Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 20
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 6.5, Mission 1: Life After the Invasion (alt)

Title: Life After the Invasion
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Ryouichi Aoki, Kichirou Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Sugimoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And something for arc 6.5

Yoshi stretched out his haori, trying not to let it creep up on his neck. He liked that his clothes were looser and easier to move in. He reminded himself to thank his teammates for the help in getting new clothes. He looked at the shin guards on his legs. He wasn't too pleased about how weird they felt but he knew he had to break them in. They looked like the last pair he had but lighter, he was happy it matched his haori. He gave himself another once over in the mirror before leaving his room. He walked out into the living room and put his hands on his hips.

"So? What do you think?" Yoshi asked.

"You like really nice, bro!" Ryouichi laughed. "I think there's a few girls in the clan that might wanna met you, now that you don't have that raggedy hair anymore."

"It wasn't raggedy!" Yoshi frowned, crossing his arms. "It was just long..."

Yoshi had his hair cut, which he liked more than he thought he would. His hair was naturally wavy and curly, so the longer it got the more of a hassle it was to get it in check. He was also glad his teammates strongly suggested it. At least he didn't need to worry about his hair getting stuck in anything anymore. Though... it was suspicious on how they unanimously agreed on the idea when he mentioned it the other day. Yoshi actually hadn't seen his teammates much until recently. Over the last three years, everyone was busy rebuilding the village and getting everything back to normal again. He wondered what they had been up to... Though he could ask them when he saw them later. They agreed to go out to one of their favorite places. Well Yoshi's favorite, and he was paying since he was too excited that the restaurant was restored again.

"So what are you doing today?" His father asked, walking into the room.

That was another thing Yoshi had been happy about. His parents were at home more often now... well his father at least. Since the entire village was supposed to be rebuilding, any active shinobi were supposed to help with the reconstruction. Though the tensions between the Kitsune and Asukai made it difficult at first, it eventually died down. There were still outbursts every now and then but the Asukai had enough on their plate. Yoshi remembered hearing that the clan was going through a dispute between the Main and Branch houses. Not that it effected him too much but it was still a pain to hear about.

"Oh, well I'm meeting Akimitsu and Aina for lunch." Yoshi said. "They said they wanted to catch-up on things now that everything's starting to look good again."

"You just wanted a chance to go to that barbecue place you love." Ryouichi laughed.

"And that's why I can't be a monk." Yoshi retorted. "If I had to forsake all the worldly pleasures for that, then I'm pretty sure I'd be upset mostly not for being able to enjoy good barbecue."

"That's not what it's about, dummy." His brother sneered. "But then again, you're the little bro! You youngin's are never gonna learn about what it takes to be an adult."

"All right you two." Their father laughed and looked at Yoshi. "Did you finish your training?"

"Yeah, I finished reconstructing Manipura." Yoshi nodded. "I think he's getting easier to use every time! I seem to learn about another new nook or cranny to use too."

"Well, at least Karasu is teaching you something worth learning." His father laughed. "He was always an obscure kid."

"Yeah, well he made fun of you quite a bit the other day when I met with him." Yoshi said.

"And he was always very hard to please." His father sighed. "Then again, with the amount of puppets he has up his sleeve, probably best to try and find that good side."

"Why'd you name your puppet Manipura?" Ryouichi asked. "Why not something else?"

"Because Pa already took Anja and Anahata?" He laughed.

Yoshi picked Manipura for a specific reason, one he wasn't interested in sharing with his family. The name, Manipura, was associated with one of the seven chakras that made up the Sohei -- the Aoki clan's specialty. Confidence, restraint and control, resisting manipulation and deceit were the feelings related to Manipura. Yoshi picked it because of what it meant and how it was relate to his long term goals -- which was something else he hid from his family and those close to him. Over the last three years, Yoshi finally found his purpose. He spent endless hours meditating whenever he had the time and was glad because he didn't want to upset his parents. So, he enrolled in the Puppet Brigade, like his father had. Though, his long term goals were almost in sight -- which was something he was really proud of. However, he needed to start the hard part of proving himself and trying his best to get there.

Yoshi was interested in joining the ranks of the Shikaku Seiei. A group seen in both a good and bad light. The good was that they were the elite shinobi within the village that protected the Akarikage. Serving as his bodyguard and shield if invaders arrived or someone attacked him. Yoshi admired them, simply because they chose to risk their lives for the greater good -- something that appealed to him. The bad was that they were seen as murderers, assassins, saboteurs, spies, and had a rather ominous dark side. Most of the clans seemed restful towards them, because any of their members that joined had to forsake their heritage. Numerous non-clanned individuals saw the appeal and joined -- wanting to prove themselves to the clans or their families. The other thing was, once you joined you couldn't tell anyone. Yoshi understood the secrecy but wasn't sure he could keep the secret all too well but wasn't too worried about it.

"Yeah right." His brother scoffed. "You could've named it YĆ«rei. More up your alley anyways."

"Huh... that's a really pretty name..." Yoshi said. He hadn't actually thought about considering any other name than Manipura. "Maybe I can name the next one I get that."

"Oh great, he's already planning on getting another one." His brother groaned.

"That's my son!" His father said, hugging Yoshi. "You'll be a famous shinobi in no time. You might even pass Karasu."

"I highly doubt it." Yoshi laughed, scratching the back of his head. "There's another student that seems rather insistent that he'll be better than me in every aspect."

"Well, then you have a challenge." His father said, still looking rather proud. Before Yoshi could say anything, there was a knock on the front door. Ryouichi got to his feet and walked towards it. He was talking to someone and came back a moment later.

"It's Akimitsu and Aina." He said.

"Oh, well I better put Manipura in his scroll again..." Yoshi said, remembering Akimitsu's very displeased reaction towards him when he told them he got his first puppet. "Tell them to wait a moment, I'll be right there."

Yoshi walked back to his room. Manipura was already sealed away in a scroll. It was laying on his nightstand, next to his bed. He just wanted a moment alone because he knew what his brother was going to say and do. Ryouichi had been so adamant about his brother finding a girl to marry -- since his brother's engagement a couple years ago, he's done nothing but flaunt it to Yoshi. He didn't mind it, and often ignored it. However, lately, his brother had been getting on his nerves. Ryouichi was insistent that he ask Akimitsu on a date somewhere -- hence why Yoshi got used to mentioning both her and Aina whenever he was planning on spending time with them.

Yoshi liked his teammate but felt she was overly annoyed with him most of the time. So how a relationship could work like that... Yoshi wasn't sure. He knew she was just doing what felt natural to her but he didn't blame her. There were numerous occasions that they'd laugh and get along; they outweighed all the bad ones. Another thing was that Yoshi was sure she didn't see him like his brother thought Yoshi saw her. At least, he was sure she didn't. She never made any specific remarks or gestures saying as such... well to his best recollection. As if right on cue, Ryouichi walked into Yoshi's room.

"You almost ready, bro?" He asked.

"Yeah, just getting a couple of things I got from them is all." Yoshi said, taking out a couple of wrapped presents from the drawer of his nightstand. "I figured they might like them when I was out the other day."

"Trying to get your girlfriend's favor?" His brother laughed. Yoshi's smile fell at his brother's words. He really wondered if his brother was as smart as he claimed to be somedays.

"Ryu..." He said, sitting on his bed. "You need to stop doing this."

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Doing this!" Yoshi said, motioned towards where he guessed the front door would be from where he was in his room. "I told you numerous times that Aki's a friend. And every time I say it, you suggest something else. I told you to stop more than a few times."

"I know, Yoshi, and I'm sorry about it." Ryouichi sighed. "It's just... well, everyone we know thinks the two of you look cute. Heck, I remember a few of your friends saying the same."

"It doesn't mean you have to push me into the idea." Yoshi replied, crossing his arms. He looked down for a moment and sighed. "Akimitsu wants to become a Lantern Sage one day, Ryu. She's told me ever since we saw them three years ago. So I'll gladly help her get to her goal but I'm not going to be standing by her side when she gets there. Not in the way you think."

"I'm sorry, Yoshi." Ryouichi said, looking down. "I'll stop bothering you about it."

"Now if only Ma and Pa could get the hint too..." Yoshi frowned.

"I'll help you out." He said, smiling at his brother. "It's the least I can do for getting you into this mess anyways."

"Thanks." Yoshi said. "I need to get something else, mind telling the girls I'll be right there?"

"Sure!" Ryouichi said, leaving his brother's room.

Yoshi was quiet for a moment. He was still sitting on his bed, both the presents he had for Aina and Akimitsu were in his hands. He looked at the one he got for Akimitsu. Inside the small box was a lantern necklace. He managed to get it from a traveling merchant before the village gates closed, though it nearly cost him an arm and a leg. He got it to give to her as a birthday present but hung onto it for three years. He swiped his thumb over the box, remembering the vivid details on the lantern. It even had the village's symbol on it. He got Aina some jewelry too, though not as expensive as what he got for Akimitsu.

He got it because it reminded him of her dream to join the Lantern Sages. So, he figured he'd get her something that seemed like another stepping stone. But the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if his brother was right. The presents he got for Aina were more of a quantity than quality. He assumed she's like the palettes and earrings though; both were as vibrant as she was. Yoshi took another moment, contemplating on his thoughts before getting up. He remembered a thought he held back from his brother as he left his room.

"Akimitsu wants to become a Lantern Sage one day, Ryu. So if she wants to light the future for everyone, then I'll protect it by fighting in the shadows."