Jozy Gagnon



7 years, 27 days ago


a witch who's taken up solitary residence on ribbon peak. jozy has made it their job to keep the ecosystem of the area stable, and has become somewhat of a guardian angel to local wildlife. jozy has the powers of creating frost and snow, meaning the climate has been in a stable climate for as long as they've been living there. they don't seem to speak, and are often hostile to humans. jozy is wary of hikers, and though they won't harm them with no reason, any disturbance of wildlife is taken as a major offense, and jozy will chase the perpetrator off in a jiffy. really, they're a pain for park managers, but they're so elusive and, frankly, useful for the area's survival, that just speaking their name is enough to spark debate.

truly, jozy just wants to live a quiet life. their house is settled far out of sight of the mountain path, and they descend only to keep an eye on hikers, and if needed, take care of the animals. from youth forward, jozy has felt isolated from people, yet felt connected to practically anything else. some would call it a gift, most would call it witchcraft, if not delusion. this rejection lead jozy to set out to the middle of nowhere at the young age of 14, and they haven't been found since - or, well, perhaps they have, but nobody has cared to retrieve them. this would hurt them, if they cared at all. though their influence is small, the safety they provide for just this snall corner of nature is enough to satisfy them for this lifetime.