Natalka Pavlychko



7 years, 1 month ago


a choreographer with her own up-and-coming dance school. natalka specializes in ballet, but has skills in just about any other field, other than being able to tell more than one joke. she's an eccentric, head-in-the-clouds person, who can laugh at practically anything. though one might expect her to be on the lazy side with her lax outlook on life, her schedule is booked practically every minute of the day. the arts are a bustling industry in the mythos world, as it's getting increasingly more difficult to get your hands on media from the outside world. and she wouldn't want anyone to get bored now, would she?!

natalka bounces from one place to the next, with a cheerful attitude but a vein deep passion for her work. she has an air of grandiosity, but in the sense of a yoga auntie. there is no pretentiousness in this woman, simply pure, unfiltered enthusiasm, and a deep love for her life in the world. she could talk for hours, upon hours, upon hours- but frankly, she doesn't have the time for that, babe! meet her next week for a coffee, 1:30 SHARP!