Wesley Malone



7 years, 1 month ago


the fastest person in the school, and probably the entire city, holy SHIT!!

wesley is the son of a scandinavian nandor mother, and a cat síth father. his father is very well known in coven circles, and is by all means a powerful man, though his appearance of that of a vaguely bipedal cat may lead one to believe otherwise. to his fussy, prideful parents' dismay, wesley really doesn't want anything to do with magic. he simply wants to hit it big in school baseball league, and he's got the records to prove it! his genetic make-up, with the natural speed of a feline, plus the physical enhancements of vampirism, wesley is completely unbeatable on the field. it's been giving him a bit of an inflated ego as of late. he has the air of a typical bully, with slicked blond hair, a toned physique, rich parents, and a posse of yes-men, but he's never actually mean to anybody. he's just a kid with big dreams, a ticking timebomb of hidden potential, waiting for the day his coach no longer tells him to "slow down so it's fair to your teammates". if he doesn't have his own league card in the next five years, he's going on a hunger strike.