Damien Schmidt (Icarus) (Nightstalker Ambush Cyrus Mako)



2 months, 8 days ago


mako cyrus ambushed toyhouse text canon text Concept page (Where I try to keep the canon text) https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26575090.nightstalker-ambush-cyrus-mako

There are notes and concepts in Mako's concept page/Old concept page: https://toyhou.se/12790474.mako-kowalczyk/26334149.makoversus-cy-earthmanipulator

Art tab:

Nightstalker Ambush Cyrus Mako (Payton is there as witness, trying to help the guys) https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26574455.nightstalker-ambush-cyrus-mako

PaytonFindOutCyIsCoyoteConcept (Has art variation of Payton taking the helmet of cyrus. It's the art tab above that is the main tab. https://toyhou.se/3667853.cyrus-septimus-schmidt-coyote/25564975.paytonfindoutcyiscoyoteconcept

permalink to the text in paintberri, on icarus thread, it has images so I know better which images I mean in the text below.: https://paintberri.com/comments/6609853aa89a8c174c79ca37

(There is also art links below connected to the impact of the ambush. For example how it triggers Victors PTSD. Victor most likely were starting to move away from his suicide squad plan, and seeing how Cyrus and Mako were almost killed in the ambush. Cyrus was worst off. cyrus get almost killed because he saved mako by pushing Mako out of the way from the nightstalker strike. But he knocked mako unconcious. Payto was in danger by the nightstalker getting close. High chance the nigthstalker would have killed payton since she is witness. More text below

And this impacts Damiens decision in how he handles the nightstalker organization later. Destroying deity haruna soul. And most likely taking all nightstalker powers away. Meeting victor in the midddle. --------------------------- Mercy note IF the plan was to handle the organization but they ended up fighting one another because vic wanted to take all powers away. Damien and the others showed the organization mercy by not going after the organization after the suicide squad fight. They are focused on telling the kids the truth and taking care of victor. Bonding. Appreciating having him back and seeing him live a happy life. And like I mention in the text below. That might have made the organization underestimate damien/icarus. That they can take advantage of the "mercy/soft side" ---------------------------

I will highlight new text and paintberri text

Note I need to find out:

Cyrus either request to show mercy to the organization one last time. More notes below

OR Victor, Damien and ty agree to handle the organization. Victor breaks tyrek free (he might be breaking tyrek free before he reveals his plan since he is so upset about everything that happened. Victor begs Damien and Tyrek to join him in taking powers away. Dami and tyrek goes against victor.

It's also possible that cy wants to show mercy (maybe fearing the consequences might be worse and put more people in danger if they attack. Because of the organization being such a behemoth + safe haven demonstrated their power. Cyrus fears it will be safe haven all over again?

Victor storms off to start his plan. Damien will follow victor since victor might say something like "i'm going to do what i should have done a long time ago" or more like "if you won't protect them i will" " like "if you won't do what needs to be done them i will" i wont bring justice to their dialogue, but it gives impression about what their mood/intentions most likely will be.

-------------------------------- PAINTBERRI TEXT https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25740800.nightstalker-organization

haruna's secret skill. Bring out the different sides of people Suicide Squad Victor is more likely to be aggresive towards haruna While damien, is the type to show mercy or if he is forced to fight. to try to avoid violence. he tries to absorb energy to avoid hurting opponent Damien is the type to stop others from fighting and to calm them down. And here it's Victor calming down Damien. Normally Damien would do his best to remain calm. I got feeling when he has Victor with him. He will be furious. I got feeling that glare from him is directed at Haruna (and probably others around, mainly haruna) Vic will assure damien to not worry about him. Do anything that requires to save the hostages.

i know i wont bring justice to what thoughts are roaming in his head about what he is going to do to haruna. i bet it would make the gun that dissolves organic matter seem like a act of mercy

Haruna with Vic: Vic does does a extremely light slap on the wrist compared to what he would have done (She is saved by icarus/damien and haruna being tyreks wife + the mother to tyreks kids. ) Haruna with Damien: Bring out the most aggression out of damien. I don't think damien has ever been as provoked, upset. Haruna has met victor early because of the kids. I got IMPRESSION that things are going well. Damien doesn't know harunas intentions. so he will feel hurt and betrayed that they opened to her, try to build peace/alliance. and then this hostage situation happen were they try to get deity haruna. and victor is in danger.

When it comes to sadness. Idk if Vic or haruna/organizaiton wins that? Losing victor both times hurt damien. but he will feel extreme guilt/loss/pain etc seeing a city get nuked. especially if its the same city he and vic lived in. they are top 3 worst moments for damien.

I can't get out of my head "does damien end up taking a life?" Considering how furious he is. I can imagine--


I can imagine they are threatening their weapons at Victor (They use any hostages they can use)

I wonder if damien will one shot them 1: they might try to hurt vic to set him as a example. 2. damie might be forced to kill one to protect victor. He might not get much time to think. 3. i think it's a way for damien to set "Boundary" no one lays a hand on victor or any of his friends.

I think this is the type of situation were damien COULD take a life without hesitation. He has lost victor twice. He refuse let it happen again. Even when he can ressurect victor. It's traumatizing. And also the fear of doing it wrong.

I like the image of him one shotting a threat like he is doing to the nightstalkers that aren't human shapeshifters. It's also high chance he takes all powers away. Another example of vic and damien.

Vic tok powers away from those who consented since that required less energy, since he since he wants to do worldwide. (and take power away from those who can't consent like minors, elderly, physical or mental handicapt etc.) he wanted to take all powers by force (thats what he was working on. To minimize fatalities as much as possible. Dami is destroying deity haruna in all words. so i wont be surprised if he takes the power away from monsters in other worlds. might be over the top? deity haruna will canonly be gone.

However. On the topic of taking life.... I leave it open he might take lives if there are more that threaten vic, anyone he cares about or himself. Especially if they provoked victor into doing his plan. for example if they hurt any of the kids. like mako or/and cyrus. and if they showed mercy to the organization by not attacking the organization ( i can imagine cyrus would want to show mercy)

Dami would have enough.

it COULD be interesting to explore damien doing what victor was stopped in doing. although damien goes after nightstalkers not anyone-- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25825844.haruna-lose-her-powers-concept

with powers. More correct term is that he meets Victor half way. In agreeing that not everyone should have powers. I mentioned it before somewhere. to be on the safe side. its also to make sure that in case organization doubted deity haruna is gone. and if they are still loyal to her despite being shown the truth. (I bet a lot stopped being loyal) why would they want a deity that sees them as food source when they are human?

damien is making the world safer by getting ridd of the nightstalkers powers. Mostly by taking their power away. i leave it open he might show no mercy. eliminate those who are trying to kill him

And difference between damien and vic. Damien hurts the one who go after him.

the organization: lol he won't dare to hurt anyone famous last words fsd

one thing that might hold him back is cyrus? he doesnt' want to traumatize cyrus. but if he kills anyone it's swift one shot not- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25825844.haruna-lose-her-powers-concept

torture like lu did to tyrek. and i'm certain cyrus understand damien is doing line of duty type of thing. he has to defend people. There are LOTS of nigthstalkers. Mixed with monster nighstalkers and shapeshifter nightstalkers. and when vic is there. he won't let them get a chance to hurt anyone he loves.

it's only haruna he is ready torture until he hears her reason for betraying them. he will still be furious. so he might make it painful for her to loose her. it seems like fitting punishment since that city was nuked. It's not fair to those people he is super gentle taking her power away. (to correct myself. Vic tried to minimize people getting hurt. he wasn't willingly hurting people)

and maybe it's growth for cyrus? To see that sometimes you have to do what is neccesary to protect others. Especially if they come attacking you. You have to act in self defence. and if cyrus and or mako was ambushed- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25792146.defeatnightstalkerorganization

(this art is what i mean by there are monsters and shapshifters. I think cyrus will understand well if humans are killed. since he has to act swift. He can sense what is normal or not. But when they are together like this. he has to act swift.) back to text

and one of both got hurt because cyrus hesitated to "kill" a nightstalker (i wonder IF there is ambush, cyrus push mako away, since i think mako was distracted celebrating a win against a villain). he gets to see "how it's done" in self defence. and cyrus learns that showing mercy can cause fatalities. cyrus knows this. but it's different IF cy and mako as ambushed. and they stopped vic and damien from acting out (and vic starts his plan to take powers away since he is done) they get to see, if they handled the organizaiton. that city wouldn't have been nuked?

Idk if the ambush is canon. i do like the idea of it might provoke victor. and then there OLD WIP! i havent figured out palette yet) https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25503280.deity-wip

is thread from suicide squad to the nightstalker organization. and damien "becoming victor" damien has always sympathized with victor. so when vic acts his plan. i dont think damien is angry. he is sad/despair for victor. he knows where it comes from. he wished they knew what pain vic carried so they could help him

and now damien is meeting suicide squad victor in the middle. Taking the power away from those who shouldnt have it. i think its interesting to see the most gentle character i got, show the "wrath side"

additional note is that. By showing mercy. They might appear weak. Rakel and dami threatened haruna with that gun if they hurt their family. so if mako and cyrus get hurt. and they show mercy. the organization will assume that damien is more bark than bite. and that they can use it to their advantage.that assumption became their downfall

And I also imagine ty is going OLD WIP! i havent figured out palette yet. i will try dark colors on clothes) https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25503280.deity-wip

going to have a heart attack IF he can hear things on the other side. I like the idea of him hearing sounds and then for a second thinking vic is gone (maybe vic even tells damien things, like "tell charlotte and ty " since william might be able to help the group communicate. i also wonder if william might stop the sound? He can't get tyrek to panic/lash out since then there might be more casualties. I lean on ty hears everything. and maybe hears a gunshot? but william informs damien handled the threat? or the people in the organization talk on mic? Maybe ty hears things through the organization talking between each other. they are updating each other all the time. i like the idea of ty experience the horror/fear of losing vic again. and then the relief to hear damien handled it. and he will also go rampage on the organization in scandinavia. he- https://toyhou.se/3668194.tyrek-kowalczyk/26238469.suicide-squad-final-battle-2

Certain that ty will tell her to stay away for awhile. And tells her he won't show her any mercy if she pulls a stunt like that again. Yeah, Haruna is raiden and ikimi mother. but victor, ty and charlotte are mako and paytons parents and so is nate and abby.It's a no brainer that Ty will choose the other parents over haruna. Especially when she put others in danger. (and ikimi and raiden aren't close to her either fdsfs Payton is more close to haruna than the other kids are

on the topic of ambush. IF it's canon. I think I lean on it's victor who handles the nightstalker. He can also heal Cyrus. And it fits to trigger victors ptsd that he sees someone he loves get hurt.

on the topic of ambush. IF it's canon. I think I lean on it's victor who handles the ambush nightstalker. He can also heal Cyrus. If mako is there, mako is either unconcious or he is fighting the nightstalker. To explain why --


payton has time to takes the helmet off to check on cyrus/coyote. if mako is concious he would be quick to heal. If victor is there he get's there right after payton. Maybe the nightstalker is wounded and limping over to them? And vic destroys it? Unless the nightstalkers has other allies with other powers? Mako would easily wreck a nightstalker. So he needs to be unconious or busy fighting something else until vic arrives?

I like the idea of maybe cyrus, mako and or payton recognize the stranger? Or they find out victor was the person who protected them? I just need to be careful they don't connect the dots about vic being the suicide squad boss. They must think the person who protected them are different person from the boss.That means Vic needs to wait a bit before executing his plan. If he rush out and start the plan when they get injured. they might connect the dots? or assume that it's just a very crazy villain/bad luck day fdsfd i can imagine victor will be unstable. and damien and ty will assume victor needs time to recover? and not be aware victor is back on his suicide squad plan?

although i do also like the idea of victor being emotional impulsive when cyrus wants to show the organization mercy. Then my ocs see even more that victor is having a rare impulsive moment letting his emotions control him. so it pains them even more when they know what triggered it and they aren't able to calm him down. i wonder if it's cyrus who get wounded. Otherwise victor would probably gone after the organization first like damien is doing. And that way can show cyrus is important to victor.

vic will be furious mako was in danger like that. and he is scared for mako since he is a hero (and i think he is cocky too because of his strenght. and he isn't as aler as cyrus is. hence why cyrus pushed mako away. it's possible he fired mako away, and that knocked mako out. but it also -- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/gallery#79128590

also hid mako from the nightstalker/villains? For example if he is sent among the crowd. Then it's hard to find him. or if he goes through cramped place the nightstalker cant reach unless they shapeshift back. Crows is less likely unless the nightstalker doesn't care about being seen. They might have been in a alley and mako sent out in public. I will think about it.

I think i lean on maybe mako is unconcious and maybe cyrus fired of a blast, so the nightstalker might be busy either getting to cyrus or trying to limp away/retreat (and victor kills it) i think i lean on it's limping towards cyrus since then payton is also in danger. maybe cyrus calls for help with his helmt. he might even instruct payton how to call for help in case if he looses conciousness.

i lean on he is able to call dami for help (so vic is there and cast tracking spell) its also referance to how cyrus wanted to call for his parents help in crossfire- Crowd* https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/24664473.deity-concept

fight. and this time he is able to? and he gets help from vic and damien.

aaahhh i can imagine scene where damien and victor is happy. and damien puts cyrus on a speaker. and their happiness instantly change to horror and panic. Hearing cyrus voice and also most likely hearing payton. I bet she will be panicking since she is afraid to move cyrus and due to autism. she most likely is frozen from everything going on. the nightstlaker, cyrus and mako wounded. i realized. there is a tracker so they will know where he is. i bet that its equally fast for victor to cast the tracking spell and teleport them there. and maybe cyrus is also closer to the nightstalker than mako is? I bet that cyrus sent mako far away and opposite direction of where the nightstalker is. so cyrus is in the middle.

motive: it's probably a bad idea that haruna plays a role. but then again...if she complains about damien learning magic to her family...i can see them want to get ridd of cyrus. its "bad enough" that there is one icarus. they wont want the song to learn magic as well.

it becomes a self fulfilling propechy. One goes rogue since they fear schmidt. and then they create what they fear. or maybe the rogue nightstalker wanted to create a hostage situation? grab cyrus to find out if icarus has deity haruna soul and to trade? someone who was tired of waiting to find out if icarus has the soul? then it's still canon that haruna is the one who informs the organization and sparks the hostage situation.

this rogue nightstalker didn't find out anything. and its possible the organizaiton might not even be aware. unless ty talks to haruna about it and she informs the others. its possible vic starts his suicide squad plan so the organization isnt 'aware + ty is furious at haruna talking badly about vic he wont be in mood to talk about what the organization did until later. ty will be upset that he protected the organization (he would crush the organization if it wasnt for victor starting his suicide squad plan to take away all powers.Ty was fighting for those with powers worldwide, but that meant the organization (Which tyrek dislikes. he wanted them gone) so to accidentally kill victor (luckily get vic back) and then bombareded with haruna complaining. he and the others saved her life by going against victor.she would be fine if she consented to loosing her power she didnt consent to loosing her powers since she has them til the nigthstalker arc. so she was in danger by not consenting to loose powers.

thinking about it. i think haruna plays a role. Her family is high ranked. And with damien becoming more powerful. I can imagine some of them become scared to loose the chance to get deity haruna back because damien is becoming more and more powerful. They think it's better to grab cyrus and use as hostage before damien becomes too powerful to handle SoulSerenade https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/25497903.deity-trials-paintings-onwalls

AND another reason behind tyreks anger. I lean on victor was close to giving up his plan. So if the organization hadn't ambushed the kids. Everyone would have been able to get victor to heal and fully let go of his plan.

This is a painting in the deity trial room. I'm very certain that deity haruna sees humans as food source. She is def causing imbalance of some sort, which the organization isnt aware of. i think this is one of the images that makes human haruna want deity haruna gone. if deity haruna sees humans as food source. then it's not a good world for payton and mako to live in. and raiden and ikimi would loose friends too if no one stops her. haruna doesnt want a world where humans are food.

-------------------------------------- New text that isnt on paintberri --------------- Does victor accidently reveal he is Payton and mako's dad? Old canon is that haruna finds out by Payton earth manipulation powers are triggered. (My ocs could try to lie about how safe haven messed with their genes. so it's not a 100 perfent proof payton is ty's kid. Maybe haruna suspects it and does a test? She has contacts so I bet she could test but there is a lot of chaos.

What if vic says something around the kids? its possible he moves away to talk privately. what if cyrus, mako or payton overhears victor say "our kids" so it's still vague. it might look like a civilian/stranger who is aquintance with damien. and the stranger and their family are victim to the nigthstalker organization like the schmidt is.

or maybe payton doesn't understand? With her powers being triggered in suicide squad. and she talks about a stranger. haruna might make the same assumption. someone who is targeted by the organization but she would want to know why the person snapped. although they could just say the organization tok something from the person, and when the stranger sees damien almost loose his son, and other people get hurt they snapped.

i like that mako and payton get the surprise about learning ty, charlotte and vic are their parents. maybe victor blocked their memories? then they won't tell haruna either. and victor would not want to put the kids in danger. its for the kids safety they think nate and abby are their biological parents. so he might not reveal anything in front of them. he will make sure the kids are healed and okay, and then probably storms of to handle the organization i can imagine the kids wants to know who the stranger is. its possible dami and the stranger talked (without revealing vic is their parent) so its clear they know each other. and the kids hasnt seen the stranger before?? or maybe vic is appearing as the witch who sent haruna into the abyss stars (and probably the dumpster)

----------------- i also keep wondering if mako will be a fan of icarus/damien when the nightstalker organization is handled because he get's to see the aggressive/ offensive side

and IF mako hears about organization like safe haven tok a lot from victor (idk yet what the nightstalkers role are to victor in safe haven timeline, but they triggered victor to act as suicide squad boss. but idk if they tell about the suicide squad boss in incident this early on. since victor doesnt even know yet. so the kids most likely doesnt know. i think they have told about safe haven to explain why victor hid from everyone to keep them safe. and t he nightstalker organizaiton gives safe haven vibes. so to see it get destroyed. will most likely make mako a fan of damien. i bet that mako probably saw damien as goody two shoes. and if he hears about the others fearing damien (i'm certain he overheard it , since i think he accuses damien as tyrek killer, and that forces cyrus to reveal it was lu who burned the mask to tyreks face, not damien) so mako might be thinking about how he wants damien to use that power to handle villains. i can imagine he might be happy OR maybe even mako becomes intimidated. maybe both? excited and intimidated? maybe mako laughed at cyrus in the past when cyrus would say damien is "imposter cinnamon roll" dami comes across as cinnamon roll. and behaves like one, most of the time but there is a dark scientist side. more like. damien has knowledge to do dark things but he doesnt want to act on it unless he really has to. and the nightstalker arc is that scenario were he acts. not much science but he uses brute force eliminating threat. -----------------

Damien will fight monsters and followers. I feel like his theme is a lot about healing/support/defencive.

For example absorbing portal/s to keep Vic and Ty away (vic can make new portals but it saves time that he has to cast a new spell, and with tyrek fighting him, it will be hard to multitask in casting spell and fighting tyrek.

while in the nightstalker arc. He plays a big offensive role

i have to correct myself about its hard to only hit monsters nightstalkers and not human nightstalkers when cramped. damien could fly around and force them to chase him as he eliminates the monsters nightstalkrs. but he has his family down there. and i think he is too angry to do it + he wants to handle the nightstalker organization world wide. the faster he gets the job done. the faster he can move on to the next organization. although, i bet that it will be done extremely fast, since he is batterying himself. + he can't give them a chance/time to nuke more cities. He has to be swift.

---------------------- damiens old job: fired for looking after his son damiens new job (temporarily until suicide squad boss fight): The boss joins in protecting damiens family. Victor as bodyguard for family included as bonus payment for the job

------------------- https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26574455.nightstalker-ambush-cyrus-mako

I imagined Damien working on something, and he puts cyrus on speaker on the phone. When cyrus calls for help. Both Damien and Victor rush to the phone to check where the location is. Vic is probably multi tasking. Creating a teleportation spell. Vic can cast tracking spell but i bet with the tech they have, they will see fast where cyrus is anyway. --------------------------

Additional divorce things connnected to the ambush

Tyrek doesn't want to be married to a woman who is loyal to a organization that keeps trying to hurt or kill his family and friends. Especially his kids, Mako and Payton. Payton might have been killed for being a witness had the nightstalker succeeded in reaching Cyrus and payton.


Extra thread from suicide squad to haven redux: How Haruna was about Damien. to how she changed:

In suicide squad she was furious about victor and charlotte taught damien magic. I'm certai they told haruna that if she does anything to the schmidt family. There is nothing they can do to protect her. And they are terrified of damien when they wonder if he is responsible for tyreks death. Haruna will want damien more gone, when she hears how powerful he is.I have more text about this in makos page i believe? could be in suicide squad tabs and victor? and if she complained about this to her family (to show how she changed. from being so loyal to the organizaiton and then change side to seeing icarus as a ally and not a enemy.

While in haven redux. she is relieved he is powerful. it makes her believe damien will be able to handle it.

so she might play a role in the ambush and in the main nightstalker arc (she plays the biggest role in nightstalker arc. she told the organization that icarus has deity harunas soul. hoping damien will destroy the soul for good and not hand it over.

the question is just if she plays a role in ambush. i lean on yes. that she complained about damiens powers. probably also talked about the disrespect from victor (haruna it was you who disrespected them) and it sparks things in the organization to create the ambush. probably someone who went rogue. maybe hoped to take down both cyrus and icarus. Or the other stuff that i wrote further up in tabs.

so to summarise haruna might have caused the ambush scene (idk if she is aware or not, IF she is responsible) because she fears and hates icarus. loyal to the organizaiton

haruna cause the nightstalker arc/city being nuked. because she believes in damien being able to handle the threat, hopes to get deity haruna destroyed. not loyal to the organizaiton anymore. ---------------------- Does victor one shot the enemy. or does he beat the nightstalker up? if he tortures the nightstalker to get answers (this puts haruna in risk of being in danger. and icarus stops victor? and victor decides to take all powers away.

i lean on maybe victor one shots the nightstalkers. He knows the organization is reponsible. Although I think Victor would want answers too.

Maybe the nightstalker is about to get cyrus and payton? I think Vic would be fast enought to cast some spell to stop the nightstalker without killing it. Maybe it's the ptsd taking over. He doesn't want to gamble on anything. and he one shots it. + the focus is also to heal cyrus. there are more notes about this below in the text about who kills the nightstalker. -----------------------------------

Cyrus and damien comparison: One thing I see cyrus got strongly from Damien is willingness to sacrifice himself for others. I think cyrus would done well in the trial room and will be accepted as succesor if cyrus wants to call icarus for help. I'm very certain that will be canon. Cyrus occasionally fusing with icarus when doing hero stuff. He won't fuse outside of work since it's weird being fused to your dad fdssfds

--------------------------- Is alex there?? . i dont think alex will be there but i leave it open she might for mako and alex interactions, and alex interacting with cy and payton. i bet she would be badass/brave. Try to find something to fight it off. IF she is there. Then maybe cyrus helmet was hit off cyrus? so he is unable to call for help until payton puts the helmet on him? i like the idea of payton taking the helmet off so she gets to see his face. maybe she takes the helmet off, gets cy to wake up a bit? and he tells her to put the helmet back on so he can call for help? Although if alex is there i bet she would call for help already unless she is busy finding something to fight the nightstalker off with. Or use her powers against the nightstalker? it might create a goofy incident with alex if mako starts to wake up when alex fends it off. but i dont think he wakes up until the danger is over, vic is healing him. so he is unaware of what alex powers? if he woke up he would heal himself. and that looses its purpose. alex wont win against a nightstalker. or at least i dont think so. nightstalker have tough body. but i bet she could stab it in the eyes....pretty brutal. and maybe it's less scary if alex is there?? then again. alex has to either throw the spikes or grow them long enough. i think alex isn't there or she arrives later? it gives a more hopeless situation to the boys if payton is their only defence. she will panic over both boys being injured and the horrific sight of a mutilated?? nightstalker crawling it's way over. i bet that is horrific/disgusting thing to see. ------------------------------

in the art of cyrus wounded. Either cyrus is extremely lucky (doesnt look like it but I will get to it) Either cyrus is lucky that his insides are spread/exposed. or this is a "sensored version" of what it really looks like. Realisticly...i think his insides would be visible. was lucky that he fired off the nightstalker away before it got too deep. He is lucky he is even alive and concious. A nightstalker would easily rip a human to shreds if it get close enough. which is what this thing almost did. it's gross to imagine that thing crawling over to cyrus. i hope i can do horror theme justice,

even though i dont want cy to be punching bag. this scenario is different/okay. cyrus could have saved himself but chose mako over himself. btw i think mako just changed into civilian clothes. (since idk what mako's hero identity is yet) looking at image. I can imagine this will HUGE trigger victors ptsd loosing family and friends. seeing all the blood and limp body. ------------- i can't stop laughing (my way of coping) and being creeped out by that nightstalker sdfdf It's a good thing the organization didn't have many of that person. me: what if that was one harunas family member (then she gets to experience loss. although then again. i think she is detached from them, which is good i dont want more conflict between haruna and the others. i was laughing how my brain went "nah they deserve better than to be part of harunas family" dfsf ds

sure they are sneaky gremlin like haruna. but at least they do instead of just trying to poison someones food.

i will probably never be able to create a story for this dude but i laugh respect it more than the others in the organization. not the smartest move (provoking the deities) but a brave one fsdf

----------------------------- WHO KILLS THE NIGHTSTALKER?

Cyrus I like the idea of Cyrus being forced to take a life. HOWEVER, i lean on maybe he hesitates (he hesitated in killing it during the ambush, and that enabled the nightstalker to almost kill cyrus Maybe cyrus takes a life in the nightstalker arc? That he has development of doing what is neccesary? Although I like that maybe he is unable to? or get's ready to fire a shot and then vic and damien shows up?

I'm certain that with payton and the others being in danger. cyrus will do what is neccesary. or does his ptsd of killing ty freeze him? I think i lean on because of how wounded he is. he might be forced to wait for the creature to get closer. he is in weak state. he can't waste the only shot he has. and if he fires from afar. that requires larger amount of energy than if he allows the nightstalker to get close.

i'm very certain that cyrus tells payton to get mako out of there.

Damien Cyrus is calling for damiens help. I like that damien saves cyrus (although damien saves cyrus from the rock debris that almost hit cyrus and payton. This seems meaningful/important. His son calls for help (which he has never done. Which is a big sign something has gone horribly wrong. Cyrus is stubborn to solve things on his own. Calling for help and they can hear something is off.

Damien one shots the nightstalker while victor rush to heal cyrus. the focus is to save the kids.

there are extra notes about damien in victors text

Victor There is something badass about victor one shotting the nightstalker victor might the first to act, since he sees everything first. he is creating the portal, and depending on the portal size. dami might not see what is going on. or if damien froze for a SPLIT second. (damien would be fast to act. but i can imagine the horror of seeing cyrus on the ground. especially if his intestines are spread on the ground....i can see damien be caught of guard, hit with horror and despair. and that second is enough for victor to act first If it wasnt for payton being there + cyrus wounded. i could imagine victor MIGHT have been beating it up (as a way to show victor lashing out due to trauma. incident like rakel. where rakel lashed out at a villain. taking her anger out on the villain for what happened to cyrus. damien had to stop rakel (might be interesting that damien snaps and victor stops damien. although there is a incident where victor is calming damien down. when vic is among the hostages in the nightstalker arc.

Damien and victor maybe damien and victor both "one punch" the nightstalker?

Alex I do like the idea of Damien and Vic hearing Payton and Alex. If alex is there, then I lean on there is at least one more nightstalker, and she can't call damien because she is busy fending it off cyrus and mako? alex has poison(toxikinetic?, bone manipulation, regeneration. I'm certain she can fly with the bone manipulation and change her weight/body due to bone manipulation alex most likely has her skates. it's cool to imagine alex fend a nightstalker off with her powers and the skates. so she is combination of both parents. rakels powers and damiens tech. One extremely dark option is if alex has the gun that dissolves organic matter (i laugh realizing then both twins has used a gun to kill a opponent (although it was lu who did the final blow on ty. but its possible the gun would have killed tyrek anyway.

Payton??? paytons earth manipulaiton powers accidently trigger??? i can imagine her panic, screaming at it to stop and her intense wish/adrenaline wishing that it stops. triggers her rock powers to hit it. Although she is least likely. she would be a mess if she killed someone. At most she might injure it but then that stops the horror of it moving towards them. or maybe she injures it, but not enough to stop it?

----- DOES PAYTONS POWERS GET TRIGGERED BY THE NIGHTSTALKER? Paytons powers are guaranteed to be triggered by the adrenaline of being in the reality warp.

------------ is the nightstalker that attack cyrus, a family member to haruna? if it's a family member. it will put haruna in a situation where she is forced to choose family that is her blood. or family that is the one she choose. and she ends up choosing payton, lester and others.


IF the nightstalker is a family member. it can be to show someone who is extremely religious?? and most likely someone who went rogue. Maybe it's someone who is young? who lacked self restraint to wait. since the plan was to find out if icarus has deity harunas soul. and until then. not engage in fight. they dont want to provoke icarus if he doesnt have the soul.

--------------------- Does the nightstalker talk? there MIGHT be something horror like to hear a creature talk? IF it talks is it before victor and damien show up? Or does vic or damien show self restraint, knocking the nightstalker unconcious or immobolise it so they can heal cyrus. and then they take the nightstalker somewhere else to get answers? i lean on its more likely the nightstalker doesnt say anything OF IF they do. its maybe before vic and dami show up? Maybe it says something about its not personal, it's about protecting the organization. (or whatever motives it has. I havent fully decided if it wanted to use cyrus as hostage or kill cyrus. it seems more likely it wanted to get cyrus out of the way since cyrus was almost killed. although that could be from cyrus seeing the ambush and protecting mako. and by cyrus attacking it changed the scenario. Maybe the nightstalker still wants to use cyrus as hostage? I think i lean on the nightstalker didn't want a icarus 2.0. by allowing cyrus to become more powerful. in a fair fight and if cyrus doesnt hesitate to take a life. cyrus is capable of nuking nightstalkers and doing stuff like blowing up a bridge that damien did in his age. And with haruna complaining about damien. I can imagine her talking about how powerful damien is to her family. and what sparked the fear among the organization. once they get confirmation if icarus has deity harunas soul, they don't want to fight 2 icarus.

does it say something that hints to harunas involvement (IF she is involved. if she is involved, it could be a lesson for haruna to be careful what she says to her family. since that put payton in danger. haruna doesnt want to put payton in danger. another extra reason haruna might crash with family later. is it her family is among the rare nightstalkers who are still loyal to deity haruna despite being shown the truth. and if they are....they might not care much about non nightstalkers. like payton. so they might see it as good thing people like payton are gone/out of harunas life?then haruna gets karma of experiencing stuff she did to tyrek. haruna was non stop trying to kill family and friends to tyrek and her kids. and i bet it's even worse for haruna that she sees her own actions sparked the nightstalker to attack cyrus and mako. putting the kids in danger. and this also gives fuel to haruna decision to betray the nightstalker organization. maybe the first thing to spark her questioning her loyalty to the nightstalker organization?

If haruna is involved and it says something to hint to her being involved. I can imagine icarus/damien would want to kill haruna...Maybe this also plays a role in cyrus wanting to show mercy? he saw the pain of loss did to his friends when they lost tyrek. he doesnt want to do the same pain and loss again? OR victor accidently reveals his plans. so the focus/distraction goes from haruna and over to victor?

--------------- PORTAL ART does victor push cyrus and the kids in the portal to keep them safe from the suicide squad plan? He knows that he won't be able to defeat icarus. so he knows icarus cant get them out? Does victor take mako and paytons powers away by force? I lean on he doesnt take their powers away, he probably wants to destroy the nightstalker organization first. Maybe he puts them in the portal so they are safe while he plans to take down the organization? Maybe there is some sort of "timer" magic. That a portal will open up after x amount of time? Victor might have done massive calculation/simulation analysis how long it might take to take away all superpowers. He probably planned to take the kids powers away or his followers does it for him. Those followers must be extremely well trusted. which i'm certain vic has a few he would trust to say something like "these people are among the few people left that i love. if i fail with my plan. please take their power away without killing them. i'm doing this for them (and the rest of population. But he would loose motivation/will to keep fighting if he lost the remaining people he loved. OR the loss might motivate him more to make the world safer so others dont experience his loss. i can imagine that he hopes that those followers will do their best to do that request since victor is going to sacrifice his own life to cast the spell to take powers away. it's a dying wish)

And cyrus works on trying to replicate the energy from the portal? cyrus wont succeed but it doesnt stop him from trying? that way the portal art i dres is canon. although the portal art can be canon about something else. if its canon. i want cyrus to be in that world for different reason than him being in trouble. Maybe mako got in trouble or it's cyrus joining damien, victor (probably mako ) watching all the other worlds, when icarus destroys the other deity haruna soul and take nightstalker powers away --------------------


permalink about what i joked about yesterday about "former zagan" https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/26575090.nightstalker-ambush-cyrus-mako

the text is super wip but i wanted to share the brainstorms i have so far. i am typing as fast as i can about the ideas I have for this guy. he will need to be tweaked, if he is the nightstalker that tries to kill cyrus

permalink about what i joked about yesterday: https://paintberri.com/comments/660b0d41a89a8c174c79cd31

yesterday me: laughs about the nigthstalker that is crawling over to cyrus and is stubborn. "what if that was one harunas family member (then she gets to experience loss. although then again. i think she is detached from them, which is good i dont want more conflict between haruna and the others. i was laughing how my brain went "nah they deserve better than to be part of harunas family" dfsf ds "

me now: you know what...i there might be something worth exploring there.

I will laugh if i'm able to give the nightstalker a backstory like being a family member to haruna. sine i said "i can't imagine i will be able to give a backstory + seems like a waste"

if i get too attached. i might want to give the nightstalker a "chance" if the person is young. that might play a role in cyrus and the others showing mercy. i think it's more likely that the nightstalker is oneshot.unless someone is beating the nightstalker up, and the nightstalker changes form to reveal they are young person in their 20s. (maybe opens up for a redemption arc for them too? and maybe they are the first nigthstalker to loose their powers?" its also something horrific to kill someone and find out it was young person. even though i like mixing things up tragedy, action etc. i dont think i want it to be young person? maybe its a elder stuck in their old ways?? (if the nightstalker is killed)

IF by some miracle the nightstalker is spared: i lean on it's young person. and that adds to cyrus wanting to spare the nightstalker organization,. and victor is more likely to act out his plan to take powers away. since he sees the "fear" the organizaiton is creating in their youth.

for days i've been listening to Gangsta's Paradise GOES HEAVY! (@officialcoolio METAL Cover by STATE of MINE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXuslEZsrc4&ab_channel=STATEofMINE

I often thought about the crash between my ocs. like mako versus cyrus (when mako finds out cyrus is responsible for tyreks death) and victor versus the others when vic tries to take powes away- and one sentence i kept thinking about was "Tell me why are we so blind to see That the ones we hurt are you and me?"

and now i think about the nightstalker

that moment when i becomes more interested in a npc than haruna fdsdf

typing this i realized/remembered how, the original zagan. Before i started working on adult mako design. i kept looking at zagan thinking. "he could be harunas family" and often played with the thought. IF zagan is the nightstalker. then he has a different name since i lean on zagan is mako's real name. and i most likely need to tweak the design more, make zagan look japanese.

HOWEVER. back to the point. it MIGHT make haruna more interesting too. lesse i will share the notes here.

AND if the nightstalker is spared. and the organization finds out about it. that will also help with the plot of "damien wont hurt anyone. not even when his sons guts were spread around the ground" maybe the nightstalker talks about being spared as attempt to talk about maybe they are wrong about icarus? it's possible they have been fed lie about icarus .that he is wrathful and envious god. that nightstalker got to experience mercy. or if there is more nightstalkers. maybe his guy was spared and the others was killed? maybe the others tried to ambush and because they didnt stop they werent shown mercy?? neither is the nightstalker that is crawling towards cyrus. I tok a screenshot about the stuff it might be worth exploring. like haruna gets to experience the fear/trauma of loved ones in danger. like she did to tyrek for god knows how long. and the horror of her being responsible for it. i bet that she would complain about the disrespect of the abyss stairs and dumpsters. and vent about damien being taught magic (gives even more reason for the dumpster incident to be canon. as it adds fuel to the fire of stuff haruna could vent about to her family.

If the nightstalker is killed (which seems most likely) It wont be "former zagan". I don't want to waste a base design on a small role. But the plot/motives/backstory about the nightstalker possibly being harunas family. MIGHT be canon. I just leave the human design unknown or vague. they are bloody so its hard to see their appearance anyway. There are notes about it in permalink or the toyhouse link. I wanted to share since it's important to explore. Especially since it MIGHT make things more interesting about haruna as well. it's explained why in the link and i tok a screenshot about "Harunas karma"

-------- the nightstalker mirroring cyrus? the "stubborness/strong will from opposite sides?" the nightstalker might be "nightstalker version of cyrus?" the determination for what they believe in? Neither refusing to give up?

and if icarus is being seen as a villain. then his family is also most likely lied about ---------------------------------------------- the idea about the nightstalker being family to haruna or a consequence to harunas actions. this feels like either a hit or miss.

sidenote to the abyss stairs and trash incident. i can imagine harunas family is very prideful. so if haruna complains about tyrek laughing about victors actions and not "defending his wife" i can see that ignore more fire from them.

if it's a family member of haruna that attacks cyrus. it most likely puts even more pressure on haruna to choose sides, the organization/blood family or the family that she chose, payton, lester, miyuki etc. (idk if haruna gets close to miyuki. it seems like they will at least bond over their culture?? and that is starting point for them to connect.

IF it was a family member of haruna who attacked cyrus and mako. Maybe mako was part of it because they want haruna to be loyal to blood family??

Maybe that impacts harunas decision to not ask damien to destroy deity haruna? she doesn't feel like she can make requests like "can you destroy deity haruna for good" when her family almost killed cyrus and mako. She is scared to provoke damien? Especially when others have warned her to not provoke damien. safe haven people warned haruna about damien as attempt to keep her away from the schmidt family. protecting schmidt and protecting haruna. since she is raiden and ikimi's mother. they dont want tyreks death to be in vain. and what they told her about his strenght is true. it wasn't a lie. charlotte genuinely can't protect haruna if icarus/damien wants her gone since he is immune to magic. the most she could do is stall by teleporting away or summon creatures/monsters like victor did in suicide squad. However sooner or later she will run out of energy while damien(icarus battery himself with his energy powers.

----------------------------------- IF it's a young nightstalker. One thing that MIGHT save them is if victor and damien are able to hear the nightstalker talk (idk if its easy to hear or guess the age. If 's youth. damien will want to show the organization the truth? while victor sees it as pointless and puts others more in danger? victor wants to take all powers away so the organization can't do more damage (which makes victor correct. a city was nuked) damien ends up revealing the truth in the nightstalker organization. Hoping that as many people as possible will surrender or not fight since damien doesn't want to hurt youth. I bet that if he can sense someone young in their 20s, if he gets chance, he will knock them unconcious if he can. instead of nuking everything. then again. damien has had enough and do everything in his power to protect innocent people like the city that was nuked. he cant allow to give them a chance to nuke more cities or hurt more innocent people.

------------------------- rakel

One character i haven't mentioned a response to is rakel..... she will want to tear the organization apart and use the gun that dissolves organic matter if she hears about what happened to cyrus. cyrus will need to beg to show mercy. which is what i lean on seems most likely to stop all the adults. and them being stopped is what causes victor to start his plan. Rakel is also less likely to show mercy. she has full acess to damins lab... so she is also a extremely terrifying opponent for the nightstalkers fdssfd and i like that she is also a massive threat to the organization

--------------------------- to clarify. its haven redux haruna that i think is much better. thank god i got hellp with her. its the timeline leading up to that were i'm like a kid who makes disgusted face refuses to eat veggies, whenever haruna has to interact with my ocs. towards haruna. and i think it's worth exploring if haruna plays a role in the ambush (accidently or not) she isn't good at self reflecting. like tyrek got himself killed because of her. and she doesnt see that. she does put the group in danger by revealing that icarus has deity harunas soul. i think it can be interesting if she puts payton in danger by her actions to talk to her family. And it might be interesting that her actions impacts both sides. her own family (especially if the nightstalker is killed) and the family haruna chose.


one crazy idea i dont think is canon is "what if haruna handled the nightstalker" then she makes a choice, protect payton. but i dont want it to be haruna since cyrus calls damien for help. so i want it to be damien or vic/damien doing a one man punch together. especially because of the crossfire fight referance were cyrus wanted to call for help but was unable to call. it's possible dami handles the nigthstalker (icarus adrenaline to defend cyrus) and vic heals cyrus. So damin can finally protect his son. they want the nightstalker gone fast so they can focus on cyrus (which is why i dont think the nightstalker will survive unless cyrus is able to say "please dont kill" but i dont think it's canon.

And i think its more impactful/exciting that harunas decision to betray the nightstalker organization is when she reveals damien/icarus has deity harunas soul. thats her first act, and that is also the biggest impact. And it causes the biggest domino effect fdsfd I lean more and more that damien take all nightstalker powers away after he showed them the truth about deity haruna ----------------------------

I'm very curious about alex. if she is a mini rakel (i often imagined alex is also someone who likes "bad boys/bad girls" liking horror movies (since i imagined the horror movie meme i did of dami and rakel as alex and mako. only mako would be excited and not spooked like crack damien https://toyhou.se/6629575.damien-schmidt/23469902.human-centipedered-flag it's crack with damien, since he grew up with rakel. so he is used to her liking horror movies fdsdf He takes time to be able to watch them with her, he often hides behind pillow fdsdf

so i often wonderd about alex. i like the idea of her protecting her brother. or at least trying to buy time till dami and vic to show up. they will be extremely fast to appear. because vic is a powerhouse. it will probably just take a few seconds after the call fdsd if i can squeeze in alex i will. since i think it would be exciting scenario for her. its just that if she is there i need to find out why cyrus called for help and not her. etc. she needs to be too busy to be able to call. it's badass to imagine her fend of another nightstalker.it's also maybe too gory since she would aim for the eyes. however alex gets a chance to do something for cyrus, or even damien. during the suicide squad fight. IF the suicide squad fight starts right after the ambush. and if alex is there. she will most likely stay. or she comes back to help. i often wondered about "what if she comes with healing syringe" but i lean on its not canon. that maybe they are empty since i want victors magic to save damiens life when he is hit by that massive beam. and that he most likely replicates the healing energy from that magic. but alex can be there to help defend damien. maybe she also get a suit? then she can also say goodbye to dami when he enters the reality warp

i promise one thing. i will do anything i can to allow alex to have her moments were she shines.


there is one flaw in haruna being afraid to ask damien. the organization arc happens after suicide squad. and she will meet victor. damien will be joking (since he wants to make things work) so i lean on more she didn't think he would destroy deity haruna if she asked. and it would lower her chances if she had asked. she felt she had better chances by not revealing her card.

i laugh at crack of canon of haruna being scared to ask and dami being question mark meme of "i've been joking with you since i've introduced you with victor????" I guess she could be scared since it's probably traumatic topic to bring up. although dami would not snap at her if she talked about it. as long as she was civil about it. had she said something like "it's your sons fault" yes, he is a hero. so it comes with the job, but he would be furious if she thought he deserved getting ripped open because he is a hero. which she luckily doesnt. i had to push it to something extreme to explain. she could talk to him about it. i can imaigne he would appreciate that she talked about it. and he would be happy to hear hear her want deity haruna gone. he would destroyed it on the spot fdsfd there is no fun in that. It's anti climatic way of destroying deity haruna for good + this increases chance all nightstalker loose powers.

i almost accidently wrote about concept ideas about i could see damien approach haruna to talk about the organization and then realized it would ruin the chance UNLESS. He approached her BEFORE she finds out the truth about the organization. She is very grumpy mood about everything.Might be worse if she is upset about the nightstalker that attacked cyrus. If she was rude to him back then. Then she might think she lost her chance to talk to damien??
