Erin MacBride



6 years, 10 months ago


a complete and total newbie in the whole demon bizz. despite being the direct son of an age old adficio succubus, erin has absolutely no idea what he’s doing whatsoever. he has little to no idea of what powers he has, much less how to control them, but he has high ambitions now that he’s finally found a way to charge his magic without having to horribly murder people! he’s in a relationship with an ANGEL!

erin lived an almost thoroughly unbothered life in his childhood, born, raised and spoiled in fogmere by a single mother. his mother has a long history, and has more secrets than should fit into one MILF. even at his adult age, erin has no idea what she’s been up to, and she intends to keep it that way. thankfully for her, erin is way too clueless to even consider any of these things. even so, erin understood the gravity of his situation. being a demon, in order to get his powers, he would have to regularly take the lives of others — something he did not want to do in the slightest. he has a good heart, but is still naively excited enough to be enticed by the thought of cool magic no matter what. 

of course, he’s then very excited about his new options! his partner, however, isn’t all too enthused. he’s the much more excitable and flirtatious of the two, something naya’il is incredibly unfamiliar, and frankly, somewhat uncomfortable with.