Mission Stories

5 years, 6 months ago
5 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 22
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

Stories about Yoshi's adventures thru various missions in https://hiddenlanternvillage.deviantart.com Some of these are outdated and will most likely be updated in the future. Will be updated if written missions are completed as well.

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Holiday Traditions, Season of Stories

Title: Season of Stories
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yoshi Aoki, Ari Hibiki
Pairing: N/A
Ratings: K+
Warnings: Minor OOC
Author Notes: Let's get this started 8U

Yoshi was excited to help out the infamous Hideaki Takashi with a story about Yukimura and Tannosuke. He helped decorate the Academy with many of the students and had quite a bit of fun. He even enjoyed himself as he conversed with some of the villagers from Kōsetsumura. A few were grumpy towards him but others were quite pleasant. He was super happy that they made snowmen with him and his brother the other day. He was really glad to have talked a few of them into helping him decorate the new Academy classrooms. He wondered if they enjoyed as much as he did though.

Yoshi even played with several of the kids in whatever games they were in the mood for. Everyone, to his surprise, was very well-behaved and very interested in the stories that the Lantern Sage would tell. He heard them all before but still, he couldn't help but feel excited. Many other shinobi were helping the Academy out as well so Yoshi as sure they were also feeling nostalgic about being in the old building -- well new since the incident with the Masked Men not too long ago.

Yoshi, along with several others around his age, helped corral as many of the new young children as they could. Sure they weren't going to be learning any actual shinobi techniques but kids did deserve to hear a good story! He helped lead the children into the cafeteria, which was large enough for all the kids to sit around and listen to Hideaki's stories. He had a couple kids grabbing his hand while another was sitting on his shoulder, Yoshi was using his free hand to hold onto the kid as he walked. There was a few more that were holding onto him and laughing. He managed to get them all to sit and settle down in some of the tables -- having to sit down with the group that hung around him.

Yoshi saw Hideaki walk into the room, a couple of his students were trailing after him. He cleared his throat and started to tell a story about Tannosuke. He told them of a story about how he managed to help save the village a few years ago with his infamous lantern technique. The elderly man even used genjutsu to demonstrate the technique Tannosuke used. Yoshi was in awe, he loved anything to do with lanterns and wished his teammates were here listening to the story with him. He knew they'd like it as much as he would. However, he was pushed by someone how suddenly sat next to him. He looked over to see an old friend smiling at him.

"Hey, Ari!" Yoshi whispered.

"Hey!" He whispered back. "So what've you been up to lately?"

"Well, just helping out with my clan and getting caught up in the chaos." He replied, trying to keep his voice low so he wouldn't get yelled at or scolded. "You?"

"About the same." Ari nodded.

Yoshi remembered loving spending time with Ari. They always went on the craziest adventures when they were kids. They would go look for rare bugs, catch butterflies and fish, climb trees, explore old and abandoned places. There wasn't much that he didn't do with Ari and some of his childhood friends. He loved every minute of being a kid then. These stories, and see various memories, were all starting to make him miss all the things he used to get into with his friends.

"Feeling nostalgic?" Ari whispered.

"I am!" Yoshi nodded. "Maybe we could go find some old building to explore later?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Ari grinned.

The boys looked towards Hideaki and smiled as he told a story about Yukimura, a few Kōsetsumura kids cheered as they revealed in how he had defeated another well-known Kōsetsumura figure, Kaijū. Yoshi was intrigued with the stories and reminded himself to look up some of these stories later or ask some of the Kōsetsumura friends he made recently. Either way, he was excited to see what he would find out later.