Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Cyrus Borrow Suit Concept Idea)



5 months, 15 days ago


Paintberri text: I haven't decided if this is when cyrus steals a mech suit. Or if this is when Damien and Rakel confront Lu for the killing spree he has been going on. I think it's Lu. It could also be the pair confronting Tyrek. Since I think with cyrus, Damien is sad and says "We'll talk about this later" and Haruna commenting to ty that damien doesnt have control over his son, so she will handle the scmidt. so ty has to act before haruna does.

i also got feeling damien had a feeling cyrus would grab some of his tech, but he wanted to give benefit of doubt and trust cyrus. And he does his best to ensure that the tech he makes is as secure as possible. that only the family can acess it. bed! in calm manner talks about he won't train cyrus anymore since he sees it as enabling Cyrus self destructive behavior. And he does his best to not break when Cyrus says stuff like "Dad... I ..Need you" which is probably not something Damien has heard in awhile. It hurts him to do it. I have more notes about this. How damien also fears that not training cyrus might get cyrus killed too. That cyrus will seek justice if he trains him or not.

i also got feeling damien had a feeling cyrus would grab some of his tech, but he wanted to give benefit of doubt and trust cyrus. And he most likely also tries to give Cyrus a chance to fly back home. And since Cyrus didn't listen, Damien sees that as proof he can't trust that he can continue to train cyrus. BUT If Cyrus got tech to help hack into the suit. Maybe by buying in the black market?? Or trade with a villain? He let a villain go in exhange for tech?? Or stole (cyrus sees everything as borrowing not stealing sdfsdf) Then I can see Damien show more emotions like the art with him and Rakel. Since he would talk about things like "What if that oni masked villain could manipulate other earth elements metal? You could risk being crushed by the suit! cyrus was lucky that Damien got control over the suit and got him home. I bet that if Cyrus stole from WIllaim i bet william would have found out?? His powers are tech, so he can easily track and hack into things and finds things that were stolen Extra things I need to bring up. I think Damien got fired from his job because of moments liek these were he babysits Cyrus. Cyrus will feel awful about that. Damien is more upset and concerned about Cyrus than loosing his job. And this opens up as a reason for him to work for haven redux later. And cyrus wants to make up for it + if cyrus hacks the suit and got close to the factory or reached the area . and if haruna hears about. maybe that suit incident sparked crossfire fight? Haruna commenting damien doesnt have control over his son, so she will handle the scmidt. so ty has to act before haruna does.

+ i need to double check notes about

1. He tells Cyrus the training ends. And he is also taking away Cyrus acess to the lab. If there is a emergency and he needs access to it. He needs to contact him or rakel (probably some other family members like Arin, seraphina) 2 -3. Cyrus pleads to be given a second chance 4 - Cyrus says something like "But I .....Need you dad" (which is probably not something Dami has heard in a long while?

From 3 to 6, Dami keeps his back turned to cyrus. and does his best to remain calm. He doesnt want to show how much it pains him too to do it. And it pains him to walk away (he doesnt walk away. he just stop training him, but he sees it as walking away and failing as a father)

He will show sadness/vulnerability later when rakel sees him overtraining, he will talk about he wants justice for lu just as much as everyone else. (he might be sad wondering if the family thinks he is too passive?? about lu when in reality he is terrified that if they caught the villain instead of letting the cops do it. they would become targets (And i got feeling he would be correct since haruna would have taken over the business if ty got in prison) Rakel helps comfort damien and she stops him from overtraining (he is using his energy powers to energy boost himself + most likely using healing syringes to heal injuries from punching and kicking in the training room)


Text continue from paintberri both come from a place of love for the family and cyrus has a lot of faith in the tech his dad makes and in damiens skills.

(Keep in mind Richie isn't my oc, so I don't know anything of what would be canon for Richie. So I lean on maybe Cyrus is close to William . cyrus is best friends with Richie. William's son. So it's possible Cyrus could have asked Richie for some tech to help override the autopilot (If cyrus knows there is auto pilot system in the suit. I bet he probably knows that in case of burglary. The suit will only activate if anyone in schmidt family use it. and be a extra back up system in case if the burglar is able to use the suit. I can imagine if Richie is talking about wanting to learn to hack/tech in general. Then William would probably be a excited father to share tech. And since his son is in the teen titans team, he will see it as useful tech to have in case if it's needed for missions. That way cyrus gets acces to technology without the plot armor of "why didnt willaim know his tech was stolen" if he gave tech to his son. He thinks richie has the tech. I dont think he would know if others used it??? since he doesnt want to spy on his son. and even if the tech had some sensor telling william someone else is using it than his son. he will assume the titans borrow it for a mission. since i bet there are situations were titans swap items because they were incapable of using it themself or to confuse a villain. I lean on william doesnt have a sensor that tells him if others use it. he probably only has something that allows him to gain control of the tech and maybe a tracker in case if someone steals it from richie or richie looses it??? And william has it turned off?? he takes it on if richie reach out or if dami calls william for help. Them william might wonder if cyrus has gotten hands on his tech since cyrus was able to override the systems damien built and if damien tells william to hack the suit. then i'm certain william will recognize the tech that cyrus used to gain control over the suit. the question is.... would richie help gain control over the suit?? or does cyrus need to lie?? say its for a villain (and he probably has found a villain were that would be helpful) he would feel awful lying to richie if thats what he has to do.

cyrus genuinely believes that he will be able to catch the villain with the suit. so he will do his best to convince richie that the chance of winning is high. its justice for lu. and they are taking a big villain off the streets. cyrus would def apologize like madman to riche if he has to lie. he would talk about he believed that he would solve the case the same day. he was planning to return everything. he didnt want to lie. but he felt like he had no choice? ask if there is anything he can do to make up for it???

then again. william is not the only mutant out there with technology powers. so if i make it canon cyrus managed to gain control over the suit for a bit. i leave it open for it can be through richie or william, or he got it from black market. but i have to find out reasons why cyrus would trust this villains tech. since there is risk of a villain lying about the tech, unless he reached out to some of lu's coworkers who has tech powers or a genios in making things. He thinks william is a hero. maybe he was lucky in lying to william?? giving william information about a villain he wants to put in jail but the villain has a lot of technlogy and hiding somewhere well barricaded. so he needs the tech to minmize property damage?? and cyrus does use the tech on the villain first?? so william thinks it was genuine and starts to trust cyrus??

Cyrus is also like "If you won't believe/have faith your creations. I will show you we can take down a criminal organization"

It's also funny to imagine. IF cyrus gets tech from william to override the systems Damien made. And cyrus arrives at the factory (probably causes some ruckus, catching criminals and probably gets items destroyed in the process of catching the criminals) and william is using his powers to make it seem like damien regained control over the suit and get cyrus back home Or goofy scene of the moment cyrus arrives at the factory, he flies back home before he can do anything

The suit is meant for emergency/life threatening situations. Like the Victor and Tyrek fight (Idk if damien is able to get hands on a suit. and if he does. it might get destroyed by the reality warp or the monsters during the fight. I dont want him to have the suit for long. Or he didn't get a chance to put the suit on since he was at work when he Suicide Squad fight started. I have various ideas about what damien can/will do during the victor and tyrek fight. He will def be using the situation to train cyrus again. Cyrus will be eager to listen and learn (Probably scared too for his dad, depending on what damien does during the fight)

I also got feeling Damien doesn't want cyrus to use the suit because of how dangerous it is. I got feeling damien has taught everyone how to use the suits, so it comes natural for them to use them. Another reasn is. I'm very certain that some of the monsters that Damien killed were human at some point. ( I think Damien mentally prepared for that possibility when stuck in safe haven. and rakel also reminding him, it was either them and the civilians or the monsters. He didn't have a choice, and saved the lives of those who are human. dami would be terrified that cyrus would meet strong villains in the factory and accidently kill someone . And he doesn't want cyrus to have that on his conciousness if cyrus was forced to kill a villain there. He doesn't like the idea of cyrus rushing in there and not know what type of villains are there. What weapon or powers they got.

dami will also comment to cyrus why not to use the suit - there could be villains who has powers like william

It's also possible that. Dami might need to call william and ask him to hack the suit to stop cyrus (which buys cyrus time to get to the factory)

The original reason to haruna being provoked by cyrus and forcing tyrek to attack cyrus. is that cyrus was unknowingly sabotaging their businesses or at least interfering. Cyrus wants to find lu's murderer but doesnt want to be seen by them (except for that one time were he steals the suit, his intention is to get the villain or at least get information about the killers identity) Cyrus was cluless how much he was provoking haruna. So I dont need him to reach the factory. But i leave it possible that he reached the area. Idk how much he does when he gets there. if he just reached the area. and was being shot at by the guards. damien regains control over the suit and cy flies back home

home fdsfdfds i can imagine it being a goofy too. too see villains blasting at the suit and their confusion at the person u-turn and fly back where it came from fdsfsd or cyrus was able to take down a lot of criminals working there?? and maybe put them behind bars too?? The more cyrus does. the more furious and impulsive/opportunistic haruna will be. forcing tyrek to act quick in order to protect the schmidt family from haruna. If she sees and hears about the suit. she will see them as a massive threat that needs to be dealt with.

IF cyrus reach the place. it would make cyrus and rakel panic even more. Its canon damien overtrains for awhile since he is terrified he will be too weak to not be able to protect cyrus from danger. this will intensify even more if cyrus fought people in the factory. It also opens up for dami to get fired. that he didn't take a break from the meeting. he ran out there, cancelling the meeting. idk if he talked to them, or he just quickly says the meeting has to be rescheduled for another day and runs out like his life depends on it. And he lost the client and cost the business a lot of money for the loss??

I can imagine damien saying something like "forget about the job, I'll always figure something out. It's you i'm concerned about" He will want to work on cyrus mental health. And I think cyrus will push him away, since he doesnt get help in training that he wants to focus on

dami gets a temporary job but he most likely tells cyrus he cant keep doing this. since then he risks loosing the other job too. and he needs the money to help have the money to maintain the house (the house is well barricaded, and most likely needs maintance to make sure everything is still functioning. and he is always working on improving it. since its important to keep family safe. especially when cyrus is out there provoking villains. if the villains find out who they are. they risk them trying to break in to kill them. and cyrus makes up for dami loosing the job. by suggesting dami work in haven redux. dami will probably have a goofy smile or choke on food. ptsd flashback at the word of "safe haven" and "work" in there fdsfdsfds unless its public information about haven redux is rebuilt. i can see dami still be scared at the thought at first. at least 5 minutes. and then hear people out about the topic

dami: powerhouse dami: I'm not strong enough to protect my son. and damien will also mention, if the villains knows who used the suit. the schmidt loose their best card. since then the villains can prepare to counter attack the suit. The suit is meant to be used to get out of life threatening situation. and it has a higher chance of success if the villains arent aware of it. (brain: is it counter product for dami and rakel to show the gun that dissolves organic matter?? me: dami and cyrus doesnt need the weapon. Unless they bump into some sort of insane modified nightstalker. Then they have to be careful to not get poisoned by the nightstalker. but same time. they got dozen of weapons, and its also to show that the threat is genuine. they have the tech and skills/powers to follow up with threats they say to her) Damien loosing his job is also to show cyrus flaws. Especially when they thought Lu was dead.

This is also a reason Damien will be upset with lu - Lu hunting his friends ( i forgot that lu almost killed nate but he stopped because he saw how much raiden needs nate. the family connection. and also seeing how much killing ty affects tyreks family -lu not telling them he is allive. Rakel almost killed a villain, she lost control when lu "died" and cyrus ended up in hospital. she ends up beating up a villain and damien stops her in time to prevent her killing them - Cyrus being suicidal and self destructive -Damien is basicly babysitting the family (and rakel gets him back on his feet too)

I can imagine this adds another layer to cyrus feeling hurt and betrayed by lu. lu could have reached out to the family. And he strongly believed they would be able to handle the oni masked villain. they got superpowers and all kinds of tech in the lab. cyrus might feel hurt and say "don't you believe in our strenght/unity as a team/family?"

I think cyrus agrees with damiens points and sees them as valid. While also strongly has faith in damiens creations and that he has element of surprise on his side. Hoping that if the oni masked villain can manipulate metal, that maybe the villain doesn't think about that fast enough?? maybe cyrus can knock the villain unconcious before it happens. maybe rakel and dami have to put on a suit (since cyrus tok the strongest suit) and have to fly there to take him back home

its dangerous for cyrus to go there since haruna and ty sell all kinds of weapons. some are alien tech. which most likely can do a lot of damage? or be a threat? Especially for cyrus. I bet Damien is waaaayy more skilled in using the suits because of age , experience and he knows best how to use the suits.

and cyrus has most likely asked william for help in the past, so william doesnt react to cyrus ask again?? especially if he explains its used for a specific villain

i also got feeling there is a lot of stuff william doesnt know about the things damien make. damien trusts william, but i can imagine that in case if someone messes with williams tech again like safe haven. its good he has a back up plan on how to defend himself and his family. And i got feeling william most likely suspects dami has all kinds of tech. it's goofy to imagine dami panicked and call william. "i made a powerful suit capable of x, and my son is heading straight for the factory" and if willaim is in the factory or with haruna. i can see him have a horrified face. 1. he is concerned for cyrus 2, he knows, if haruna finds out....it will be chaos 3. he hopes cyrus doesnt nuke the place by accident fdssdf but i'm certain cyrus knows well how it works otherwise, if the schmidt had no idea how to use it. its not a emergency card anymore since they have no idea how to use it willaim might also give the tech since he might be happy cyrus is working on anther villain than poking haruna fddfsfd and cyrus might be sneaky bugger and ask for more help from william too. make william more and more used to cyrus coming over asking for help. And i can see cyrus connect with him too. Cyrus is pushing damien away, lu is gone. So william might be like a father figure (there is other men in damiens family though, link, milo) Cyrus feels awful about tricking william. I can also see william is also using the moment to keep an eye on cyrus. he wants to make sure cyrus is doing other stuff so he is safe from haruna. he is loyal to tyrek and schmidt family, not haruna. he is doing his best to protect schmidt especially when tyrek is gone. I lean on cyrus hasnt been purposely manipulating him over time. I lean on he has often asked for help and advice and then got the idea of asking for a tech when he saw a villain were he needs the tech to get inside a building they are hiding?? i can also imagine william is trying to reach cyrus, since cyrus is pushing damien away. and its harder for rakel too, to get to him at times?? so i can imagine william working for haruna because he wants to make sure tyreks kids are taken care of. and maybe tries to get haruna over to legit business? and he can keep and eye on her too. Although then again. I bet he could just use a mini bug drone to spy on her to see if she tries to hurt schmidt family or not. when working for her, he gets a chance to talk things out?? direct her away from them?? than if he just used drones to watch her?

If i knew what i knew now. i dont think lu would have gone this far. I think he would have tried talking to them. but ill let it stay. he has been bottling up a lot of anger and frustration over the justice system. and combining that with adhd and the betrayal of finding out people you thought were friends (or friends with family) played a role. he just snaps

and if damien suspects tyrek. maybe he fears it will threaten his family more if he tried to talk to tyrek?? (i think it would kind of corret?? if haruna found out that damien suspects then she would probably try even mroe to kill him, while ty would want to talk and wouldnt hurt damien. Maybe haruna is worried that it will backfire that the schmidt family will know?? and its a bit karma coming back?? she most likely seperated ty from some of the safe haven people like rakel and dami. so now she doesnt know if she can trust them with the info about the business. while tyrek feels confident that if he talks to damien. it will be easier to come up with a deal. damien would def back off and stay away from the business. and make it clear to lu and cyrus to stay away from the territory. I'm pretty certain they would stay away. especially cyrus (lu might forget now and then in the beginning?? adhd moments??

This is starting to move over to the concept about if dami knows if Ty and haruna are behind it or not. I should probably make different tab. I feel like it went out of topic too many times

I bet also there is lots of stuff that is missing too. I figured its better to toss out the draft?? so people get a impression of what is going on


SIDENOTE: I need to mention this in another tab. mention rakel might have a second hero identity. One were she can be more public?? She most likely avoids media in second identity but she can appear with icarus/amarok I do like the idea of manticore being seen with icarus (i will just use one name for now so its easier to type it down) But because of the poisoning incident. It saved their lives that haruna had no idea rakel is manticore.

I think with the second identity she will still portray herself as a man? It's to help keep her civilian identity a secret.