Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 13
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Arc 3, Mission 2: Rebuilding the Village!

Title: Rebuilding the Village!
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Akimitsu Sugimoto, Aina Suigmoto
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: N/A
Author Notes: And another set for arc 3 :v

"Hey, Aoki!" Akimitsu called out. Yoshi looked back to see his teammate and smiled at her.

"Hey, Aki and Aina!" Yoshi said as he waved at her. He had been running around with his clansmen trying to help rebuild as much of the village as he could. He stepped away from them and walked towards her -- feeling uplifted by seeing his teammates. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We're helping with the rebuild." She said, nodding to the various nails and tools they had in their hands.

"We'll you're gonna need some wood to put those on." He said. The girls just stared at him.

"Yoshi, you're being lame again." Aina said.

"Yeah." Akimitsu agreed.

Well, the sisters rarely agreed on anything aside from whatever concerned Yoshi. Usually, it was on how bizarre he was or was being at that moment. They always either disregarded how obscure he was being or just wondered how much he ate that day or if he ate anything. Since Yoshi did fast every now and then it did effect his behavior, despite him saying it rarely did. The sisters did know he was weird but hadn't known the extent of it until after a few training sessions and missions together. Still, Yoshi was oblivious to their observation of him every time... or so he made them think. Regardless, he was still very excited to see them.

"So, why don't you guys help us out?" He asked. "We're almost done helping rebuild one of the houses over there."

"Is it the one you burned your feet in?" Akimitsu asked.

"That's still not very funny, Aki." He frowned.

"You ran head first into a burning building without any shoes." She said bluntly.

"When she puts it like that, it does make you seem a little daft." Aina giggled.

"Well, I rescued a little girl at the expense of my feet." He said, crossing his arms and looking rather proud of himself.

"Whatever." The girls shrugged.

"Anyways, let's get to building stuff!" Aina laughed.

Yoshi and Aina ran off to join his clansmen. Akimitsu trailed after them, wondering why she bothers to put up with either of them. A few of Yoshi's relatives were helping out; like his brother, his father, and his cousins as well. He introduced them all to his family and then to a few more clansmen that were with them. The sisters, well Aina, were overjoyed to meet Yoshi's family. Akimitsu looked around for a moment.

"Where's your mother?" She asked.

"Her and a few other monks are trying to raise some money for food and supplies for the people who lost their homes." He explained. "The Akarikage even thought it was good enough idea for the whole village to be in on and recruited various people to help them. They're mostly civilians but they're still making a difference."

"That's so nice!" Aina said. "Maybe we should help them too?"

"Well, there's some restaurants near by giving those who help a discount on whatever they're doing to help." Yoshi said. "It's actually pretty neat!"

"You just want to get more barbecue." Akimitsu said.

"Well I can't help that it's good." He grinned.

"Let's get to work!" Aina cheered. Something both Yoshi and Akimitsu never thought they'd hear coming from her.

"Looks like I've not the only one looking forward to the food!" He added and was given an 'Akimitsu friendly' punch.

He rubbed her arm and went straight back to helping out his father. He and his teammates walked around; handing supplies to the villagers near them, helping carry wooden planks around, and even try to help construct some of the buildings. Yoshi took off his haori as he continued to hammer a few nails. He didn't notice that his teammates were ogling him -- rather Aina making suggestive remarks. He actually felt very embarrassed to not have his haori on. He wasn't too fond of the heat but was trying to do the best he could though.

"Hey, Aina, can you hand me another nail?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Oh sure." She giggled, handing him a few nails.

"Thanks!" He said as he took the handful she gave him.

"Aki, you should totally ask him out!" Aina whispered to her sister.

"Why should I ask him?" She frowned, crossing her arms. "He's just lame an-"

"And you totally like him!" Her sister giggled. "I mean, most of the people you both know think you two are so cute!"

"No." Akimitsu said finally.

However, despite her protests however, most of the people Akimitsu recognized -- that knew her and Yoshi -- passed by and whistled at her. Yoshi turned around, of course, and gave his teammates a confused look. They threw their hands up and waved them to make him go back to doing what he was doing. So he did, with a little panic, and just went back to hammering. Akimitsu groaned and helped him out, ignoring her sister. About an hour later, they were done trying to add onto the walls. It'd be a few more days before the houses would be complete, but for now, the group decided to take a break.

"Hey, let's go get something to eat!" Yoshi smiled, slipping his arms into his haori.

"Sure!" Aina smiled and Akimitsu just nodded and followed them.

"Hey, Yoshi, you know you don't look half bad without your haori on!" Aina said.

"Uh... well then..." Yoshi said, scratching his head. "Well thank you?"

"You're welcome!" She cheered.

"Don't mind her, Aoki, she's just being weird." Akitmitsu grumbled.