
After the Chaotic Age, the gods were the only beings of power. There were two other sentient species: humans and spirits. Spirits (spi or spion) are a little shorter than humans and have insect wings. Some have insect-like eyes while others have human-like eyes; this is about as common as different hair colors and can vary even within a family. They have significantly more magic than humans (who have none but think they do) and most human magic practices have some basis in spirit magic. The current belief is that the spirit population went extinct over 500 years ago. Long story short, they didn't and are alive and thriving on the "haunted" island of Spirala. The spirit government is a monarchy of sorts. The spirit with the highest magical power, proven by performing a feat of great magic, is named the next queen, regardless of gender. Their current leader is a prince because the queen isn't yet dead and therefore not yet out of power, but unable to rule due to Alzheimer's. Their culture places a lot of importance on magic and the talent you're born with. Because of this, discrimination due to gender, physical attributes, and other concerns are much less prevalent.

Spirits use magic for small everyday tasks. Most have enough internal control to light a small candle or mend a ripped fishing net. Controlling the weather, a vast magical feat, is the mark of royalty; any who achieve this feat are integrated into the royal family and those royals unable to become normal citizens. Spirit magic is the base of human "magic" which grew as an imitation of real power.

Although spirits are similar in stature to humans they do not live as long. The oldest spirit on record reached 85 years before passing away; most do not make it past 70.

Spirit characters