Hypulaq Berga



7 years, 1 month ago


a robot made by the now extinct stryq species. long ago, far, far away, there lived a flourishing species of aliens, who sadly were not fully developed enough to prevent their own demise. much too late, they developed technology to spot the apocalypse threatening meteor that was blasting towards their planet, but they did not have the tecnnological advancement to meaningfully evacuate. instead, they developed simple robots, who were loaded with expansive databases on their language, culture, and planet’s ecology, before blasting them off into space in the hope one day, someone will find them, and their legacy will not be forgotten.

hypulaq was one of these robots. his ship was scooped out of space and dragged back to the intergalactic ambassadry, and his mission was complete. still, while his intent was to be simply scrapped after data transfer, the IA had other plans. with the information gathered, they made a new project: develop him further, to properly represent his species. to this day, hypulaq is a work in progress. his design was developed from a simple skeletal frame with wires to a fully fledged mechanical counterpart of the stryq, and his personality... well, it‘s a work in progress. his AI and personality seem to be the biggest challenge, especially considering he is starting to develop a consciousness. he’s happy-go-lucky and a huge goof when not working at his station, and he fully intends to keep it that way. emotional depth? no sirree! can’t have genuine feelings and connections, that’s detrimental to my image!