Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Haven Redux)



9 months, 3 days ago

Basic Info

Hero Name: Icarus or Amarok?


-Reconnects with Cyrus

-Officially becomes a hero

- Goes on hero missions with his family. Especially Cyrus and Rakel?? Rakel might be more underground stuff? Although I bet in Victor and Tyrek fight and people most likely saw Amarok and Manticore together when they fought monsters in Safe Haven. That they tell people they are coworkers or friends.

-Most likely end up searching for Cyrus when Cyrus falls in portal?? Rakel and Dami sees other realities with Charlotte.

-Becomes teacher in Haven Redux (Note to self, he enters the place in hero disguise as he can't risk students there telling villains who he is. Especially since there could be risk of moles appearing) Teaching students science/strategy and help them master their powers?

-renews marriage vows with Rakel??

-Joins Tyrek in training Cyrus

-Meets up with Safe Haven people more (I think in the past Safe Haven people got busy with their lives so they might have seen each other less

-Joins in making a device to ressurect Victor?

- Connects with Victor again when he is ressurected