Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Rakel Warming Up To Icarus)



4 months, 5 days ago


Tab https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25514116.rakel-warming-up-to-icarus

Up to this point in the image (probably some time after this image too) think Icarus often appears in a animal form when interacting with others. Main reason is to not freak out rakel? Since I think she freaked out when she saw Icarus first time.

I'm very certain that when human Rakel first met Icarus. She freaks out about how he looks and behaves like Damien (Just a more mature/wise version since he is ancient)

I can see her order him to change shape. and he asks "what form do you want me to take?" and she becomes more flustered "ANYTHING BUT MY BOYFRIEND" And Icarus takes animal form. And if he takes humanoid form its something that doesn't look like Damien. If he appears humanoid that looks like Damien/himself, it's when Rakel isn't around or in this scenario, she was asleep.

I have two scenarios in head. I think both are canon? The question is, what part this image is. I lean on its scene 1 since she is laying in bed in the art.

Scene 1: Icarus interacts with the twins so Rakel (and Dami?) can sleep. It's possible that damien asked icarus to be with the twins while he take a shower and prepare for work. He wants Rakel to rest.

And I bet Icarus has often used "light show" like the image and Rakel has slept through it.

I imagine her waking up, and he apologizes for waking her up, and he is going to change back to animal form once cyrus is back in bed.

And she either tells icarus to wait or says he doesnt need to change back? And she starts to question what he is. (I think she has asked him about things before but then stopped since it was weird that he looks like Damien.) Probably also touching Icarus, like cheek and hair. if Damien is alseep. she is probably touching Damien at the same time, to analyse if they might be the same person? She doesn't need damien to be asleep beside her to compare the two. She remembers how Damien feels like.

It's also possible she still ends up freaking out because of how identitcal they are. Maybe Icarus does a big grin? (Amused by her questions/analysing/focus mode) I can see her order him to change back to animal form. Maybe even smacks him with a pillow (Like she used to do with damien) while she orders him. IF he laughs. I can see her be more intense/and flustered. And rougher with smacking him with pillow because he migh be even more entertained by her behavior. So her reaction of trying to stop him from laughing might have the opposite effect of what she is trying to do.

It's a silly to imagine Damien done from shower and see Rakel smacking (a amused/laughing?) Icarus with a pillow. It's possible he is laughing, especially since it's most likely been a long time since he last saw Rakel? So he is happy to be united with her again. (and he is happy to see Damien and rakel united, like their deities wanted, to fall in love over and over again) And I could also imagine her actions bring back memories for him from when he was a young deity with Rakel.

I lean on Damien was taking a shower since he is a light sleeper and would most likely woken up by the twins laughing or rakel and icarus talking.

Scene 2: Maybe Rakel question if they should get exorcist? (Idk if damien would think about it? Even if he doesn't know if he can trust Icarus, he doesn't want to provoke Icarus either? Since he doesn't want to fight Icarus again. And I lean on Damien is more on the trusting side too. The trial is meant for Icarus to test Damien, build trust. And I bet that trust goes both ways. That Icarus has also proved to Damien he can be trusted.

And then they see Icarus play with the twins and think about it's nice to have a babysitter. Especially since they are young, 19 years old when the kids are born. and icarus is very good parent. (now i can't unsee him as a teacher for them too, helping them along fdsfds )

Art Note I need to try and make his eyes glow like this: https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/gallery#74802332

He has slit pupils