Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (DamienVictorHarunaOrganization)



3 months, 20 days ago


Alternate Reality Victor Or Main AU Victor witness nightstalker organization destruction

This is super WIP, I'm typing as fast as I can as I remmeber things. I will need to edit and tweak it. -------------------------------

-------------- Damien Protect Haruna from Victor:

I'm certain that Damien protects Haruna from Victor since I like to show Damien keeping his word to Vic that he will handle haruna if anything goes too far. The question is: Is it Alternate reality victor or main au victor who has regained some of his memories? I think I lean on alternate reality victor who tries to harm haruna? Then I can show he has been hunting her in other worlds too (Maybe the scars are stories about that?) Alternate Reality victor might help my ocs also make decision about ressurecting their victor (if they havent made that decision already) Maybe he also plays a role in ressurecting main world Vic? They got Charlotte and Icarus/damien who can help too. One crazy idea, idk if it's good or not. Is alternate vic merging with main world vic. So it's two human reincarnations merging back together as one soul. IDK what happened to selcouth if it's two selcouths fusing or, main world selcouth went back to his home? and it's alternate selcouth in vic. it sounds overly complicated too? I lean on if there is a fusion it's two selcouth/victors becoming one. and alternate vic/selcouth can help block main world vics memories (at least for awhile) I bet he could speed up the process in ressurecting Victor by joining the other safe haven people in ressurecting him.

I could always use Icarus as excuse too. Vic didn't ask Icarus for help when ressurecting tyrek (vic couldn't blow his cover in belle reve and risk people finding out he isn't the true boss in belle reve.)

Maybe Icarus retrieved the soul?? I do wonder where osiris and ty's soul was when ty was dead. Osiris might have gone into slumber somewhere. Needing a break from everything dfsfds Reason I bring up ty and osiris is that maybe the answer to how Vic came back lies in that? Or they do something else with vic since in belle reve they had lester to ressurect Ty. I also think I lean on leaving it unknown how they brought Victor back at least for awhile. Since I bet I can't bring the characters justice in how they ressurected Victor. Leaving it open for how they did it. I also realized another thing about difference between vic and tyrek. Damien gained omni energy powers during the suicide squad fight (+ they never asked damien for help in ressurecting ty since couldn't risk blowing cover) it's also possible icarus made some exception and lended damien even more power to ressurect vic. I think the omni energy in itself might work? as it allows the person to use magic. ---------- I don't think this will be neccesary to read for others? I lean on it takes a bit time before haruna speaks up to the organization. Because 1: Lester needs to find out what haruna is too. 2 Haruna needs to build trust that she can also talk about nightstalker stuff 3 haruna might also need some time to process the information too? Maybe also double check that she is against her own deity. That icarus trial rooms are the truth. + she needs time to make a plan and do her best to make sure it won't fail in getting icarus to destroy the deity harunas soul So it most likely is main au vic who witness things. He most likely doesn't have memories so he doesn't understand what is going on. He might just assume it's normal monday for heroes fdssfd

--------------------- When Haruna tells the organization that Icarus has deity harunas soul to start the organization fight (In hopes that Icarus will destroy Deity harunas soul: Since I like the idea of Haruna talking to lester about her feelings/thoughts. I wonder if it takes a bit time before she tells the organization? This will also buy me time to try to set up Main AU Victor getting ressurected. I want him to witness the destruction. However, if it's happening fast, I can always choose alternate reality Victor to witness it. --------------

----------------------- Haruna redemption arc versus Victor. Why they both deserve their arcs.

And with Haruna getting some redemption. She is responsible for at least one city destroyed. And those people didn't get a chance to get out since they most likely didn't know about the bomb. There could have been more cities that blew up because the organization got desperate to stop icarus from fighting deity haruna

While victor. He gave people a chance to surrender. He warned he would hunt the people who didn't consent to loosing their powers (I bet he helped a lot of mutants who wanted their powers gone. and i bet there was a lot of mutants who were sad they lost thet chance to get their power taken from them since vic was pushed in portal by ty. so the situation was eventually contained (in a large area since i want it to be shown as a dangerous fight. and want people to be aware it was a good thing the villain was pushed in portal somewhere since the villain was clearly on another level compared to his followers and mosnters. the followers and monsters are powerful and i bet that is the most dangerous situation my ocs has been in? + Victor forcibly tok the power away from those who couldn't consent, like children, elderly, some mental disorders, so they wouldn't get hunted down by his monsters.

And Vic and Ty nuke it out in different worlds. Most are empty, at least one was filled with monsters were they could ignore the monsters (and most likely got attention from alternate reality vic who tries to find them later)

---------------- Alternate Reality Victor Or Main AU Victor witness nightstalker organization destruction Main AU Victor:

I think Victor deserves to see the nightstalker organization get destroyed because of all the pain and loss he went through because of Harunas betrayal + I'm very certain the nightstalker organization played roles in how Osiris and Victor was treated. Or through their alliance helped safe haven have even stronger security around their "assets"

Alternate reality victor: He might be somewhere close outside? I also lean on he will just watch? It's possible he might also keep others away if the Deity Haruna fight is happening above ground midfight or towards the end. If it's alternate reality Vic who sees it. Main AU Vic will gain those memories when he dies again and fuses to his original form. I'm certain that each reincarnation goes back to their original deity form when they die. Repairing their original form + also gain the memories of all the lives they lived as reincarnations.

Main AU Victor I don't know if he has his memories back. And I don't know where he might see this. If it's on the news or he is outside for a walk. (with payton???)

It might be mix both? Seeing it on the news and being able to see it in distance from the building he is in??

If he is smiling witnessing it and has no memories. I think it's funny to imagine him smiling and being happy and he doesn't know why (He might be with Payton) He will goofily become very confused about himself and wonder what kind of messed up person he is to witness destruction. Maybe he thinks the happiness comes from seeing a monster getting slayed? That the danger/threat is handled? So he might not question himself why he is happy.

A third option is that alternate reality victor stays in the main world. Even though I also like stories with tragedy. I feel like main world AU victor deserves a second chance, especially since he was shoved in a portal by Ty and they nuked it out in different worlds that were empty. There was one were there was a world filled with monsters (which most likely alternate vic came from. A world were safe haven collapsed, and the monsters overtok that world. Alternate Ty and Lu destroys that planet, and ty becomes the new "earth" Vic leaves to get survivors out of that world so Ty and Lu can destroy it. They destroyed the planet to prevent the possibility of anyone opening a portal to their world filled with monsters- They didn't want those monsters to move to other worlds It's also more meaningful for main Vic to be ressurected. It's more emotional that Ty get a second chance to propose to Victor. I don't think Victor knew Ty was planning to propose. I think the explosion that killed victors family and friends (maybe orphanage too??) might have happened the same day? or right before Ty was going to propose. So he never got the chance since vic faked his death shortly afterwards too. ---------------------- Tyrek proposal rings sidenote I THINK Ty tosses the ring in the ocean when he looses vic?? I have art where Ty buys new ring : https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25887837.deja-vu or ty could have put the ring in victors coffin. Symbolising how his love/memories got buried along with victor and the ring.

It's possible that

came back for the ring later? (if he tosses the ring in the ocean. he would not go back to dig up a ring) Or maybe someone in safe haven, like damien? secretly got the ring back?

But Idk if damien would take the ring back. Since victor is gone? Maybe Damien held on hope Vic wasn't gone? (idk how he fakes his death, I bet that icarus knows Vic is allive but respecting victors decision + he wants damien to figure stuff out on his own)

It's also possible damien tok it, since it was a impulsive act from tyrek? he kept it safe in case if tyrek talked about regretting it. Damien is around ty a lot since he senses how much pain tyrek is in (which might also impact damien into retrieving it) It's also possible ty bought a better ring or a identical one to the one he threw away (if he didn't go back to retrieve it)

Another possibility about the wedding ring scene called deja-vu It's possible they look for a new ring, and maybe tyrek comments he can't stop thinking about old ring?? None of the other rings felt "right" and damien talks about he has the original ring??

tyrek will def be flustered since damien is doing the same thing about being happy emotional mess + maybe also flustered that damien didn't say it before fddfsfd but in damiens defence, he didn't know how ty would react to him retrieving the ring, so he was waiting for ty to bring it up himself? -------

It's possible Charlotte was together with the men too in the past. And since Ty ended up with Haruna. It's possible Charlotte or Ty (maybe both agreed) broke up because they reminded each other of Victor? And it was too painful to be reminded of Victor when he "died" I do think in character, the pain might have united them even more than seperating. But Haruna needs to be canon pair with ty. so this is the au version were they split up (if they were in poly relationship in the past and become a pair again in the future)

With Ty i always wanted him with someone who is polar opposite of him. Like Charlotte or Abby (they also fit as Payton's mother personality wise, that she has some goofyness from them) While with Victor, Ty has a emotional connection. and Ty "kind of" becomes the opposite person? or maybe the goofier one compared to vic? Vic will be grumpy when he regains his memories. while if he doesn't regain his memories. i think there is this polite, a bit innocence??? He is not fully innocent, it's hard to explain. A gentle, peaceful happy vibe to him? So they might take turns on who might have a goofy side at times.

I think Victor regains his memories? Or at least some of it? It will be when he has developed bonds with people when he has memory loss so he has people to live for. I also think he became a villain to make the world safer for the remaining people he cared about. But I do think with the memory loss he will choose to not do it again. It changes from "i will die attempting to make the world safer for people i love" to " i choose to live, for the people i love"

I guess regaining some or most memories is Victors punishment for his actions. However. He is a victim who most of his life, never truly lived. Controlled by Safe Haven since birth. Trapped. His parents couldn't do much to protect him + safe haven threatened to also use Victors brother if his parents or victor did anything to rebell. Making Victor terrified of mutants (Like Ty was) And then Victor loose most of the people he loves because safe haven wanted to do one final act to brainwash him.

He has kind of done his prison sentence before he did the criminal act. Although it's criminal act to allow belle reve to continue like it did but he was also doing it so he could gather as much evidence as possible and leak it out to the world. Like a cop working undercover.

Victor is who tyrek could have become if he hadn't overcome his fear for mutants. Tyrek was terrified because he didn't have powers. so he was powerless against mutants in safe haven.

Victor also overcame that fear, but then his world was destroyed by safe haven, sparking back that fear/ptsd he had. Or more. he is afraid of what mutants will do to innocent people. He isn't afraid of fighting anyone himself. It's fear for people he loves getting hurt or killed like his family and friends.

Victor with memory loss is the situation i think my ocs would have done for victor if they got a chance to help him? Most of his life has been filled with pain and loss. So he has kind of finished his "punishment/prison sentence"

He also lived the life of the true boss of belle reve. Exposing everything about the boss when he decided to die for his cause. I am certain that belle reve boss was connected to safe haven and walked free because of the boss connections or the boss made sure others did the work for them.

Victor didn't live his own life. In a way. He was caged/ in a cell too. He hated how belle reve prisoners were treated but couldn't help them. His death was also most likely the most brutal one of all my ocs. From what i remember is that he was slowing down time. and tyrek tried to harm vic (not kill him) by manipulating victors body. Tyrek lost control (might also be he lacked control since victor repeatedly tried to take his powers away- So victor was trapped and felt his whole body morped (Although it's possible he might have given up and stopped the time spell so he could die swiftly. i think to ty. it happened in split second. one moment vic is right in front of him and in the next he is down on the ground. not recognizable anymore.

--------------- Icarus storing part of victors soul/power in him It's possible icarus hold victors powers in him. Especially up til he wakes up and they are certain vic wont do it again. It's also possible that vic might ask to get his memories back.and if he gets his powers back it's very gradually. and its possible icarus left some of victors powers in him, for self defence in case of emergencies etc. or to create disguise but he could have gotten a illusion watch from damien to cast a disguise when going outside it's also possible he stops using illusion watch but i think they give him the watch and make him use it until he gets his memories back, since they assume if vic had his memories back, he would want to be disguised? especially around haruna. ------------- Victor redemption arc and maybe main world victor is the one who wants to rebuild haven redux? (maybe different name than safe haven related. -----------------

IS victor paytons other parent?? In Human world or deity world? IF he is Paytons parent, it's possible he became a villain for her safety. If payton is his daughter or not. I'm certain he loves her and she is among the people he wanted to protect. He was most likely with Ty and damien and found her in safe haven with other fetuses that safe haven made. She def tyreks daughter and he would gladly become a second dad if they had decided to raise her. But they felt it was safest and best for payton nate pretended to be the dad to prevent chance of safe haven figuring out she was allive and not killed when safe haven collapsed.

And I got feeling he is at least her second parent in deity past life. Deities shapeshifts all the time, and there is also mythology were a man is pregnant too fdsfdsff I lean on he might have been a woman or they made payton in some sort of deity magic thingie. so she might not even been born normally like human do. It's possible that Deity payton, Raiden, Ikimi has 3 parents, Charlotte, Vic and Ty. They are deities + they can also fuse as one entity. So it's possible Vic and Charlotte fused as one parent too. But if it's 3 parents I lean on the kids weren't born naturally and they didnt need to fuse to create her.Loki in norse mythology is example of a male god who became pregnant, so selcouth being a father to Osiris kids isn't far off

IF safe haven knew this. That might play a role in why they chose Selcouth as the second parent. It's also possible that they hoped by making a offspring to deities, that the deities wouldn't hurt the offspring when they try to make payton the vessel for osiris. (maybe also a back up plan for selcouth if they fail in brainwashing him)

so payton is a back up plan for both selcouth and osiris if they failed with one or both deities. one part of me often think "lol safe haven messed up with making payton. Thought they made a weapon and instead they made the most harmless cinnamon roll" and then i realize. she is extremely easy to manipulate. which was one of the main goals. Make offspring of the mutants there that would be easy to morph into whatever they wanted them to be. plus, they have the mind control chips too if they weren't satisfied with the test subjects mental state .

and i bet that safe haven planned to do more experiments on the fetuses. but since my ocs found the fetuses and prevented safe haven from retrieving the fetuses. safe haven was unable to morph payton into whatever goal they had. And I bet that Selcouth and osiris (maybe charlotte too??) are parents in deity world. and if safe haven knows this? why wouldn't they use selcouth as the second parent? and they most likely know that selcouth and osiris is a pair/couple since they were found together + how they protect one another too.

Memory loss victor is also giving me a bit of payton vibes. He is very gentle/kind natured. He is intelligent but i have scenes in my head where he might have his back turned and talking abou things like "i helped a woman named haruna and x happened" and he is happy that he helped someone. if he was facing the group he would know something was up. but since he doesn't see their face (he is probably busy doing something like cooking or cleaning" he is happily unaware. giving payton vibes dfdsfd

---------------------------------------------------------- Payton Haruna And Victor, and keeping victors identity secret Haruna MIGHT meet victor through payton. Either Vic is Biological parent or step father to payton. He will also be step father to raiden and ikimi

And victor will be step father to Raiden and Ikimi. Maybe being step father to harunas kids are enough to know vic is safe? Even though she might see Vic as a threat (Then again Ikimi And Raiden aren't close to haruna anymore) maybe it's growth for her to focus on the safety of her kids? Happy that her kids have a extra person in their lives who make sure they are safe? Especially since she most likely got nightstalker enemies too if they found out haruna wanted the deity gone.

I also think haruna is terrified of damien and won't dare to do anything to anger him sfdsdf

Wether Victor is the biological parent or not in main AU. Victor will at least be a step father through marriage to Ty (Payton is joining Cy in collecting father figures fdssdf something for them to bond with)

I THINK payton is either cast a spell so she can't talk about Victor, or she forgets how he looks like whenever she leaves after meeting victor. At least until Victor regains his memories (IF he regains his memories or some of it) since they want victor to consent to walking in public as he is. Since he hid who he was for so long, they are hiding him from everyone. I don't think Victor is aware of this? Maybe he thinks he looks like something else? To avoid the risk of something like " blonde hair looks good on you" and he has brown hair. He would be confused if people commented a has physical trait that doesn't match what he is. Although my ocs would want him to live as himself. Maybe they are also cautious since he "died" in his 20's, there is no information about him. I bet William and the others will make fake "footprints" of him in case if anyone like haruna did background check on him. I doubt haruna will bother to do background check on him, at least not when vic isn't romanticly together with Tyrek yet. Ty has lots of contacts/friends. I don't think she wants to get to know tyreks aquintances.

I feel like it seems most in character to hide victor from haruna? But I do like the idea to keep it open that haruna might meet victor. Either as aquintance or introduced as paytons parent (either biological parent or as step parent)

Why they might not hide victor from haruna anymore - Maybe the bond and love for payton make haruna and vic interact? - It's also possible they most likely won't tell haruna that Victor was the suicide squad boss. Since that gives her power over them. HOWEVER, I doubt Haruna would want to use that as blackmail. I don't think she wants to blackmail the group at all since she saw what they were capable of with the nightstalker organization. And my oc's will be extremely protective over him. I'm certain that Vic became a villain to make the world safe for the people he loves. Payton is among them even if he is her father or not. That might help Haruna and Victor to find a common ground? They both did a villain act for love. (although Haruna continues to be a villain fdfdsdfs ) IF haruna knows about Victor. - Haruna going against her own deity, might earn the respect from my ocs to open up a tiny bit to her? Especially for Victor? -Haruna showing she has changed + if deity haruna is destroyed in all worlds, that will also help victor with accepting that Haruna get's to see him. - Victor is a personification of Safe Haven she didn't have acess to. + Victor was a too painful topic for them too talk about. And it was to respect Victors wish about haruna never knowing who he is, that they didn't mention Victor. So it might be interesting that Haruna get to meet the person that ty was most secretive about his life? It might also be growth on vic's behalf? To accept to let her know who he is? (it's also a option he still has memory loss but they tell him about the past, and they let him choose if he wants to be disguised or not)And if he is stepfather/father to tyreks kids or at least dating tyrek at the time. I can see him accept the risk and meet her. And I doubt Haruna would dare to harm Victor since she is terrified of Damien. The least she wants to do is piss of damien again + have ty/osiris and the rest of the squad after her. - And it's possible that even if Haruna meets Victor, she doesn't know much about him. She will hear about him through Payton (and payton is also most likely kept in the dark about a lot of things until she is older and they are certain she is capable of keeping things secret) and if she does research, she get's a fake story made by william. - I also leave it open that if Victor regains his memories. that he and the others MIGHT open up to haruna about the past? But that is only if haruna is kind to them or at least respectful. They won't tell her anything if she is spiteful towards them. And I bet that Damien will be there to "sense" how harunas energy feel. If there is any doubt about her might do something out of spite. They won't give haruna information.

-However, with haruna finding out the truth about haruna deity. and if she finds out she is the reincarnation who betrayed the other deities. Maybe she has a moment of rare self reflection and understand why she was kept in the dark. (is haruna the last piece of deity haruna? Maybe there are other human versions of her but they lost their powers? Then again, i bet timelines are different, just because haruna is x age in main au, doesn't mean she is same age or even born yet in the other worlds. I do like the idea of main au haruna might be the only one left? it seems like power/control to haruna? that she is the last piece and it ended with her. even if she is the only one left alive, and she goes immortal route, she still doesnt have the nightstalker powers. so technically deity haruna is gone. and I think haruna and my ocs likes that haruna doesn't have nighstalkers powers. Especially if she chose that herself. - And if Victor is the biological parent to payton. I think that will protect him from Haruna as well. I don't think she wants to do anything that will risk hurting payton or putting payton in danger. IF Victor is the parent, then it's even more important to keep it a secret from everyone to avoid someone from safe haven or even nightstalker organization from finding out. I bet if someone from safe haven found out they would most likely kidnapped Payton and used her to experiment on or try to force to become a vessel. I doubt they would be able to get their hands on osiris but someone kidnapping payton is bad as it is. So Haruna staying quiet about Vic is not just for Vics safety ( he doesn't need anyone protecting him if he has powers back but I bet he is vulnerable state, especially if he hasn't regained memories yet and doesn't have powers back yet) ------------------------------

It's also possible that Damien protected Haruna from Victor. And he gave main world victor promise to handle haruna. but idk if Victor would get chance/time to try to kill haruna (he does have time for trying, which i think he does) but idk if there is time for damien to talk? Unless Tyrek lost sight of Victor. Victor can cast teleportation spell so he could have lost victor that way.

so i lean on it's alternate victor vic who almost succeeded or main au vic if he got some of his memories back, so he can have a conversation with damien as long as he wants without interruption

-------------------------------------------------- Victor/Selcouth might have a son.

This son was made when Maddie/Gyllene and Tyrek/osiris was canon, and I didn't know Selcouth and Osiris was a thing (It was only canon Selcouth loved Osiris and Gyllene romanticly, while it was platonic from Osiris side? He saw Selcouth as a platonic soulmate) I also have to keep in mind that Selcouth had a son. I think Haruna killed him. So he is probably reincarnating too? If his soul was completely lost I don't think Selcouth would show haruna much mercy. That son might have reincarnated as raiden?

------------ Victor art with tyrek and the others:

Referance to how they used to be close in the past: https://toyhou.se/12789441.victor/13758870.the-safe-haven-facility/gallery#43791085 I don't know if Victor has regained his memories or not. They might be cuddling peacefully. Or Ty might comfort Victor if he all or some of his memories. (IF he regains the memories at all. I lean on he most likely will, and probably will be gradual if icarus is holding on to his soul or they cast a memory spell)

It's also possible this could be after the nightstalker organization is destroyed? Maybe Vic has faint memory of how they used to comfort each other when they were younger and get's close to Ty like they used to as kids.

I do think Tyrek is used to block his emotions to seeing a lot of death. Or somewhat. Ty might think he is fine? But Victor sees through it since he might have memories of how Tyrek behaves when he has the "i'm okay" facade.

Ty might feel guilt about protecting Haruna? But he is glad haruna changed. He just wished she would have told him about her plans so the city/cities didn't get blown up.

However, Ty has kept a facade since safe haven. so it's possible he never fully was able to block his emotions seeing people hurt. especially innocent people like the city. Thinking about the children who were killed.

--------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25850727.battling-deity-haruna-concept#78021486 it might be too "rainbow/cute" like?? with colors I leave it here as a reminder so I know he is supposed to witness Haruna deity be killed. If he hasn't regained his memories he will probably not understand why he feels liberated/relief? Assumes it's because he sees a monster get defeated? Maybe it reminds him of mythology? I can imagine he enjoys books, history etc. So to him it's like witnessing real life mythology story??

Maybe he also doesn't understand why he feels to safe to get so close to the fight?? I don't know if Victor knows Damien is Icarus (depends if he tried to kill main au haruna, then he would know) Or he has seen Icarus on the news in the past? So he feels trust Icarus can handle it. And not be aware that the trust comes from him knowing Damien/Icarus? ------------------------------------------------------------------------

https://toyhou.se/12789441.victor-kowalczyk/25918673.undecided-timeline#78019533 https://toyhou.se/12789441.victor-kowalczyk/25918673.undecided-timeline#78019469

Tyrek and Victor becoming a couple again in Haven Redux

It's possible that Tyrek might also stop Victor from romantic acts or pull back (before the wedding or whenever this kiss scene is. Since he is terrified of getting close to Victor like he did in the past and then experiencing the pain of loosing him again.

And Tyrek is also terrified he might just be torturing victor by bringing him back and if victor regains his memories. Ty is terrified Victor will just re-experience the pain over again like when he was young. I also like the idea of him accepting the risk, since he thinks about the person who has experienced most pain in his whole life, is Victor. And since he played a role in bringing Victor back to life (he talked with the others about it. I bet he started the conversation about it) It's the least he can do, to also accept the possibility of loosing Victor again. That Victor won't be "alone" in his pain if he regains his memories. And Victor is worth the risk. And he also doesn't want to loose the second chance to make things right? He hopes that by getting second chance to propose (Victor didn't know Ty was going to propose when they were younger) Victor get's to see how much he meants to him. Victor also get to see that he has people who still love and support him, no matter what he did in the past. They see him as victim because he was controlled and brainwashed since birth + his motives came from love. I can imagine damien will also encourage Tyrek to let Victor in. By getting close to Victor, it gives Victor more reasons to stay. Although I can see tyrek comment about how that love wasn't strong enough when they were younger (or that might be wrong and correct statement, the love is the reason Victor chose to be villain + ty was scared of mutants when he was younger which also motivates Victor more.) This time, they get chance to show victor there are other options. They didn't get chance to change Victors miind in suicide squad since they were fighting and talking at the same time. Or at least tyrek was talking to vic. I could see damien try to talk too if he got chance? I'm certain damien will sense it's victor when Victor uses his magic. Especially when he has omni energy. Damien will be immune to magic, so whatever magic victor cast to hide himself from others, won't work on damien. But vic might be in another world fighting ty when damien gets omni energy. I lean on damien knows its vic when the fight start based on the energy that is there + victors message. He will recognize it and that is also one of the reasons he wants cyrus away. He know it was dangerous when he saw it on the news but he knows even more how dangerous it is since it's victor

And the group get to give Victor proper support. Victor didn't give them much chance to support him since I think he was quick to fake suicide/death. This time they are aware of how self destructive Victor is and to be extremely careful around him to avoid Vic regains his memories + be aware to supervise as much as possible if he regains his memories. Damien can sense Victors energy, but I don't think they expected to loose Vic or not that fast when they were younger. They were caught off guard.

I don't know when Victor and Tyrek become a couple in Haven Redux timeline. I like the idea that they dance and share a kiss during Rakel and Damiens wedding. I will tweak their clothes if this is is at the wedding. This might also be when they come home after the wedding and changed clothes? I got feeling they might be intimate when they get home and then talk later in the morning. I got feeling there has been tension building up to the point they share a kiss and they give in to that when they are home.

--------------- Tyrek, and everyone in haven redux showing victor there is other ways to make the world safer: And they get chance to show Victor there are other options to make the world less dangerous for both mutants and normal humans ( i bet there are fear from both sides. Mutants afraid of getting beat up by humans for who they are. and reversed. mutants beating up humans. Maybe they build haven redux in victors memory? or they get the idea to build it as they are working on ressurrecting vic? I lean on they most likely bought a building somewhere to start as " base/foundation??" to build more of in victors memory. And when Victor is awake, he is waking up in that place. And they get to show him there was other options than what Vic did. I bet Vic knew this was a option but he thought about all the dangerous mutants who wont accept this sort of help. but at least it's meeting victor half way. Helping the ones who want help, will do a lot. and victor get chance to take the power away (or help control the power, depends what the mutant want) from those who wanted victor to do it but didn't get the chance since victor was stopped before his magic reached them. Haven redux wont tell anyone victor was the belle reve boss fdssdd They got others like charlotte and icarus who can also help take a mutant power away. I think they are most focused on giving the person control over their power than taking it away. Or that they hand out power disablers.Help the person with self love. However, if the mutant is still terrified of their power, feel like their power is ruining their life. And they are scared of the power disabler breaking? It's sturdy but i bet the paranoia will still be there for someone who might kill someone through poisonous skin, so it ruins their life with people.

------------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25905518.victoronefaintmemoryharuna Ty is yanking Lu away with him to talk privately. Damien is deescalating the situation. Either talks about Lu saying random things to prank or distract Vic with something else. Vic might feel happiness if he thinks lu's words are true. Since he would not expect to have anything to do with divorce. I think he will be confused and also feel guilt if he is the reason his friend got divorced (probably think about wanting a psychologist fsdsdf) and he might ask about haruna. It's possible that vic might say "you aren't married to that....despicable...woman anymore" instead of saying haruna. and if he says despicable, then he has some memories about her and remember she was abusing him. if he remembers the abuse, then he probably won't question why he is happy hearing ty got divorced fddfsdf . If he doesn't remember haruna abusing Ty or much about her. He will think he is a messed up person for feeling happy and ask around to hear how she was. if she was a bad person. and if they talk about the abuse, then he will be relief.

I think the happiness comes from two things. Tyrek breaking free from his abuser + that he has feelings for tyrek. so he is happy that ty is single fdsdsdf-.

------------ https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25920101.victor-ressurected-1

To clarify: Vic was most likely kept in a tank like tyrek (unless they managed to bring him back because they were quick to go to the battlescene. I lean on he was kept in a tank, and people discussed what to do. and when they thought the experiment succedded that tok him out, got him fully dresses, etc so he wakes up in a hospital or what seems to be a hospital room. I bet in haven redux they have hospital rooms since they work with mutants and its bound for accidents to happen when they try to teach them to control their powers etc. plus also to give medical care/treatment in general. Victor doesn't remember anything when he wakes up. Most likely doesn't even remember his own name. I think Damien will be quick to be excited and happy since he can feel on Victors energy that there isn't anything "dark/aggresive/moody" energy coming from Vic. He is just surprised, maybe jumpe scared from having people looming over him when he wakes up. He has no idea who they are either fdssfd --------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25905518.victoronefaintmemoryharuna#77982254 To clarify: I do think he might have some "memories" or maybe feelings. Like he might either feel some sort of love towards ty. Or it can be mix of he doesn't know wether he wants to kiss ty or punch him punching is for gettng killed but he can't remember that he was killed. I lean on he might just feel drawn to ty and if there is any part of him that might be tempted to punch, it's not as intense as the romantic feelings are

------------------- When tyrek and the others retrieved Victors body It's possible that after Tyrek and Haruna divorce ( I think they get divorced the same day as the suicide squad fight happens. I know she says something offensive about victor and tyrek/osiris snaps. its first time she has heard osiris talk (its a fusion talking since they are in agreement in saying something) it's a bit funny a deadman managed to be the last straw to start the divorce fdsdf It's possible tyrek went back to look for the body. but i also think that when the fight is over, that Tyrek might have repeated over and over about victor being in the portal he came through. and damien goes to retrieve the body? and he might have put the body in a tank to preserve victors body? I also like the idea of ty and damien going back and working together to retrieve the body. I think victors body is preserved since it's in a reality warp. Icarus and dami with omni enery + science background can probably tell the body is preserved. so it's possible that ty and damien talk together in that world about what to do with victor. + there might still be monsters that need to be defeated. so dami might have been busy handling monsters etc.and then went together with ty later.

Damien being scientist. He has a lot of tech in his own room. And he has a lot of contacts or know who to reach out to for whatever they need to help ressurect victor. it's bit funny to imagine vic wakes up in damiens lab and as they work on ressurecting Vic the others might be big spooked by all of damiens tech that he made because of his paranoia dfddf Its also possible they rented a science lab room too. or that haven redux started as some sort of hospital/medical apartment. and they built/expanded over that. and they have lucian who reality warps (he just needs to realize what his powers are. and test his powers on things first) he got his reality warping powers sparked by the suicide squad fight. I think it should be easy for lu. Especially when he has the others. And Icarus being Lu's brother. It's possible his powers are reality warping too. Or omno potence ( i do think at icarus full form it's some sort of omni potence, and as the deities souls split, it got split into categories like energy manipulation, magic etc) And if suicide squad isn't torn down yet. they could use that place and then tear it down later.

and with omni energy, it allows the user to do magic. maybe this is one of the few times icarus goes against "let damien figure out on his own" and is teaching damien magic to get victor back?

and it's also possible icarus tok selcouth/victors soul and used their powers with icarus to ressurect victor. And if he holds Vic's soul. My ocs also have control on vic's memories/powers. I think with magic they will have a lot of control in blocking vics memories and powers. I don't think Icarus will need to borrow selcouth's powers in ressurecting vic. but it's a extra option. If icarus "borrowed" anyones powers it would probably be easiest it's lu's reality warping. I see that omni energy is also reality warping themed. And has topics that can bring back life. ------------------ Payton being told about her heritage and why i want vic back fast If victor is the second parent to payton. Getting victor back also speeds up the process about payton being told about her past. IF vic is the parent, I can see them want victor to be present when they tell her what happened. Although they could tell one piece of the story to her. They tell her everything but exclude telling her who the parent is (if it's vic) they wait until vic regains his memories or they tell amnesia victor about things that happened, so he knows what happened based on what they tell and show him but he doesn't remember those things. He has to take their word for it. That way he is kind of informed about his past but can choose if he wants those memories back or if he is okay with the new life? I got feeling that vic would want at least some of his memories back? or all? To take responsibility for his actions? Then again, him doing stuff in haven redux is a way to take responsbility/redeem himself. And if he chooses to get his memories back it's very gradual? Since he will alos most likely also fear changing back to old ways, or fear loosing relationships? Even though he won't go back to old ways, he nor my ocs knows who he will be when he regains memories. ---------------------- Maybe Victor didn't die? Another option than ressurection is that Vic didn't die Since this is AU,I can change what happened to Victor. That might help with resurrection? Then again, I think i have enough concepts for how they can bring him back?

One part of me dislike the idea of a character dying and brought back. However, I also feel like with Vic being dead, and tyrek mourning. I like that a dead man is the final straw to haruna divorcing tyrek (although it's mutual decision. she mentions divorce and he agrees. I leave it open that ty might have divorced her and she agreed? although if he mentions divorce she might be provoked it was over a dead person, and the ego of someone leaving her) and vic wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. (although you could say: why not knock him unconcious?) Damien is immune to magic, so he could have taken selcouth away from vic and done a memory spell

I also think with victor dead, my ocs get time to think about

---------------- Tyreks death in crossfire fight. It's possible that when Tyrek died, that fueled Victors motives even more? He wanted the world to be safer for the people he loves. And he will know that Ty fought some with superpowers based on Tyreks injuries and most likely will also find out there was some sort of unique weapon made too. I lean on Tyreks death fueled Victors motives even more since he might have had false security Ty would be fine because of how powerful he is + invulnerability. With Ty gone. He realize no one is truly safe. ------------------ Sidenote something I might end up drawing. Damien getting "Payback" against ty for safe haven

Remembered the scene about when Damien misunderstands, Tyrek comment about "You are nothing like your brother" was meant as compliment. and damien sulks saying "I've heard that a lot" and ty says "i meant as compliment" Ty kicks damien into pool or squishy cubes. A tought love scene

I think I want to draw the roles reserved. Ty sulking about something or distant/hesitant about getting close to vic again and damien kicks ty into a pool. fsdff Damien will be a big cheerleader for those two and will do everything he can to help them unite again. And do some tough love if neccesary.I think it's goofy to imagine tyreks shocked face (he might also get slightly jumpscared depending on what type of face damien makes fdfdd if he has a scary/determined face as he does it) it's also possible damien might have goofy smile (maybe he has waited for a moment like this sdfsfd )

----------------- Victor and tyrek date https://toyhou.se/12789441.victor-kowalczyk/gallery#42659104

I don't know if this art is canon. I lean on it is. And I wonder if Ty will be speechless and doesn't know how to respond to gifts? They went on dates and bought gifts when they were a couple when they were young. But when he got together with Haruna. I wonder if he rarely got gifts from Haruna? He was used to giving her gifts?? Or that if Haruna gave Ty something it was a manipulation attempt??

I think Victor will be speechless/shocked if Tyreks talks about it. And maybe it's his turn to be lost in what to do (Although if he was a woman i bet he would started a cat fight with haruna for abusing ty fdfsdsd )

Especially if this is when Victor doesn't remember haruna , or doesn't remember how abusive haruna was. And when they've both overcome the surprise they go on a romantic date. Focused on making it a good date. Especially as a new start/change from what haruna has been doing.

-------------------------------- Victor, Tyrek, Nate, and Nate's wife views towards cyrus (charlotte too?)

It's bit funny to imagine Cyrus has to get approval for all of paytons parents fdsffd I think Vic likes Cyrus and easily accepts him. Even if he doesn't remember cyrus, I think he will get along well with Cyrus. ------------- I can't unsee payton and cyrus crack about race about who can get most father figures in their life sfdsfdfd ------------------ Victor and Lester:

Is it best Haruna doesn't know who Victor is because of Lester? Idk how lester would feel about Victor even if he explained he didn't change belle reve since he couldn't risk people figuring out their belle reve boss is dead (or maybe the boss is held captive somewhere so they can get prison sentence when everything is leaked) Will it help that Victor explain he never liked how it worked either? (and if victor works in haven redux, he is also showing through his actions he has changed) Is it best that Haruna and lester know by vic starting off with a apology to lester??

One part of me wonder if it's best Vic doesn't tell them he is connected to belle reve???

------------------------ alternate possibility for victor and haruna to meet version 1: it's a bit goofy to imagine memory loss victor approaching haruna and being warm and kind to her (especially if this is after she lost her powers. Maybe he lost the "instinctive " hatred towards haruna since the deity is killed and gone. and the others has a heart attack

version 2: Maybe vic bumps into haruna after the deity is killed?? If she is unable to follow damien to japan, or she witness japanese organization where her family is, get destroyed (since she wants to witness it get destroyed) Maybe on the way home she bumps into victor? Especially if he witnessed the fight. I bet he would get close too? Maybe he helps her home? Everyone are busy fighting nightstalkers . it's possible that tyrek was with him, and then told vic to go home when they were surrounded by nightstalkers

(the nightstalkers was keeping eye on each ocs, making sure that no one tried anything. and if any of the groups failed to report back or the organization got impression that the group was being threatened to give false report about still having the group under control. they would detonate a bomb in a city) Maybe vic is about to head home but instictively goes back?? It's also possible that if vic was there. they didn't let vic leave either. since if vic felt something was wrong he would call the cops. and when william gives the signal to fight back. thats when ty tells vic to go home and vic stays. the others will be busy fighting the organization globally, striking them down all over the world so they dont get much chance to make a back up plan. leaving it open for vic to bump into haruna. she will most likely feel weak after loosing her powers (especially if damien did it painful on purpose. The question is: Is it disquised Victor that haruna meets? or is it real victor? I think he would be disguised walking outside. and if he introduce himselt to her, she gets to see him disguised first and see him take off the illusion or shapeshifting spell to see she met him in the past.

It's sweet to imagine haruna and vic have a kind moment? Even if it might just be that moment, unless it helps bury the hatchet. or create some peace?

I bet she is also covered in blood too from nigthstalkers that damien killed. so vic will think she is injured and want to get her to hospital. Even if she might say it's not hers, if she is weak to walk, vic might think she might have lost blood and not thinking straight, or got concussion I bet he will try to look for wounds and want to take her to hospital to be on the safe side. --------------- Icarus/Selcouth/victor/damien roles switched with haruna and the nightstalker organization: And it might be interesting to see roles switched between dami and vic briefly. It was Victor/Selcouth the organization should have feared the most since he is hunting haruna down (although icarus is protecting her soul from him if he doesn't think she should be killed in that world) while damien/Icarus is probably the most peaceful one of selcouth/osiris and icarus. I think selcouth was very peaceful too until haruna betrayed them. and now it's vic who gives haruna a hand, and damien is destroying the organization into ruins. and if human haruna wants icarus to eliminate nightstalker powers to fully remove the nightstalkers since they were created by deity harunas blood. then he will erase nightstalker powers too, so there is nothing left to remmeber her by + if they held hope deity haruna was still alive, they would most likely not want her back if she saw humans as food source, and they are human now. so it's interesting it's open icarus and human haruna being the biggest threat to the organization, since haruna holds that power to puch icarus into going further into destroying the organizations

and it might be interesting to see vic not do anything to destroy the organization (He has other aus were he wrecked things up anyway) and instead choose to help haruna (memory loss or not) I would never expect to see that side of vic, but it opens up for it to be possible with deity haruna destroyed + haruna showing she changed.

Problemsolve, if vic meets Haruna and his memories. i have to keep in mind victor comments ty isn't married to haruna anymore (i can switch the timeline, so he knows haruna because he helped her) or that he only remembers ty was married to someone called haruna but doesn't remember how she looked like. although he might jump slighty if he remembers her name and she says her name. it's also possible she gives a false name, depending on where he finds her. minimize risk of anyone finding out she is nightstalker.

Or. If he remembers her vaguely. He still decides to help since he doesn't want to leave someone who is a bloody mess/weak. He wants her to be safe. --------------

---------- Payton as a shield against haruna And i like that Payton works as a shield for haruna against the others. and that it also is reversed against haruna. that she won't do anything to vic because he is at least her step father. and it's even worse for haruna is he is her biological dad. she won't have the heart to take that away from payton. ------------------- Haruna might symphatize with Victor??? or Haruna might relate/connect to victor IF she meets victor and he apologizes to haruna and lester. Or just tell haruna why everyone was so secretive about him. the deity past + that he lost all of his family (with the exception for ty, and payton. i bet he wanted to be her father when they found her. (if he isn't the biological parent)

and that he did things for payton and the rest of the people he loves. He doesnt have many people left in his life. Haruna lost coworkers/people around her leaving her, and she might have burned bridges too if the organization finds out she wanted deity haruna gone and if she erases the nightstalkers.

IF she erases nightstalkers powers from existance to make the world safer. then its something she can connect with vic, who wanted to take mutant powers away to make the world safer. And even though Vic is more dangerous than Haruna and could have done more. If all nightstalkers loose their powers in main world (and even alternate worlds, to prevent organization try to go in other worlds to get the nightstalkers back in their world) Technically she did most (or icarus did the most, but she held the power to influence how far he goes/went since she showed she changed) i can also see it's possible victor will thank haruna for keeping an eye on payton (maybe also thank her if she was/is a motherly figure) since he wasn't there to take that role. i bet that victor probably kept eye on payton and people he loved and helped in whenever he could. especially payton since she often accidently walks into danger without knowing it fdsdfsdf which could explain why payton hasn't ended up in many dangerous situations when she should have. ------------------- Extra reasons Damien/Icarus snapped during the hostage situation with the nightstalkers damien, icarus, tyrek and haruna. victor how past affests the present. The mutant that blew up a city versus the hostate situation. The hostage situation. And seeing a bomb detonate gave damien flashback of when he and his family was almost killed by the mutant who destroyed the city they lived in. Damien has experienced what people in the country where the bomb detonated experience. Some of them didn't get chance to feel fear because it happened so quick since they were standing by the bomb. WHile others hear the bomb and won't get much chance to react like Damien and his family and friends did. And he is knows what it's like to loose family and friends to the bomb. Because the bomb that detonated ruined the lives for people who knew the victims. Victor experienced it too. Dami lost Victor. Most likely the orphanage too? So damien has flashback of those memories coming back to him.

I keep wondering if haruna knew a bit about how damien was almost killed when the mutant blew up a city? maybe she told the organization about its high chance he will hand the soul over because of the trauma. Even though I bet dami avoids talking about it. its possible that haruna knew either by researching where he lived before or more likely hearing some aquintances talking about the schmidt moving. maybe they are talking about helping the schmidt. OR, ty is taking stuff out from the schmidt and moving in with haruna. I think he lived with schmidt for awhile. needing the distraction from loosing vic. I also think he never returned her flirting. and after the bomb detonated and vic died, he fell in her arms.

I do think she suspects tyrek lost someone or something that day since he was a mess after it happened. and she might have asked about it and he either lied or would refuse to talk about it. or he might have just said he lost friends. and left out vic. which is mostly true. he lost people he cared about that day too.

this might be another reason damien is so snappy at haruna. he might wonder if she is responsible for that plan and she did the hostage situation to hurt him, not because she was desperate to destroy the haruna deity.

-------------- Victors parents and Ty's relationship to them:

I'm very certain that Tyrek will connect to Victors parents, especially since he will (in his own way) seek parental comfort since he doesnt have his own parents. And with Ty connecting to Vics parents. It affects him even more that they are gone. Don't get me wrong. He will be a mess even if he wasn't so close to them. He doesn't want this to happen to anyone and they are vics parents. I think he will be destroyed that he lost people he saw as father and mother figure to him. He shares Vics pain of loosing them.

------------- ------------- Charlotte I think Charlotte is a moth/butterfly deity

I had one crazy idea about "what if Charlotte and Vic was both Selcouth. but I dropped that idea since it would be weird with Charlotte/vic and ty being a pair, unless it's like Icarus rakel and damien. were rakel has icarus and damien but icarus and damien don't interact romanticly towards each other fdsfdsfsd or if charlotte and vic fused as one. but i'm meh about both. I would have thought it was possible if the trio didn't become a pair. so i'm certain charlotte is her own deity/person.

-------------- Who is present when Payton is told the truth about her heritage and shown in safe haven Canon so far: Damien - Acess to the trial rooms + if victor is present he can keep an eye on Victor. Damien was also present when they found Payton in Safe Haven Tyrek - the biological dad and tell his side of the story Cyrus - emotional support animal for payton fsdfdf I think Payton wants to have him with her. Payton - she gets to hear the truth and shown arond.

Very high chance of being there but still in brainstorming phase Victor : If he is biological dad, then he will be there. It's possible he would still be there if he isn't paytons dad. He and ty wanted to raise payton when they found her but chose it was best to keep her identity secret. and even though vic has memory loss i think he would want to be there anyway to hear the truth. He gets told a piece of the past + the group knows that if vic had his memories back. he would want to be there.

Charlotte: especially if she is the mother (wouldn't be surprised if safe haven combined ty, vic and charlotte so it's 3 parents fsdf ) If Vic isn't the dad, then I'm very certain charlotte is the mother. So far, I think I lean on Vic as the parent. it gives many more reasons as to why payton was kept secret (not that it was needed but I do like that there are possible extra reassons) And I bet that in deity past, charlotte, selcouth/vic and ty/osiris are all payton deitys parents. because as deities, i bet they have the power to make offspring they are all parent too. The deity past is enough reason itself that charlotte and Vic will want to be there when payton is told the truth and shown around the trial rooms.

Nate: He is Paytons adoptive dad and uncle Nate's wife: I think she is informed about payton? Especially if she is from safe haven. So far I lean on Abby as Nates wife. In old canon, payton was named after abigail. Payton was abigails first name. In old canon Abby died. But since I need a wife npc, and abby is very identical to payton personality wise. she fits as a mother. although payton can also have her goofy side from nate. Nate and abby together is a very certain happy bubbly family. If abby is paytons mother, then i remove payton name in abigail, since payton being named after abby looses it's purpose when abby is allive fdsfd and i bet abby would want payton to have her own name. I will remove payton in abbys name since i got feeling abby will be nates wife Abby is very trusting and naive like nate. Elena stikes me as a serous character. Evelyn... she pretends to be ditzy but aren't. payton could get some ditzhy side from evelyn.

another option is neiva but she is a cop. i bet she would have figured stuff with haruna if she was with nate fsdfsdf and she is trans (not that its a problem, but then i would make it canon that same sex can have a kid, which is possible in dc universe. or that people don't know she is trans)But from the cop background alone. i got feeling i would need to do loooots of problemsolving about her. unless i went with the route of haruna/nightstalker organization having some hold on her until damien and the others tear down the organization. And nate doesnt strike me as neivas type either. Old canon she is Asexual/aromantic too. she doesn't strike me as someone who is interested in relationships. she is married to her work. arin: altough there is too many schmidt and Kowalczyk paired up somewhere. I also got feeling haruna would hate nate being with arin. Unless she saw it as manipulation tactic to get close to icarus family? The others can trust arin about the tour in safe haven. I bet she knows about icarus through damiem but i think he avoided telling her secret information like that he carries harunas soul with him (he tells arin when he is forced to release the soul) Arin is a shy bean, so payton would got the goofy side from nate. he is a big cuddle bear. Arin knows about safe haven through lu, damien, rakel and i bet she hears about it from other safe haven people she gets introduced to. arin and nate compliment one another. nate can bring arin more out of her shell. while arin keeps an eye on nate. Making sure people aren't manipulating him as much.

Haruna has pissed of tyrek a lot of times in her manipulaiton tactics. since nate doesn't pick up on things due to his autism. he was taken advantage of all the time (which is why its a touchy subject to tyrek to see haruna manipulate nate) With arin as wife. haruna won't be able to manipulate as easily. While with abby, haruna can manipulate both and they will both be unaware. Arin will not dare to speak up against haruna. she is very obedient and avoid fights, confrontations. WAIIIIT I might need to drop arin fdssfddfs If she is with nate, then that would make payton and cyrus step cousins? (i'm sleepy typing this so i might have a brain fart moment here)

Even though I say cyrus wants a relationship like his parents. he doesn't mean everything identical fddfs although rakel and dami aren't step cousins, Leon (lu's dad and rakels uncle) had a one night stand with Seraphina. they might have dated a bit but seperated because of long distance. and seraphina got together with damiens dad afterwards. I think leon lives in america now. but they aren't together and were never married. i tend to avoid this topic since i didnt know rakel and dami would be a thing when they are made. but canonly. this is also one of the reasons they avoided confessing to one another. lu always calling rakel their sister or cousin. and he might not be the only one in the family back then (maybe rakels mother) who saw them as family when they arent'.

So yeah, with the family thing, it seems abby is best choice but i laugh at the crack of arin. my god. rakel and damien would be like "oh god, our poor son having to deal with being seen as cousins, and payton and cyrus are step cousins" they were lucky that they werent step cousins. .

no correction. payton is tyreks daughter. so technically they wouldn't be step cousins? but they will think they are??? And nate is still Paytons dad (just not biological one) jesus christ, lu would have a field day. he has non stop made cousin jokes on rakel and damien (i avoid even bringing the topic up so there isnt any art of it) he would go nuts on cyrus fsdfdfsdsfd rip cyrus. although if arin was nates wife, at least cyrus has his parents backing him up. i bet they would smack lu fdsdf and cyrus has grown up used to people misuderstanding things. i think i might draw on cyrus kid interaction. i need to find the text, someone writing about how their kid was talking about their family tree, and they were mistaken as cousins, so they ended up with call from school and the parents had to explain it was a misunderstanding dfsfd

however, compared to rakel and damien versus cyrus and payton. i can avoid the mistaken as cousins story line by having nate be with abby fdfdsfd i have to laugh i almost made that mistake by not realizing nate and arin would connect payton and cyrus as step cousin.

Lower chance of being there: rakel??? - even though I think she wants to see deity trial rooms. It's possible that she has already seen it + don't want to possibly overwhelm payton? i think she will be fine. But its also to give payton some privacy. and i bet that damien might record if she wanted to see things. It's possible alex would like to see recordings of things in safe haven and trial rooms. I lean on the schmidt has already been there or will be there later. Its possible that icarus kept it secret about the soul until the kids were at least 18, to protect them from the nightstalker organization. The less they knew the better

----------------- Victor and haruna alliance??? If Damien confirms they can trust haruna (at least based on her energy) And haruna is being nice to victor or at least civil and not glaring at him. + also willingly looses her powers.

It's possible that victor will be an ally for haruna (at times, it depends on what it is ) since lester doesn't like villains either. I can see Vic help (IF they need or want it) He wants to do good things to try to make up for what he did in the past. And if they have a common enemy (like a safe haven people or nightstalker organization) then he doesn't see the hurt in having alliance. + she is the mother to kimi and raiden. Haruna and Vic are connected through Vic's marriage to ty. (and maybe also by vic being paytons dad)

So they might accept each other for the love of their kids. I know victor will try to get along with her. she has shown to change, and if she isnt mean or doing anything against him. he will be open to reveal his true identity to her (she will meet a disguised victor for some time)

------------ Victor haruna, "achilles come down" referance and connection. inspired by "achilles come down" where the lyrics go "oh the most dangerous thing is to love" maybe victor says that to haruna. them connecting over doing bad things for the people they love.

------------------ I also keep having the crack of MAYBE haruna is caught off guard seeing the real victor?? Maybe she is a bit annoyed at herself for thinking vic is attractive (even if its split second, i can see herself annoyed/embarassed fdsfd ) it would catch damien off guard too fdsfsdfds just a possible slight humor moment.

why haruna might be attracted to him - classy and gentlemen/chivalrous -powerful man -i think deity haruna was drawn to him too, but with the deity erased, she isn't "impacted" by the past.

i can see maybe haruna mumble something about understand why ty (and charlotte) fell for him dfsdf that one thing were haruna and ty find a common ground.

but i'm very uncertain about it. i leave it open, since i think my ocs, especially damien is waiting for haruna to "slip" and feel threatened by victor being close to payton (and maybe him connecting to her kids too) and not sense haruna having a brief attraction/annoyance moment.

+ it depens on how harunas relationship with lester is at the time. if she is still done with men (which might be possible since it seems like a lot is happening in short time) or she is careful/cautious about letting anyone in. or she is just using lester.

i get impression she is probably still single and not dating. needing a break from men for a bit after divorcing ty. She lost her business, there's been the nightstalker organization to focus on. other things getting her attention.

another option is that haruna meets different disguises of victor. She isnt aware its a disguise (so damien can see how she feels when she isn't aware it's disguise)

and maybe it can be humorous of victor showing up as himself and she comments his appearance thinking it's a disguise.and her surprise to see its the real victor.

but i also like the visual of victor standing in front of haruna and taking the disguise of in front of her (maybe its a illusion watch or the magic he has left is to shapeshift identity)

haruna and on the topic on classy men, tyrek from the moment he was with haruna. he dressed and cut his hair like she wanted. so tyrek growing back his hair after divorce is a way of tyrek regaining his identity and true to himself. And going back to who he was. as a kid he didn't want to be a villain. but loosing victor broke tyrek completely. making him easy for haruna to "sculpt" to her wishes

---------------- If charlotte, victor and ty were a pair in safe haven Charlotte Victor and Tyrek as pair in safe haven, why they broke up and how they get back together after Tyrek get's divorce in suicide squad


Maybe when Victor faked his death. Tyrek pushed charlotte away? I think those two would been more determined to stay together, but since haruna and ty needs to be canon. I think Ty seems like the person to push charlotte away, and then went with haruna because she doesnt remind him of vic or charlotte. ( i can't unsee this as tyrek self harming himself, getting in relationship with the deity that tried to kill you in the past sfdsdf I can imagine osiris sees it as some sort of machochistic self harm)

when tyrek and charlotte loose Victor again (i'm pretty certain he might need to be dead for a bit since he refused to give up on his mission)

I lean on his second death brought them back together and united them. They do what I think they canonly would have done in aftermath when they lost Victor first time.

I laugh at Tyrek being a physical comfort seeker. I think he is making a goofy face since it was impulsive comfort moment (and maybe also fear of moving too fast for charlotte and maybe himself too)

I think it's possible Charlotte and Ty become a pair first? And I'm certain Vic will be in the trial room too when they show payton around. It's possible they tell vic he is selcouth but memory loss (they don't tell much details about why) and he sees that the 3 deities were in poly relationship (and it can give extra backstory to vic being happy seeing deity haruna defeated)

and this way Vic knows early on that he most likely can have both. he won't assume because they were deities, that they are available. It's possible that he is conflicted having feelings for both and the trial room gives him explanation/relief.

Main point is, if charlotte and ty become a pair first, then Vic knows from the start that if he flirst with them both, and they both accept him. It will be a poly relationship.

I'm very certain those 3 were a pair in safe haven and aftermath timeline.

And it's nice the safe haven oc have each other to lean on when they loose Victor second time. Haruna was emotionally abusing Tyrek or being very furious when she found out about Payton (maybe also mako??? if he is also made in safe haven like payton) and she wouldn't let tyrek grieve over loosing victor and then let him explain things. I think she is also furious to see tyrek grieve over a person that hurt or put haruna in danger. she doesnt think that whoever tyreks friends was, deserves his grief. especially when that person almost hurt tyreks wife. haruna and ty divorce the same day. and ty gets the comfort he needs from charlotte. and he comforts her too. mutual support and comfort they both need and crave since they both love/loved him. Ty loves him platonicly in suicide squad since he is married. While charlotte most likely always loved ty and vic romanticly. I think after ty and her broke up, she most likely just had superficial relationship with men that reminded her of Vic and ty? or just physical relationships.


---------- more victor motives about taking super powers away Tyrek was born without powers (maybe victor too, damien might be the only one of those 3 that was boen with powers)

and tyrek was terrified of mutants when he was put in safe haven. I'm certain he was almost killed a lot of times before and after he got powers.

and maybe tyrek decides to stay fused with osiris in aftermath because of his fear for mutants. or more. he doesn't fear mutants when he has superpowers. he fears mutants if he lost his powers since he would have less to defend himself with. safe haven taught him how dangerous and corrupt the world is.

so to vic. by taking everyones powers away. he sees it as a step of making people more equal. it will never be equal because of stuff like physical, mental disorder, where you are born etc. but at least with no one with powers. there is less inequality. and tyrek can be free from osiris (but in suicide squad it brings osiris and ty closer, especially when they ty and haruna divorce. i also think they get closer fighting vic. they both dont want to do it, but they see no other choice than to stop vic from hurting those who won't let go of their powers.

and in haven redux tyrek and osiris are getting along very well. i also got feeling that tyrek and osiris are very opposites of one another (yet similar in some areas. Osiris is much more goofy and playful than ty. But they both can become very aggressive if threatened. ----------

----------- Feel free to skip this since it's not important and i'm very "meh" about the brainstorming. I don't like these theories much but i keep them around in case if the information might give another idea to help improve it.

--------------------------- example of situation were i think an idea is lost but it came back Especially since i've experienced in the past a topic coming back, and i thought it wouldn't happen. like I wanted to ask if lester would recommend warning the schmidt about the organizations plans or warn them about what she might have sparked into action. since it would benefit her to tell the schmidt. it gives her power in how schmidt handles the organization. but i wanted her to loose her powers. so i went with haruna not telling lester. and then i talked with foxy and became surprised how this topic came back and "fixed" itself. which will be explain in different tab. Even though I'm embarassed about the text below because i feel like it's the weakest text. i keep it around in case if manage to untangle it correctly. ------------------------ Alternate reality victor world

And it's canon victor came from a world filled with monsters, were eveyrthing went wrong in safe haven . it's just the topic about nightstalker existing or not. ----------- Alternate reality victor world side notes if its just monsters, or if its monsters and nightstalkers + icarus problemsolving (maybe it's a nightstalker world? Although if it was just nightstalkers Icarus would have handled them before the nighstalkers spread. It's also possible icarus handled deity haruna in that world but was too hurt from the fight he had to retreat?? And the nightstalkers multiplied at rapid rate?? It's also possible some monsters made duplicates as part of their power. Or some hydra like theme?? Cut one head, and get more heads in return. Might have been like "cut one monster down" "now you have two of the same monsters because you split them up"

It could be a world with no nightstalkers, and icarus hasn't found that world yet? Or there was a few nightstalker blood that fell in that world and icarus wasn't aware of it? Or he is busy handling the other worlds + recovering his wounds. The monsters could have come from another world too. Maybe deity harunas world? I think I lean on they aren't nigthstalkers. Just monsters. and icarus has his hands full with the worlds were nightstalkers exist especially since he guards deity harunas soul. He can't risk slipping up.

Then again. Victor needs a reason to start to hunt haruna. Maybe it's the memories from his past life? He could have seen her in other worlds too. Or i have to say it was overrun by monsters and they got mixed with nightstalkers? Icarus destroyed deity harunas soul in that world? maybe lu and ty made the decision to handle the problem instead of icarus? They wanted Icarus to move to another world and help the other worlds who need it? --------- Maybe it was a hostage situation in that world too? forcing icarus to release haruna? But deity haruna had more back up (maybe a ally deity?) so icarus won the battle against deity haruna and her ally but retreated to recover/recharge. If that is the case and if alternate reality vic sees it. he can be smiling that he sees the situation is under control. and proud of his friend? that he doesn't need to go in there as back up? +seeing dami keep his word.

Maybe that icarus doesn't have omni powers yet or its different? with omni energy icarus should be able to get his energy back and heal himself (which is a problem i am thinking about with main world icarus. what happened to make him rely on humans? maybe he passed out from the fight? he can't heal wounds or energy boost himself when he is knocked unconcious. It's also possible he was exhausted from the fight with deity haruna + splitting himself into several pieces to hide harunas soul. ---------------- Why icarus couldn't help alternate victors world Maybe Icarus destroyed deity harunas soul without fighting her. BUT, he had to leave or open a portal and fight harunas deity ally in another world? He is busy with that deity or at least fleeing from it. Since his soul split he might not be strong enough to fight that ally. He might have held on to the smaller pieces of harunas soul anyway + also one of weaker forms. + then my ocs wouldn't need to worry about the ally being in their way too. the have their hands full with monsters. ---------------------------------------- Maybe it was haruna ally who lead them to that world? through a portal? so my ocs didnt get much time to make a back up plan and it was too many monsters filling the planet up at rapid pace. ---------------