Sakura Hayashi



6 years, 10 months ago


the offender of many decibel warnings. one of the many yamabushi tengu of mount kurama. sakura is an incredibly proud, yet fussy person. as one of the few women in the doctrine, she has worked outrageously hard to be able to train her way to acceptance of mount kurama — to be in attendance of king sōjōbō..! what a supreme honor!! she absolutely must not disappoint!!
though disciplined, socially, she is a mess. she is easily flustered, and quick to lose her temper. she has very little patience for others, which by all means is no virtue. her sheer skill in battle and occult practices are what got her her current position, and she’d better hope that it’s snough to keep her there.

currently, sakura is caught up thoroughly in daichi’s swindles. though he has been doing nothing but possess priests for the past few centuries, the man still has not the slightest idea on how to conduct a proper exorcism. thus, instead he sends all objects to her to cleanse. she finds it abhorrent, but... to leave poor innocent peoples’ possessions cursed like that... she couldn’t possibly live with that!