Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Merman AU)



9 months, 3 days ago


Species ideas

Tiger shark (brownish color?) Or More blue because he might be Mako half breed?

Tiger Shark/Mako Shark half breed. He would have more intense blue color? It's because of their speed Mako shark is possible for Damien.

CONCEPT ART IDEAS: Concept art! I'll add tiger shark markings Since sharks often have bite marks. I'm very certain Damien and Rakel has has scratches and bite marks from Rakel. Markings being sort of a show of them as "married/mates"?

got feeling he and Rakel has scratches and bite marks from each other.Markings being sort of a show of them as mates? Could be Damiens suggestion inspired by humans marriage,if this isn't common merman custom

Rakel doesn't like humans but I think with the stuff Damien mentions, she is open to doing things and will most likely end up enjoying the stuff he suggests

Note to self: Need to look up scarifications. Take inspiration from tribes???

Either their markings are the same, or it's different types. I lean on different types of markings. Since Rakel is rough type and not good at art. So her markings will most likely be much more rough than Damien. Damien is gentle and artistic.

And it might be fun to see Rakel have elegant scars in contrast to her rough personality. And Damien has rough scars as contrast to his gentle/warm personality

Witch idea (Some religion/mythology/spiritual stuff in there) I often wonder if he could be a witch?? Maybe he likes to combine magic and science?? Or maybe its too much?? Maybe Alex could be witch?? The idea came up because of the spiritual side of other AUs. And because I think a witch mermaid/merman could be fun to explore?? See how a mermaid witch handles magic? And find out what type of magic they like to use??

Of my ocs, I've got Charlotte (I think Elena too??) who are wingfolk witches. Victor is lizardfolk/witch. So I'm missing on a mermaid/merman who is a witch. I think it could be a fun concept to explore. See if their magic is different (I got feeling it most likely is different since they are different species and also because of their environment. Like I bet mermaids use a lot of items in the ocean that wingfolk can't acess as easily (unless they have mermaid friends who can give them items) and mermaids would struggle to get items that are high up the mountains that wingfolk can fly to. And I bet some believe in spiritual or religious. So they probably pray, worship their own deities, and have to do different things to please their god/spirits etc

I won't dictate how religion/spiritual stuff affects the environment since this world is shared with others. I think it's fun to brainstorm religion/spiritual/mythology stuff since I'm fond of mythology. And maybe the spiritual stuff can work as inspiration of how some handle magic? Everyone who I share this world with are free to come up with ideas of how magic/religion/faith/spiritual/mythology work in merman au world. Especially since it's a big world. So I can don't see the harm in going "My oc is from this country/clan where they do x" and I bet it's easy to add a ocs belief For example with Charlotte (and Elena??) and Victor being witches. Whatever they believe in. I won't force their belief on to the other people I share the world with. I bet Victor probably has a favorite deity he prays to, versus Tyrek. Victors deity is a magic deity, while Tyrek probably tries to please a deity about hunting, warrior, leadership etc.

And maybe because of species. Each species has some sort of magic that comes easier to them?? (Idk how i feel about this, and I won't force this idea on anyone)

And these topics are also meant to flesh the world out more?? In the real world we have lots of different religions, mythology, spiritual views. One thing for myself. I know there was a guy in real life. I think it a author? He researched mythology in different countries? He found out how religions/mythology had stuff in common but the characters were different. I think it could be fun concept that maybe some religion in merman au the species share a similarity?? But it's different gods?? and its probably different. For example, let' say wingfolk and mermen believe in a sun god. "The god stole the flame and put up in the sky" The story having similiarities but it's lets say ocean creature for mermen, while wingfolk has a sky creature??

Nothing of this is meant as "this is how the world functions" this is more meant as "I like to world build, and sharing these ideas since I never know what magic the people I RP with can come up with" Since I've experienced LOTS of times were I was uncertain about something and the people I RPed with turned it into something epic, improving it, or it sparked ideas to something else that was much better.

An example of not forcing my concept ideas on others. Rakel and Damiens marriage is a example of "world building" I have no idea if mermaids get married or if they have some sort of marriage. So I make a story of Damien being inspired by the humans type of marriage, mixing it with shark have bite marks on each other. Tribes real life having scarification. Turning it into some sort of marriage for Rakel and Damien.

And I will always make sure to ask if a type of magic, faith, or even technology (Damien likes to tinke with things. Idk if technology is correct term?? Alchemy? concept I get are okay with the other RPers before its made canon.