Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Safe Haven Concept)



5 months, 29 days ago


There is a A LOT if information I have scattered on a document. It will take time to gather them all here. I'm quickly tossing in what I can remember on the go to quickly summarise some of it. Note: I decided tehre is at least 2 nightstalkers. One that he kills by getting it crushed by construction site The second is killed on the bridge. I think the second one has been modified by safe haven so it has some sort of vulnerability. Which helps explain why he struggled to kill it. And he is also in a area where he couldnt go all out so he needed to lure it in a more open place like the bridge. They take sampels from the deceased nightstalker destroyed by construction site and also take sampels from the nest. Its also possible they might take a larvae with them to study and try to make a antidote etc. Probably feeding it deceased monsters.

The betrayal on Lu's pov to see tyrek who was friends with his family to attack them

through tyrek, they met monte in the orphanage. They adopt monte. Monte isn't my ocs so I don't know when he is adopted or how he looks like as a kid. That's why there isn't art of Monte as a kid with schmidt family yet.

By Damien been in Safe Haven it makes him even more paranoid to be "powerless" like he was. His fear is also a strenght. He built the house to withstand in case if mutant caused destruction. And it saved them against the monsters. Later it saves them against the "nuke" mutant who destroyed a city and killed victors family

Because of his fear. He trains intensely because he fears he might not be able to protect cyrus. So you have Cyrus, and the others trying to nudge damien into a hero lifestyle. And then you have damien who tries to get cyrus to quit or at least take smaller jobs, not the ones that are extremely dangerous. I wonder if the public named Damien for Icarus?? Especially if he sends a winged energy creature. ( i lean on maybe the winged energy creature is during Vic and Ty fight?? Although I bet that if Dami used the creature against the nightstalker and monsters on the bridge. It would mean a lot to Cyrus to see that in action live?? Even though they have a training room. It's probably not big enough for damien to do those things?? or its not the same to see it in real life action?)

So Damiens story is about him becoming a hero. He does hero stuff when rakel requests its (they probably do underground stuff and the safe haven collapse incident. they helped people so some people are bound to see them)

And when lu "dies". cyrus strongly believes in his dads skills that they can solve the case together (and he would probably be right in that guess) but damien doesnt want to risk losing another family member. and damien will make statements like they dont know much about the oni masked earth manipulator. For all they know. The person can manipulate other earth materials. So they could destroy the suit he makes. Use the suits against them. Cyrus ends up taking the suit, and flying to get to the place where he saw the oni masked person. Dami gets notification on his phone Cyrus tok one of the suits. (Cyrus and Lu was able to enter the factory because of Lu's illusions. The place is guarded) And I lean on Cyrus didn't listen to Damien about coming back. Damien takes control over the suit and flies it back home. Damien is upset Cyrus risked his life. Damien stops teaching Cyrus how to use his powers. Damien feels like if he teaches cyrus anything more, he is enabling cyrus in his self destructice suicidal actions. And he is also terrified by not teaching him. Cyrus might die because he didn't teach him something new.

I have a lot of stuff about cy and dami. I will look through it.

When Tyrek and Victor fight. Damien will be hit with even more guilt and worry about if he made a mistake in stopping to teach cyrus how to use his powers.

Tyrek knew lu was allive when he attacked him. He sensed it. He let Lu live because he hoped he had intimidated Lu and Cyrus enough that they would leave his and Harunas business alone. And he hoped if they backed off. Haruna would stop trying to kill poison the schmidt family.

Schmidt family is more people to join the list of people who knows Tyreks past and she doesnt have access to that information. Damien knows most between Rakel and Lu. I'm certain there are things like Tyreks powers that damien kept secret from rakel out of respect for tyrek?? (Unless I find out a reason Rakel would find out. It's important they don't see Ty with oni mask. And so far I don't think they know about Osiris?? or havent seen half transformed fusion Tyrek in the past.

It explains how Alex and Ikimi met and became friends. Dami and Ty were close. I also think it's funny to imagine Haruna interacting with the twin gremlins

I'm very certain Ty found out Rakel is manticore (if the schmidt didn't tell him. Since he probably saw Amarok and manticore together and was able to connect the dots. Especially if he saw then working together when safe haven collapsed. They were out fighting monsters, gathering samples, giving food and meds to civilians etc. It seems realistic that some people recorded them out in the streets. He will recognize by rakels skateboard, height, fight style (I'm certain she changes her fightstyle to make it different from kicboxing life as civilian. But i think Ty will recognize some of her moves. And Haruna will be furious that Tyrek hasn't told her about Schmidts powers. Since if she knew Rakel had powers. Or that Damien had some sort of skill that enabled him to "see" the villain she hired. she would have handled the situation differently. But then again. Haruna would never have tyreks permission to kill them. And he would never told her what their powers are. And it saved the schmidts life that haruna didn't have full knowledge about them. Further creating crash in marriage

Bully Trauma Scene This scene is important as it makes Damien feel like he isn't good enough for Rakel in friendship or romantic way. Especially romantic.

He feels guilt that he tried to stand up against the bullies, and it ends up with Rakel saving him like she has done all their life. He doesnt want her to risk getting hurt by bullies or school because of him (its not his fault the bullies target him)

Rakel is able to get him to open up about about these thoughts about not beeing good friend. That he backed away when he tried to speak up. Rakel assures him that moment doesnt define him as a friend. And that he is the best friend she could have asked for. Helping him find his self worth again. Rebuilding his confidence and feeling of self worth.

This scene is to show why he snaps later. And how firing a energy blast at them is neccesary. To show growth from were he was too scared to fight back. After the nightstalker fight he gains confidence to fight back and also be tactical in intimidating them to leave him alone. (And he has practiced the "bad boy" glare because Rakel has asked him to act tough towards her dffdsddf The moment when a kink becomes useful scaring tactic)

That he gets a second chance to stand up for Rakel and his family, the way he wished he did the day he got beat up in the locker room its another layer of trauma for damien to feel the energy of the bullies before and during the beating. to feel the joy they felt as they were beating him up.

the bullies are taking advantage of rakel being pregnant (There has been rumors spreading around. I think a student overheard Rakel talk to a teacher about pregnancy + her not doing any sparing anymore is further proof of the rumors is true. It was damien who sensed she might be pregnant so they found out early)

and to show his first protective mode as a father/boyfriend for his family.if dami made enemies as amarok. if anyone revealed his identity,. it would put his family in danger. and he has trauma of getting kidnapped because he is a mutant. he doesnt want that to happen again to him (he wants to be there for his family) or his family. And I'm very certain they probably made comments about Rakel and about the pregnancy.

And the bullying scene is also important since after the beating he got. rakel was afraid to let him leave school by himself (it was something he started doing when he trained in safe haven after class up until the beating incident) and he assures her that he will be fine. And he is kidnapped. She will extreme guilt of leaving him out of her sight. Before she gets the surveillance she is certain the bullies did something to damien. I think she sees them at school and maybe makes some sort of comment?? as she is looking for damien.

bullying scene can be extremely important depending on what route I go with william

If william gets Damien captured because he thinks he is doing damien a favor. A gift. Especially if damien talks about how he has recovered physically but mentally. he wishes he forgot the bullying. Or damien talks about wishing he was more like Rakel and Lu or someone else. His self worth as low as piossible. and if that is the reason William thinks he is helping damien. damien will talk about he was wrong in wishing it. Since experiencing the good and the bad is part of being human. And that, he fears who he might be changed into. And he thinks about how the bad things united him more with his friends. So with the bad, there was good moments. And that even if he was bullied everyday he would still have had his loved ones around him. and that he quotes stuff that rakel and william told him, to show that he accepts himself as he is (he does believe in improving yourself as a person and will work on that. He wants to self improve with his identity intact. not become something entirely different. especially since he doesnt trust what safe haven can turn him into (there is more. I will add it later)

The other option is that safe haven lies about damien to william. Talking about how damien is a ticking time bomb from the bullying. It's safer for damien to be kept in Safe Haven underground. For Damien and for the school. Probably give william some sort of false psychology analysis about damien as dangerous.

William is the reason Safe Haven sees Damien. I think William has a impulsive jealouse moment were he sees Damien with Rakel. And then sees Damien connecting with Kirk who is his father figure. And because he didn't grow up in healthy environment. And most likely safe haven building a tech that gives them full or some sort of control over him. Or make William more prone to jealousy so he will betray people. The scene i think is canon.

Damien asks Kirk if he can practice his powers in Safe haven training room after school. Kirk is about to say no, to save Damien from Safe Haven noticing Damien. William says yes. Damien is extremely excited and starts to train in Safe Haven training room after school. Safe haven has cameras everywhere so they start to notice him I'm also certain that Safe haven does tests on students with lies about its for safety reasons. Make sure its safe for students to do tasks. And also in certain classes like science. Make the students do tests on themselves, like Dna. make it seem like fun school task. Everything is to study the students.

and there is also "collabs" science class collabing with atheletes. analysing athletes progress etc, creating items for them.

---------------------------- Notes about stuff I plan to share: -Damien being bullied and how he handles them later -Rakel and Dami has known each other since birth. Rakels mother hates Damien, sees him as a bad influence. I think Damien fell in love with Rakel the day she tok her first step in rebelling against her mother. Cutting her hair (Damien will think about it was the most ridicoules haircut he has ever seen, but Rakel was radiating, it was like a veil?? fog?? had lifted and he saw who she truly was. - There might have been a incident were Rakel accidently poisoned Damien. I think Rakels mother might have shouted at them when they were using their powers when they played and Rakel accidently stung Damien. -Rakel was kind of "adopted" by Damiens family. She stayed at Damiens family during a summer. And Her father saw how the space did well for Rakel and her mother? I can imagine Rakels mother was furious about the idea of loosing control over her daughter but Rakels dad was able to let Rakel live with Seraphina and Link. I think one of the reasons was that Rakel maybe got some sponsors in america?? That might help Rakels mother.

This is also a reason why Dami and Rakel are secretive about their emotions. Rakel is terrified to loose him as a friend. They are terrified they see each other as siblings even though if anyone in their family (like lu) says they are family they are both quick to correct them and say they aren't related. Rakel most likely sees Arin as a sister. And she calls Link and Seraphina for mother and dad. She probably say's Mutter and Vater to her biological parents. Even though they most likely have a translator. Damien and Rakel wanted to learn german and english so they could communicate with each other. They often switched between english and german when talking at school. Rakel was falling behind on homework before she moved in with Damiens family. She most likely did bad at school as rebellion towards her mother, and then struggled to catch up. Damien enjoys doing homework, so he has fun teaching her. She does better at school in her new family

I got feeling Rakels dad loves rakel. but he is bad at expressing it, and he doesn't protect rakel from her mother, so he is allowing the abuse to happen. Rakel does better at school when she lives with Damiens family.

- Love triangle between William, Dami and Rakel. William has feelings for Rakel. Dami trying to be wingman for William, since he doesnt think he is good enough for Rakel. He sees himself as holding her back. Rakel and Dami like each other but doesnt say anything. - Because I need to squish the timeline so madty and Lu and mer doesnt have kids close to their 50s. Rakel became pregnant when Safe haven collapsed. Loosing Damien because he was abucted and then thinking she lost him over and over again when he fights the nightstalkers (there is at least 2 adult nightstalkers + a nest they go back to) and monsters. It helps for accidents like the pregnancy to happen. I wish they were in their 20s but I need to quish it because of the timeline. so they are 18 or 19 when she gets pregnant. And Ty would never attack Cyrus because he would have a history with schmidt family (since damien was abducted) I hope Cy is 18 when Ty attacks. If Dami and Rakel are 19 when the kids are born. I think Cyrus is 18 when Ty attacks. - There is haruna trying to poison Schmidt family. Rakel warns the others of the poison.-Damien is able to sense the villain with his energy powers and will fight the villain who haruna hired to poison them. - There is more. I'm very certain in Safe Haven AU, Dami will be a hero after the fight with victor and ty. He will do hero stuff with cyrus. -Rakel and Dami were close to Victor. They remember well how he was. I have information why Dami wouldnt suspect Ty is the oni masked + he would have a bias. And also denial.

And after the victor and tyrek fight. Cyrus and Damien sees things more from each others perspective, bringing them close again. Damien will also join tyrek in training cyrus. I think also tyrek will ask damien to use his powers. For old times sake. Maybe also for damien to see his full potential?? since he couldnt quite do that in the victor and tyrek fight as there were civilians there??? and if damien gained omni energy, it could be since its probably a rare power?? so its to see it in action. i lean on its to do it for damien himself. help him realize his skills and its fun for cyrus to see what cyrus can possibly achieve if he continues to train.

I have lots of ideas about safe haven stuff. The main thing is: - One of the reasons I think safe haven abducts damien is because they see his powers can develope into omni energy. Which is a poweful power. I can imagine they see him as valuable soldier. Use him as a nuke or steal energy from enemies. They can also use him to power up machines or energy to help cast a spell since some magic spell most likely require energy from a person and a machine wont affect it. I also got feeling they would want him for breeding (it luckily doesnt happen) in case if something happens to damien they have a back up, And its also profit for them to sell energy manipulators. Damien is naive, and has done homework were they did dna tests. So safe haven gained information from homework and damien then later practices his powers in safe haven after school.

I'm certain they abduct him in the locker room since they can lie to the police about not having recordings there. And then have a shapeshifter leave the locker room. Safe Haven seem very coopereatice.

I have lots of different ideas about the abduction. Like framing a organization (who is maybe known for abducting and selling mutants) to make themselves look good. Gain more control in the police force. '

With safe haven abduction. Rakel and damien use what they learn from each other. Rakel will go through damiens books (he is dnd fan so he has lots of tactical notes and books) and his science stuff while damien will work on being tactical and then train like a madman. Trying to use the knowledge he learned from Rakel. He will also connect with Ty with fighting stuff. Ty will be surprised to see the nerd start using kickboxing and various fighting techniques.

I think it's also good for damien to hear a compliment from someone.

I can see damien be honest and say "i wouldn't trust me either" and talk about his flaws. And that is one of the reasons Ty starts to trust him??

And Ty will say "you are nothing like lucian" and damien smiles sadly "I head that a lot..." he and rakel relate to having inferiority complex towards sibling. and ty might grumpily shove damien in the pool and say "i meant it as a compliment" Probably first time, it's been meant as a good thing. damien will be shocked and confused. i have ideas that dami might still insist lu would have been better. Damien will talk about "Lu is stronger, braver etc" and ty might open up about "he's the reason we are still in this mess! we need something different" I'm not sure if Ty would say lu sabotaged their escape plan or if dami will be left confused about why ty dislikes lu fsd

There will also be some goofy DnD stuff. And rakel goofily terrifying her friends and family by how crazy she goes in tactical mode when she finds items damien made she can use as weapons fsdfd

to clarify. It's angela and kirk who make safe haven collapse. I don't know what role my ocs play. So the intend my ocs to do. is to showcase their growth. For example. Whatever Rakel finds of damiens items. She most likely doesnt get chance to use them?? that safe haven collapses. Thats something i will find out later. Right now i'm working on a story that doesn't interfere in any way for angela and kirk.