


6 years, 11 months ago


a friend, acquaintance, or whatever’s, of tubiel. the two of them are in the same league, and came to earth at around the same time. unlike tubiel, naya’il quickly moved to the haven plane, feeling unsafe walking among humans. naya’il had the misfortune of arriving in europe, surrounded by the extravagance of large, monumental churches. a confrontation with gargoyles was the final straw — naya’il had given up on their mission almost instantly, earning them a handful of black feathers on their wings. 

in the havens, they found themselves a new place. fogmere had a small dedicated group of orthodox christians in meadow row, one they could actually connect with. it was selfish, perhaps, but that’s all they had wanted: a home. angels aren’t supposed to do any of these things, having hopes and dreams. and while they could try to justify it, like still living their wishes out in the image of the lord, they no longer have any desire to do so, and perhaps never did.

it is naya’il’s natural and boundless kindness that is their saving grace, and has prevented them from falling. naya’il runs a small library on the edge of the city, stereotypically fitting with their deadpan, and frankly, quite boring personality. alongside their free book services, they also extend a couple more charities. for those newly arriving in the city, naya’il has taken it upon themself to teach them how to read common local scripts, and teach them the spoken word. it truly is convenient, being an all-knowing supernatural being, and while not all may be too comfortable around angels, naya’il unconditionally extends their hand to those in need.

recently, though, they’ve gotten themself in a dubious situation. despite the helpfulness of the gesture, they’ve got themselves stumped. they’ve come to engage in a... friends with benefits situation with an incubus. as an adficio incubus, erin needs to devour the souls of others for the sustenance of his powers — and angels, just so happen to have infinite souls, which a demon could snack from without consequence. naya’il isn’t... too fond of him, to be frank, but he’s become so dependent on them, and, well... his constant cluelessness is endearing, in a way... they’ll be stuck with him for a while, they suppose.