Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Bonis Arc 0, Mission 2: High-Speed Ninja Delivery!

Title: High Speed Ninja Delivery
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Suigmoto, Aina Sugimoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: Mild sass
Author Notes: YOSHI MISSIONS 8)

"Okay children," Yoshi's sensei started, "today your mission is to help deliver this to the orphanage." He pointed towards a few well wrapped and small boxes of soup. The boxes were made to withstand whatever temperatures the soup was at but could also be carried around by the Academy students... assuming they didn't fool around or run too fast that they spilled the containers inside.

"So all we gotta do is deliver soup?" Akimitsu asked, sounding unimpressed.

"It's to children in need, Aki!" Aina said.

"Yeah, they need food to survive too!" Yoshi added. "Besides, we can have a race between the three of us!"

"Well don't get too carried away." Their sensei said. "You have to make sure the soup gets there as is and without it getting cold. Otherwise, what's the point in eating it."

"Let's get going!" Yoshi said as he grabbed a box and slung the straps connected to it over his shoulders. "Wanna race, Aki?"

"You always beat me, Aoki." She spat as she tugged on the straps of the box.

"Well,if you're sure you'll lose..." He started. "Then I guess I can't tell you the incredibly awesome thing that Sei did last night. Such a shame too, it was seriously cute."

"Oh! Tell me about it!" Aina whined, tugging on his orange, translucent sleeve. He leaned down to whisper in Aina's ear and received a laugh as Aina's cooed. "How cute! I bet he'll never do that again."

"I think he could if Ryu did that trick again." Yoshi added.

"What did Sei do?" Akimitsu pouted.

"Well I can't because you don't wanna race." He said. Akimitsu pouted for a moment before chewing the inside of her cheek and pointing at Yoshi.

"You're on, Aoki!" She declared.

"Great!" Yoshi laughed. "First one there, wins!"

Yoshi sped past the girls with ease. Akitmitsu frowned and ran towards him, not wanting to lose and really wanting to know what Sei did. Aina just kept a pace a little away from them, their sensei following not too far behind them. Yoshi, knowing that he was slightly faster than the two sisters, tried not to speed past Akitmitsu. He just wanted her to not be too serious about messing around before with him and Aina instead of being all pouty. So his plan worked... sort of.

Akimitsu looked behind her as Yoshi trailed not to far along; she could see Aina and their sensei literally just pacing themselves as well. She looked ahead and felt determined as she visualized Sei, Yoshi's red panda, looking all cute. She was going to hear that cute story about what he did and she wasn't going to lose. She could imagine the small creature doing just about anything and it'd still be cute but she had to know what Sei did recently.

So, with a sigh, she sprinted ahead of Yoshi, trying to lose him so she could easily win. However, he seemed to just trail behind her no matter how far she ran ahead of them. She eventually just gave up and let him run ahead of her. Akimitsu figured that she could at least sprint ahead of him at the last second and then win. With that in mind, she easily trailed him for a while. Aina and their sensei, however, stopped at a building the two had passed. They looked around and saw them running all over the streets.

"Do you think they know this was the place, sensei?" Aina asked.

"I don't think so." He said. "I think that they're too wrapped up in doing whatever Sei did. What did he do?"

"Oh, nothing." Aina smiled. "Yoshi just wanted Aki to race him."