Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 15
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 3, Mission 4: Blizzard

Title: Blizzard!
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Suigmoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 3 :v

"The wind is really picking up!" Yoshi hollered as he and his teammates were walking through the snow.

He could see an outline of the rest of group ahead of him but with the wind picking up and the flurries of snow masking whatever was ahead of him, he couldn't see much. Yoshi, who was holding onto both Akimitsu and Aina, was trying to help them trudge through the snow. He could hardly see through though. Still he trudged through with his friends at his side. He could faintly hear someone yelling ahead of them but wasn't sure who or what it was -- the wind was roaring past them.

"I think we're going to try and push past this." Yoshi hollered.

"Okay!" Aina yelled back, gripping onto Yoshi's arm.

"Right!" Akimitsu nodded, gripping onto his other arm.

Yoshi pushed through towards the weather, trying to help his teammates as best as he could. Though it was hard to move around without his arms and the girls weighing him down with every step. He knew they were just trying to stay together but it was getting a little difficult to move. He did consider telling them to let go but then he was also sure it would start some sort of fight next. That was the last thing he wanted with all this snow going on. So, he just kept on going, trying to chase after the crowd of people ahead of him that seemed to keep fading in and out of sight.

"Uh-oh... I think we're losing them!" Yoshi frowned.

"What?!" Akimitsu gasped. "Let's go after them!"

Before either could say anything, Akimitsu had already started running after them. Yoshi grabbed Aina's hand and they chased after her. They both tried their best to push through the snow and the wind but had little luck trying to find their teammate. The snow beneath them was replaced almost as soon as their feet made another step. So it was hard to try and find anything. Aina gripped Yoshi's hand and his arm again. He knew she was worried but wasn't about the give up. He looked around wildly, trying to see a sign or anything that would lead to Akimitsu.

After walking around for a half hour, Yoshi and Aina decided to hide out in one of the nearby caves. He convinced her it was probably a better idea to wait for the weather to die down before actually attempting look for her again. They could get hurt or lost themselves. Besides, it'd be easier to find her if there wasn't anything obstructing their way or trying to mislead them anywhere. They found a cave nearby and easily managed to get inside without too much trouble. Yoshi quickly made a fire, really glad that his brother had given him some flint stones before they left. The two cuddled up next to the fire, trying to get warm.

Yoshi looked at Aina and she just looked so sad. He knew she was upset about her sister being gone and all but he didn't know what to do to cheer her up. Akimitsu was strong and resourceful, so Yoshi wasn't too worried but he couldn't help it. Seeing Aina the way she was was also making him sad. He looked down at the fire, rubbing his hands together.

"Aki'll be alright!" He said with a wide grin. Aina looked unconvinced but just nodded.

"I know, but I'm still worried about how she's doing without us." She replied. "And how could she just run off like that?"

"Maybe she's with the group?" He suggested. "She could've found them as we were looking for her."

"Maybe..." She frowned.

Yoshi's face fell. He got up and sat next to her, throwing his arm around her to wrap her up in his poncho. It wasn't much, but he knew she would understand that she wasn't alone. He was worried about her too but knew if anyone could get through this weather, it'd be her. The two talked for a bit and were telling each other stories about Akimitsu and all the ridiculousness she wound up in. They eventually fell asleep afterwards; walking through the snow wore them both out. Sometime later, Yoshi awoke to the sound of something grunting near them. He looked around and saw a weird lump and got to his feet. Aina saw it and jumped behind him.

The strange creature wasn't doing much, just laying on the ground. Without the fire, it was hard to see who or what was there in the darkness. Yoshi wished he could use fire jutsu right now, at least they'd be able to see what's near them. The creature rolled over and Yoshi was ready to attack it, he could feel the adrenaline running through him. His hand reached for his pouch, grabbing a kunai. He kept still for a moment as he waited for the strange creature to do something.

"Yoshi..." Aina mumbled, gripping onto his shoulders.

"Just stay behind me, Aina." He said.

Yoshi was ready to attack whatever it was that was in the cave with them. At first he thought it was a bear, he did remember learning that bears liked isolated places like this. Seeing how cold it was, maybe it was trying to sleep and they disrupted it. He also figured it could've been a wolf but then there would be more of them. Either way, he wasn't sure what was in front of them and he was ready to protect his teammate. The creature was standing up, groaning something that Yoshi assumed was a growl or something. He brandished his kunai was it got to its feet and then realized who it was.

"Aki!" He said and dashed towards her. He caught her before she fell over again. He quickly put away his kunai and took off his poncho to wrap it around her. Aina joined him but was hugging her sister and crying.

"Stupid, Aoki." Aki mumbled before falling unconscious.

"Well, at least she's safe!" Yoshi smiled.