Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Safe Haven Dream Simulation)



3 months, 5 days ago


damien safe haven dream simulation toyhouse tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26123708.safe-haven-dream-simulation I have a lot of notes about dream simulation i need to find and add. Dream simulation art tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26123633.safe-haven-dream-simulation ------------------------ Misc Safe Haven notes I need to go through https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/24657690.safe-haven-concept https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/23322484.the-safe-haven-facility ---------------------------------------------------- Art tab where Damien burns "run" into william skin and the impact of it leading to the dream simulation becoming worse

Damien fighting william to burn the message https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25270931.dami-provoke-william-concepts

Rakel seeing the "run" warning about safe haven and getting confirmation safe haven tok damien. and then the shocking betrayal of willaim being involved https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26124388.damiwarningrakelaboutsafehaven

william will most likely find out the truth about safe haven (he might have had good intentions by getting people abducted by safe haven. Thinking safe haven was helping people that needed it the most. And the gets shocked that beth was willing to let him die to keep damien. beth will lie saying things like she knew rakel didn't have it in her to kill william. But william will start to doubt that. he will quesiton his alliance. safe haven was ready to throw him under the bus and rakel showed him mercy (because she knew damien wouldn't wanted rakel to kill anyone, especially not william) https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26124379.william-switching-alliance


They use machines and/or someone with dream powers. Probably both. ---------------------------------- draw dami writing "run" on william and maybe that sparks the dream simulation incidents with damien? they want to find out every plan damien might have.

What i remember: -To mess with them mentally. Make them question what is real or simulation (which damien does in this tab : https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/24930997.come-back-down https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/24930997.come-back-down#74277937 https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/24930997.come-back-down#74277937 - Use the test to find flaws in their security and improve it - Find out what plans they have or what they might be tempted to do. - Destroy and rebuild them mentally. There is a tactic where you destroy people and then you morph then into what you want them to be. There was a case like this in a asian country. I think it was rich parents who got a school to kidnap their kids and turn them into perfect students?? -mental torture of thinking you have escaped and have the freedom ripped away from you over and over again. To destroy the hope of escaping so there is less chance of rebellion or that there will be less chance of a big group forming. -i think they did divide and conquer. making the people trapped wonder who they could trust since i bet there are a lot of them who are moles in order to be treated better or get something they want. or trade for their family's safety.

So when Damien get's to experience for real. it's even more impactful since I think he dreamt about being able to escape. Be united with family and then it's taken away from him. And often in nightmarish ways (for damien). for example everyone are happy and when he turns around they are disappearing to dust. or maybe melting? (Melting like the possible shapeshifter that tok him. I think that thing appeared a bit like this ooze/goo. scaring damien. Damien doesnt know if its a person, creature, spirits. etc until it starts to take damiens appearance as doppelganger and attacks damien. Damien tried to escape but he was locked inside the locker room. I think safe haven controlled the exist door. preventing him from getting out

----------- i'm pretty certain they most likely did test like the dream simulation in the past on damien (i think they like to analyse all test subjects Damien was lucky during this interaction he got the idea then and there when he heard there was crash between william and rakel. and he tok the chance. there are other factors like knowing charlotte would most likely heal william (so others wouldnt spot the warning damien gives to rakel by burning william) i think there are notes about this i will find later https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25270931.dami-provoke-william-concepts

i think if they tested him before. they became more intense now. or this is when they start testing him first time. they might have underestimated him. thinking he was too scared to act. and i think damien used his fear to lay low. make it seem like he wasnt planning anything. become as inisible as possible (and also sucking up to scientists. i think his secret superpower is sucking up to authority. i got feeling he probably annoyed classmates being teacher pet. and this "skill" comes in handy later with him figuring out which scientist might be eager to talk because they are proud of their work or maybe arrogant. like one scientist might have laughed about something like "william is unhackable" and damien ends up thinking "dont need to hack the chip if i can destroy it instead"

----------------------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26123633.safe-haven-dream-simulation#78633456 "Insert talk about Damien tricking william into a fight. Making it seem like petty childish fight, so he could discretly mark william with a message to rakel. Making safe haven seem like it was two men fighting over a woman, and not that Damien was tricking everyone and secretly sending a message to rakel.

The mark probably says "run" Then Rakel knows he is in safe haven. Exposing that william is a mole. They are probably discussing how to handle the chaos that damien created 1. schmidt family and friends who now know they have damien. They can warn the public or get other people to join them. 2. what to do with william (i think they will discuss william even if he walks back home willingly with beth. 3. what to do with damien. and discussing finding out what other plans he might have to escape.

( i don't know if he succeeds in messing with williams tech or if they are even aware he tried to destroy the chip that is controlling william. Or if damien was so extremely subtle in trying to mess with tech that not even william knows the chip might be ruined?? (maybe Damien is lucky and doesn't dream about william? or at least not the plan about destroying the chip? Depends if william went back to safe haven or not. I think William went back to safe haven to process everything + by acting obedient, he hopes he can help damien and the others. If he leaves, he risks getting killed or abducted. Then again. Lu might be able to help escape with his illusions.

Maybe damien doesnt dream about william tech since he has already tried to fry it in the past. So he is more focused on other escape plans. -------------- One possible saving grace might be that the dream simulations get interrupted since he is going to the deity trials. So they know it's high chance he will die. But I lean on they test him up til then so there is a reason why he is so confused and messed up mentally when he escapes. ------------ it also seems like it might be best for william to leave. or leave very soon (maybe its when damien is in the trial room and goes in the last room. since they loose contact with damien when he goes in the last portal.