Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Damien saves Rakel Concept art)



9 months, 3 days ago


Damien saves Rakels life when Safe Haven breaks down concept ideas

SONG INSPIRATION: "Be the lightning in me, That strikes relentless"


-Safe Haven falling

-Damien sees the news and barricades the place. Or he was in safe haven when it collapsed and managed to get home

-Damien barricades the place/wears a suit meant to handle his powers. maybe it even boosts his powers? He made it in case if he needed it for self defence. He doesnt want to rely on rakel saving him all the time? I lean on the suit doesn't enhance his powers, since there is a lot of energy from the environment he can absorb to continue to fight. And it's nice that he learns he is not defenseless. He has strenght too. The suit enables him to use his powers without worrying about ending up nude out in public. If he fires energy from just his hands. Or manpulating the energy from the surroundings. He is okay. However, if he used his whole body to blast energy in all directions, normal clothes would get destroyed. I think as he gets older he makes custom clothes for him and cyrus that look like normal civilian clothes so they can use their powers for emergency situations. In safe haven timeline he is in the development phase of figuring out how to make it. Testing and failing. I think with the nightstalker fight he wasn't sure if the suit was finished. (I can imagine it probably got ruined here and there? Not 100 percent finished but close?

- Rakel is out helping people (probably called cops to get help, but hear the cops are too busy with all the monsters scattered everywhere)

-Rakel is attacked by nigthtstalker (Probably knocked unconscious and dragged to some sort of nest?)

-Rakel wakes up and sees dozen missed call in her helmet (she can call, text etc in her helmet, using her voice) -The nighstalker has probably gathered people and animals in a location were its eating them (Ill only draw humans getting taken, i can't draw animals getting hurt) They were killed by the nightstalker venom. Rakel is pretending to be dead while she waits to regain control over her body. Maybe this nightstalker behaves bit like crocodile that takes body to a location to eat it later? And to also inject eggs in some of the bodies?

- Rakel calls damien back. Either being honest about she doesnt think she will make it. or lying. saying everything is okay. And damien is able to see where her location is (I think there is a tracker in her helmet for emergencies like these, so he knows where she is) and can tell she is lying Or she talks about wanting to spend her remaining time hearing his voice and talking to him (Take inspiration when Armin and Annie are talking on the boat)

-Damien looking horrified outside. Sees city filled with monsters. Fights anxiety and fear of failing and puts on his skates to get to her

- Rakel tried everything she can to tell him to stay home. Saying things like "You don't even know what the fuckers weakness is! Or if it has any at all!" and he replies with "only one way to find out" And her replying back with he can get himself killed trying to get to her. Everything would be meaningless if he tries to save her. She could already be gone by the time he arrives. They can't outrun it (I have more notes i am quickly scribbling down notes)

-Damien might end up picking molotovcockails that were left behind by some other people (they were probably taken by some monsters) - I could also see him take gasoline with him or even spilling gasoline (If he plans to get the stalked to chase him)

-Damien fight the nightstalker (fighting scenes continue down below)

------------ Damien fight Nightstalker fight concepts -He fires energy as much as he can, stepping forward (to show he is not running away) - The nightstalker is stumbling backwards from hits -He tells Rakel to get away or go behind something to protect herself - The nightstalker lounges at Damien - Damien blows up the street with his powers

- I also have idea about a chase scene. Where he get's the stalker to chase him. Using his rollerblades and power to speed boost himself. Running in tight places so it's more difficult for the stalker to follow. And he is purposely firing at cars to make them explode on the nightstalker. Running in construction sites and making the area fall down on the creature to stall for time. Draw scenes that showcase Damien being strategic. -------------------------

Strategy ideas: -Using molotovcocktails - Blowing up cars, gas station, anything that will cause big explosions. He also absorbs energy from the explosions that he use to continue to fight the nightstalker (and probably also to speed off to next location he plans to use to his advantage) -Absorbing energy from the destruction around him. Purposely burning things up to give himself energy boost. By causing explosions he is saving up his own energy to attack with. For example, by firing igniting cars he is causing a lot of damage than if he non stop creates massive explosions and not relying on items around him. - Getting to a location with a lot of electric power. Like electric power poles, turning on machines. to regain energy and boost himself. -Aiming for vulnerable spots on the nightstalker, eyes to blind it. face, stinger, wings, legs. To slow it down.

There is probably a lot more he can do. I need to think more about it


-Rakel searches for Damien in the fog and debris,close to having mental break down thinking he is gone - Rakel eventually sees him, and thinks he's dead, and goes up to him as fast as she possibly can (probably limping and falling) -Rakel cries and laughs happily that he is allive -Kiss scene? -Damien absorbs energy from the environment to help himself back on his feet -Rakel leans on Damien for support as they walk home. - Damien uses his powers to intimidate other creatures into not attacking them. Maybe its energy nigh stalker if Rakel noticed how other creatures seemed to be intimidated by it. I could see damien use nightstalker as something to intimidate with since it has horror like appearance to him sfddf -Gets to apartment safely -Rests exhausted on the floor. -talks about spending the time together, especially since they don't know for sure if the apartment will hold and it could possibly be their last. - Rakel treating to damiens wounds? I bet he will get cuts and bruises from the fight. Rakel regenerates so she is fine healing on her own. (I get crack image of Damien being a germophobe, and has a rare moment of telling Rakel to leave the wounds. He just wants to sit down with her for some minutes before treating it dfdffd Growth for him tp not panic over wounds)

Becomes a couple or at least they both know they have feelings for each other.

Concept ideas for confessions: Rakel is kind of vaguely confessing her feelings for Damien by saying stuff like wanting the time she has left to talk to him. There is also the armin annie scene were armin goes" isn't it obvious?" and is flustered. and Annie knows. I could imagine rakel asking why and he shoudlnt have done it. and his reponse is "isn't it obvious?" Both are flustered mess like annie and armin scene fdsdf or that he replies back some sort of feedback about wanting to spend the rest of his time with her as well. And they can tell by each other expression its mutual

Ideas to keep in mind: The cops are busy with handling safe haven so they can't help Rakel Lu might have been in different city, or too far away to get to Rakel in time. Or they aren't able to reach Lu. His phone was maybe ruined as he is patrolling the city.

Originally. I assumed the nightstalker poison would kill rakel. But maybe because Rakel has some sort of immunity to poison due to her powers and regenation she was able to survive a sting? I lean on this nightstalker has been using up its venom so it didn't have much left or not high enough doze to kill rakel. Maybe it knocked her unconcious? And then paralyzed her. So it takes time for her to move her body. If she is unable to move it helps Damien more to follow up with his plans in fighting the nightstalker. I can imagine if she was capable of moving in some way. She would try to save him, and put them both in danger.

A sting by nightstalker is also less gory than the thing biting off her limbs.

I lean on sting, and she is slowly regenerating as Damien is fighting it and as they walk back home. Damien creates energy creature to intimidate creatures to leave them alone (i could see her throw some spikes at occasions too as they walk)

Other notes about the fight: - Damien likes to be prepared for dangerous situations. So it's very possible that he built the suit to boost him. Like having a weapon to defend yourself if someone breaks in your home. Or attack you in street, - Another thing with the suit, if it powers Dami. I can imagine Damien disliking others protecting him all the time. He doesn't want to feel like a burden to others. Him building a suit is a way for him to gain independence and also as a way to help his friends if the situation demansds it. Return the favor of others helping him. The more prepared Damien is for a situation, the more peace it gives him, since he'll prepared about what to do for situations. He might even custom build the skates for speedboost. Maybe the suit and skates are able to store his energy, so he has some energy reserved for use. - Turning Damiens weakness into a strenght. Damien is the type to flee from danger. So his "specialty" is running/speed. And now he has to use that fleeing skill to fight. - It's also funny how his skating hobby is also something that ends up saving him. - I think this fight will help Damien build confidence in himself. He learns he is capable of defending himself. He will still run from danger if he doesn't need to fight, but at least now he learns he can walk outside alone. He doesn't need Lu or Rakel to be his bodyguards for him to walk outside. - Very certain that this builds big trust between him and Rakel. Rakel sees she can trust him to handle dangerous situations and allow him to handle situations if he has ideas/speaks up. -I like how, with Rakel. Damien gains confidence and bravery. And Damien softens Rakel. Getting her to open up and show more emotions.


Nightstalker being a shapeshifter or monster concept ideas:

i need to find out of the nightstalker is human or not. i lean on it's not, or that safe haven messed it up so much that there isn't any humanity left in it. Maybe they experimenteed so much that they made it more aggressive/unpredictable, behaving abnormally? I could imagine one scientist wanting to make more of them, and have a implant that controls them. So they can be used for military. But weren't able to follow up much with that plan since safe haven was destroyed.

Idk how i feel about it. One idea is, if a shapeshifting nightstalker reproduce asexually. The offspring is a monster. It has no human form. If that nightstalker offspring reproduce, they will all be monsters. Even if it mates with a shapeshifting nightstalker? And if a shapeshifting nightstalker reproduce with mate, the offspring is a shapeshifter? (as long as the parent is some sort of humanoid and not 100 percent animal. (Maybe the shapeshifter has to give birth to the offspring in human form?)

Safe have could have also created it by the DNA of a nightstalker. I don't think Safe Haven knows it's name. Or at least. That was the original idea. I'm open for maybe they've found old scripts, like they have with Osiris. And Safe Haven was working on analysing it? I lean on the nightstalker is destroyed by Damien. That way, the evidence of the nightstalker is gone along with it. (Although, Damien being the scientist guy he is, will probably draw the creature and scribble down notes about its strenghtm weakness etc in case if they bump into something like that creature again. So Cyrus, Alex, and Rakel and others in Schmidt family has seen art and info about it. They just dont know what it was.

It's also possible the nightstalker was in monster form so long it lost it's humanity?? Staying in monster form for years messes up it's mind?

Damien would not handle well, if he learned he killed someone. But then again. Rakel could comfort him with saying things like "if he had tried to talk to the creature. Hesitated in any way. It would cost them their lives. And if he hadn't killed it (they probably destroyed the nest if it was making a nest). Who knows how many more people that creature would devour. And they prevented it from reproducing monsters like that.

IF it was human shapeshifter, one idea could be damien critically injures it. Completely burned up. Would die in few minutes, and Rakel stabs it in the brain? (damien has burned it up, so its easier for her to impale it. Making sure it's dead. So it's Rakel who kills it but it would be dead anyway even if she hadn't done anything.

there is something horrific about it being a sadistic shapeshifter nightstalker.


Full song: Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends?


What if this storm ends? And I don't see you As you are now Ever again The perfect halo Of gold hair and lightning Sets you off against The planet's last dance Just for a minute The silver forked sky Lit you up like a star That I will follow Now it's found us Like I have found you I don't want to run Just overwhelm me What if this storm ends? And leaves us nothing Except a memory A distant echo I want pinned down I want unsettled Rattle cage after cage Until my blood boils I want to see you As you are now Every single day That I am living Painted in flames All peeling thunder Be the lightning in me That strikes relentless