


6 years, 10 months ago


the illustrious lilygamme, dame of the third circle of hell. she’s the dollop of the circle, with gentle manners, and an eternal silence. lilygamme cannot speak, she simply sits serenely as she carries out her duty. she is the devourer of all who have assaulted another, and stole their innocence. beneath the marble mask of her face she hides a terrifying maw, which is rarely shown to any not under her punishment. she too has many scribe demons under her command. her domain is like a dollhouse, and her machinations within it are staged. she lives her life like it’s a period play, and she’s the main actress.

lilygamme rarely leaves her lair, and only rises from her seat when her wife comes to elope with her. mostly, liligamme waits for her arrival to be swept off her feet, and to retrieve the two of them and put them back in their seats is an event their servants would prefer to avoid. nonetheless the love between them refuses their poor underlings any rest.