Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (DefeatNightstalkerOrganization)



3 months, 29 days ago


Concept page for Rakel, Damien and Cyrus defeat the nightstalker organization


Summary of what I lean towards based on the brainstorms below

If the nightstalker organization is threatening to blow up various places of the world in order to try to get icarus to trade over Harunas soul. I think the best option is probably to hand the soul over (or trick them into thinking they got her soul. If they are tricked there might be risk of the places getting blown up anyway. So it might be best for Icarus to hand the soul over. Wait for William to hack. And then fight Haruna again. Deity Haruna won't stand a chance against Icarus, Osiris (or even Victor if he is back) but I lean on Icarus handles her by himself while Cy and Rakel and the others handle the organization once William has hacked into their systems. I want it to the be a intense fight. Maybe there are some magic users boosting haruna? Icarus is immune to magic so their magic won't work on him. Maybe the magic users are sacrificing themselves to make her stronger?? OR The organization has made a lot of modified nightstalkers, and that makes the fight more intense. (probably got a lot of help through the alliance with Safe Haven. Even though I bet they had a lot of incredible tech by themselves, I think alliance with other organizations helped them grow stronger faster.


Defeating the nightstalker organization environment: I lean on the battle will be in a underground city. They need a lot of space to make a nightstalker army nest + a environment to keep their growing society/organization a secret. So underground makes most sense.

However, I leave it open that during the fight with haruna? (IF he fights deity haruna) Icarus blows a hole that reveals the city to the public. It will be towards the end of the fight since I want icarus to fight deity haruna alone without interference. Realistly, I bet npc heroes would join the fight. Unless they see he has it under controlit's also possible he blew a hole to take the fight somewhere else? Then again. I think damien/icarus has good enough control over his powers where he doesn't need to take the fight somewhere else. If he blows a hole it's to expose the organization existing.

Other Environment: The organization is scattered all over the world. Each country has a leader. and that leader follows the highest rank. I'll call them royal so it's easier to know who i talk about. The royal nightstalker are most likely in the main headquarters in america. Or at least I think it's in america. Then again, it might also be in different country, if the nightstalkers originated in a specific country. Japan? I got feeling harunas blood was scattered all over the world so it might not have a "origin" place. My ocs will travel to other countries to handle the rest of the organization. To weaken the organization and as punishment for their actions.

Defeating nightstalker organization environment: Since I dont want other ocs to interfere. I lean on the battle was underground. + being underground also helps to prevent other people ocs being impacted by the fight. I don't want to accidently involve anyone who doesn't want to be part of the fight. + I think the schmidt deserve to solo the organization for everything they have gone through.

Although it's bit cool to imagine Icarus fighting the organization (especially if he fights deity haruna. so he gets to show his hero side more to the public. I bet they get to see his hero side in victor and ty fight. But the organization (maybe deity haruna) is a fight that is personal to him.

+ nightstalkers being revealed to the public is a referance to the bridge scene. since the organization worked hard to take down videos of the nightstalker. So it created conspiracy theories? Of people talking about their videos getting taken down? and the videos that exist are the ones were the nightstalker is too hard to see since its night, blurry and lots of other monsters surrounding the nightstalker since they are following damiens energy light. its swarm of monsters. and the bridge scene might seem like a foreshadowing of the future battle with the organization.

And Damien was named Icarus by the public because of the nightstalker fight. He shows the "Icarus" side in victor fight. I think it's also something different to see that side against the organization that played a role in him getting the name + fight the nightstalker monsters again.

-------------------------- Brainstorming

I say icarus. but I mean both damien and icarus. Their fusion is to show they are in agreement about whatever actions they do. --------------------------- IF Icarus ends up releasing deity haruna and handling her. I keep wondering, before the battle. if Damien encounters alternate reality victor who is hunting down haruna in different realities?

Reason I think I want alternate vic (or victor who has regained his memories, I lean on alternate reality victor) and damien to meet and talk is to show that damien keeps his promise about he will handle haruna/deity haruna if things go too far. -------------------- ----------------- maybe the nightstalker organizaiton has built tunnel leading to other places (alhtough the weak point is then that if one place is found, so will the others unless there is emergency way to destroy those tunnels. like how ants and bugs have colonies/tunnels? so the organizaiton having tunnels is inspiration from nature?? with tunnels they can also come to the aid of who needs it (maybe there is trains to get there fast? or even portal with use of magic or technology, that get them to the places

icarus could just cast tracking teleportation spell to get to japan. draw japan caught by surprise by a portal opening to them (maybe they have no idea what is going on. maybe william stopped recording? maybe he shows them the haruna battle, so they see the truth. and after she is killed. the screen is black. so they have no idea what icaurs is doing.

after icarus takes harunas powers away, he opens up a portal to japan

And IF they see the truth and STILL are haruna worshippers. like begging for materials things connected to deity haruna. that will also make icarus furious. Begging for materials things and its for someone he told them the truth about. of course it takes time to undo what you have been believing for years. which he knows. it's the materials things he gets mad about. they didn't show mercy to hostages. so why should he show mercy to materials things??

maybe vic is helping haruna to get to japan?? maybe she wants to see it destroyed, i got feeling she is scared of icarus. but maybe victor brings her some comfort + damien spared her life when he found out her motives was to get daimen to destroy deity haruna soul

Maybe she wants to see japan destroyed if they have cast her out for things like marriage to tyrek. (and for tyrek being against the organizaiton,and for being with icarus side)

they saw haruna failing the organization by not being able to "control" tyrek



If icarus release deity haruna, maybe the fight becomes intense if icarus is waiting for william to hack and gain control over the devices. When William has hacked into the system, Icarus battles haruna. Knowing that the organization won't be able to detonate or threaten to use the bombs anymore as he fights haruna. This opens up for deity haruna to make new and stronger nightstalkers.

Realisticly, I think deity haruna will be weak? Since she has been kept prisoned for so long. IF she has been awake (but not aware of the situation, more texts about that below) she will also be extremely furious, aggressive etc. It's been mental torture for her to be in isolated confinement and not know anything outside (it's possible icarus showed her some thing) Icarus didn't show her anything or was selective about what she saw since he didn't want to give her any information that could be used against him in case if he failed in keeping her prisoned.

Unless there is a deity ally of haruna that show up? Then the fight will be more intense. And if there is a ally. I could say they fused with haruna. So they are strong as one entity. (although one could argue it might have been best to be split?? so icarus has to pay attention to two entities.) maybe the fusion is to show the loyal devotion to deity haruna?? ------------

The things I like about Icarus handing over Deity haruna and to fight her later - Get a modern world interaction between the two deities.

- Damien get's to see/experience and fight the thing he has been guarding with icarus for so many years. And also get to see the source of the nigthstalkers motives and why he has had crash with people like haruna and been warned by ty to not investigate the origin of the nightstalker poison because of the organization existance. but i got feeling damien already knew it existed unless icarus didn't tell damien or was vague in saying that people will try to get harunas soul. Icarus does canonly talk about the responsbility of keeping world balanced while also guarding deity harunas soul at whatever price neccesary. - we Get to see the au were icarus is the one who destroys (or at least goes back to guarding it?) a part of haruna deity's soul. Since canonly, there is a alternate reality victor who is hunting down haruna and destroying her soul. Icarus allows victor to destroy it if he sees it as the best option. He will also continue to protect Haruna if he thinks victor is wrong in destroying the soul. That Icarus will destroy the soul himself if she changes and appears to be a threat to imbalance. This au can be the version were icarus destroys deity harunas soul and spare human haruna. Human haruna might be the last piece in that world.

Icarus is perfect guardian for haruna against vic. Since 1, vic doesn't want to fight icarus. and icarus is immune to magic.l so vic would probably have to summon lots of monsters or work on doing something else since his magic doesn't do anything to icarus.

The things I dislike - I'm not sure if it's good concept? BUT, handing it over seems like the best move to do. Since he can just defeat her again once the bombs are disabled. - I'm unsure if I can pull it off?? But then again, I've said that before about other topics like the portal to another world during the deity trial. And the portal in the trial room is among the stuff I think i am most happy with. And I am warming up more and more to the idea.

The question is: Does icarus destroy deity harunas soul? Or does he destroy half of it? Or does he destroy the parts of her soul that give her power? making her more and more human while continuing to punish deity haruna by keeping her in the prison.

I guess it can be insulting to see your deity loose to icarus but if he continues to keep it. Then they will most likely try to make a new strategy, like trying to find deity haruna allies?? Or work on modifying nightstalkers even more so that the next time they try to get harunas soul. It will be harder fight next time. However, by destroying the organization to almost ruin + exposing their society. it will most likely take a long time for them to be able to battle icarus again (unless they are extremely lucky in a deity ally of haruna showing up) Icarus will destroy harunas soul if he thinks he will loose. But he doesn't want lots of innocent lives to be lost because the organization tries again. So it seems best to also destroy the soul he is guarding.

If he destroys it: The organization might have hope that he can rebuild/repair it (but i imagine they won't be as intense than if he keeps the soul as it is and continues to guard it. - IF the organization knows or finds out about alternate realities, they might look for other reality version of her. But then again. If he destroys her soul, then they know that they might get the same result, especially since he can destroy it anytime he wants. I bet that the organization lost a lof of people since I think a lot has given up getting deity haruna back since it's destroyed. ------------------------------

https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/gallery#77510477 Note: He wears helmet, this is to show his expression underneath helmet before he fires a massive energy blast (maybe energy creature) and Victors monsters This might also be used when he fights nigthstalker organization (If they have really provoked him)

I need to find out what the organizations plans are. I like the idea of Damien faking getting captured. Trojan horse theme? (with omni energy that makes him immune to magic, and the organization doesn't know how powerful damien is or if he has even achieved that power. They don't know how much strenght Icarus as regained.

And I like the idea that he chooses to destroy haruna deity soul. Damien and Icarus as fused to show they are both in agreement to this action. And then they destroy the organization with their family.

I just need something to provoke him. I guess them trying to capture damien or shows sign of being a threat or put his family in danger.

Destroying the soul is maybe also take away the organizations motivation? what will they do when a big chunk of her soul is destroyed? do they think icarus faked it? or that he can still return it back to normal? Or do they hope to get haruna back to what she was as much as possible with the remaining soul. but the rest of it is only haruna unless they search in other realities. But in those realities are other Icarus souls guarding it and ready to do the same as damien/icarus in main world.

One idea I have is If a nightstalker went rogue? If they tok advantage of Cy fighting earth manipulators. Cy is leaving to absorb energy and also change? And cy is jumped. It might create this scene with payton and cy? https://toyhou.se/3667853.cyrus-septimus-schmidt-coyote/25564975.paytonfindoutcyiscoyoteconcept

Then I get a scene where Cy wins against earth manipulators, but it also leaves him open for someone like a nightstalker to jump him. If the nightstalker jumps him, then I want cyrus to wound the nightstalker in return. either for the nigthstalker to be used against the organization or damien pretends he will hand the soul over as a "negotiation" to leave his family alone.

I bet that nigthstalker went rogue? So it leaves it open if this was their plan or not? By Damien becoming a hero officially + there are probalby videos out there of him fighting during the suicide squad. so they see it best to kill the schmidt? They see the schmidt as a threat? Damien and Cy might use the nightstalker to make it seem like the nightstalkers organizations plans are working to get the trojan horse theme. --------------------------------------

I also think they might have wanted to use maybe a city as hostage? (which works well to provoke icarus/damien. Like "if you don't have deity harunas soul over, we will blow up the city" That would provoke Damien. So it's possible the nightstalker organization hired people (like earth manipulators) to guard them as they threaten icarus/damien. and damien fakes being captured. ----------------------

Damien will most likely know where the organization is because of Ty. He has information through the marriage. and william hacking.

So Damien will know if the nigthstalker is telling the truth based on what information they give in order to be spared.

------- Sidenote: Me: I want to see Damien/Icarus wrath side against the nigthstalker organization Brain: Lu was Havoc, Ty was mayhem, Damien is "Wrath". It's almost 4 horsemen or something dsfdfsf ---------------------------- WIP! https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25740800.nightstalker-organization#77499611

Version you can see Damien https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/gallery#77499668

This is going to be Dami, icarus and their fused form Also possible i might do another version. Two people standing are deity forms, and Damien is holding the sphere.

To symbolize the responsibility of fusing. Becoming a "tool" to work on keeping balance and also burden to guard Deity Harunas soul.

I think this will be in trial room? Although if its in trial room i will make damien vague? I have concepts about why Damien might be there or not It might have been made later after they fused etc. I will add concept notes in the future -------------- If the organization is threatening to nuke places (its best they are threatening all over the world, be spread out so it's high chance it's impossible to stop it in time? especially even if my other ocs are helping to find the threat. i dont think they will find them in time. It's possible they nuke a place to show the threat is genuine? and if they do end up doing that. that will provoke damien. it's possible that damien pretends he will hand the soul over to buy time for the others.

Damien can also give a "fake" soul. the organization doesn't know what harunas soul looks like. so he can create any types of energy to fool them. or even icarus to take a shape.

and there is also lu to create illusions and reality warp. so lu could probably reality warp a "soul" too. it's goofy to imagine him creating a illusion and they end up holding a random goofy item. ---------- another option that is less action? so i'm eh damien pretends to hand over the soul and destroys it fight in front of their faces. He might offer to let the organizatio be alone. destroyin the soul was a warning of what he will do to them if they don't stop whatever plan they are doing. but they attack him. without harunas soul, he doesn't have a "hostage" anymore. and that sparks the fight were the organizaiton is destroyed. -------------------- It's possible someone in the organization pushed cyrus in the portal (shapeshifting into someone else?) as a attempt to scatter safe haven people? since they want to avoid having ty as their enemy too since he knows a lot, maybe everything about them through the marriage + he can get william to hack the organization to get more information. The less safe haven people are around, the better but then they are gambling on Damien and rakel. they dont know when they will be back. so this plan seems too... tricky to pull off? ------------------------- The organization getting destroyed is also fitting karma for what they might have done to the icarus followers (i have lore about them killing the followers by poisoning their waters. and then alliance with safe haven as attempt to enter the trial rooms. So it's punishment for forcing icarus followers into trial rooms that got them killed +punishment for all the destrution they have cause to civilians and damiens family + take away motiviation as mentioned above --------------

I lean on Cyrus doing things in the nightstalker organization along with parents. From all the torment haruna caused to him. He deserves to get back at her or the organization. He might even be fused with icarus while daimen is bait. but its smartest that damien is fused with Icarus so the schmidt has most control over the situation. But it's badass to imagine cyrus doing things.

maybe sometimes Icarus fuses with cyrus and then back to damien depending on situation but i think its easier if icaruas gave a portion of his power to cyrus. since there is powers damien doesnt have acess to yet. or that he creates a familiar for cy. but i also like the idea of cyrus not getting help from them. the suit he wears is enough to protect him. ----------------

i guess its possible payton and cyrus was tossed in the portal (maybe some other ocs too, like Mako?? If mako is still charlotte's son.

To spread the characters. but then they need to toss them in seperate portals to force the safe haven adults to split to look for their family.

Considering how Icarus was probably in different world that is the last trial room. + omni energy. it seems like omni energy is able to replicate other powers, so i think icarus can create portals to try to track cyrus. and also recreate magic. The double edged sword is also that damien and icarus can't be healed by magic since they are immune to it. so if he is knocked unconcious (sniped) and if rakel doesn't have a healing syringe. he is a bit screwed. ----------- i lean on it's possible they all had a group supervising each specific oc. And the organization approach each oc individually to minimize chance of anyone warning the others. And if one organization of them fail to report back, or are attacked by their group. they blow up a city somewhere in a country. to minimize the chance of safe haven people fighting them and try to force damien to hand over harunas soul. Hoping that Damien and Icarus (or at least damien) will hand the soul over to save other people. Damien is stalling to enable william to hack. or maybe they hope by getting acess to main headquarters they might be able to disable bombs? or maybe william reports back to the teams making it seem like its the organization is talking to them when in reality it's william? But it's also possible william might not get much chance to communicate with everyone? he might be able to communicate with cyrus or anyone wearing helmet that is used as phone, like rakel, cyrus and dami. Damien will refuse to hand the soul over because he sees it will cause much more destruction that they gain harunas soul. I do think william is one person the organization might not even know is allive? or is hard to track him since he exists in tech. And I bet he will know something is up if his friends are approached by the organization? or he sees the organization leave in group? and that he will start to hack to help the others out. I do like the seriousness of the organization being able to blow up a city. + it would provoke the "wrath" side of damien/icarus. especially damien, that those peoples lives were in his hands. and he couldn't save them. -------------------- One idea that is possible. But I'm "meh" about it I guess Icarus could handle harunas soul over to buy time and when william has hacked their systems or bombs are disabled, he fights haruna again. He is stronger than her.

I guess one thing that might make it interesting is that it would be a fight in the modern world. The final nightstalker boss (kind of, since her and icarus souls were split they aren't in their strongest shape)

1. Might be to prove a point about. even if they got harunas soul, he could destroy it anytime. to take away their hope about her being strong enough to defeat icarus. or defend them against osiris or selcouth (They might now know about selcouth) 2. One possible concept is: Is it a reality check to get her back. What if she isn't what they expected her to be? It's possible she might not care about them or she might want to change things they don't agree with? So it's possible that Icarus hands deity harunas soul over because he knows he can handle her and the hope of none of the bombs will detonate as part of the deal of trading harunas soul over.

I think I prefer them attacking the schmidt out of rage that damien probably destroys the deity soul. -------------- One thing that is possible is that icarus might sense the danger? If his goal is to keep the world balanced. That means. He must sense whenever the world balance is shifting over too much in one direction. --------------------------- It's possible that william has spied on the organization for awhile, so the safe haven people worked on a counter attack/trojan horse theme ---------------------- It's possible that if Icarus handed Deity haruna soul over, she might lash out at icarus the moment she is free. Or try to fuse with haruna? But If she tried to fuse with Haruna, icarus would stop her. Or split their soul apart again.

I lean on if she was resealed. She will most likely attack Icarus. Especially if she has been present the whole time. I can imagine she will have a lot of built up rage for being in a prison for centuries.

It's possible she doesn't mind destroying the organization (since she can make more nightstalkers + stronger nightstalkers than the ones that are around her) while she fights Icarus. Basicly like the nightstalker on the bridge that ran over anything that was in it's way to get damien for destroying it's mate (and made also damien destroyed some of the nest too)

So far I think I lean on he destroys her soul without releasing her. Although it might be a demonstration of strenght and self restaint that he is able to guard her and destroy the organization. Or that maybe he destroys a part of half of the soul? Giving them a warning to destroy the rest if they continue to try to get her soul. --------------------

the organization might be cocky thinking deity haruna will win with them backing her up since they have worked on modifying nightstalkers I also think the nest is a double edged sword. Because of someone kills a queen, they loose control over their own monsters. Monsters could be tearing up their organization. I can imagine rakel is high chance of killing nightstalkers that are shapeshifters as a line of duty sort of thing. It might be possible that someone like Rakel, kills the queens so the organization faces karma of their own actions. The punishment for acting like they are "gods" by experimenting on people. killing anyone in their way etc. treatment of icaruas followers. and then the organization sees the dangers of if they go too far in their experiments it can backfire on them and be a big problem for them as well. ----------- IF Icarus gave deity harunas soul to the organization. I don't think she has been awake? Or that if she was awake, She has been in a void like cell and she isn't aware of what is going on outside.. since i doubt icarus woul allow her to see things (or that he allowed her to see at times as attempt to try to teach her something) since then she would gain information and knowledge. I think it could be fitting punishment for her betrayal. Being held captive and not see anything. that is mental punishment, like putting a prisoner in solitary confinement. and be helpless to get out. and not know if you will be destroyed (maybe that's why icarus also guards Harunas soul. It's too easy punishment to kill her again? It's better she is trapped for awhile for eveyone she harmed.and of course for icarus to see if he should give her another chance or not. And I bet that he destroyed parts of her soul already to make her feel more powerless and her powers were a big part of her pride? So taking that away is also a way to punish her for her actions. It's possible icarus allows her to see if he would bump into her allieas and if they are defeated he lets her know. so she feels the despair and hopelessness of not being able to help them. or if the organization is destroyed? although i'm uncertain about the organization. since I bet she likes to be worshipped but idk if she sees them as worthy? she can make better creatures. ------------------------ It's possible that icarus sometimes tries to talk to deity haruna. and maybe she is too enraged to talk to icarus? Or she does something that Icarus isn't satisfied with her actions so he leaves her again. I think Icarus being a deity and knowing her, he most likely knows it's pointless talking to her if she is just lashing out whenever she sees him. so he might not even bother talking to her. ------------------------------------ It's possible that if deity haruna was released. she might not even bother trying to fuse with haruna? She sees haruna a small ant? maybe dislike haruna since she is mostly the "human" part of her soul. It would make deity haruna different from the other deities. that she doesn't even acknowledge haruna?

It would be funny if haruna and her deity self disliked each other. It's possible human haruna doesn't want deity haruna back? since she likes power? and doesnt like the thought of a deity coming back? since that would mean the deity would be in charge?

But it's possible that haruna tries to help the organization in getting the soul back. but as a attempt to climb up the power ladder or to be returned back to their warmth. haruna might have lost her power and rank. And haruna might have had plans to sabotage getting the deity soul back once she climbed higher up in ranks. OR haruna sees the deity as a tool to gain more power. but it might be a big reality slap if the organization realize deity haruna doesn't share their views or they can't control her. or she wants to change things that the organization doesn't agree with. if she wants to create a world filled with only nightstalkers, making it dangerous for civilians. I bet a lot of nighstalker shapeshifters wouldn't agree with it. Even though they are villains. They are human. And I bet they have lots of friends and allies that aren't nightstalkers. Ikimi and Raiden are among them. (it's possible Raiden might be a mole? before he becomes a hero officially? Maybe he sees what the organization is doing? and then decides to be a mole and informing ty and the other ocs about what is going on? and when the organization is dealt with. raiden become a hero offficially and the world gets the know about the nightstalker. I bet that some people will recognize (or see similarities) of the nightstalker raiden versus the blurry videos of the monster on the bridge ( i bet that nigthstalker was also covered by the other monsters around. making it hard to see it)

I'm "meh" about the whole world destruction or domination. since it feels so... superficial motives. ----------------------------- I think one of the reasons the organization might feel like deity haruna is powerful enough against the other deities (which she isn't) is if they have built lots of modified nightstalkers, shapeshifters to hybrids and pure monsters. so they think united with haruna deity. they will win. OR, if they had a deity that was harunas ally backing them up. I got feeling icarus would sense the other deity presence if they enetered their world. so only way for that to work is if someone in the organization was going back and forth in a portal to communicate with the deity in different world and then coming back to main world. and then they time it when the deity will appear. but I'm meh about that?? Might be a bit like invincible season 2? I think there was people from other realities working together and timing it to do things at the same time?

------------------ Or the organization somehow managed to get other parts of her soul (which i doubt?? i got feeling icarus does insanely well job protectiing/guarding it. He will destroy it if he felt like he would loose the fight.

and the organization planned to fuse the souls from other realities together at the same time in the main world to prevent the chance of being interrupted by icarus.

I doubt this is canon. ----------------- Or maybe the organization was working on trying to create some sort of...clone? of deity haruna? Or creating a powerful nightstalker to become deity haruna's vessel? a referance to how safe haven made Payton with the attempt to make her osiris vessel. I'm also certain they planned to use damien for breeding too, as attempt to get the twins to reincarnate and try to modify them. Maybe they found some dna from haruna that they used to create super powered nighstalkers??? Or hoping the deity would reincarnate in one of those clones? this theory can also work as it's not a attempt to clone haruna but her dna just used to create powerful nightstalkers. maybe they are the highest ranked shapeshifters in the organizations.

------------ https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25792146.defeatnightstalkerorganization#77646416


Defeat Nightstalke Organization Art Tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25792146.defeatnightstalkerorganization

This is placeholder. Rakel will be in the other hero identity than Manticore. I'm drawing manticore as a placeholder so I remember who the third person is on the image. I don't know how Haruna deity looks like either

All 3 will be wearing different mech suits as armor against nightstalkers. It will kill Dami or Cyrus to be stung by them. Rakel has regeneration so she would be okay if she was stung. + It's also possibly fatal for the boys to be clawed up or bitten by them.

----- Art Variation: https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25792146.defeatnightstalkerorganization

I like the idea that he is making eye contact with Haruna here. This is concept if the organization goes too far in trying to get Harunas soul back. To clarify. He isn't killing anyone. If he kills anyone it's Deity haruna or pure nightstalker monsters. I'm uncertain about that concept. If he release and fight her. Or if he just destroys the soul as it is. Or continue to guard it.

The idea about him making eye contact with human haruna. I think she might be at the place because the organization might have called for back up. I like the idea she get's to see what the schmidt are capable of. And see it's not a good idea to provoke them. It's better to leave them be.

IF the organization suceed in hurting people, and if Haruna knew about the plan. Then Damien will be furious at her for being quiet about it. (It's possible the organization lost trust in her and didn't tell her about the plan so she didn't know. OR she didn't care to warn them)

IF she knew about the plan and people were killed. Then Haruna get to see that her relationship with Payton saved her this time. But it won't save her the next time if the organization pulls another stunt like that.

It's not likely they will try to get deity harunas soul again (If he hasnt destroyed it) or attack icarus with how the organization is weakened.

It's also possible Rakel might have been ready to shoot haruna and cyrus stops rakel.

Main point is. I like the idea of Haruna being present and witnessing the organization's destruction. And she sees Lester is correct in his advice. And see that it's better to have a truce than to provoke the schmidt. ----------------------

Correction, he will kill monster nightstalkers. I bet he can feel by their energy to tell them apart from shapeshifter nightstalker.and I bet there are physical things to tell them apart too. Maybe monsters has some sort of marking/coloring. I wonder if a queen is knocked unconcious... if the organization loose control over them. of if the queen/s need to be killed for the organization to loose control. It's possible Rakel will kill some nightstalkers since she can't sense them. She got armor but same time... If they are attacking, she will kill as line of duty sort of thing


It's also possible william has been spying so my ocs might already know. But haruna coming clean even if they know. Is a way to build peace and lessen the tension.

I don't know yet if haruna knows. or if she is kept in the dark. I like the idea haruna is there to witness the destruction. She might have been called by the organization as back up. So the art of damien glaring at her is just Damien being mad at the organization and haruna being scared seeing him angry like that + fearing not knowing if he will hurt or not, especially since he will at least walk up to her. She doesn't know what his intentions are. He might just walk past her and not even say anything. It all depends on her role. And she might collapse to the floor when the schmidt are gone. I like the idea she get's to feel fear. especially for everything she did to cyrus. I also feel like cyrus deserves to do something.

IF she knows and didn't say anything to my ocs. Then she sees that her relationship with payton is protecting her. It's possible Rakel might have been ready to shoot haruna (if the organization is able to detonate a bomb) and cyrus stops her. Heck, it's even possible damien might have been ready too end haruna too and cyrus stops. Damien would only be tempted if bombs detonated and killed innocent people + if she knew about it or played a role in helping the organization. The staring thing might be damien sensing haruna. He might even ask if she played a role in this. or even say that he spares her because of payton but it's last warning. i lean on him not saying anything at all either. he just walks away to go to the next location the organization is to destroy it. and cyrus and rakel follows. Rakel might purposely and aggressively walk into haruna as she follows the guys fdsfdfd even IF cyrus finds out payton is being used. He hopes haruna genuinely cares for payton. even if haruna disliked payton. I don't think he could bring himself to kill haruna or let the others kill her, since Payton cares for haruna. and he doesn't want to see her loose someone she loves again. Especially since I lean more and more, that cyrus eventually built the courage to use the gun that damien made, to shoot tyrek. and that enabled lu to kill ty. i have lore about that but i won't bombard with that, since it's not important, the main topic is cyrus doesn't want payton to loose a family member again.

If she tells my ocs, then I can see damien also focus on taking down whoever might be in way for haruna to climb up the ladder. he will only help her if she promises to not do whatever the organization is doing to try to get deity harunas soul + leave his family/friends alone.

It's possible that human haruna doesnt want the deity back, since human haruna wants power. and thinks it's too risky to believe that deity haruna will be ally to the organization. Even I don't know if deity haruna cares for them. She might use them to grow stronger and then make new nightstalkers she thinks are better fdsdsf and if she is against deity haruna, it works in her favor to cooperate with my ocs, since then they are doing stuff for her. even though they know haruna has ulterior motives. she wouldn't ask them for help, it's better to have alliance with haruna than to allow the orgnization to do their plan. and they will do something for her in return. Like making sure whoever haruna dislikes it taken to prison. It's possible rakel might have killed them as line of duty sort of thing if that person was trying to kill rakel) Rakel has had enough of nightstalkers, and since they didn't take the warning Rakel and damien gave to haruna . Maybe they also gave that as warning to the organization?? And the organization ignored the warning. Rakel sees it as fair game. If the organization attack instead of surrendering, Rakel sees it as their own fault if they are hurt or killed by rakel. So if harunas threat is attacking rakel. It's a win win for both haruna and rakel, that rakel get ridd of them. It's also possible that if haruna knew about it. Icarus would be tempted to take harunas powers away? That is also a warning about to her. Which also brings up the question. If she looses her powers. Does she loose her rank or is not welcome in the organization anymore? The organization doesn't see her worth anything as a nomal human?? So icarus taking harunas powers away is to make her loose allies (IF she was allies with the organization)

OR. If haruna helped the organization and innocent people were killed. It's possible icarus was going to kill haruna too, and cyrus stops icarus/damien. and to meet halfway damien takes harunas powers away.

---------------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/gallery#77688295 Placeholder Haruna not daring to move or look up at Icarus fusion. Even if she didn't know the organizations plans (she might have lost their trust and kept in the dark) or even if she helped warn the schmidt. I think she would be intimidated seeing Icarus/Damien so angry and wreck the whole place up. He made Havoc look like saint. Even though the fusion only killed monsters and injured human shapeshifters. He did more damage to a organization overall than Havoc ever did to her business. Havoc focused a lot on getting people. And havoc probably destroyed businesses here and there. But not that large scale as Icarus fusion. Difference between havoc and Icarus fusion. Icarus most likely gives the nightstalkers a chance to surrender, and those who doesn't surrender and fight. He ends up beating those people up.

It's very possible haruna has been outcast from the organization, so the destruction allows her to gain control over the business and can be to her benefit with higher ranked people out of the way-

I THINK he will only ask if she knew about this. And if she didn't. Damien will sense she is telling the truth about not knowing. He probably just leaves without talking to her.

So far I lean on she didn't know? She arrived because the organization called for more back up against Icarus. She might have gotten her energy drained from cyrus or icarus so she didn't have strenght to fight.

IF she knew and didn't tell them. And innocent people lost their lives. Then Cyrus stops Icarus from hurting her. Icarus might take her powers away as a way to meet halfway with cyrus. Sparing Harunas live but punishing her by taking away her nightstalker powers.

I will go more into this in this tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25754868.defeatnightstalkerorganization

------------ Punishment. I guess one possible punishment is to destroy the part of deity harunas souls powers. Forcing her to reincarnate as human? (Especially if she hated humans) Or just taking her power away and keeping the human side of her soul stored in him to continue the prison sentence. It would hurt her a lot to be stripped of her powers piece by piece and there is nothing she can do about it. ---------- Cyrus "win"

Maybe it's a win on cyrus side IF haruna knew about the organization. And didn't tell the schmidt. And it ends with haruna being at cyrus "mercy". Icarus sparing her because of Cyrus asking too. Because of her connection to payton.

Cyrus win can also be him joining his parents in destroying the organization. ----------------------------------- I like harunas nightstalker eyes...Maybe she can keep those eyes changing? Maybe as a reminder of the power she has lost?

I guess also, if she goes the immortality route... it's a bit fitting she looses her nigthstalker powers? so it proves the "death" (loosing her powers), also creates life "immortaility) i don't know if her eyes are permanently changes or they shift whenever she is angry/upset (so people can see her mood, since manipulation is important for haruna, so her eyes shifting is a way to ruin her manipulation tactics.

Another reason for her eyes to stay. is so others will know what she is. Even though I bet a lot of people wont know she is a nightstalker even if her eyes change since i bet there exist a lot of mutants. it's possible her workers will know. and she relied on fear and her allies to keep them under control. In the past if anyone challenged her. she often "fought" them in a private room. and a lot of cases, I bet ty killed them for haruna. but the workers didn't know ty helped her. they would only see the corpse and become terrified of her. She was using the fear of the unknown against them. And with her powers gone but only her eyes left. People can find out what she actually was. Maybe it's fitting punishment since haruna is so secretive about nigthstalkers, that her eyes is permanently serpent nightstalker eyes? For everyone to see? (It's funny to imagine her walking with sunglasses a lot to try to hide them fdsfd ) and if she goes immortal route. I like the idea of her being human forever without ever becoming nightstalker again. ----- Note to self: If Icarus fusion takes away her powers, he is most likely making it painful for haruna on purpose

I think haruna has escaped physical pain too often and deserves to feel that. .................. Rakel being best support animal https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25805542.organization-aftermath#77702859

Organization aftermath tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25805542.organization-aftermath Concept about Rakel is comforting Damien/Icarus about they did the best they could to prevent the nightstalkers from killing innocent people (If they succeed in killing innocent people) maybe icarus also needs comfort? I do thinks as a deity who has lived for centuries he is probably skilled to block emotions in order to create balance maybe fused with damien, he feels more? even more human?? so he also seeks comfort? Damien is a very emotional person. And Icarus fused with Damien to experience what it's like to be human. The good and the bad. So he get's the experience the bad with the organization and then the good of having family support him. i think as deity he would be upset about innocent humans being killed. especially if that caused a imbalance and he wished he could have prevented it. maybe destroying the organization is a way to restore balance against what the nightstalker organization did?

I like the idea of cyrus sandwich hugging him too. This might be when they are done hunting down the organization. I lean on this is after they destroyed the headquarters and are taking a rest before moving to the organization in other countries. She might also make a joke about wanting to be glared like he did to haruna while being choked fdsdfdf After the organization or main headquarters are destroyed? (They will travel to all the countries to destroy the organization) -------------- IF icarus fusion battles deity haruna again. Maybe damien get a scar from deity haruna? might be a bit cool? Damien is immune to magic so they can't heal him if haruna wounds him. They would need healing syringe or heal naturally. Question is, if it leaves a scar if a healing syringe is used. But it's also possible damien can heal himself as long as he is concious since omni enery users can use magic and get other types of powers.

The fight might be tough if icarus doesn't lend damien all his powers. But I think it's possible he lends Damien his powers in this fight if they end up fighting haruna. or he wants swift justice. ---------------------- maybe damien/Icarus also ends up destroying nightstalker shrines in the city? Normally he is the type of person who wants to preserve history and analyse it. so to see him destroy history is extra way to show how furious he is. I think it's also because of that worship is also what lead to those innocent people loosing lives. + I bet a lot of nighstalkers has history stuff in their homes like Haruna has. So not all history is lost. They just lost a lot of important things. And I bet the shrines getting destroyed was a big loss to them. -------------- another thing that makes icarus/damien dangerous for the organization is that he can absorb energy to recharge himself to move on to next country the organization lies in and destroy them one after one in a very fast pace since he doesn't need to rest. It's not good for him mentally but I bet that Icarus helps and he will take a good rest when the organization is handled. -----------------

Haruna loose her powers:

To clarify. I don't know yet if Icarus will take her powers away or not. This is just a concept. IF i take harunas powers away. I think i know what might role she migth have. She might have come up with the hostage plan before the run scene? Maybe even right after the gun scene (impulsive pride moment?) She could have given the plan in the past as a attempt to climb up the ladder in the organization. And she might not have know the organization would do her suggestion (if they lost trust in her)

Or it's possible that Haruna spied on tyrek and damien when she was married to ty. and she found out damien has deity harunas soul. and because she told the organization, it sparked the hostage situation. If she hadn't told them, then the hostage situation would most likely never happened. Maybe it was when she tried to poison the schmidt family that damien asked ty if the organization has found out he has her soul? Maybe they thought killing Damien would release deity haruna? but i think damien is smart enough to assume that wouldn't be their plan unless they had some sort of plan of killing damien and then fighting icarus? It's also possible that Haruna spied on ty and dami when they were in their 20s so her actions from the past many years ago came back around. Or she told the organization damien schmidt is icarus identity. Then again, I don't think they needed to know his identity to set up a hostage situation, although it's harder to get hold of him if they didn't know his identity since damien is is changing his route everyday and flying fast. So it's hard to get hold of him if you don't know his identity.

To Icarus might not matter she didn't know they would do it. Or if her views changed in the current timeline versus when she came up with the plan. She came up with the plan, therefore she is responsible to fix it before it was too late. Since she didn't prevent the hostage situation from happening, he thinks it's right she pays the price for all the innocent people who lost their lives. Taking her powers away is probably a gentle punishment in Icaruas eyes. IF he takes it away he will most likely make it painful for her on purpose as justice for the victims.

I keep leaning more and more on I want her to loose her nightstalker powers if she goes immortal route...and maybe she only has her eyes left as a reminder of what she lost. And I keep imagining she is at cyrus mercy???Especially if she played a role in people loosing their lives, I like the idea that Cyrus stops Icarus from killing her. That is Cyrus win against haruna for everything she did. And that is also difference between Icarus and Havoc. Icarus has the self control to stop. And to meet halfway with cyrus. he takes her powers away. It's also possible Icarus threatens to kill her if there is anything more she could have done with the organizaiton. and if she has. she has to clean up the mess. Although I got feeling with how Icarus and schmidt hunt down the organization .If they had any more plans, the tools to use the plans got destroyed as the schmidt destroyed the organizations in the world. I won't bring him justice in strategy or dialogue. But I got feeling he will make some sort of threat about if she causes anymore chaos, he will make sure she wished he killed him the day the organization fell.

Maybe Icarus takes the power away from nightstalkers that played any role in the place blowing up and the ones who doesn't surrender. Turning them into humans. Turning them into humans might be a fitting punishment if they despise humans.

I'm certain there are a lot of nightstalkers that don't agree with the organization and/or doesn't want any part of it, like Raiden and Ikim. Icarus won't do anything to them. He hopes the peaceful nighstalkers will rebuild a better society with the bad apples removed from their society. It might be punishin for Haruna to see her kids not defending her (IF they are there. I lean on they aren't there. But if they witness all that destruction, they will not want anything to do with her, so the only one who objects to Haruna getting killed is cyrus because of payton.

-------------- IKIMI AND RAIDEN: One part of me wonder if Ikimi and Raiden would want their nightstalker powers taken away? because it would insult haruna that they reject their nightstalker family. But it might be equally insulting that them as nighstalkers are icarus allies. Considering how ancient nighstalkers are and icarus. And with how massive nightstalkers are, i'm certain there are some who secretly have families with a icarus followers.

It's possible Ikimi and alex might be a thing again because of the concept of nighstalker and icarus descendant being allies. However, Ikimi and alex are at least best friends. and i wonder if raiden will become close friend of cyrus too (If he isnt a close friend already) I might draw them asking damien to take their nightstalker powers away? But damien will tell them to think about it before making a decision like that. Doesn't want it to be something they might regret later I got feeling they have at least invulnerability from osiris/tyrek. so they won't be entirely powerless. I read something about omni energy controling powers itself, so maybe he gives them earth powers??? I need to double read about the omni energy and double check if i understood the descirption correctly.

I think i lean on ikimi and raiden as nightstalkers who are icarus allies. -------------------------- Ikimi And Raiden

I'm not a big fan of this next idea but. I will write it down just to be on the safe side. One idea, which might be extremely insulting to haruna. Is if Ikimi and Raiden requested Icarus to take their powers away and if they can be granted Icarus powers as new followers. Then again. Ikimi doesn't fight people. And I like that Raiden has different powers than cyrus and Damien. --------------------- Haruna and payton

IF harunas own kids disown her (I got feeling that do) might make haruna appreciate having payton around? and/or even choose immortaility. To choose to be immortal to live for herself? Live for the few people who care for her. --------------------- damiens decision to take nighstalkers powers away might also be a bit influenced by victor. that he thinks victor is somewhat right in the dangers of mutants, and the nightstalkers has proved over and over again that a lost of them can't be trusted. so it's fair they loose their powers ---------------------------- tyrek didn't know haruna found out icarus/damien has harunas soul or if he did. He warned Haruna that he would join in destroying the organization if she told them. Or that he wouldn't help the organization.

Maybe Haruna assumed ty would proctect her at the time she told the organization. or she and the organization assumed deity haruna would be powerful enough to defend/protect them

I lean on ty wasn't aware she found out. He would made it clear to the organization he would destroy them all if they tried to pull of a hostage situation. It's possible she informed the organization when ty died? Or she told them right after Rakel and damien threatened her with the gun? I have to be aware of William. I got feeling he will keep a close eye on her after she tries to poison the schmidt or at least during suicide squad. or when the schmidt threaten haruna. It's possible that the nightstalkers might have different ways of communicating, like writing a letter and using homing pigeons? (i crack up imagining "homing nightstalkers" dfsf

Or they used something like pins inspired by Madeleine Albright to communicate with each other, but I got feeling william would be able to find out the meaning of pins if they used pins/jewelry.

Or maybe haruna tok trip to japan, and made it seem like she was taking a vacation (she probably was) and told her family about icarus having deity harunas soul. and her family met with others in the organization privately and spread the information by meeting in person. It's possible that haruna feared william might spy on her. Or that the organization feared being spied on in general by anyone. so there might be some way for them to communicate without tech like pigeons. but they would also be careful on where and when they read it. Like avoid reading it around tech that can be used to supervise them.Unless they have hired mutants like william to protect their tech. Or/and they use some tech from safe haven. I bet that william would be able to find a way around that tech when he is adult. when he was a teen he wasn't able to enter some files. I think that is also because of the control safe haven had on william with chip implant.

It's also possible that it's a good thing william spied on haruna? (He can supervise several people) if there is a distraction, like cyrus being gone. but if cyrus is gone to pass a message, then it shows haruna didn't listen to lester?? or she kind of twisted lester words?? the hostage situation is meant for icarus/damien and not cyrus.

Maybe the hostage situation is something they planned for awhile? ( to explain why they were prepared to do the hostage situation. in case if haruna was late in informing them about icarus) All the organization needed was someone to confirm icarus has harunas soul? But if they had this plan for awhile, it's possible william and the others would know about this plan? i don't think damien would be comfortable with allowing them to build for it to happen?? He would have enormous guilt if he knew and didn't destroy them. So i lean on damien and the others didn't know about the plan? or at least, if they found out it might have been the day the hostage situation happened?? so they didn't have much time to plan. I think i lean on they didn't know what the plan was at all. Maybe WIlliam is able to tell damien he is going to hack into the organization and damien and the others should buy william time before the nightstalkers arrive. I bet that william can tell this as damien is walking away with the organization?? he won't take the helmet off in public, so william can talk to him. Unless the organization appeared when the schmidt are home?? I want them to wear the tech suits. maybe after the fight with victor, damien built high tech nano suits that they use something like their watch to start? he trusts cyrus to enter his lab again and he wants his family to be protected, especially if another scenario where a big threat like victor appeared again. -----------------

another option that I don't think is canon. is that icarus takes human harunas powers away as a way to punish the organization. Destroying the deity fully or keeping the human part of the deity soul left, since that would be torture for deity haruna to be reduced to a human soul. and he takes the powers away from haruna too.

However, I lean on he doesn't do this. since then they know haruna was the deity. and if he takes her powers away, they might try to experiment on ikimi and raiden since they are Harunas kids. UNLESSS. He takes the power away from several other nighstalkers.

they assume Haruna lost her power because: 1. she started the whole thing. 2. the main thing is because he can't kill her because of cyrus request, because of payton 3.was among the high ranked nighstalkers as them (and they are unaware she is a deity reincarnation).

Although. It's possible they don't dare to experiment on ikimi and raiden because they are terrified to provoke icarus further. + even if t hey wanted to experiment on them. I doubt they had the tech to do it since schmidt will destroy them worldwide. They would have to be allies with other organization. I got feeling other organization will most likely not be interested in cooperating since they don't see it was worth it. the organization wasn't able to protect their organization. it was destroyed worldwide + shown on the news. And I bet there are a lot of organizations who has opposite views of the nighstalkers and would see nighstalkers as enemies if they knew they nightstalker organization existed. the nightstalker organization lost their power and money. there isn't much they can give to anyone

And if they had that thought of experimenting, it's also possible Ikimi and raiden want Icarus to remove the nightstalker powers from them. Or that Icarus gives them a familiar each, to make sure they are protected.

It MIGHT be interesting that Ikimi and raiden are the "first" mutants to be given icarus powers after damien and icarus fused together. I feel like if he gives anyone his powers, I think Cyrus deserves to be the first. Although I bet when Damien retires as hero, Cyrus becomes a Icarus "successor" That he can summon Icarus whenever he needs back up. Or he summons him whenever he does hero stuff in general. It would infuriate the organization and Haruna, if Ikimi and raiden abandon their nightstalker heritage. Becoming Icarus followers will be salt on the wound.

But I also like a scene that I drew with Roman and Ty. It fits as Ikimi and Raiden with Icarus/Damien. That Icarus fusion tells them they make their own path no matter what haruna did. this is the tyrek and roman scene https://toyhou.se/3668194.tyrek-kowalczyk-floquet/3693756.haven-redux/gallery#15430665

Next part I am very "meh" about it since i dont think i can pull this off well? Damien is a scientist, and with haven redux rebuilt, I bet that with safe haven tech they can give ikimi and raiden different powers. Like earth manipulation. Safe Haven managed to get earth manipulation, invulnerability and shapeshifting into payton. (if I make another AU for human au, and someone else is Patyon's mother Payton might shapeshift through the use of magic??? Then again, the deities shapeshifted so it's possible shapeshifting powers are from Osiris than Maddie or whoever else is paytons parents. Even though I feel like it sounds like a weird fanfic if Vic is the other parent (if i make a new au) I bet it's possible since this has DC stuff, like Teen Titans in its story. And in DC superboy, Kon -El is a lone of superman and lex luthor. I got feeling safe haven would choose victor because he is a powerful deity too. and maybe by having a offspring of selcouth/vic and osiris/ty. Payton was a back up plan in case if they failed in manipulating victor. + they planned to make payton the new vessel for osiris since ty was impossible to control. and i bet when ty started to cooperate they wanted to be on the safe side and have payton as back up in case if ty was manipulating them (which he was. He was cooperating to lower their guard and waiting for the right time to strike. It's also possible charlotte is paytons mother if there is two human aus. she is supposed to be a deity too. I think she is a moth or butterfly theme as deity??? I lean on they don't know charlotte is a reincarnation??? IF i remake a new world, I'm certain that ty , vic and charlotte was a pair, so it's possible payton could be mix of all 3 too, in deity past and when she is made in safe haven.

------------------------ the organization manually blowing up bombs in a city, could be their attempt to guard deity haruna? if they saw she was losing the fight? they went back to threaten to blow up cities spread all around the world? and since icarus doesn't stop, they blow up a city? And once they do that. My other ocs will also fight the nightstalkers who are "supervising" them, since they just blew up a city, it means they can't be trusted to not blow up other places, especially if they are doing it as attempt to get icarus to back away from deity haruna (IF it's canon he fights deity haruna. ) The schmidt will handle the main organization while my other ocs will focus on gaining control over the bombs scattered around the world. Once the headquarters is destroyed the schmidt will handle the organization world wide along with the other ocs. I think schmidt take the lead since its their "case" and personal to them. especially since icarus guarded deity haruna soul for centuries, he feels responsible to bring justice and fix the imbalance in the world. -------------------------


they have someone with telepathy powers? And they communicate telepathicly?? That way William can't find out what is going in the meetings. I've seen telepathy be used in show for teams to talk to one another. Like young justice, there is marvel, i think emma frost helped rogue and gambit talk and experience things telepathicly. Jean grey also does this. Telepathy seems like the best way to explain why william didn't know what was going on. And maybe telepathy is a way to explain how they have kept their organization a secret for such a long time? I bet they were worried about hackers in general finding out the organization exists. + they killed or silenced people who found out they existed.

it's possible that the leaders meet in a room. and they use tech (this can be hacked by william, to give false information about there being nothing in the room) and they dispose of the tech item, like tossing it in fireplace before doing meeting. or they have a person who has powers like william and that person can inform the group that there isn't any technology in the room. Maybe there are other types of mutants or nightstalker mutations making sure that there isnt anything to indicate someone is hearing

It's nothing new the organization is building the city and trying to make themselves stronger. maybe damien didn't think they would do anything soon? he will feel guilt by not stepping in, although ty played a role in that. ty warned damien about the dangers about investigating the nightstalker venom. that it's best he doesn't try to find out who they are, its better to prepare for a defence in case if they show up again. Ty will also feel responsible for the hostages. but he also kept an eye on the organization. so if the nightstalkers seem "docile" doing their own thing. and then suddenly shift into action. my ocs will suspect someone tipped them off. i think damien will ask haruna if she had anything to do with it, regardless if they suspect someone tipped the organization off or not. Maybe another reason damien spares harunas life. if the organization made secret bases world wide (maybe those secret bases were used to do the surprise hostage situation? if they were, then william can hack them since they are communicating to the other bases when the hostage situation start. maybe there are additional places? back up to a back up fsdfdfsd and haruna begs icarus fusion to spare her life, she will tell the location? OR she will reveal all the plans the organization had?? then again. if everything is destroyed, then their plans doesnt matter anymore. so it seems like haruna doesn't have anything to negotiate with. she is only spared because of her conncetion to payton.

------------------------------- WHEN HARUNA REVEALED TO THE ORGANIZATION ICARUS/DAMIEN HAS DEITY HARUNA SOUL It's possible she told the organization when she was younger? When william wasn't spying on her. He didn't spy out of respect for people's privacy and he had no reason to spy on haruna. Which could explain why the organization stayed away from damien. its also possible they stayed away because they didn't know + they wanted a plan. and if anyone in the organization went after damien they were most likely rogue? Like haruna did. Maybe they kept haruna out of the dark when she tried to kill damien? They have cops they cooperate with, so the cop might have found out the poison belongs to haruna? Unless haruna tok someone elses poison? Or they suspect haruna is behind it if she talked about they need to kill damien before he becomes more powerful. i lean on the poison is hers. she probably had a plan to use fake cops to take their bodies and dispose of them so the organization wouldn't find who or what killed the schmidt. ----------------------- ------------------------- Maybe battling deity haruna is a way to humiliate the organization?? And also to punish them mentally for blowing up a city? Maybe they blew up one city as a warning? To show they were serious about blowing up other places? I lean on he battles haruna along with nightstalkers since it's more intense she has support, although she can make new nightstalkers if the battle was done last.

I lean on deity haruna was in the headquarters so the fight is also private.

Maybe it's also to crush the organizations dreams? By killing haruna again, he shows even if they got her soul somehow, it would be a short lived victory since she would be defeated by him. And by being defeated by icarus who didn't have help from other deities, they know she will never also never stand a chance if the deities joined forces and fought her. The fight is to make the organization feel powerless.Take away their dreams of ever getting deity haruna back. And now she is either completely destroyed or only the human part of her left, which is haruna and maybe a human like soul in icarus. She is just a husk of what she orginally was. -----------------------------------



https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25825844.haruna-lose-her-powers-concept#77824924 This is either the last nightstalker in the organizations main headquarters, or it's placeholder for deity harunas last actions. It's a slap in the face if it's deity haruna, that he has his back turned on her. To demonstrate he isn't scared of her. Maybe he is talking to the organization trying to make a point and deity haruna does one last attempt to fight him. Maybe insulted he has his back turned. And he obliterates her. Destroying her like this might be part of the punishment against the organization for blowing up a city. Justice for the innocent people who lost their lives.

I think Icarus fusion is purposely destroying nightstalkers in a way their bodies aren't turned into dust. He wants to create more terror by having the organization witness the "Bloodbath/Massacre" as a part of additional intimidation in trying to scare them from ever trying this again. Although I got feeling he will threaten to destroy the organization if they try to rebuild. Not allowing them to rebuild again.

Even though I bet the destruction is intimidating enough. I think damien is angry on the behalf of the innocent people that were killed. so it's a part of justice for those people

and also to be on the safe side. If he can scare them even more than what he does with the destruction on its own. He will take the chance to intimidate to prevent the chances of this happening again.

And harunas soul being destroyed is the price of the people they killed. And Deity harunas would be the most painful loss for the organization. They worked for centuries to get her. And now she is completely gone (If he keeps the human soul of her left, he will still make them think she is gone)

------------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25850727.battling-deity-haruna-concept#77826206 I think I figured out what Haruna did. She spied on Damien and found out he has Deity Harunas soul. By informing the organization it sparked the hostage situation ( she could also have been a part of planning it in the past too) Might have had cameras in her own house and spied on ty, and that's how she found out. It could have been after the poisoning incident when Damien talks to ty about nightstalker poison with tyrek. It's also possible Haruna used payton in the past, and used her to give cyrus a item to spy on cyrus, and found out through cyrus. He could have asked damien if he thinks the organization has found out about the soul.

https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25850498.organization-revealed-topublic She might have found out when Ty died. So she informed the organization because she felt vulnerable with ty gone. It's also possible she found out in her teens too. I bet the organization was careful around Icaruas because they didn't know if he had the soul or not. Don't want to provoke him if he doesnt have it

----------------------- TIMELINE: When does the organization start the hostage situation:

maybe the organization tok advantage of tyrek being weak after fighting vic? Although there is charlotte who can heal tyrek. Unless she got lost in portal. Then there is also Damien who has healing syringes unless they were used up or were destroyed. I got feeling damien built sturdy containers for his tech, he doesn't want to accidently cause something like a fire with his items. Or maybe since it's healing syringe where it's not anything dangerous

However, I do like that cyrus and the others get to train and explore in safe haven before the organization strike. Maybe they caused a diversion, like cyrus fighting earth manipulators, and had everyone fight different villains as a attempt to tire the group down before the hostage situation?

With tyrek they need someone extremely powerful to tire him out. Damien and Cyrus also recharge themselves by using energy absorption, and they can energy boost the others.

Altough, if they did something like pushing cyrus and payton in different portals. that would split up the group and cause a diversion. Make them use their energy searching.

I can't deny that after doing the hostage situation after the fight with victor is most likely the best timing to do it. But then i don't get to show ty and damien helping cy with earth manipulators/ptsd. Unless the earth manipulators aren't used during hostage situation. the earth manipulator could happen after the nighstalker fight too. even though the organization will be destroyed world wide. I'm certain there will be nightstalkers who will act rogue and want to seek revenge. Or try to kill the schmidt. Could be someone who doesn't have anything left to loose.

-------- Timeline about alternate reality vic and damien meet: I havent decided if it's canon or not. I lean on it will be canon to show damien keeping his word about handling haruna himself.

and if the hostage situation happens so fast, then i don't get chance to add possible scene of damien stopping vic from killing haruna (i lean on haruna wasn't even aware of the danger. that vic cast invicibility spell and was walking up close to her. even though he could one shot her. I think he wants to make her suffer and not be quick. and damien/icarus tackles vic at extreme speed. its possible haruna only felt a wind and was confused about it and shrugged it off as weather being weird. and damien and vic have conversation together and make a deal vic will leave when damien mentions he will keep an eye on haruna and handle her if it becomes neccessary. and vic trusts damien/icarus word on it.

------------------------ These songs will be in Rakel and Damien playlist Song lyrics inspiration for me:

Neoni - Villain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE17sYHmL6Q&ab_channel=CloudKid

Shinedown -Enemies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9Kmla_ceA&ab_channel=Lyricscad

The Storm - FITUMI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c0wCOlj6c0&ab_channel=CommonSense

Rina Sawayama - Eye For An Eye (John Wick 4 Soundtrack) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WydRjcfQUhM&ab_channel=RinaSawayama

Saint Slumber - ONE HIT WONDER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC5VnZn0RTc&ab_channel=Valiant

Citizen Soldier - Strong For Somebody Else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ7KZ3HKZvE&ab_channel=CitizenSoldier

Society of Villains - Made a Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60b68gfEiG0&ab_channel=CloudKid

coldrain - VENGEANCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUHgTYLyYuc&ab_channel=coldrain

tyrek to haruna quote

Till It's Gone - Yelawol

"Just because you got yourself in some shit It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it"

------------- Deity haruna and her views/motives

She is mother of monsters. maybe the higher ranked who has more of harunas blood. they have more of a hivemind mindset? Taking their power away might be a way to set them free? but i'm meh about that part about it setting them free. I don't think icarus care about freeing them at this point? At least not if they aren't surrendering. Although if they are in hivemind they are victims too. and I dont want them to be victims. Which is another reason i'm not a fan of that concept.

maybe deity haruna only cared about nightstalkers? But she didn't care about other species? Or wanted to create the world in how she thinks it should be.

But I'm "eh" about that. Since I bet a lot of nightstalkers has family/friends and connections that aren't nightstalkers. And they want them to be safe. Unless there is some sort of hivemind mentality. Maybe the higher ranked they are, the mora loyal they are to deity haruna?? Maybe the nightstalkers wants deity haruna to recreate the world but they don't know the truth about the imbalance she created. It's possible they were fed false information about her and icarus. It's possible deity haruna has a twisted view about what is a "Better" world. Maybe she wanted to remove what she saw as a "flawed" and replace it with new creations.

Maybe they only heard about her "good" creation stories. so they worshipped wrong image of her?? And they might not even realize that even when icarus fights her.

Instead of hivemind thing, it's possible it's a cult. Isolating themselves, and punishing those who doubt deity haruna. They got a whole civiliazation underground so they can isolate themselves like a cult.

Maybe also any story about icarus that went against their views were destroyed or hidden? As a way to continue the control?

It's also possible they interpreted the texts about haruna deity wrong or different from each other. Like how there are catholic, protesetants etc.

----------------------------------------- Why nightstalker organization follow deity Haruna and most likely sees icarus as the villain: Maybe the higher ranked nightstalkers has destroyed the truth? And as generations passed the truth was lost??? I bet they got to see a different story when they killed icarus followers. Maybe they believe Icarus followers was told a lie? And the nightstalkers story is the truth?? It's also possible that the icarus followers story is protected in the trial rooms that the nightstalkers couldn't acess. So they might now have seen icarus POV. I lean on they know some stories, since they have encountered icarus followers. It's possible the followers wanted peace and the nightstalkers tok advantage of that. Maybe Icarus followers wouldn't let them in the trial rooms. Especially since the rooms was to summon icarus. and maybe they also feared their history getting destroyed by the organization. I wont go too much into that here as it drifts away from deity harunas motives and the organization getting destroyed. I will make a new tab about what most likely happened to icarus followers. It's also possible that the nightstalkers didn't communicate with the icarus followers (since some of them would be able to sense if the nightstalkers would start to get bad intentions based on sensing others energy. and the nightstalkers did a sneak attack poisoning their water to kill the followers. Storywise I think the icarus followers had no idea there was a threat since they nightstalkers was too far away for them to sense their presence and be on the alert. The nightstalker did sneak attack since they knew they woulnd't win in a fair fight since they are weak to followers type of powers.

I'm certain there are nightstalkers and icarus followers who met as generations passed and developed everything from friendship to romantic relationship but kept it secret from the organization. And they also know the truth and aren't allies with the organization. Haruna's kids and the schmidt are example of Nightstalkers who meet icarus followers/connections. Haruna tried to use that to her advantage to spy on the schmidt. --------------------------------------------- Why nightstalkers kept their connecton to icarus followers a secret (considering how massive/global the organization is. they are bound to meet a icarus follower.

1. the nightstalkers might have gotten punished for it? (unless they tried to spy on icarus followers like haruna is doing) 2. if the nightstalker had family with icarus follower. the icarus follower and their kids might have been sent in the trial rooms by the nightstalkers (when they found out only icarus followers can enter the trial rooms). so they would rather leave the organization and pray the organization didn't find out about their relationship. ----------------------