Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 17
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 4, Mission 4: Snowfall Celebration

Title: A Snowfall Celebration
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Suigmoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 4 :v

Aina, Akimitsu, and Yoshi all felt a wave of relief as they entered Kosetsumura. The village was half the size of Torogakure but still full of life. The streets were filled with snow and lanterns. The lanterns weren't as festive as the ones back home but were still interesting. Yoshi and Akimitsu were fawning over how different they looked compared to the ones at home as Aina tried to drag them both inside the large home everyone was amassing in. Yoshi, like everyone else, took off his poncho and boots. He also took off some heavier clothes he had on but was amazed by how warm it was inside the home. Well, rather castle now that he had a good look at it. It reminded him of the Kitsune Castle in their compound.

The whole place was huge and full of life. It looked small on the outside but it was rather roomy. That's what made him think of the Kitsune Castle; despite how it looked on the outside, it looked like it could have supported half the village. Or maybe most of the Yukikage and his advisors, maybe just his family as well? Yoshi wasn't sure how Kosetsumura's hierarchy worked but knew it was different from Torogakure's. Still, he was marveled at the decorations around him. Various weapons were hung around, there were paintings of important figures he was sure to try and remember to look at later, and then there were various animal skins and fur everywhere.

"You sure we're not at the Kitsune Compound?" Yoshi asked his teammates. Akimitsu looked around and gave him a puzzled look.

"We might be, considering this place is very... furry?" She asked, not quite sure herself. "Maybe... too bland though. They usually have about various different colors and more... foxes." She looked at the few pictures of wolves that were around the hallway they were in.

"Well, the wolves look pretty!" He smiled.

"They look a little terrifying..." Aina frowned.

"It's not that bad." He said. The sister looked at one another than back at him.

"You're so lame, Yoshi." The said in unison.

"Well whatever." He shrugged. "I wonder if they have any spirits around here?"

"Don't even joke about that!" Akimitsu gasped and quickly put him in a headlock.

"Hey, I wasn't being... okay yeah I was being serious but come on!" Yoshi said, trying to get out of her grip.

"No ghosts until we get home!" She growled.

"Okay!" He said. "No ghosts until we get home." Akimitsu released him and he started to rub his neck. He looked around to see where everyone was going and smiled.

"Though, I did see ghosts when I was meditating in that cave!" He laughed and sped off.

Yoshi was glad that he could outrun her, otherwise he might not be living for long. He ran into an enormous room that was filled with food and maybe the entire village of Kosetsumura. He slipped between a few of his fellow villagers to dodge Akimitsu's hands. He quickly snuck around a few other people to make sure she had lost him. With that settled, he looked around for any friendly faces and didn't see any he recognized. He sat next to a few Aoki instead and just shared the merriment with them.

He had fun, retelling stories with his clansmen and hearing new ones from the people around him. They ate and drank as much as they could as they had fun celebrating the victory agains the bandits. Kosetsumura were overjoyed that Torogakure had helped them and gave them all a celebration they'd remember. Yoshi remembered having fun with a few of his friends, even his teammates -- after Akimitsu settled down -- and had a blast just letting loose and being themselves. He was reminded of the Lantern Festival that had happened not too long ago. He wondered if Kosetsumura had any specific holidays they celebrated and what they did during them. He was very interested but also very tired from partying around with his friends and everyone else.

Yoshi couldn't wait to go back home and tell his brother all about the journey to Kosetsumura. He wondered if Ryouichi would be as excited as he was at the moment. His brother never stepped foot out of the village walls let alone outside the Aoki Compound for long. He was almost too excited to sleep until he closed his eyes.