Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (HarunaPowerOrganizationArc)



3 months, 2 days ago


toyhouse notes. What Haruna can achieve in the deity haruna and nightstalker destruction

I have notes about this somewhere that i need to find and put here. This is meant as a summary ------------------- Other tabs that talk about the organization, haruna, vic, nightstalkers, deity haruna that I need to reread https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25754868.defeatnightstalkerorganization

this tab also mention victor and haruna align https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26087828.damienpromisevictoraboutharuna This also talks about deity haruna , finding out the truth, what route she might go https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25904502.damienvictorharunaorganization

all these tabs have stuff i mention here. so i need to group everything in one place relationship concept for william ( i think i lean on he isn't destroyed by lu. since this benefits the organizaitons plans more that he is human/cyborg and not one with ai/robots. he needs to eat and sleep like everyone else Relationship concept tab:


https://toyhou.se/6629535.william#78380638 They still need to be careful with william hacking though or drones. but still. human william helps make things a bit smoother for oganization.

Victor has a tab of information concept https://toyhou.se/12789441.victor-kowalczyk/25986760.new-canon-conceptdraft

Mako also has concepts, what role he can play for haruna https://toyhou.se/12790474.mako-kowalczyk


TEXT START HERE What haruna can achieve/harunas power (if she says "yes"/consent, when damien asks if she is willing to start with herself when she says she wanted the deity gone (they will have this discussion AFTER deity haruna is killed in this au. He will be too busy to fight deity haruna and the organization to stop and ask what haruna is doing. its when the fight is over he confronts haruna since he suspects she is behind it. he is furious, since he thinks she did this to try to kill him.

I'm very certain icarus is extremely patient (it fits considering he has held her captive for centuries. and trying to give her looots of chances by giving her different lives) and he also tries to give the organizaiton chance to find the truth themselves. or at least, if they behaved and if haruna showed change. they would have had higher chance of getting her back. he would have given them back a deity that was worhy of worship. or at least a deity that might not be god level but she would at least be a much better version of herself than whatever she is now. they are worshipping a lie. and if she had changed. she might have turned into something they believed in. or fit the role more.

back to the point. I can imagine that the city getting blown up. that is the final straw for icarus. how many chances shall he give? how many should suffer and or lose their lives for her "rehab?" he allows some destruction as its neccesary for balance. but the hostage situation caused imbalance. which he strongly dislike. especially since he plays a role in that imabalance by holding deity haruna soul instead of destroying it from the start. He will be caught by surprised that she says she did it because she wanted the deity haruna soul destroyed. to protect the people she loves. she didn't want the deity back)

i keep imaging the crack of icarus ready to destroy human haruna(which is canon) and then when she confesses her motives. he is like mixed of happy/relief she FINALLY showed change and also being "NOW you change?!??!? (i guess its still his canon mood. i think his mood is more about being upset about the loss. and doing his best to calm down. letting go of her. and then asks if she is ready to by herself, start by letting him take her power. 1. Icarus will most likely destroy all of deity haruna soul in all aus (to avoid hostage situation from happening again + haruna showed she has changed. However, if haruna also makes the request to destroy the deity in all aus. then it's 100%percent guarantee he will do it. He allows her to have a say in this.

I bet that there are some who hope that the deity getting destroyed is a bluff or hope that he didn't destroy her in other worlds. 2. I lean on icarus will most likely take the power away from the most extreme nightstalker followers. Especially if deity haruna dislikes humans. Why would they want her back if they risk getting used as food? some are of course willing to die for her anyway. but i bet some might hope she can turn them into nightstalkers again. or that she will spare them because they showed loyalty to her. 3. By taking all nightstalker powers away from all worlds. 1. then most wouldn't want her back. i think then the most extreme people will have the group who are terrified of her , against them. so they are fighting each other. IF he only take the power away from this world. the organizaiton MIGHT be tempted to get nightstalkers back from other worlds. UNLESS, they are scared to be turned into food so maybe that in itself prevent them to go in other worlds. 4. Balance is important for icarus. so it's possible that, the ones who surrendered willingly and icarus doesn't sense any bad energy from them. he will help give them a different power. maybe through haven redux? of course he can give a part of himself too. but. i bet that he might prefer keeping power to himself, especially in scenarios if he has to fight a deity again, like haruna or if she has allies out there. it's better he is at his peak and be prepared. haven redux seems like a better way. HOWEVER, i see omni energy can manipulate superpower itself so it's possible he can manipulate and give them some other power. Maybe some had power from mixed ancestry, like ikimi and raiden have invulnerability. its possible icarus could also trigger earth powers or whatever else that aren't nightstalker genes. 5. haruna can end the cycle of reincarnation if she asks for it. When she dies, she can be in icarus world. She can also request to not be born as spirit. she wants eternal sleep. Its possible haruna might do eternal sleep (if she doesn't go immortal route) so that she is the last piece of deity haruna that dissappear. then everything of the deity disappear with her (especially since i'm certain ikimi and raiden will request icarus to take their nightstalker powers away. They might get shapeshifter powers instead or earth powers. If haruna choose to die as mortal. it's another sign of her changing, especially since she does it out of love for the people in her life. it's a power on harunas side to destroy the nightstalkers last hope about getting deity haruna back (some might still be in denial even if human haruna dies, that she might be out there in other worlds)

6. Haruna can request icarus takes away all nightstalker powers from this, i will go from less extreme to building up to the most extreme case: - the top leaders -nightstalkers criminals -ALL nightstalkers in this world - all nightstalkers in all worlds. - deity haruna in all aus (i think icarus does this wether haruna request it or not. but he will be happy to hear her make these claims. and be even more motivated to do it. - i bet that icarus will take victor with him when he does all these things (probably also other deities or whoever else who wants to experience/witness it. 7. Haruna is allowed to join Damien when he does all the things above. He might still be angry during the hostage situation of innocent people getting killed. but he will help her with him if she wants to be present when the organization in japan is getting destroyed. it's also possible that victor will help her up and have her with him. maybe use phasing magic so she is protected with him. 8. idk if this is silly image. i also keep imagining with maybe one of the souls. maybe icarus/selcouth are fused together (which could be cool) or all 3, haruna, vic/selcouth and dami/icarus are in a circle.maybe hands together. and the last piece of deity haruna is destroyed. haruna doesnt have powers. but i bet there is some sensation like if you hold hand close to candle. you feel heat from the flame. so haruna feels the soul get destroyed (i also got feeling when icarus destroyed deity haruna in battle, there might be a massive release of energy (maybe its icarus energy and or mixed with deity harunas soul) that the people nearbby will feel. Like the bridge scene were rakel is away from the bridge being blown up, but she feels energy (and there might be debris flying by) 9, its also possible that icarus let the ones who surrendered (and he feel good energy from)keep their powers. so that the organizaiton rebuild itself with a clean slate. with people with g ood intentions and with them knowing the truth about deity haruna. and if they want to builf shrines for her. it will need to be public. if they try to go underground or build criminal organization or bad intentions. icarus will destroy it. but i bet most people doesnt want to worship her. maybe the resentment of isolation in the city, and it was all for a false deity.

------------------ I will need to find notes about this. i think google docs. i'm indesicive if haruna was a strong worshipper like her family. or she was a bit outcast for questioning things.

I THINK i lean on haruna was a strong worshippers as her family (until she sees the pictures from the trial room from payton) because i bet that she will be furious. all the conflict she has experienced up to this point. was all for a lie. i bet her parents were strict about how to behave, think, how to live your life. for example. they might have strong belief about she was supposed to marry a nightstalker, so she might have been a outcast for marrying tyrek? (i also believe she gained some respect from a smaller group in the organization who wanted to mix in new blood to make them stronger, while others are too prideful to mix blood with other types of powers)


What's important haruna does 1. consent to loosing her powers 2. Treat victor well (the better she treats him, the better she gets treated back. 3. haruna has to do her best to be cooperative/alliance with the safe haven people. if she pulls a stunt like the nightstalker organization again. the deal is off. if she wants their help she has to ask for it, and not create dangerous situations to manipulate things into action (especially since if she had come to icarus, i bet he would have destroyed the soul, since all he wanted was for at least one part of deity haruna soul to change. so her showing change. he would have destroyed the deity and listened to her requests.

------------- aditional power haruna achieves: - she gains allies. especially with the kids connecting her to others. - she might gain enemies from the organizaiton (especially if she confesses what her intentions are in front of everyone (i leave it open damien might ask her when its only her left. or he asks when some people might still be there. its badass to imagine her defying nightstalkers belief and organizaiton in front of the remaining people who are taken away. i can imagine she gains respect from safe haven people for her to be honest about something. especially in a situation where she will gain enemies and put herself in danger. since she has always been sneaky, manipulating, trying to kill enemies by them not knowing she is enemy, like the schmidt family. - alliance is also from her and the safe haven ocs gaining the same enemies. even though the organization is destroyed. i bet there will still be a few who will seek revenge. their home got destroyed. deity gone. especially if nightstalker powers are taken too. Haruna gains allies if the enemy is the organization, safe haven or a threat to their family. she can request safe haven ocs to help and they will


--------------------- Additional scenes: If she does the things that are important in the list above:

It's possible that damien will take her to the deity trial room. Maybe show her that deity haruna is destroyed. and maybe as a sign of trying to repair things with haruna. to show her the true history of things.

I have a image placeholder of maybe a room has updated a new image. of her alliance with icarus (maybe also selcouth/vic) destroying haruna deity soul. i bet there might be more paintings in there. like the nightstalker destruction.

maybe haruna is the first nightstalker to access the deity trial rooms??


WHY Haruna wants deity haruna destroyed - its a deity, that will do whatever she wants. how can they trust she will be following the nightstalker organizaiton or even treate them well - haruna finds out deity haruna caused imbalance. -the organization might have been fed lies about deity haruna being a creation of life/metamorphosis (they might like evolution since then they believe they will be stronger, which is true. but the deities would wrecked them before it got that far fdfds ) but the organization might not know about the imbalance. they might have been fed false information about icarus. that he was a jealouse/wratful deity. (and when damien blows up the bridge they might still think he is that. which i'm uncertain about because it would be stupid dami: saves people from monsters. Risking his own life to destroy as many monsters he can (he thought he was going to die) nightstalker organization: GASP! see! he caused destruction. he is as bad as they say fddsfddf

deity haruna might see humans as food source. i bet that a lot of nightstalkers would switch sides if they knew about this. UNLESS they have lived so isolated in their cities? maybe the isolation also turned them mad? Maybe the high ranked are more allowed to go outside?? or if someone leaves they need to apply for acceptance?? haruna might have been outcast for going outside to begin with? maybe the ones who leave aren't allowed to get back? (unless they have something valuable to give? like haruna informing about icarus soul. i lean on haruna was able to walk down there. because ty/osiris was protecting damien. unless being a threat was also a way to gain acess to talk to leaders. so when damien destroys the city. it's also to force them out of the isolation? to make them see the truth?? uncover all the lies they have been fed all their lives? i bet it builds resentment to be held down in cities. resentment towards icarus who they see as a villain. and then the resentment disappears from icarus (when truth is revealed) and goes over to the leaders.

--------------- WHO told lies about haruna and created false story about her being good?? Maybe a ally of haruna? maybe she has sisters? inspired by gorgon mythology? I think meduza had sisters??

I have notes about these backstories i need to find them. it might be in a google document.


Harunas marriage to tyrek and how it impacted her relationship with the organization - maybe the organization was positive at first? (especially if they know about tyreks power through alliance with safe haven. (its also possible ty was classified. and that in itself tells them ty is powerful) - might have been negative from the start for a high ranked nightstalker to marry a non nigthstalker - then it became negative when tyrek tries to tell them the truth about icarus isn't a villain. it's deity haruna who is bad. i bet that he might have tries to tell them they are worshipping a false deity. their deity doesn't exist. For example. if she is a creature creation deity. Which they see as good. thinking about all the good she can create. but they aren't told she caused imbalance. Power hungry. Most likely envious. She is also not trust worthy. she betrayed deities around her. she might have plans to expand and expand, and soone or later she would need to face the imbalance she is causing. i think she didn't like the idea of destroying(killing her creations (as it can play part of icarus/pandora versus haruna deity story. that death also is the source of life and balance. the organizaiton might have silenced him before allowing him to say much

-then it gets even more worse when tyrek threatens to destroy the whole organization if they harm icarus. 1. it's bad ty is insulting deity. 2. threaten them 3. ally with their worse enemy, icarus -Maybe Tyrek is making haruna question things? its possible they had crash in their marriage because of them having different beliefs. she might be insulted and furious at ty. thinking he is talking about things he has no knowledge about . THIS also helps build up harunas spite towards her own deity. Crash in marriage was because she believed a lie. - other spite things from haruna towards deity haruna. She also tried to kill icarus/damien. the one who was on her side.

----------------- harunas nightstalker powers controlling her??? Addition information why haruna might want to loose her powers (maybe even before damien asks her if she consent to loosing her powers)

OLD CANON , is that haruna disliked damien instictively because he killed her in their deity life. if that is still canon. being a nightstalker might make her question if her actions are her own. if she is in a hivemind (i dont want the nightstalkers to be a hivemind, since then it makes them victims. and i dont want them to be victims) however i'm open for her powers having some impact on her. or maybe it's mostly her who is "Hivemind" but also somewhat free? i was going to say "she fell for tyrek" then i realized, i think deity haruna liked osiris (and or selcouth too)

or her powers/hivemieind is making her worse than what she originally would be? and by being free, maybe she wants more what lester has? she sees teh appeal even more?? and those views is somewhat alliance topic too. since lester dislikes heroes, villains etc. i bet they can mention villains they want to get handled to the safe haven people

i can imagine that she might question if her hatred for damien/icarus is because of the nightstalker blood (and maybe not be aware yet it's because she is the haruna deity reincarnation)

i think she wants to get the powers gone, so the doubt about her own idenity isn't always being questioned, or she wants to find out who she is. -----------------

Ikimi and raiden

i'm very certain they will request to loose their power. so all trace of deity haruna is gone + it also takes away anyones temptation to experiment on them or possible descendants if ikimi and raiden have family of their own. Main thing is they don't want to associate with the deity. i bet they might like getting to choose what their new power will be.

powers they will have: invulnerability after osiris

Possible powers: shapeshifting, and earth powers? i bet they can choose other powers. but i bet that they might like shapeshifting or earth powers so they feel connected to tyrek/osiris?