Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 11
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 2, Mission 4: The Aftermath

Title: The Aftermath
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Ryouichi Aoki,
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 2 :v

Yoshi ran towards one of the recently burned building with his brother. They decided to help out the people near the medical tents and see if they could help put them at ease. Many of the homes that were affected by the fire were residential after all, so all they needed to do was recover a few items. Ryouichi held a list of the items that he had written down. Yoshi just wanted to help, no matter how little or how big it would seem. He had no issues recovering items but his brother seemed a little hesitant in barging into people's homes though.

Since most of the fires were put out, everyone could at least get around without having too much to worry about. However, it wasn't entirely safe to walk around since debris would fall or the houses and buildings that were effected might keel over. Yoshi wasn't too worried, he was glad he would be able to get his brother's help and help him if he needed it. They approached a house, one of the ones on the list, and managed to recover an ornamental fan. It didn't look too worse for wear, considering, but it was a little smudged and effected by the smoke.

"Well, this looks like it wasn't too damaged." Yoshi said, flashing the fan at his brother.

"Well, let's see what else we can find before we decide anything." Ryouichi said, looking at the list he had written down. "There's a few items that those kids wanted that were here."

"Let's find those then." Yoshi said as he put the fan in his haori.

Ryouichi followed his brother though the house. They walked a bit, trying to see what were bedrooms and what weren't. It was hard to tell since everything was a mess and almost indistinguishable. However, they did find manage to find where the children's rooms were and started to dig around trying to find the dolls or other items that the family had requested. Ryouichi watched Yoshi for a moment as he looked through a few of the dolls.

"Why didn't you wait for me earlier?" He asked. Yoshi looked back at him with a raised brow. "When you helped the girl get out of that burning house. I told you to wait but you went head first inside."

"Oh, well sometimes you can't just wait around simply because someone asks." Yoshi said. "If I had, I would've felt responsible for not getting to her quicker." He looked at the doll in his hand for a moment. "That's what we were taught in the Academy and during our team exercises. There's a difference between acting and not acting and the consequences for both are drastic. If the village were under attack and I had to wait for my team, many people could die. Whereas if I went ahead, I could be saving those people but at the risk of my own life.

"Brother, there are many differences between us and risks." He continued. "I understand you worry and are and always will be concerned for my safety and whatever dangers I face but Ryu, I do this not only because it's what father asked but because sometimes we need to serve for the great good of those around us. Not everyone can be a monk or a civilian like you and mother. And I know not everyone can live the life of a shinobi without seeing a way out or finding a way to deal with what're supposed to do. But, I do this so I can make sure you and mother are safe.

"So no, I don't regret running head first into that house." He said, looking at his brother. "I will always run head first into that burning house if it means I could protect you and mother. If that's what's required of me to protect and serve the clan, then it's what's required to do the same towards the village."

"Ryu, I'm not mad at the differences between us." He finally said, smiling. "If anything, I love it. Because I would never want you to understand why I chose to do what father asked but just to respect it."

Ryouichi was a little shocked by his brother's words. Not expecting a speech or anything as he listened to him. There were a lot of differences between them, and it was something that Ryouichi had a hard time trying to come to terms with. He was always worried that Yoshi was biting off more than he could chew and that father strong armed him... or at least according to their mother -- which wasn't her entire opinion on the matter just part of it. Though hearing this, Ryouichi just remembered how happy that girl was when Yoshi brought her to her parents, how excited she was when she thanked him and gave him the doll, and then with Isa as well. He couldn't believe he'd been blinded by how much his little brother had changed and grown up. He wasn't the silly blonde headed boy that could be heard half way across the village anymore. This Yoshi was more mature and aware of what was going on around him. Ryouichi just scratched his head and smiled.

"Well, looks like you've grown up quite a bit." He said.

"You've grown up too." Yoshi said. "You understand more about being a monk than I ever will. I can't really see how you and mother find meditating for days on end to be so enjoyable." They laughed and joked around for a moment as they continued to gather several more items that looked like they could be recoverable. They left the house with arms full of remnants and memorabilia.

"All right, we have a couple more places to go." Ryouichi said, trying to look at his list.

"We still have a couple more houses to visit?" Yoshi gawked. "We don't even have any room for a bag of tea or anything that can be eaten."

Ryouichi laughed, telling his brother that they'd probably need to take a trip back to the medical area. He looked at Yoshi as they started to walk. Maybe he hadn't grown up that fast just yet.