Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Bonus Arc 0, Mission 3: Find the Missing Dog

Title: Find the Missing Dog!
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Suigmoto, Aina Sugimoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: Mild sass
Author Notes: YOSHI MISSIONS 8)

"He's over here!" Yoshi hollered as he saw a dog run by.

"Man, this pooch is really fast!" Akimitsu panted as she tried to catch up with Yoshi, Aina trailed behind her.

Today the youths were trying to find Old Man Kenta's dog. It seems he really liked to get away from his master quite a bit because Yoshi remembered hearing that the other Academy teams had to find the dog too. Their sensei was adamant that they could catch the dog, though Yoshi knew their sensei wanted to see how well they worked together. Sure he was following them around too but not with the same persistence that the children had.

Yoshi rounded a corner and looked around. His chest was heaving from all the running he'd been doing in the past hour. Finding this dog was proving to be more trouble than it was worth. Though Yoshi heard a rumor that the dog could use a ninja technique, which made the whole thing of them chasing it even more ridiculous. Akimitsu and Aina stopped right next to him and looked around the street. Aina suited her eyes and pointed in the direction she was facing.

"There!" She shouted. Yoshi's and Akimitsu's heads swiveled towards the direction she was pointing in and then they all dashed towards the dog.

"How long do you think it can keep this up?" Yoshi asked.

"I'm thinking as long as he needs to." Akimitsu said.

"Shut up and keep running!" Aina said as she sped past them both.

Their sensei was just watching in amusement as he trailed behind his students. It was interesting to see how they could go from being goofballs to acting like teammates. Though he was even more surprised that Akimitsu got over how mad she was at Yoshi for not telling her about what happened with Sei the other day. He couldn't say he was entirely surprised but was glad that they could coordinate together so well, even if they squabbled. He picked up the pace as they rounded a corner but before he followed them, he saw the dog running down the street.

"Hey, he's over here!" Their sensei called out.

"Aki, can you and Aina go after this one?" He asked Akimitsu. "I have a plan, just keep chasing it until you get to the center of the village."

"All right." She nodded and ran off with her sister.

Yoshi turned on his heels and ran towards his sensei. The pair chased after the dog for a while until arriving in the center of the village. Yoshi's feet were aching, one of the few times he wished he actually had a pair of shoes on his feet. But his regret was washed away when he saw his teammates nearing them. He whistled at Akimitsu and motioned with his hands to catch the dog -- as best as he could. Yoshi dove towards the ground at the dog in front of him, Akimitsu did the same and they both looked up to see they both had a dog. However, the one in Yoshi's hands collapsed into smoke and he fell into the ground.

"Aw!" Aina cooed as Akitmitsu sat up, still holding the dog. "He's so cute!"

"He is!" Akimitsu smiled, petting the pooch as he licked her face.

"Well, I think my dogs are barking." Yoshi groaned as he rubbed his feet.

"Lame." Akimitsu and Aina echoed.