immensely hard to watch, not because it was bloody or anything but rather that they Shikaku Seiei were moving at such immense speeds. Yoshi had a hard time keeping up between something that looked like a reverse-summoning technique, fiery ninjutsu, and then a sudden burst of smoke appeared. When the Akarikage withdrew the wall, the masked men were nowhere to be found. However, because of the embers from the ninjutsu that was casted earlier, caught onto the various decoration around the area. Flames started to erupt, spreading even farther as they reached whatever hanging lanterns were nearby, almost as soon as people began to notice what was going on and the villagers around Yoshi and his brother began to panic.

The brothers looked at one another and, almost in the same split second as most of the shinobi around them, darted off. The brothers ran towards a nearby fountain. The grabbed a couple of buckets, emptied the contents and filled it with as much water as they could. Yoshi could feel his adrenaline rushing through his mind, everything about this moment was going to prove whether or not his training had prevailed. He was nervous, almost losing his grip on the wooden bucket, even more so as people bumped into him -- trying to escape the fire. Without a second glance at how his brother was doing, Yoshi turned and threw water on the first fire he saw. He looked at Ryouichi for a moment and saw his brother mimicking his own actions.

Yoshi wasn't too worried about his brother but knew he would have his limits. Keeping an eye on him now was going to probably help in the long run. So the brothers kept going back and forth, getting more water and then quickly throwing it on any parts of the fire that were rampant or unattended to. The various shinobi around them were running too and fro, gathering buckets of water and trying to get rid of as much of the fire as they could. Several water natured shinobi were busy using the basic water jutsu incantations they learned from the Academy or from their sensei.

"Yoshi!" Ryouichi called out.

The blonde boy looked at his brother, to see him pointing at a vendor's stall that was burning up. The flames had seeped through most of the material, making it give way under its own weight. However, Yoshi saw his brother's concern; there was a boy that had tripped and was sitting on the ground crying for his parents. He didn't seem to notice the stall behind him starting to waver. Yoshi put the bucket down and ran towards the boy. He leaned over to easily scoop him into his arms and sprinted away from the fire and the stall that crashed behind him. Yoshi put the boy down, checking to see if he was hurt. Aside from a few scraps on his arms and legs, he didn't look too hurt. Yoshi looked at the boy with a smile and rubbed his head.

"Are you feeling okay?" Yoshi asked him. The boy sniffled for a moment, trying to wipe away the tears on his face before looking at Yoshi again. He simply shook his head.

"I can't find my momma!" He wailed. Ryouichi looked at his brother as he approached them. Yoshi looked back at him and then at the boy.

"We'll help you find your momma." He replied. "Are you okay to walk?"

The boy nodded. Yoshi got to his feet, took the boy's hand and walked off with his brother. They had to go and see if anyone else needed help in the village while most of the others took care of dousing the flames. He wondered just how many people were effected by the flames. He knew there was a lot of people at the festival, maybe some more to those that stayed indoors. Yoshi looked at the scenery before him and felt more determined to try and help those around them.