Tyler Trucata



7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Tyler Trucata


Sometimes shortened to Ty by his friends




Aquanix Rytilian Twiva


Steyl, Watyr


Grad student/intern specializing in prosthetics and orthotics





Significant Other

Zach Delques (best friend/crush?)

Creation Year



Thomas Trucata (older brother), Zulatticuzin Etruka (father), Alcata Trucata (mother, deceased), Taylor Trucata (cousin), Nerissa Trucata (aunt), Emmett Jones (uncle)


Osakava - Onakaiya

Current Home

Westerly, RI, USA - Taliac | Washington D.C., Taliac


Physical Appearance

  • Long slate/blue-ish gray colored worn in a messy ponytail that trails past shoulders
  • Blue eyes
  • Medium to somewhat tall in height
  • Fair skinned on the somewhat pale side
  • Relatively fit with a fairly muscled yet rather scrappy build

Clothing Style

Tyler tends to only dress casually and rarely has any sense of refinement or particular style with his clothing. He tends to stick to cool or neutral colored shirts and jeans with hoodies, either slip-on or zip-up. He rarely goes for anything with any flashy or distinctive logos or graphics and prefers to remain rather unassuming. He rarely looks well put together when judged by his clothing alone, since he tends to look rather disheveled along with his typical just-rolled-out-of-bed look he tends to have. He'll make sure to keep his clothing in order or out of the way when working on his projects though.


Tyler is a thoroughly pessimistic and cynical man that tends to be down about everything and rarely sees the bright side of things. He's not terribly fond of extensive socializing unless he's already close with the people interacting with him, and he's not the most friendly or polite seeming person to be around. He is brutally honest about his opinions and never seems to censor himself, and he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him or who he might offend with his behavior. He doesn't go out of his way to be nasty toward other people, but he won't hold back if someone approaches him first and doesn't have thick enough skin to take his blunt way of speaking. It's rather obvious he suffers from depression, which shows through his bleak outlook on life and his extensive periods of lacking motivation to do even simple tasks. He tends to be a recluse unless his friends/family regularly check up on him, and he would likely spend days doing nothing if not prodded into action. Tyler doesn't really care how he presents himself and rarely puts effort into making himself look in order, which is why his clothes and hair are frequently messy. He tends to swing between being sarcastically proud of how he doesn't let anyone's view of him affect his life and absolutely loathing the person he sees in the mirror and wishing he could be anyone else. He will sometimes forget to do basic things like eating regularly or showering unless one of his friends points it out to him, and he overall comes off as negative and disconnected from the world around him.

His engineering work is the only things that seems to keep him on track on a regular basis, and he uses it as a way to distract himself from how dissatisfied he is with his life. Tyler can be very meticulous and focused when working on such projects, and the primary hope he hangs onto during his studies/work is that he can actually make some difference for someone in need. Tyler's brother, Tommy, was born missing a leg, and he had the ambition to make a new leg for him to use instead. Although his brother is now deceased, Tyler decided to pursue prosthetic engineering anyway and tends to help himself get through each day by reminding himself how much Tommy would've appreciated his work. He tends to still be rather low energy and moody when working, but he seems to be at his most lively and friendly when around his cousin, Taylor, or his best friends, Abi and Zach. Taylor tends to make Tyler more mellow and less harsh with his words, since he considers Taylor to be a bit of a cinnamon roll and would feel worse about himself for being mean around him. Taylor also is the best listener and sympathizer with his problems, and he feels most comfortable opening up or venting to his cousin since he's so nonjudgmental. Abi and Zach are a bit better to go for lifting his spirits and slinging teasing quips at each other. The two tend to be more pushy about getting him to take care of himself, and he recognizes he probably needs them to act that way considering how stubborn he can be.


  • Steyl rifting - rank 2/5
  • Watyr rifting - rank 1/5
  • Although he doesn't swim often anymore, he's a rather strong and natural swimmer
  • Capable of underwater breathing, although he hasn't swam since his childhood and doesn't remember it's possible
  • Has the expected skillset of a biomedical engineering student/intern
  • Shapeshifting - merman, although he has no idea he is capable of this


  • Inventive, meticulous, and focused when working on his engineering projects
  • Intelligent, clever, and works well with critical thinking and puzzles
  • Logical, observant, and tends to notice small details or when even small things change
  • Honest, unaffected by others' view of him, and is assertive with his needs/boundaries


  • Suffers from depression that can get in the way of his daily activities or functioning in a healthy manner
  • Harsh when speaking, not terribly friendly, and closed off from others
  • Has a lot of issues with trusting others and is very slow to emotionally commit himself to anything new
  • Low energy, somewhat irritable, cynical, and pessimistic


Tyler was born in Onakaiya and was raised around Lake Osa with his mother, father, and his older brother, Tommy. He was still young when the family moved to Taliac, so to this day Tyler doesn't exactly recall the supernatural home world he came from or how his parents were not human. He has very vague memories of his mother being a mermaid, but he considers these to be dreams rather than memories now. They lived a relatively quiet and happy life together, and a random meeting with a person with a prosthetic in the park gave Tyler the ambition to one day make prosthetics. Tommy was born with only one leg, and after learning that replacement legs could be built, Tyler promised his big brother he'd make him a new leg one day.

However when Tyler was eight years old, a man broke into their home and shot Tommy dead before going after him as well. His mother got between the man and Tyler and was also shot to death, and shortly after his father returned home, causing the gunman to flee. Tyler was traumatized by the event, and after his mother and Tommy were laid to rest, his father took him to his aunt's home to stay while he searched for the killer. Although Tyler pleaded with his father to stay, he ended up living with his aunt, her husband, and their son, Taylor, to nearly the present day.

Tyler hasn't heard from his father ever since, and the abandonment has clearly taken a toll on his emotional state. He has since had trouble keeping himself motivated, but his promise to Tommy led him to pursuing higher education so he could work on making prosthetics regardless. He made two close friends, Abigail and Zach, during college, and after finishing his bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering he has since become roommates with them in their newly purchased house. Tyler continues his graduate studies toward a Master's Degree in prosthetics and orthotics, and the thought that Tommy would be proud of his work seems to be the only thing that keeps him going some days.


  • Tyler has a very complicated relationship with his remaining family and has conflicted feelings about some of them.
    • Although he appreciates Nerissa's family for taking him in and caring for him, he's not particularly close with her or her husband. He's not terribly fond of her personality and motivations, and he never felt like her husband had much of a personality aside from being wrapped around Nerissa's finger. Tyler is completely unaware of Nerissa's siren spell over her husband.
    • He is only really close with Taylor despite not having a lot in common with him in terms of hobbies or similar personalities. He finds Taylor as a nice ray of sunshine in his rather dreary life.
    • He used to be very close with his parents and brother before things changed, and his depression primarily stems from the loss of his mother and brother.
    • He and his father also used to be close, but ever since Tyler was left with Nerissa, he has harbored bitter feelings toward his father. He blames him for leaving him instead of being there when he needed emotional support. Deep down he wants his father to return and be back in his life, but he also hasn't found peace with the matter and isn't completely willing to forgive him for the abandonment yet.
  • Tyler's hair used to be more light blue like Tommy's, but I shifted it to be more gray so it would be more plausible for him to fit in with non-rifters and also forget about the supernatural aspects of his family and childhood.
  • Tyler's initial storyline involved Zy trying to hunt him down to complete his revenge against Zul. However, since Zy's motivations have changed since then, Tyler no longer has to deal with that threat anymore.
    • This storyline also involved Tyler narrowly escaping a fire at his apartment started by Zy to make it seem like his death would've been an accident. He also set a second fire at a large building where a charity dance was being held, attempting to kill Tyler there as well. Tyler survived, but Zy set things up so if he survived, he would be implicated for arson. Tyler ended up being arrested and sent to court, and Zy only finally resorted to revealing himself when the case was starting to lean toward a not-guilty sentence. Probably was influenced by my at-the-time recent interest in Ace Attorney. :P
  • Tyler shows very few signs of his Rytilian half and takes after his mother much more. He does have some rough patches of skin, although he thinks they're just a skin condition. He also does have venom glands like his father, but he did not develop any snake-like fangs and therefore cannot use them, so he is completely unaware of them.
  • He doesn't have clear memories of his mother as a mermaid since he was rather young when she died. She very infrequently used this form after they moved to Taliac, so even though he saw her as a mermaid throughout his young life, he is under the impression that it is merely his memory playing tricks on him or warping his dreams into his recollection of her. It is also possible that his trauma has blocked out many memories of his mother to protect him from the thought of her death, since he did witness it from very close range.
    • Tyler also forgets that he is capable of breathing water for the same reasons he forgets his mother is a mermaid. He goes about life assuming he cannot breathe water, and the topic doesn’t pop up very frequently anyway since he stops regularly going to the beach after his family is torn apart. He would sometimes go with Taylor or with Abi and Zach from time to time, but by this point he doesn’t believe anything supernatural about himself or his family and swims with the same caution any normal human would regarding drowning.
    • Tyler only realizes he can breathe water during an incident when he and Zach are jumped in the evening by a small group of people angry at one of Zach’s family members for supposedly cheating him out of money. Zach doesn’t really know what they’re talking about, but the two end up running from this group into a park and are separated briefly. During this time, one of the group members catches Tyler alone, and when Tyler tries to call out for help, he attacks him and tries to drown him by holding him underwater in a park fountain. Tyler panics as any normal person would, but he realizes once he runs out of air that he isn’t drowning once he breathes in the water, and he holds still until the person lets him go and leaves. Zach later finds him, and Tyler just says he played dead until his attacker left, without mentioning the not-drowning part. He only mentions it to him a while later when he thinks about it more.
  • Tyler was unaware that the gunman was his father's brother/his own uncle. He knew the killer was identified as Matthias Etruka and is wanted for mass murder, yet he had no idea he was related to his father until recently, since he and Tommy took on Alcata's last name rather than Atticus's. His parents made this choice to make it less likely that any Delzin associates would find their children through his last name.
    • Tyler only discovered that Matthias Etruka was his father's brother when looking through a photo album that Abi was holding onto for her mother. This album featured a wedding photo for Matthias and his wife, Ursula, who was Abi's mother's sister/her aunt. Tyler recognized Matthias's face immediately and became physically ill from his triggered memories.
    • After Abi learned that Matthias killed Tyler's mother and brother, she asked her uncle (her mother's younger brother, Oskar) about Matthias, since she knows Oskar keeps in touch with Matthias secretly since he is caring for Matthias's son, Volkmar. During their conversation, she learned that Matthias had an older brother named Atticus and that Matthias had murdered his brother's family. They then connected the pieces that this Atticus must have been Tyler's father, making his mother and brother's killer his own uncle.
  • For about 13 years, Tyler was made to be Tommy's older brother. This changed recently when I redid the math and determined there would be no way for him to be older than Tommy and fit the time frame I set for him to be 24 when Volkmar was 16 years old. Since I still wanted Tommy to be 12 years old when he died, Tyler was instead bumped down in age to be the younger brother instead. I still will probably imagine Tyler as the "older" brother, or at least as the big brother since Tommy hasn't aged as a ghost, so Tyler will look older regardless.
  • Before their family tree was really solidified, Tyler and Abi originally were not related and had crushes on each other. At some point, Abi was later developed to be the niece of Oskar, who was at first just a friend of Zy who took in Volkmar. After some time, things were changed so Zy was married to Oskar's younger sister, Ursula, so they were now brother-in-laws. This made Abi Zy's niece as well. At some point it occurred to me that since I made Zy related to Abi's family, and that Zy was Tyler's father's brother, then Tyler and Abi were technically "related" or at least in the same family even if not by blood (cousins, I think?). It was at this point I decided to just make them friends and for Abi to be in a relationship with their other friend, Zach, instead to avoid making things weird.
    • This family tree is too dang complicated for my own good sometimes.
    • Zach was originally Abi's cousin and Tyler was her love interest, but then when I accidentally made Tyler her cousin also, it only seemed fitting to just make Zach her love interest instead so they could just trade roles. Because no, I don't consider having your cousin also being your love interest acceptable.
  • Tyler was originally supposed to be a computer technician.
  • Tyler goes his entire childhood up until his mid-twenties without knowing he's capable of shapeshifting into a merfolk form like his mother. I like to imagine he does it accidentally while falling asleep in the bathtub and freaks the hell out. I also like to imagine he can't figure out how to change back for at least a day or two, and Abi makes Zach carry him around so he doesn't have to spend all his time in the tub.
  • Tyler used to live by himself on campus during his undergraduate studies, although his first year he had Zach as a roommate, which is how they became friends. Zach later moved in with Abi, and Tyler had a dorm to himself. He determined this was not terribly healthy for him to be living by himself, for without a roommate to occasionally check in on him, Tyler frequently neglected his own needs and left his room a mess.
    • There was an incident in which Abi and Zach went on a cruise during the summer for several weeks, and Tyler sunk deep into depression and stopped taking care of himself. Tyler was still living in his dorm over the summer, and he would occasionally respond to their texts, so they weren‘t aware he was hiding how low he was until they got back to find his dorm a mess, his food spoiled, and him in the process of starving himself. Zach and Abi ended up cleaning up his dorm and nursed him back to health. They’ve been keeping a close eye on him ever since and always had their home open to him in case he doesn’t feel okay enough to live on his own at any point.
    • After Tyler finished his bachelor's degree, he ended up moving in with Abi and Zach when they bought a house. They extended the invitation to him, and Tyler figured it wasn't a good idea for him to continue living on his own. He had the option of moving back in with his aunt's family, but he didn't want to resort to that considering he's not terribly fond of his aunt's company in general, and his cousin Taylor was preparing to get married and move out anyway.
  • Old file number: 39 (28)
    • New file number: 253