


6 years, 11 months ago


a desert witch. her coven hails from libya, until the non-euclidian city was moved to the desert in the uncharted lands. they are a coven of only women, and all children are raised as female. as of late, though, that tradition is starting to wane. the mirage coven‘s unique ability is to dwell within illusions, disregarding the laws of physics doing so. this used to be how they hunt, attracting unsuspecting travelers to them, but now that blood is easier to come by, they simply use the ability to guide weary travelers through the desert to their city.

saliha is a local shopkeep in mirage city, dealing in hand-woven fabrics. the sun is harsh in the desert, so her wares are in high demand. it hardly leaves any time for her to practice her magics! the marketplace is the most bustling place in the city, and she happened to have her shop placed closest to the town’s main water fountain. if you’re looking for gossip, saliha’s your address. she knows basically everybody who stops by for water, and hears every snide little detail whispered. still, she’s not one to judge. she can spread a nasty rumor just like all the other old coots out there. she just has a little more... tact? doing it? she sure likes to think so, at least!

she appears as a calm and collected, organized shopkeep, and for the most part, is. but like most witches in the city, there’s an unpredictable nature to her. she’s been confined to the city far too long, and honestly, aches to go out into the desert again. she’s been alive since the coven’s hunting days, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss it a little bit.