Kazuko Yamauchi



6 years, 11 months ago


the eldest sister of the yamauchi family. kazuko served in the last stretch of the war, and made quite the name for herself then. despite being a happy-go-lucky, laidback person, kazuko is a formidable and almost ruthless warrior. being the firstborn of the yamauchi family, she possesses the drums of a thunder god. for a long time, she was the only child in the family, but post-war she would become the proud big sis of 3 younger siblings. 

unlike most her age, kazuko is anything but bored in these new peaceful years. she’s a true enjoyer of life, whether it be attending parties or generally just taking care of herself. practically all her habits are healthy, other than her enthusiastic love of alcohol. she attends the gym almost as much as she goes to work. though she lives in fogmere, her job is in kyoto, for a very simple reason: fear. kazuko is a prosecutor in court, and her immense size and loud, buldering voice make for an excellent intimidation tactic. she’s got a frightening winning streak, and is to be feared in the legal world.
surprisingly, she’s easy-going, and extremely friendly demeanor outside of work. her friends notice no scariness at all, she can in fact be very gentle and caring. she‘s very active in whatever community she’s in, and often acts as somewhat of a local guide. she has a real knack for finding the best restaurants, sightseeing spots, clubs... pray she never becomes a regular, she has a giant appetite, and might just eat you out of house and home.